1 minute read

Call for volunteers

If you were inspired by the recent Big Help Out that t ook place during the Coronation weekend, the Bexley Youth Jus tice Ser vice has a fant as tic volunt eering oppor tunity t o become a Referral Order Panel Member.

Volunteering is a great way to gain new skills and experience, meet new people, and make a difference in your local community


If you are over 18, live in Bexley, and want to make a positive difference to young people who have offended, becoming a Referral Order Panel member could be for you

Referral Order Panel Members meet with the young person, their parents, carers, suppor ters, and sometimes the victims to draw up a contract that will seek to suppor t the young person to desist from fur ther offending

This is a fantastic oppor tunity for anyone who is passionate about suppor ting young people or maybe for anyone considering a career working within the criminal justice or social care sectors This role will provide valuable experience and insight into working with young people sometimes with complex needs and can be ver y rewarding to be par t of a young person ’ s journey

Find out more details on the Volunteer Centre Bexley website: www volunteering bvsc co uk

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