Learn Photoshop

Page 1

1째 Year. #1



Also… 3 Posters made by using the three effects. 1° Year. #1 Tools Using the text Tool. Page 5 . Posterize. Page 6 .

Change background color. Page 10 . A Cool Effect for Pictures. Page 11 .

Layer Styles. Page 7 . Basic Effects Neon Effect. Page 9.

Find the video tutorials in: Internet: www.youtube.com/Blogastf ul President: Luis Castro. Managing Director: Luis Castro. Design: Luis Castro.



In this first edition you will learn how to make three different effects, but first you have to know the tools that you’ll need for start working.

all the the other tools, you’ll find it in the tool bar. Well, the text tool will help us to write anything in Photoshop; like in other software you can use many types of The first tool that we letter and resize your need is the Text tool; like text.


This isn’t a tool, is an effect that you can use for any picture. When you use the posterize effect, your pictures will have a different contrast (darker in the black or dark colors, and brighter in the white or clear colors). For using this effect try this, go to the ‘Image menu/Adjustments/ Posterize’. Select a level for making the posterize lower or higher.


The layer styles are a group of effects that you can use not only for pictures, it also works with text, forms, pictures, etc.

Here is an example of one effect.

For use a layer style, only give a secondary click on your layer and then, a click in the option layer styles. In the layer styles window select one effect of the list or maybe more than one effect; you can use many effects as you want. 7


It’s a very simple process and you can use it for your logos, posters, etc. 1.- Take the text tool and write something. 2.- Go to the layers panel and turn the filling to 0 % (the filling is under the opacity). 3.- In the layer where you have your text, give a secondary click and

enter in the layer styles window. 4.- Activate the outer glow effect and turn the opacity to 100 % and give a size as you want. 5.- Now do the same process but with the inner glow effect. Your effect have to looks like in the picture. 9

It’s very useful if you want to change a color that you don’t like. 1.- Open the picture that you want to change its background.

3.- Select the color to be be changed.

2.- Go to the tools menu and select the ‘Magic Wand’ .

5.- In the Fill window display the list and gice a click in the option ‘Color…’

4.- With the background selected go to the ‘Edition Menu/ Fill…’


6.- Select a color. And give a click in Ok.

This effect is only for give another appearance to a picture. 1.- First open your picture.

4.- Now let’s use the posterize effect. Use this effect as you want.

3.- Turn the copy to grayscale by doing this: ‘Image Menu/Adjustments /Black and white’.

See the difference on your first picture and the result, after use the effect.

5.- Now in the layer panel on the top near the 2.- Then make a copy, so opacity display the list you’ll have two identical and give a click on the images. ‘Soft light’ option.



If you have any doubt, see the tutorials in Youtube. www.youtube.com/blogastful






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