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MAR Mar in e exte nd s dre dg ing capabil i tie s w i t

h a n ew Dam e n

Csd50 0


Damen Shipyards Group has delivered a C u t t e r S u c t i o n D re d g e r C S D 5 0 0 t o M A R Marine & Building Contract or L.L.C., a UAEb a s e d c o n t ra c t o r. T h e d re d g e r h a s b e e n s h i p p e d f r o m D a m e n D r e d g i n g i n t h e Netherlands t o Dubai. For its firs t project, the dredger will be utilised at the Al Hamriyah

Por t expansion project

The CSD500 has been named MAR 22 Upon its deliver y in Dubai, Damen’s client, a leading contractor in the region, played a vital role in the reassembly of the modular dredger “We are happy to welcome the MAR 22 to our marine equipment fleet,” Mr Paul Abou Rjaili, O p e r a t i o n s M a n a g e r a t M A R M a r i n e s t a t e s : “ We a r e f u r t h e r reinforcing our dredging equipment and capabilities, and this customised dredge exactly matches our requirements for the upcoming Al Hamriyah Por t Expansion project.”

Cu s to mise d s tandard s tock dre dger

The standard dredger has been fitted out with additions boosting its dredging efficiency such as anchor booms, a spud carriage system, as well as the possibility to both enlarge and decrease the cutter depth Moreover, practical additions include an accommodation unit located underneath the operating cabin, plus a navigation and communication package

After assembly afloat alongside quay the CSD500 is ready to star t its maiden dredging job at the Al Hamriyah Por t expansion project, where it will remove 650,000 m3 of soil With plenty of other marine works planned in the region for the coming years, this is just the star t of things to come “ T h i s d r e d g e r d e m o n s t r a t e s c l e a r l y t h e b e n e f i t s o f D a m e n ’ s standardised shipbuilding philosophy,” says Pascal Slingerland, Damen Shipyards Sales Director “Although built in series, which offers rapid access to proven technology, the dredger has been customised significantly in order to meet the requirements of MAR Marine & Building Contractor L L C’s requirements ” www.damen.com

ABP be co m e s p o rt se cto r ’ s appro ve d train in g pro vi de r

A s s o c i a t e d B r i t i s h Po r t s ( A B P ) h a s become the firs t por ts group in the world t o be approved by the Ins titut e of Environment al Management and Assessment (IEMA) t o act as a training provider for IEMA courses.

From the star t of this year, ABP employees have begun to take advantage of the IEMA-accredited course ‘Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce’

The IEMA is the global professional body for individuals and o

Environment And Sustainability

The training, delivered by ABP Academy, the company ’ s inhouse training provider, focuses on providing fundamental awareness of environment and sustainability issues

Kerr y Thompson, ABP Group Head of Academy, stated: “This concentrated one-day course provides a practical introduction to environmental sustainability, equipping our workforce with the knowledge, understanding and motivation to make a positive difference within their role at ABP ” www abpor ts co uk

“It’s crucial that we equip our workforces with the skills and training needed to embed environmental and sustainable practice across all job roles, in order to meet our net zero goals,” CEO of IEMA, Sarah Mukherjee, added This announcement comes months after ABP signed a contract for a five-year framework agreement to digitalise por t operations with Wär tsilä Voyage, par t of the technology group Wär tsilä.

Adaptable Vessel for Hire for Marine Support Services

DP1, 20T Crane, Flexible Support Platform

METS Technology chooses EST-Floattech Batter y System for the refit of a Swedish vessel

Swedish syst em int egrat or METS Technology has, t ogether with main contract or Ö-VARVET AB, decided on ES T-Floatt ech’s new Oct opus Series batt er y syst em for the retrofitting of the MS ‘Hamnen’. METS Technology f o c u s e s o n d eve l o p i n g e n e rg y - e f f i c i e n t a n d e nv i ro n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y solutions for dif ferent ships or of fshore inst allations, and we are proud t o be par t of their new project. The MS ‘Hamnen’ is a Gothenburg Por t Security vessel, built in 1979, that will be retrofitt ed t o become more future-proof. Shipyard Ö-VARVET will conduct a major rebuild, as the diesel engine will be replaced by a parallel hybrid syst em with Power Take Of f/Power Take Inn functionality.

“We are proud to deliver our new Octopus Series product to METS Technology and contribute again to the transition to zero-emission shipping and Gothenburg’s goals of emission-free sailing,” says Walter van der Pennen, CCO EST-Floattech will deliver the Octopus High Energy Batter y System, tailored to the space available on the MS Hamnen and the energy requirements Shipyard Ö-VARVET has designed a batter y compar tment in collaboration with METS and is enthusiastic about the installation of the EST-Floattech modules The batter y system provides flexibility, and there is space reser ved for an additional batter y pack if the shipowner is looking to expand the batter y capacity in the future The batteries will provide enough power for the vessel to sail for at least 4 hours at 6 knots, and will also provide energy for the vessel’s hotel load and the bow thruster “Fitting a batter y system is often about weight and dimensions Especially when it comes to a refit, the available space is limited However, the Octopus system offers great flexibility to make optimal use of the available space, ” says Jelle Meinder tsma, Sales Manager The Octopus System is developed based on our ‘safe by design’ mentality and will soon meet the DNV type approval requirements This batter y system has a high energy density and is built to be robust and reliable www est-floattech com

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