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Small Businesses on Issuu to Support This Small Business Saturday

A chalkboard sign in a window that says, "thank you for shopping local."  Photo by Tim Mossholder.
What is Small Business Saturday?

Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after U.S. Thanksgiving to encourage people to shop small and support local businesses and communities.

Why shop small?

To help communities and curb the appetite for shopping at giant corporate retailers, the shop small movement was created. 90% of consumers surveyed said Small Business Saturday has had a positive impact on their community — and that’s exactly what Small Business Saturday is striving to achieve. Small Business Saturday has brought back the magic of shopping small and has helped local communities thrive during the holidays and year-round.

Small Businesses on Issuu

Issuu is home to fabulous independent publishers and small businesses that you can support this Saturday. Through Issuu’s new Creator Hub, creators of all kinds can tell their stories, amplify their voices and build their brands on the most advanced publishing platform available. Issuu is constantly evolving to help publishers and small businesses be the best they can be. Keep reading for Small Businesses on Issuu.


Madelinetosh is a small business based in Fort Worth, Texas. What started as an Etsy shop in 2006 has become a dynamic hand-dyed yarn company known for pioneering dye techniques and uses of color.

Bleed Clothing

Bleed Clothing is a small German clothing retailer growing in the DACH region and making a name for itself through sustainable practices and stylish, durable clothing. Their catchphrase of "Eco – Fair – Yeah!" is more than just a clever idea; it's their mission. All their clothing is eco-friendly, made through fair trade and cruelty-free production, and with stylish collections, they're out to prove clothing made this way can be just as fun.

Brother Friend

Brother Friend is a menswear shop serving the Austin, Texas area. Each season, they introduce a trendy, versitle collection suitable for everyone from those looking for eveyrhting from wardrobe essentials to fresh ways to spruce up their style. Check out volume one of The Stash, Brother Friend's cleverly-named lookbook.

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