1 minute read
Banner Ads
Digial Ad Campaign
Not your grandfather’s gin and tonic.
All tosspot logic aside, it is true that drinking whiskey, wine, beer any of that will make you drunk, but drinking gin will make you awesome. Incidentally, I’ve been known to become awesome. My drink, of course, is gin.
Digial Ad Campaign
Internet banner ads in Pixels:
728x90, 320x50 300x250, 1200x628 and 775x515
Working, as I did, in bars for as many years as I did, it’s hard not to have opinions on booze trends. A generation ago, vodka was the bar mainstay, but even then, I was partial to gin. In recent years, fortunately, gin has regained favor with bar goers.
Beefeater is an old brand, established 1820. Beefeater has been through dozens of trends, and probably have set a few. Even now, looking at the Beefeater website, they have have an image: young, urban, hip. But in all the years I worked in the bar, I seldom served Beefeater to anyone younger than me.
These banner ads, I developed with the urban and hip in mind. The images are photographs of street art, murals. And the tagline? It’s true, Beefeater is not your grandfather’s gin and tonic.
These ads were built in Photoshop. The largest ad, I featured a small animation highlighting all three of Beefeater’s gin.