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Watermota announce the rebranding of their commercial marine engines from DOOSAN to HYUNDAI

Hyundai Heavy Industries’ purchase of Doosan became of ficial recently, this boost ed the combined company int o the t op 10 construction equipment manufacturers worldwide The new parent company is called HD HYUNDAI INFRACORE and the brand name for marine engines will now be HYUNDAI. David Merrick, Sales Director at Watermota commented: “With Hyundai and Doosan's merger you will star t to see the transition from the Doosan logo to the new Hyundai logo on our marine engines and par ts later this year, this will help build a single and united identity that can be globally recognised by the wide customer base.

“The Tier II / III marine engine range will be exactly the same product manufactured and marinised in the same factor y in South Korea with only a logo change to various castings and stickers meaning the high quality and par ts interchangeability will not be effected in any way


“We are ver y excited to be par t of HD Hyundai’s evolution and see a bright future ahead with the merger bringing increased strength combining the joint knowledge of two of South Korea’s biggest manufacturing companies ” Watermota will be exhibiting at Seawork this month in Southampton, UK Stand F1 www

Nor way funds

Alma's zeroemission vessel technology


This is an impor tant project for the green transition with a potential to contribute to the goal of a 50% reduction in emissions in international shipping," says Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Nor way

Shipping accounts for about 2.5-3 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions Alma has several ongoing development projects aimed at more environmentally friendly maritime transpor tation The project, which is now receiving par tial funding from Innovation Nor way, will develop and deliver energy systems based on high-temperature fuel cells for use in ocean-going vessels. The fuel cells will have high efficiency, be built in a compact system and can be used on different types of fuel - ammonia, methanol or other hydrogen carriers

-The grant from Innovation Nor way is crucial for us to be able to carr y out a pilot project with customers who will use the solution The project will be impor tant to develop Alma's core technology, and to contribute to industrialization and commercialization, says Bernt Skeie, CEO of Alma Clean Power AS

Alma was established in Bergen in 2021 and has created a solid competence environment with 30 employees A significant cer tification process must be carried out to get approval of the solution for use in ships. The R&D project is planned over 3 years with a total cost framework of NOK 163 million The solution will now be tested as a pilot, and if the technology development succeeds, the next phase will be the establishment of a full-scale factor y in 2026

-This project has significant positive environmental effects, potential for value creation in Nor way, and an international market potential as a technology that can contribute to zero-emission vessels, says Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy Bjørnar Skjæran www innovasjonnorge no almacleanpower com

Ships to be retrofitted with carbon capture and other innovative technologies to reduce CO2 emissions and fuel consumption

A joint UK-EU project t o develop retrofit carbon capture solutions and other t echnologies for ships t o reduce their emissions and fuel consumption has got under way.

Although existing waterborne vessels provide the lowest contribution to the total European transpor t GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, international regulator y bodies such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) aim to reduce waterborne emissions fur ther

The Green Marine project, led by the Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute (CMMI, brings together 10 par tners from industr y and academia from all over Europe and UK, including the University of Strathclyde’s Depar tment of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, who share the vision of providing the wider maritime community with effective and efficient ways of onboard retrofitting solutions leading to the decarbonisation of the maritime industr y

The project will run until Januar y 2027 with an EU/UK funding of almost €5 million

The Green Marine team will develop retrofitting protocols and solutions to enable the future of shipping to be energy and fuel efficient, capture the carbon it emits to deacidify our oceans and have closed air circulation systems that are virus free

To aid the different stakeholders in their decision making, a software tool catalogue will be made that gathers knowledge on these and other solutions The project will demonstrate these tools and the innovative solutions onboard Caledonian MacBrayne (CalMac) vessel/s

Dr Iraklis Lazakis and Professor Evangelos Boulougouris will lead this effor t from Strathclyde, contributing to all technical work packages, especially in the demonstration of retrofitting existing fleets of ships and the exploitation and dissemination activities of the project.

The project objectives are as follows:

• Develop and validate retrofitting protocol tools suitable for adapting engines, flue gas carbon capture and utilisation, and integrated energy saving solutions for ships worldwide

• Develop and validate a software tool containing an up-to-date catalogue of suitable solutions for a wide variety of ship types and operation scenarios

• Tailor a (nano)par ticle and virus removal solution suitable for gaseous steams

• Tailor commercially available gas-gas separating membranes for CO2 and water capture

• Develop and implement a carbon capture solution based on an alkaline solution with Ca- and Mg from sea water

• Replicate project learnings to all stakeholders; Stimulate software tool use and fur ther enrich its data; Cooperate with global marine community of ship owners, operators, shipyards and equipment providers.

• Firmly position the retrofitting, software tools as a sustainable solution, offering a realistic and competitive new alternative in the Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) market

Dr Lazakis said: “Shipping contributes a small extent to carbon emissions globally therefore if we can develop solutions that can capture these emissions, we can accelerate the climate neutrality of existing fleets

“As par t of Green Marine project, the different technologies will be tested and verified onshore first for their marine application and, based on the results, a demonstration of the technology will be per formed onboard one or more CalMac vessels

“This will take place towards the end of the project including a full process and consultation period with Classification Societies on the feasibility and risk assessment and qualification of the application of these technologies onboard the vessel/s ” www strath ac uk

The other par tners in the project are: Cyprus Marine & Maritime Institute; Smar t Material Printing; Wind plus Sonne GmbH; University Polytechnic of Marche; BlueXPRT; SINTEF; PDM; CalMac Ferries Limited; and Carbon Capture Machine.

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