Is American Online Jobs Legit! – The Shocking TRUTH!
Are your searching for an Independent an honest Investigation into American Online Jobs? Do you really want to know if AOJ jobs is legit or a scam? The trouble with the internet these day is that you just don't know who to trust! who to turn to or who is writing a sponsored post or are sneakily affiliated with the company or product that is being investigated o reviewed!. This investigative review is not sponsored by anyone, and does not contain any affiliate links at all. I am not associated with or to American Online Jobs in any way what so ever. The results, here in are of my own fully independent investigation of AOJ. I'll be covering the following topics in this review. What Is American Online Jobs. How American Online Jobs Works Is American Online Jobs A Scam? Is American Online Jobs Legit? American Online Jobs Review - My Final Conclusion! My Personal Challenge To You To Better Your Life! So you have read all the income claims made by the company and it's associates and affiliates and now you want to know the real no holds barred truth of an independent investigation? Then Keep reading this AOJ Jobs Review! 1/11
Product Name: American Online Jobs Founder: Unknown.
Product Type: Work From Home Opportunity
Price: Free (well, sort of..can cost $29-$45 (currently))
Best For: Nobody. It is a Bonafide Scam!
Summary: This Company make the claim that you can earn $1,600 USD every week - a figure that equates to just under $7,000 per month. Then it gets a whole lot murkier, firstly the site is not even secure (No SSL no green padlock!) and it just does not do what it say's on the tin - there are no, nothing zip nada jobs on the site. Be the online or offline jobs!.
Yep, American Online Jobs or AOJ as it is also known has no jobs on its site at all, absolutely 2/11
none!. This fact alone is enough for me to say straight up right now that this company is operating a scam. It is in fact a good old fashioned bait and switch. The website exists to function as a sales funnel for unrelated products.
This is a straight up fraud!
The product that they are promoting to you are claimed to be able to help you earn some money online, this does in no mean that AOJOnlineJobs will help you to achieve that. Why trust them...they have already duped you!. Why trust a scammer?
Dated training also. and there are more legit training that is kept up to date.
Rating: -100/100 (-100/100) Run Forrest, run, and run as far as you can from this scam!
Recommended: No!.
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What Is American Online Jobs? American Online Jobs is as it would appear to be given their home page and site name, is a jobs agency for online jobs. And on the early steps it does look kind of legit to the unsuspecting eye...but a more trained eye catches a few key and more important details. American Online Jobs has absolutely no SSL. Which means the WHOLE site is insecure and not to be trusted. No green padlock no SSL nothing!. Further investigation reveals that this is not a case of an expired SSL certificate - it has never had one. This I could tell with just 2 clicks of my mouse! Really just a couple of clicks.
When you click on a SSL green padlock (on any site) it openly gives you the details of the certificate, who the issuer is, what site it is issued to and the date of validity plus other technical details relating to the encryption type.
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Enter your name and email below and you'll get instant access to my "7 day Build Your Own Online Business Challenge" and you'll be well on your way to a brighter and better future! We Respect YOUR Privacy And Will NEVER Spam You! AmericanOnlineJobs.Com has no such certification because it has NEVER had one installed. Taking a closer look and there is, weirdly and really spookily outta place is a headline advert run by google ads. This mean the site is monetised using google adsense. Nothing scammy or illegitimate about that - just weird for a jobs agency to have them and plain old weird right below the header. Ever seen that on Monster? glasdoor or any such similar site? At this point the AOJ jobs site really smelling of an amateurishly put together blog on a budget!. Side Bar: Google adsense is a legit display ads opportunity used by many bonafide websites and blogs to monetize their websites, the company is owned and run by Google as the name suggest. And then there was the pre-screening questions which at a glance seem fine..only if it was programmed by a professional coder. The questions are not even segmented individually and "the radio button" option just follows you to your last or current click. The code understands it as one big questions and not several different ones. Seriously, 12 year old kids have better coding skills these days!.
Clear discrepancies on the home page right there An the the very first question - Oh my goodness! Not even listed on glassdoor, at the time of creating this article they are not listed as being on Indeed, career builder or monster either! Seriously, how the heck are you supposed to answer that question accurately and honestly if american online jobs is NOT listed on any of the websites mentioned?. This is just a straight forward attempt to look like a legit business. Yes, a legit business would ask that kind of question...but they would make sure they are on those named websites!. Seriously, so amateurish and basic mistakes that make me question the intelligence of the website owner - or even if they have a brain at all! And then there is the "Click Here To Apply" Button which is even stranger, simply because there is absolutely nada! nothing for you to apply!. And then, I was redirected to a gambling site, you might be different. Given I am currently in Viet Nam just now I was redirected to a local website in Viet Namese.
While I clicked the button I did suspect something like that would happen having investigated similar scams What I did not expect was "maxbounty" website address to flash across the bottom left of my screen. Maxbounty is a know CPA network where the affiliate, American Online Jobs in this case, is paid to bring leads towards a target website. A lead can be a sale, a visitor, an email address or what ever is predefined by the company on the maxbounty website by the merchant (in this case the site you are taken to).
deciphering the "code" in the address bar proving beyond all doubt that is an affiliate for the sites you are redirected to! The oldest trick in the book, bait and switch. Some people have complained that they get redirected to crappy survey sites like Toluna. It doesn't end there...more on this aid=affiliate ID and cid=company ID later, keep that in your mind, something fishy there. Wasn't this shoddy site supposed to be about online jobs? Then full on instructions for step 2 for you to register with inbox dollars, from which the website owner (fraudulently) gains a referral fee for each email address entered. Wanna know what a brain dead scammer sounds like? click play! Yup, I have reported them to inbox dollars!. Lets get their account banned!.
6/11 Being British I am not so good at identifying American Accents - where is this guy from? Kind of sounded like NYC to me. I'll leave that to you to confirm. (comment below where you think this scammer is from based on his accent!) *Sure the voice could be that of an actor, but given the pea brianed lack of inteligence already shown I don't think they are smart enough to think of that!. (it gets worse, wait until you see the next video!). Then after scrolling past what are more hoops to jump through and even more ads for some shoddy survey sites we can can click a button that is at the third attempt a legit one that takes us to a capture form to be able to get access to the training area. No setting up of account info, or creating a password nothing at all. kinda weird, right? Seriously, this is hilarious! American Online Jobs do make a massive goof here!. (can you spot it?)
7/11 Pretty funny and child like huh - and I do not trust them to train me in anything at all give the most basic of mistakes. Having scanned through their so called "training" and really, they are wanting to train you how to make your own website!. I'm sorry but this is screaming out loud of the blind leading the blind here! remember all the mistakes in their own site I pointed out earlier, so child like and basic yet they want to TEACH you how to build one? No thanks, I'll pass on that - and you should too!. I'm not even gonna tell you just how shoddy and dated their marketing training is and being a blogging addict and a training mentor myself I can tell you that this training has not been updated for maybe 7 years maybe longer!. Besides, What kind of business do you think that you are with american online jobs or any other by spamming social media and facebook groups? Do you even call that "marketing" - it does n't even come close!. VIP Note: Proof of the lack of professionalism in the facebook ads training is the training only a regular facebook ads account for PPC.
Proper and more professionally run ads are run from a facebook business account, which is not the regular blue colour that you would normally associate with facebook. It is an almost grey/blue colour. Where proper and more professional facebook adverts are run from. My apologies for such a small screen shot. Security reasons!. Amateurs and shoddy. I do know where you can get better training, more professional if you are interested!
Is American Online Jobs A Scam? Yes, absolutely. Not only are they a fraud and BS'ing to you about a job being available the very name "American Online Jobs" is deceptive and very much against the trade descriptions act!. Further more, they are performing and old fashioned bait and switch on you sending you to shoddy survey sites.
Finally The Huge Fraud aid=affiliate ID and cid=company ID Remember I told you to keep this in mind, I highly suspect that somekind of fraud may be going on going on here just due to the way the code looks (to me) and that the site is from a known (and respected) max bounty affiliate network. Code I seen looks fishy. Afte-r going through their training myself as part of this AOJ Jobs review I do think and suspect that what they are doing is deceiving unsuspecting people into working as affiliate for them posting their, American Online Jobs Own affiliate ID and not the poor unsuspecting person that is doing the hard work for them. In short, if you work for them with your very own American Online Jobs Website, you will be workin and earning money for American Online Jobs and you will NOT be paid for your hard work. This is Fraud. I have forwarded by email their details to FBI and FTC for further investigation.
A Better Alternative, I Personally Challenge You Working from home really is no different to working in an office. You still have that 9-5 millstone ancored around your neck keeping you from real freedom to do what you want and when you want. Sure working from home is better that actually being at the office, but you have an even better option that can help you get towards your end goal of real freedom.
That is starting your own business. With real training! not dated! Not Spamming facebook group and just hoping beyond hope your acocunt is not banned or your reach cut by a change in how Facebook (or any social media site) operates. I challenge your to step up, take action on start your own online business. It is much easier than you think. Step 1: Think of a hobbie, something you are passsionate about. Find your fun. This is important. I am going to show you how you can turn your fun into a genuine and sustainable online business. Find your fun, because there is profit in passion!. Step 2: Pop your email in the box below and take part in my Free 7 day Start Your Own Online Business Challenge and reply to the first email. Tell me your passions, tell me "your fun" and I will help your to move forwards and build a business around that of which you can profit from. Together we will get you going and building that dream business of yours. Now just bang your email in that box below and reply to the first message. 7 Day Build Your Own Online Business Challenge Take Part In My 7 Day Build Your Own Online Business Challenge!
My goal after 1 week is to have YOU started and ready to make money from your very own website! Sign up now and get started with the 7 day course. We Respect YOUR Privacy And Will NEVER Spam You! I hope that you enjoyed this review post about American Online Jobs. If you need or want any other known scams investgated or share your experiences with American Online Jobs Scam, comment below. Now hit that share button and get some good karma by helping to warn and save many others about this scam!. I Believe in YOU To Your Success, Derek.