3 minute read
Spring in the air around the Borough...
Welcome to the Februar y/March edition of Bexley Life Magazine the bi-monthly lifestyle magazine for Bexley Borough and the surrounding areas
With Spring just around the corner and all that it brings to the area, we take a look at what to expect for ever yone
Inside you will find stories and ar ticles for the season, many of the type you’d expect plus some others maybe wouldn’t
If you have any news, reviews, product launches absolutely anything else of interest across the loc m a r k e t , p l e a s e e m a i l i t t h r o u g h t o m e info@bljournals plus com for future consideration our for thcoming issues
Arthur Peaches - Editor
NG CLASSES (Maidstone - Tyland Barn) ay 6 30-8 30pm ply and booking essential n how to confidently identify and record plants and hen necessar y They will identify plants in families e of keys, specimens and descriptions
NG CLASSES (Canterbur y) ay 6-8pm ply and booking essential n how to confidently identify and record plants and hen necessar y They will identify plants in families e of keys, specimens and descriptions
0 am – 4 30pm ply and booking essential of the geology of the Kentish landscape from the ungest sediments
4th March 2-8pm
Fees or donations apply and booking essential
Tyland Barn and Vinters Valley Nature Reser ve
Understand the importance of habitats to different amphibians Recognise the key species and be part of a torchlight sur vey
8th March to 12th April 7 30 – 9 00pm
Fees or donations apply and booking essential
A series of fun and interactive evening online classes Learn how to confidently identify a wide range of Britain’s birds from Waterbirds, Gulls & Terns to Waders, Gamebirds & Raptors and Little Brown Jobs
10th March 9 00am – 4 00pm
18th March 9 00am – 4 00pm
F e e s o r d o n a t i o n s a p p l y a n d b o o k i n g essential
Canterbur y
Explore the world of European beavers in the UK and put into practice what you have learned in an outdoor beaver sur vey
ALL ABOUT EELS: European eel ecology, conser vation and monitoring
29th March 10 00am -4pm
Fees or donations apply and booking essential
The European Eel is the most heavily trafficked species in the world A day-long introduction to E u r o p e a n e e l e c o l o g y, o v e r v i e w o f e e l conser vation actions on the north Kent marshes, and training in glass eel monitoring
31st March 8am-1pm
F e e s o r d o n a t i o n s a p p l y a n d b o o k i n g essential
Thornden Wood, Blean and South Swale Local
Nature Reser ves
Have you ever wondered why birds sing?
Most species have unique songs This day will help you identify or recognise birds by sound
Discover the purpose behind their distinctive songs and calls www kentwildlifetrust org uk
Although ever y ef for t is made assure the accuracy of the content of this magazine, Bexley Life and it’s Publishers can accept no responsibility
Safer sleep for your baby
If you are a parent or carer, the recent freezing weather may have lead you to consider sleeping with your baby, but this creates serious risks.
Sleeping on a sofa with your baby or co-sleeping, for example, increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) by up to 50 times Following the advice and guidance on safer sleeping can reduce your baby’s risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), commonly known as cot death
Your Health Visitor, GP or Midwife can advise you on safer sleep, including the correct positioning of your baby, room temperature, coverings such as blankets and co-sleeping
Coping with a cr ying baby can be upsetting and frustrating, especially when combined with other emotions you may be feeling and lack of sleep - all things associated with having a new baby It is normal to find this difficult and it’s a good idea to seek suppor t of a professional, family member, friend or another parent or carer There is a lot of information available for parents and this can sometimes feel over whelming Visit the Bexley Safeguarding Par tnership’s website for practical advice and contacts
If you have any immediate concerns about your baby or your own mental or emotional wellbeing please contact your GP, Health Visitor or attend A&E in an emergency www bexley gov uk Simply
Papadom, any one star ter, any one main dish (except King Prawn) any one side dish, any one rice dish or naan bread
(No fur ther discount on takeaway)