==== ==== For free videos and other information on hundreds of topics, please visit our site http://blogs4u.biz/ ==== ==== Teaching The Next Generation To Respect You may not think so but, the way you ask towards your local law enforcement is making a lasting impression on the views and opinions of the younger generation. The local agencies are made up of men and women who live right where you live. How can you even consider negative feelings about your neighbors who are only there to serve you? What does this teach the younger ones about respecting authority and how to respect your neighbors? Maybe more than ever, we need to reevaluate just what it is we are teaching the children about the roll of law enforcement. It seems that if something is not done soon, it might mean the children of today could be the criminals of tomorrow. None of us want that to happen. If you have a child who is at a very young age, now is the time to make a good impression. Take your child to see the police station in your town. Let them meet those people who make up this special agency. Never give you child any reason to be afraid of these people just because they are in a uniform. Make sure they also understand that if they do the wrong thing, these people are there to make it right. If you child is at the age where they attend school. They will be able to interact with law enforcement with some of the programs they offer. Law enforcement may visit your childs school to teach the children about how to be safe when walking home, how to deal with strangers, and many other useful things. If we do not teach our children about the positive ways law enforcement helps, they will never feel comfortable enough asking for help when they need it. This is most important. Make sure your youngster knows what the law enforcement can help them with. Try to help them to understand what can happen in certain situations. Try to explain to your child that the individuals in law enforcement are no different than you or I; they are just here to help us. Knowing that they are not superheroes may take some of the expectations of perfection off these individuals and provide them a more realistic view. They will have a less frightening experience. Teach them that television shows are not true when it comes to the real thing. They need to understand that bad things happen and when they do, there are no second chances. Show them that law enforcement is the first step to providing a safe place so those bad things do not occur. You local law enforcement can give you a list of programs they offer for children and ways to educate them better on this subject. Older children may need a trip to the jail in your town to get a first hand look at what really happens there and not the television version. You do not want them to be afraid of the law but you also want them to understand that there are consequences tot heir actions. For those who have no children or who just want more information about law enforcement agencies and the people who serve, contact your local agency. You may also take a look on the internet or in your local library for more information.
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