with love
Marianne Brandi
Welcome to yet a beautiful season Inspired by the strong and interesting shapes of the modern architectural and geometrical Universe, we present to you the autumn/winter 2014 collection.
the precious stones. The fantastic cultural mix of the new world and the old, the traditional and the modern, must have made their life very interesting.
Mother Nature has also been a great inspiration, as you will see in the Seasonal color palette and the interesting species of insects, and butterflies, these ideas we have juxtaposed with the significant classic modern and bohemian style of DAY Birger et Mikkelsen Home
Now as then, we still believe that with your home you can tell a story of who you are, or who you would like to be.
A l o n g t h e w a y w e f o u n d s o m e b e a u t i f u l engraved portraits, that you will see adorning some of the cushions in the collection. We have given them names we imagined they had, as though they where old family members. They lived in a time where the world grew s m a l l e r d a y b y d a y. T h e y d i s c o v e r e d t h e antique orient with its spices and unbelievable luxurious fabrics, the porcelain, the ceramics,
For DAY HOME there is also an old world and a new world. We proudly welcome you to the new, and we think you are in for some surprises that we sincerely hope you will like. Best of Wishes
Marianne Brandi
For further info contact +45 78 79 77 10 www.day-home.dk