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Seed Bombs
These Bloomin ballistics are made from a mix of annual and perennial wildflower seeds and 100% post-consumer/recycled paper – just throw and grow! Make sure your target is tactical (somewhere that will receive consistent watering). So go ahead – bomb highway roadsides, sidewalks, medians, vacant lots, or even sabotage your own backyard. Bags of 3 or 6 bombs come in either a stock printed or customizable 1-color printable organic cotton bag, with a stock or customizable growing instruction card inside.

SBB-3/6 - EDEW - Seed Bomb Bag Specifications: 3 or 6, 1” seed bombs; bag imprint area: 2.5x2.75” / Instruction card imprint area: 1.9x2.75” Printing: Bag: 1-color screen printed; Instruction card: fullcolor, Earth-friendly CMYK Qty. 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 3 Bombs $6.00 $4.50 $4.00 $3.80 $3.60 (A) 6 Bombs $7.00 $5.50 $5.00 $4.80 $4.60 (A)
Stock Silkscreened Bag: $35 (G) Set-Up Fee For Customized Planting Instruction Card. 500 Quantity Minimum For Custom Silkscreen With $63 (G) Set-Up Fee. Stock colors: light blue, yellow, pink, natural, white and lime green (all wildflower). Custom seed mix and/or color: $63 (G) fee, 125 qty min per color/mix.
SBC-3/6 - EDEW - Seed Bomb Cello Pack Specifications: 3 or 6, 1” seed bombs; imprint area of 3.5x2” (folded header card) Printing: Full-color, Earth-friendly CMYK Qty. 100 250 500 1,000 2,500 3 Bombs $4.50 $4.00 $3.60 $3.30 $3.00 (A) 6 Bombs $6.50 $5.00 $4.50 $4.30 $4.10 (A)
All Pricing (A) • Set-Up $35 (G) for header. Stock colors: light blue, yellow, pink, natural, white and lime green (all wildflower). Custom seed mix and/or color: $63 (G) fee, 125 quantity minimum per color/mix.