Blooming Minds Issue 14 May 2020

Page 6

Tasha’s Update


e shy away from talking about class in Australia. Yet it is there, lurking in workplaces, in media, and in social interactions. I heard someone say last week that Covid-19 doesn’t discriminate based on social class. This isn’t the whole story. There is class division amidst the global pandemic. You’ve seen the images of people driven by fear and uncertainty panic shopping (groceries, medicines and now alcohol!). These are individualist approaches. This disadvantages people on low incomes, people relying on public transport who can only buy what they can carry, people who are frail or disabled who struggle to get to the shops regularly,  and those people who chose not to panic buy. Empty shelves do not only affect the disadvantaged, but the impacts may be felt by them more strongly. If you can’t get ingredients for a meal from the supermarket, you can order restaurant takeaway and still get a good nutritious meal. If you can afford it. This is an impact of social class. It’s not only in buying groceries and medicine where there is social disparity. Many organisations are asking or mandating that their employees work from home. Working from home is already the norm for some but it can take a while under optimal circumstances get used to working from home. Even when you have the time, the physical space, and all the required equipment, it takes time

Photo: Craig Broomhall

to adjust. Under current circumstances it can be overwhelming. Not everyone has the space at home to dedicate to work, nor the required equipment and not all workplaces are able to quickly afford unbudgeted remote access equipment. This can be an impact of social class. Many jobs are not possible to do from home. Truck drivers, medical staff, cleaners, supermarket cashiers, and schoolteachers are all either challenging or impossible to do from a distance. Some of these roles (other than medical professionals) are those which are least socially valued in usual circumstances. This is evident by the pay and working conditions of these positions however these are clearly essential roles. Furthermore by not providing adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to these workers, we are indicating that some of these lives are dispensable. This is discrimination of social class. There are impacts which are beyond social class. Covid-19 doesn’t check your bank balance before infecting you. The attitude with which we face challenges is dictated by character, not by class. There has been a tsunami of shock reverberating across Australia as many organisations adapt to evolving physical distancing measures, close doors and let go of staff. For many, the loss of income will have immediate impact. Some will access their financial reserves and the impact will be delayed. For others, with


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