What You Don't Know About thyroid Cancer May Shock You!

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"The results came back and it's papillary cancer" was all I heard. My doctor kept talking on the phone, but I got stuck in the moment. My mind was frozen in time. I tried not to move, breathe or think because then it would become real. I heard him say cancer and just sat there in disbelief. I was blown away. And then a calmness came over me. It came from deep within. And I knew that this was another gift that I was given to learn or teach another lesson. For I did not come this far and beat all of the odds to have it all end at age 35. This was part of the beginning of the rest of my "living" life on earth. My Higher Power only gives me as much as I can handle at one time, so I was ready to accept the experience. Then reality set in and I felt the fear rush over me. I felt scared, confused, angry and sad all at the same time. I knew that I had to pull myself back together. I was at work and sitting in the atrium outside of the office praying to get through the day. I did not want to be there. I wanted to drive home, jump into bed and hide for several days. That is what I used to do. I didn't know how to process life just a few years ago. I ran from my feelings for years and years. But I had changed. Going through the experience of having cancer has proven it to me once again. Focusing on the fear got me no where. There is no benefit in thinking negative - ever. It only causes me to lose focus, breathe shallow, get a tight chest, feel anxious and overwhelmed. So I decided to focus on faith and think positive to the best of my ability. I started with gratitude. It was easy to look back and see how blessed I was to have even gotten the diagnosis. I had no side effects from the thyroid cancer. The nodule has been in my neck for years. My blood work always came back normal. But as a precaution, my doctor had me get a scan every few years, just to be safe. The last test came back questionable and I followed up with a biopsy. I am so grateful that it was found and treated. The past few months, I have been focusing on gratitude and in turn it has helped me so much. As a thyroid cancer SURVIVOR, my hope is to help others find their "inner-survivor" and live life to the fullest. This experience inspired me to start a blog http://www.thyroidcancersurvivor.wordpress.com where I am able to share my journey and give back. I'm moving forward with my life and have a new outlook and appreciation of life.

Jennifer Bridge Life Coach Ready to Change Life Coaching

jenn@readytochangelifecoaching.com http://www.readytochangelifecoaching.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Bridge

==== ==== For free videos and the latest information about thyroid cancer, please visit our site http://blogs4u.biz/thyroid-cancer/ ==== ====

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