Presentación bauti gaspi

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Ancient Egypt Writing

By: Bauti and Gaspar 4th B 2014


Hieroglyphic writing was a form of writing used by the ancient Egyptians. The individual characters are called 'hieroglyphs'

scribes Scribes were people in ancient Egypt (usually men) who learned to read and write. All though experts believe that most scribes were men, there is evidence of some female doctors. These women would have been trained as scribes so that they could read medical texts.

scribe school

Students in an ancient Egyptian scribe schools had many things to learn.. Since it was important for them to learn how to record information correctly, they had to read and write well

The army

When the ancient Egyptians went to battle against their enemies they used writing to communicate with each other. Military leaders were first trained as scribes, so they would be able to read messages that were sent to them.



Temples were the houses of the gods and goddesses. The walls were decorated with writing and pictures that showed the pharaoh's respect for the gods and goddesses. Priests who worked in the temples were scribes. They were the people who performed the sacred rituals that were necessary to keep the gods and goddesses happy. Thus, they needed to be able to read the instructions for the rituals that were written on papyrus scrolls and carved into the temple walls. These tools were used for carving wall relifs.

In government

The government of ancient Egypt kept records about the country. This helped them work out important facts about how the country was running. For example, by looking at records from past years they could see how much grain or how many animals were collected in taxes Government officials were scribes who had been promoted to higher positions. One scribe named Horemheb who was a high government official actually became pharaoh.Â

In the fields

One of the first jobs that scribes might have after they finished school was working in the fields counting crops or animals. This is a wall painting from the tomb of a nobleman called Nebamun.

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