==== ==== For free videos and other information on hundreds of topics, please visit our site http://blogs4u.biz/ ==== ==== Heroes Need Help Too There is no doubt that when trouble arises, no matter what the situation is, there is always going to be some agencies at the ready to help you. This means that the fire department, Emergency Services, and the law enforcement agencies will come when you call. Now consider the agencies itself. When they need help, who is it that comes to their rescue? There is no denying that the ones who are selfless in coming to your aid may some day find a situation that is too dangerous or turn into life threatening situations causing real harm. The death rate of these individuals in the police and fire services alone is enough to make you stop and take another look at this question. There is also the risk tot eh health and well being of the individual that could prove to be a problem later on down the road. You can try to ignore the facts in front of you but that does not mean that it will just disappear or go away. Some of the affluent government agencies are in the belief that it will. This is often true until something on a large scale happens and then one of two things occurs. Either they sweep it under the rug and act as though it was never there or they take the situation and use it to their advantage to further themselves and their careers. At what point are these men and women who give of themselves going to be the main focus and when is it going to be an ongoing thing and not just when catastrophes happen. These workers are giving everything they have for the citizens of this great United States and now it is time to do what we can to be the ones to save them. As one of those citizens who feel they need to make a difference, the easiest way to show you are in support is by sending a note or card to your local fire, EMT. Or police stations and just let them know you appreciate what they do every day. The next thing you can do is to give monetarily to help provide the necessary gear they need to make them safer. Think of this not as wasting money but as an investment into your future safety. With the right equipment and supplies, these heroes may save your life one day. Finally, make sure you let your government officials know just how important this is to you. Write a letter to the Mayor asking them to take a special interest into the services and see if they can help in ways they may not be doing now. Some times these heroes are just not thought of and left in the shadows. Never do we consider that when we need help, we are on our own. Each day there are thousands of police, fire, and EMTs who go out to provide you with the help you need. They ask nothing in return and take nothing for granted. It is our job, as citizens of this fine country to make sure that all of those heroes are taken care of and have someone to be there when they find themselves in an emergency. Why not give back to them what they give to us each day; Peace of Mind.
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