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Land & Wat er Group, has upgraded Ber th 3 at Coldharbour Jetty, on the R i v e r T h a m e s , t o a c c o m m o d a t e coas t er vessels, used for shor t sea shipping, as par t of a landmark development for the company.


It is the first time in the Jetty’s histor y that this type of vessel has been ber thed and loaded as par t of an ongoing commitment towards suppor ting cargo deliveries in and out of London. The modifications to the ber th were designed by Hewson Consulting and works were under taken by Land & Water Ser vices The jetty w i l l b e o p e r a t e d b y L a n d & Wa t e r R e m e d i a t i o n , t h e environmental ser vices division of Land & Water Group

Tom Melhuish, Director of Land & Water Remediation, comments, “This is an incredible achievement and one that we are immensely proud of here at Land & Water The ber th upgrade will unlock future supply chains into London whilst harnessing the River Thames as a sustainable transpor t system

“Land & Water is passionate about delivering innovative and sustainable logistical solutions that benefit the environment as well as the UK’s infrastructure I want to thank the Por t of London Authority, Hewson Consulting Engineers and M4S Maritime for helping to bring the ber th into operation ”

David Allsop, Deputy Harbour Master at the Por t of London Authority (PLA), said: “It’s exciting to see the Thames’ potential being utilised to introduce a new expor t ser vice This project is another boost for the Thames Vision 2050, which we launched last year, with the aim of maximising the long-term economic, environmental and social potential of the river from Teddington in south west London to the Nor th Sea ”

Coldharbour Jetty is a marine logistics centre for shipping and barging operations, acting as an intermodal transpor t hub for materials and cargo ’ s to be impor ted and expor ted It also handles waste spoils from construction works in central London destined for reuse at Land & Water’s Habitat Creation Scheme at Rainham Marshes The scheme, which Land & Water will be operating until 2040, will see up to eight million tonnes of wet and dr y spoil material being used to create an oasis for birds and wildlife whilst encouraging greater areas of greener y along the Thames corridor www land-water co uk

Fugro’s QuickVision® allows Heerema to accurately position wind turbines

Fugro’s innovative QuickVision® camera t echnology is suppor ting Heerema Marine Contract ors as they inst all 27 wind turbines for Parkwind’s Arcadis Ost 1 wind farm locat ed in the Baltic Sea of f the German coast. Using a novel floating Rot or-Nacelle Assembly (RNA) inst allation method, Heerema is inst alling wind turbines with the blades already pre-assembled on deck , ont o the t ower fixed on the foundation. Fugro’s QuickVision® t echnology allows Heerema t o position the RNA remot ely and ef ficiently within strict t olerances, whilst reducing personnel risks traditionally associat ed with of fshore inst allation operations.

“The QuickVision® system gives us that extra cer tainty required to install the RNA on the tower whilst removing the need to have engineers visually obser ving under the load,” says Sándor Hötte, Senior Installation Engineer at Heerema

The largest technical challenge for Heerema when using a floating installation vessel is managing the relative motion between the suspended load in the vessel’s heavy lift crane and the top of the fixed foundation tower Fugro’s QuickVision® technology provides real-time information from the camera system ensuring precise monitoring of the lifting, positioning, and lowering phases of the installation process, allowing Heerema to position the RNA with an accuracy of less than 2 cm.

“With this project for Heerema, we have taken the next step in offshore wind installation suppor t, adding RNA installations to our sur vey capabilities and expanding the applications for QuickVision® , ” says Sjoerd Butter, Product Owner Vision Technologies at Fugro

The Arcadis Ost 1 is a 257 MW wind farm and will generate enough green energy to power the equivalent of up to 290,000 households The installation campaign star ted in October 2022 and final commissioning is planned in 2023 www fugro com

Project includes UK-designed full-electric CT Vs

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