How To Cleanse Your Body - The Story

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There's so many natural health products out on the market these days it can be hard to know which one is right for you and your needs. How do you choose a product? Well, I'm going out on a limb here but as a holistic nurse I'm going to recommend that you don't choose a product but instead you choose a cleansing program. A comprehensive and complete program is a much better choice for supporting your body and your health. Here's why.... According to Dr. Oz, studies show that a brief 3-5 day fast or cleanse does not have an effect in the removal of deep seated toxins that are accumulated and stored in the body. I agree, it takes at least a minimum of 14 days in a cleansing program to facilitate removal of toxins that can cause chronic illness and disease. In Ayurveda, a typical seasonal cleanse is recommended at least three times a year to restore harmony and balance, and it is geared to your body type and constitution. There are three main "doshas", or constitutions in Ayurveda and doing a cleansing program that restores balance to your specific body type is what will give you the most benefits and best results without causing a "detox crisis". If you are a "vata" type, it is most likely you tend toward excess dryness in the body and an overactive mind. Cleansing treatments and programs are designed to add moisture and lubrication to the body while restoring inner peace and a calm mind. For Pitta types, who tend to have an excess of heat and skin disorders, a cleansing program is geared to cooling the body and digestive tract and restoring calm, even emotions and clear thinking. Kapha types benefit from a cleansing program that removes excess moisture and mucous that often accumulates in the stomach, lungs, and sinuses and by stimulating the mind and body which often become slow and lethargic, leading to weight gain and diabetes, and depression Once you know your body type it's easy to follow a cleansing program that supports and nourishes your body for a 14 day period. Ayurveda uses the healing properties of foods to support your body during a cleanse, rather than a fasting program that can't be sustained over a longer period of time. A few days of colon cleansing pills just can't produce the same results.

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