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A dministration
The Administration Division implements policy as set forth by the Board of Park Commissioners.
• Two staff members attended a three-day symposium presented by software developer Vermont Systems for in-depth training on the RecTrac reservation system to meet customer registration needs and staff work requests.
• Each of the Department’s 353 seasonal staff were transitioned to Time Track, the city’s electronic timekeeping system.
• Board meeting packets were prepared for 15 Board of Park Commissioners meetings. The packets included a total of 175 contracts, 39 partnerships and seven policies that were presented for review and approval.
Administration 2022 Program Activity
Community Relations
Community Relations coordinates graphic design, media relations, brand management, marketing, sponsors, and volunteers.
• Designed and completed a total of 511 print and digital marketing pieces
• Social Media and Digital Content Team managed event, marketing, and informational postings and provided relevant content about Parks programs and facilities on 10 different Facebook pages and three different Instagram channels.
• Obtained $75,850 in monetary sponsorships and facility advertising sales from 103 different businesses and individuals for Parks and Recreation programs and events.
• Managed 1,012 volunteers who contributed a total of 7,772 hours of service to the Department.
• Developed accessible, user-friendly website for Switchyard Park: switchyardpark.com.
Park Partner Award for outstanding partnerships
The Dog House, for generous ongoing support of pet-related programs
T&T Pet Food & Supply, for generous ongoing support of pet-related programs
Volunteer Rachael Stapleton helps with “candyland” decorations at Winter Lights, December Nights, held at Switchyard Park on Dec. 3.
Bravo Award-presented to outstanding volunteers
Lea Woodard, Bugfest
Melinda Seader, Leonard Springs Nature Day
Don Eggert, Weed Wrangles
Rachel Gingrich, Audrey Hakanson, Megan Kapp, Morgan Plunkett, Indiana University R410 students for Children’s Expo planning
Cortland Carrington, Farmers’ Market Advisory Council
Kendra Souder, Kiersten Groover, long-term volunteers
Margaret Dalle-Ave, Weed Wrangles & Adopt-a-Greenspace
Don Cing, Glow in the Park, Bugfest, Skate & Scare
Susie Sullivan, Leonard Springs Nature Day