A complete guide what’s the blogging success mantra

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Are you a newbie blogger ? Or Already running a blog, but confused on “How to Make money from your blog Instantly” ? It Might also possible that you have a well-settled blog but not able to generate enough cash from your blog. If you are facing any of these problems then continue reading this article. I promise you that this Blogging Guide will be going to change the way you blog. Just keep yourself focused for next 30 minutes on what I’m saying and then there’ll be no one who can stop you becoming a successful professional blogger. In this Complete Blogging Guide, I’ll be sharing some of my best success mantras, strategies, tips, tricks and even techniques by which you can Blog Like A Professional. So, Let’s begin Before getting started, I want to tell you that I’ll be talking from the very basic stuff and then take it to the advanced level so that even newbie blogger can get, what I’m trying to say.

CONTENTS Basic Blogging Tips ●

Be Clear with your Blog Niche

Before Writing, Think for Monetizing !

Be Unique - Out from the Crowd

Create Detailed BlogPosts

Guest Posting - Write for others

Blog Authority Matters A Lot

Forgot About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Grow Your Blog Network

Stay Focused on a Single Traffic Source

Start Monetizing your Blog Content from 1st Day

Make an Effective Email List

Intermediate Blogging Tips ●

Say No ! to New Blogs

Targeting Customers

Don’t Depend on a Single Monetizing Method

Eliminate or Fix Issues

Grow your Email List

Write for Readers

Grow your Social Media Network

Interview Top Influencers

Remember “Trust Is the Key”

Advanced Blogging Tips ●

Don’t Depend on a Single Resource

Firstly Make Them Understand then Sell

Know your Readers Requirements

Know the Real SEO

Be Consistent

Proper social media promotion

Create Events/Hangouts

Automate Your Blogging

Keep yourself Updated

Never Quit !

Basic Blogging Tips (​ For Newbie Bloggers )

1. Be Clear with your Blog Niche

One of the most common things which I have observed in newbie bloggers is that they are not clear with their blog niche. Well, it’s not like if you start a random niche blog it won't work. But I think that if you select a particular blog niche and focus your writing on that niche by targeting your blog audience then you can perform even better.

Must Visit :​ Most Profitable Niche to Start Blogging

2. Before Writing, Think for Monetizing !

If you want to make money through your blog quickly then it is a very important tip which you should always follow. Many bloggers finish up with their writing part, publish their blog post and then start monetizing their content. Let me make it clear to you. If you want to make quick money out of your blog then you have to stop following this procedure, It’ll not going to work out properly. You will not be going to make the most out of your blog if you are not clear with your monetizing goals before getting started with the writing part. I will suggest you to firstly analyze expert bloggers in your niche, Get to know their working ways. How those professional bloggers are working, what are their strategies, promotional techniques etc. and follow the same procedure on your blog. You need not worry about discovering new monetizing methods, Just take your own time in understanding your top competitor's methods and follow them correctly. Must Visit :​ ​Top 7 Ways for Monetizing Blog Effectively

3. Be Unique - Out from the Crowd

You might be knowing that there are billions or even more blog available online but believe me not even 5% of them are useful. But you should also remember that people are trying their best in coming up with new innovative ideas for creating a successful blog. Competition has increased very much in past few year. Therefore, It’s not at all easy to create a successful money making blog. Okay ! Tell me that why people will going to follow your blog for reading the same kind of advice which they can find it on other blogs ? Take any of the famous successful bloggers who has a well-settled popular blog, you’ll going to find one thing common among all of them. They Stand out of the Crowd. They are offering something which readers don’t get on other online resources. Here are some strategies and tips which you can follow for creating unique articles :1. If you feel that there are so many blogs writing short blog posts in your niche then try to create a detailed blog post. Explain everything and try to cover every aspect under that topic. I’m very sure you will create your unique identity if you start following this point properly. 2. If you feel like there are too many articles available in your niche then try to create videos or podcasts.

4. Create Detailed Blog Posts

Let me tell you one interesting fact - “Articles which are 2000+ words always get a good position in SERPs ( search engine result pages ). As I have already said it above that these days competition have much more increased. Gone those days when one can easily rank well in search engine results by creating a 500 words article. Writing short blog post cannot give you quick results. As you all knows that Google is always hungry for detailed and informative content. Therefore, by creating detailed articles you can easily improve your website ranking. In case you are writing 10 articles a month, each of 800+ words then I’ll advise you to only create 4 articles a month but each of them should exceed 2000+ words limit. I promise you this will going to help you in long run.

5. Guest Posting - Write for others

I have many newbie blogger friends who keep on telling me that they are not getting enough traffic on their blog. They keep me asking that how to get more blog traffic ? Though, there are many methods by which you can drive organic traffic to your blog like writing keywords optimized blog posts, blog commenting and my favorite method “Guest Blogging”. Writing for Other blogs i.e, Guest Blogging is my favorite method for increasing a blog readership. Guest Blogging not only helps you in building backlinks to your blog but it also helps you in making good relations with other bloggers in your niche and growing your blog network. Building backlinks by creating quality content to other popular blogs helps you in improving your blog authority and trust flow. If you are writing 6 articles a week then publish 3 on your blog and offer remaining 3 articles as guest posts to other blog owners in your niche. Must Visit :​ Top 9 Biggest Guest Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

6. Blog Authority Matters A Lot

Do you like buying things or taking any kind of advice from strangers ? No, right ! We only like buying things or taking advice from people whom we are familiar with. We know that people on whom we trust never going to give us any wrong advice.

Similarly, Blogging is a Business and no business can run without trust and authority. Therefore, If you keep on creating content without focusing on building your blog authority then let me tell you that You are simply wasting your valuable time”. You cannot make good sales until you make readers trust on your blog. So, Focus on building blog authority rather than creating blog content. Following tips will help you in building your blog authority :1. If you are offering or reviewing any kind of products on your blog then firstly use them personally. If you find that particular product interesting then only advise your reader to purchase it online. If you haven’t found anything interesting about the product then “Don’t Promote it”, Simple as that. 2. By doing interviews of top influencers in your niche you can easily build your blog authority. Not only this but interview posts helps you getting a quality backlink to your blog + help you growing your blog network. 3. Start Guest Blogging for Famous Blogs in your niche. Except for all these ways, also try to establish a good relationship with your blog readers. Try to get their problems and solve them out. Believe me, If you are able to solve your reader's problem then they will be always loyal to you and your blog. Must Visit :​ How to Effectively Improve Domain Authority - DIY Guide

7. Forgot About Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Well, I know that SEO plays an important role in making a blog popular. Proper Search Engine Optimization techniques not only helps you improving your site ranking but also helps you increasing your blog readership. Then Why I’m saying to Forgot SEO ? The main reason why I’m saying you to forgot SEO is, Google easily points out keyword stuffed contents or blog with bad backlinks and it might also possible that your blog gets penalized for using excessive keywords or for building a large number of bad backlinks. If you are a beginner and doesn’t have complete SEO knowledge then “Stay Away from It”. Therefore, I’ll suggest you to fully concentrate on creating high-quality blog posts without thinking much about SEO. Tip :​ If you don’t know SEO or not having complete SEO knowledge then firstly learn SEO properly. It might also possible that you have made some SEO mistakes accidently and as you are not having complete SEO knowledge, you never came to know what you have done wrong. SEO plays a significant role behind every successful blog but it can also affect your blog badly if overused. Must Visit :​ How to Add Keywords in Blog Post for Seo Optimization ?

8. Grow Your Blog Network

By Growing Your Blog Network I mean, Getting Connected with other bloggers or experts in your niche you can get lots of benefits for your blog, Following are some of those top benefits :1. Helps you increasing your blog traffic. 2. Helps you increasing your blog sales and marketing. 3. You Get to learn more strategies which you can implement on your blog�. And Trust me, These are the only things which are behind every successful blog. You can use social media networking sites to get connected with top influencers in your niche. Must Visit :​ 4 Reasons Which Never Let Your Blog Grow !

9. Stay Focused on a Single Traffic Source

Everyone loves driving more and more traffic to their blog. There are hundreds of proven ways for driving huge traffic to your blog and leveraging your sales. Social media promotion, guest blogging, videos, podcasts, email marketing are some of the most popular ways which can be used for driving massive blog traffic. But why I’m saying you to concentrate on only one traffic source ? People usually spend their lots of time promoting blog content everywhere for increasing their blog popularity but didn’t get expected results. Why ? The reason is quite simple, “They are not taking its full advantage”. If you will properly focus on a single traffic driving source then I guarantee you that you can make it far better than what you are making it right now. No matter what you are focusing on, like social media promotion, email marketing, search engine optimization or any other thing, just keep yourself focused on a single resource.

10. Start Monetizing your Blog Content from 1st Day

Monetizing your blog from the very 1st day helps you to know blog audience. You get a clear idea what your blog readers wants from your blog. By the time you manage to make your blog popular, you’ll know your readers requirements and can attract more sales to your blog.

But if you are waiting for getting massive blog traffic and then monetize your blog content, You’ll surely be going to fail because at that time you will not have any idea on what your readers want from your blog. That’s why monetizing blog from the 1st day, plays a significant role.

11. Make an Effective Email List

If you are doing blogging for a while, then you might have heard about email marketing. Email-Marketing is the key to increasing your blog sales dramatically. If you will observe any successful blogger in your niche then you will see a common thing in all of them i.e, they started “Creating Email List from 1st Day”. I’m not saying that you should start creating an effective email list from day 1 but just imagine your blog popularity if you will have 500+ email subscribers which are waiting for your blog updates. Undoubtedly, you’ll get an amazing result out of it. That’s the reason why I’m saying you to build an effective email list that helps you growing your blog network and sales. Following are some of the best techniques which you can follow for increasing your email subscribers

1. Conduct Giveaways and tell them to subscribe your blog for getting blog updates directly to their inbox. 2. Tell your friends, buddies, colleagues, classmates, relatives about your blog and ask them to subscribe your blog. 3. You can also increase your email list using social media networking sites by offering freebies. Except for all these ways you can also try giving free ebooks, videos or software for getting more subscribers.

Intermediate Blogging Tips

Following blogging tips are very beneficial for all those bloggers who are blogging for more than half year.

12. Say No ! to New Blogs

If you are running two blogs then I will advise you to shut down one blog and invest your full effort and time in setting up another blog. I’m sure you have heard this line that - “A man who rides two boats at a time always fails.” I have personally seen many newbie bloggers who keep on launching new blog every other month instead of focusing on a single blog. Bloggers who run two blogs at a time hardly manages to make any of them successful. I’m not saying that don’t get started with a new blog ever in your life. What I’m trying to say is, Don’t get started with another blog unless and until you build you a successful blog that can run on its own and you don’t have to invest many efforts. Starting a new blog and running it parallel to your old blog is simply a waste of your time. If you will see successful blogger then you will notice that they haven’t started a new blog unless their first blog becomes popular in their blogging niche and can run on its own. Tip :​ You’ll only be able to create a successful blog if you will concentrate on one thing at a time.

13. Targeting Customers

You can easily increase your blog sales if you are having targeting customers. Always try to convert your readers into your subscribers and subscribers into your customers. If you are not following this strategy then get it now ! Following are some tips which you can start following to do so :1. Analyze your blog audience. Know their Gender, Age, Location, Interest and all other necessary factors which can be beneficial for increasing your blog sales. 2. Understand the Reader’s need. You have to figure out what type of products your readers expect from your blog. 3. Review your products and tell it’s importance to your readers. If you will be able to explain your product properly to your readers then for sure your sales will be boosted up.

14. Don’t Depend on a Single Monetizing Method

So, How are you making money out of your blog ? Through AdSense ? Email Marketing ? Affiliate Marketing ? Selling Ads spaces ? Or from any other method. I just want to say that you should not totally depend on a single monetizing method. Always keep a second option. In case, for some reason, one monetizing method won’t work properly then you will be having a backup plan. Keeping a second monetizing method for your blog is always a great decision. In all, I want to say that analyze all your monetizing method for your blog and select best two out of those. If you will follow this advice carefully then I guarantee you that you’ll never have to see your blog sales going down + you will be generating a huge money every month from your blog.

15. Eliminate or Fix Issues

Updating your Blog Regularly, but not getting expected results ? Why ?

It might be possible because of crawling and indexing issues. You should know that Google always gives priority to those sites which are both SEO as well as user-friendly. If your site is not loading quickly, having short articles or not having proper meta description then it will be going to surely affect your site very badly. So, how to find and fix such kind of issues ? There is a wide range of online SEO tools available which can help you for fixing your website issues. One of my personal favorite tool is SEMrush, which gives an excellent performance to their users and help them fixing their SEO related issues. SEMrush has an amazing feature named “Site Audit” through which you can easily find out all your website SEO related issues just by entering your blog address. Therefore, using tools like broken link checker, SEO checker, plagiarism checker, proofreading tools, etc. can get you some serious help solving your website issues. Must Visit :​ How To Make Google Index Your Website Instantly

16. Grow your Email List

I’ve personally seen many people who spend their valuable time on growing their facebook page network, getting more likes, followers etc.

Let me be clear to you, None of them will count. Yeah ! you read it absolutely right. Then What’s the secret behind a successful profitable blog ? The answer is, “Email Marketing”. Instead of investing all your efforts in increasing your number of twitter followers, Facebook likes or Instagram followers you should focus on growing your email list. Facebook can penalize your page and same with twitter, Google+ or any other social networking platforms but not with an Email list. You are the owner of your Email list and no one can penalize you for sending email to your blog subscribers. Gradually your blog sales will be increased.

17. Write for Readers

The most common reason behind you are not able to increase your blog sales is low blog traffic. You are not able to drive a good number of visitors to your blog. There’s no doubt that if you will be writing well keyword optimized blog posts then you will be improving your site ranking and getting more search engine traffic. But you will surely fail to convert those visitors into your loyal readers. But Why ?

It’s because of your writing style. Rather than creating your content for Google, try to create interesting and informative content for your blog readers. Understand your reader's problems and try to provide them effective solutions for their problems. By writing more valuable, interesting and informative content on your blog you can easily get your readers trust. And I’ve already mentioned it earlier that people love doing business with familiar people. Well, I’m not saying that you should not at all optimized your blog posts but your first priority should always be your readers. Must Visit :​ The Ultimate Guide to Copywriting for Bloggers

18. Grow your Social Media Network

Social Media Networking sites play a very important role in any blog success. Using social media platforms like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Instagram etc. helps you to get the following advantages :1. Instantly helps you boosting your blog traffic and let your blog posts go viral. 2. You can use social media platforms to make more connections with top influencers in your niche. 3. You can build a separate blog fans page and provide direct blog updates to your page followers.

Tip :​ Don’t invest all your time and efforts on social media at once. If you start putting all your efforts and time on social media networking sites then it will affect your work for sure. I’m not saying that don’t spend time on social media sites but rather use those sites for growing your blog network and connections with top influencers and experts.

19. Interview Top Influencers

Interviewing top influencers not just only helps you building a good relationship but also helps you to gain blog popularity instantly. But getting connected with the top influencer and interviewing them is not an easy task. Here are some tips which can help you conducting an interview of the top blogger in your niche. 1. Go through their previous interviews, and try not to repeat the same questions while interviewing them. 2. Avoid asking too many questions. Around 7-8 questions are more than enough. 3. You should know that most of the top bloggers are very busy and they don’t reply to all emails. Therefore, take some time to follow them again instead of sending them emails every other day. 4. Create effective emails asking for their interview on your blog.

5. Before contacting to top bloggers, start responding to their blog posts. Blog commenting, giving feedback, guest blogging and offering them your free services can help you building good relations. Top bloggers will start taking your words seriously if they have good relations with you.

20. Remember “Trust Is the Key”

Are you struggling hard to increase your blog sales ? If yes then it might possible that you are not doing proper permission marketing. For better online sales you should always have a targeted blog audiences. You always need to consider what readers are expecting from your blog. Therefore, promoting products based on people permission, surely let your blog sales go high. But why will anyone tell you what they want ? It’s Simple, Trust. You have to get their trust for getting their support. I keep on telling you since the starting of this blogging guide that no business can be done without trust. Here are few tips which can be implemented for building trust with your blog readers :1. Show Them Proofs. If you are offering any product or service to your readers then firstly show them proofs, why it is important to them ? Ask your readers to give their feedback for your product or services and show them on your landing page.

2. If you have contributed to any famous blog through guest blogging then show those blog’s logo to your readers. By showing popular blog logo to your readers, you can instantly gain their trust. 3. Keep on interacting with your blog readers and customers. In case they are facing any kind of relevant issues then try to help them out.

Advanced Blogging Tips

These are the blogging tips which you can start following if you are in this field for a long time and struggling hard to increase your online sales.

21. Don’t Depend on a Single Resource

If you are blogging since a long time then I will advise you not to put all your time and money on one resource. Always have a second option for driving web traffic and making money through your blog. I’m saying so because you never know what will going to happen to you blog niche in upcoming years. Therefore, keeping more than one traffic driving resources and money making ideas for your blog is always a good choice.

22. Firstly Make Them Understand then Sell

If you will ask top marketers in your niche about their working strategies then they will be going to answer you the same thing, “Building Email List and using it effectively”. But, Building email list is all that you need ?

Let me tell you a secret that, it’s not enough ! Have you ever wondered that although you are having a good email list then why you are not getting expected results ? The answer is quite simple, Lack of Awareness. For increasing your product sales through email marketing you have to firstly explain your products to people, show them the importance of your product or services which you are offering. Therefore, before offering your product to people firstly tell them what’s your product is all about and I guarantee you that your blog sales will be dramatically increased if you had started following this point properly.

23. Know your Readers Requirements

Always focus on understanding your reader's requirement instead of focusing on driving massive traffic to your blog. I know the importance of more web traffic but what’s the point of driving massive blog traffic if you are not able to make any sales. Therefore, always understand the needs of your targeted audience.

24. Know the Real SEO

There’s no doubt that search engine optimization plays a significant role behind a successful blog. Here, I’m not talking about keyword stuffing. If you are in this field for a while then you know the fact how backlinks are important for improving your site ranking. Overnight success is not at all possible unless you have huge money to invest on your blog or having a great authority domain name. Except building quality backlinks you should also focus on increasing your social shares. You should know that social media is now termed as a new SEO. By creating attractive post headlines and great post intros you can easily drive more people to your blog.

25. Be Consistent

If you will see any of the popular bloggers then you will find that they are consistently providing quality articles to their readers. They actually know how to attract more readers to their blog. Most bloggers fail to make their blog popular because of lack of copywriting skills. Recently I’ve written an article on Improving copywriting skills, which will be helping you out in learning methods for effective blog post writing. Tip :​ By writing daily, you can gradually improve your writing skills.

26. Proper social media promotion

All of you knows the importance of social media in making a brand popular. There are many people who have uploaded their content and gone popular overnight. That’s the real power of social media. I will suggest you to use social media sites wisely to promote your blog content. Instead of focusing too many social networking platforms at a time, focus on one. Take Facebook. Use all your content promotion strategies to get more readers. Creating infographics, ads, memes, attractive headlines, connecting to top influencers are some of the best strategies for promoting your content on social media sites.

It you feel that you have done your best, then move on to other social media sites.

27. Create Events/Hangouts

Asking people to join your hangout or participating in your events also helps you growing your blog network. By conducting hangouts you can get to know your reader's problems and try to solve them. I will suggest you to get connected to top influencers in your niche and get to know how they really work, how they really conduct their online events and seminars or hangouts. I’m very sure following their working strategies also helps you growing your business online.

28. Automate Your Blogging

I’m not saying that you should start using online tools for creating your blog posts.

Rather than using online tools to automate your blogging you can try hiring a content writer for your blog. Taking SEO help from your blogger friends and you can even hire someone who can promote your blog posts online. If you want to be a good successful blogger then you have to invest your time and money properly. You can hire people for works which are not that necessary and can concentrate on more important things. This is one of the most common strategies which is followed by many top bloggers for growing their online business.

29. Keep yourself Updated

Why would anyone like to read your blog if he’s getting the same type of repeated stuff again and again on your blog ? To turn your blog into a money making the machine the first thing which you need to know is adding value to your articles. Get to know what your readers are facing and try to solve their problems out. By keeping yourself updated with the latest tricks, tips, services, products and other things you can actually create more interesting blog posts.

30. ​Never Quit !

It’s not done that you invest your money and time setting up a blog for months and then quit it just because you are not making the most out of it. You have to understand that it takes time to make a business work properly online. You cannot expect an overnight success of your blog. You have to let things keep going. Every business takes time to get settled. Instead of shutting down your blog, I will suggest you to watch motivational videos, read marketing guides and think the reason why you started your blog. Quitting everything is not the solution. Always keep yourself motivated for achieving your desired goals. Must Visit :​ How To Keep Yourself Motivated When Your Blog is Dying ?

Conclusion It’s not possible to build a successful blog overnight. You have to invest your time and efforts for making a popular successful blog. But once you start getting massive readers to your blog, start thinking to automate your blog and focus on more important stuff. Tip : Never compromise with the quality of your blog content when thinking to automate blogging. So, This was a detailed blogging guide in which I have covered every possible tip which is important for creating a profitable blog. Hope, you liked reading this guide. If you have any type of questions after going through the above guide completely then please let me know by leaving your valuable feedback in the comment section.

At the last, Kindly share this Blogging Guide online and help other in creating a profitable blog too. Stay Connected and Keep Blogging‌ :)

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