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Cost Factors

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Cost Factors

Cost Factors

Step 5: Calculate for backing.

Take overall width of area rug in feet: 15 ft. Multiply by overall length of area rug in feet: × 10 ft.

Total square feet of area rug for backing: 150 sq. ft.


Step 1: Determine yardage needed for outer border.

Add length of border in feet + .25 ft. (3 in.): Top: 1.75 ft. Bottom: + 1.75 ft. Side: + 1.75 ft. Side: + 1.75 ft.

Since this area rug is wider than 12 feet, there will need to be seams in the outer border. To calculate how many more carpet cuts are necessary for the border, take the width of the area rug (15 feet) and subtract the width of the carpet (12 feet) = 3 feet. In this example, the shorter side of the outer border is 10 feet, which will have 2 feet of waste. This isn’t enough to cover the 3 feet for the top and 3 feet for the bottom. These 3 feet are considered fill. Both pieces of fill can be taken from the same 12-foot-wide cut. Only one fill cut is needed.

Fill: + 1.75 ft. Total length of carpet needed for outer border: 8.75 ft.

Multiply length by width of carpet in feet (normally 12 ft.): × 12 ft. Total square feet: 105 sq. ft. Divide by 9 to convert to square yards: ÷ 9 sq. ft.

Total square yards to be ordered for outer border: 11.67 sq. yd. Step 2: Determine yardage needed for inner border.

Add length of inner border in feet + .25 ft. (3 in.): Top: .5 ft. Bottom: + .5 ft. Side: + .5 ft. Side: + .5 ft.

The inner border is not wider than 12 feet, so there is no need for a fill cut. Total length of carpet needed for inner border: 2 ft. Multiply by width of carpet in feet (normally 12 ft.): × 12 ft. Total square feet: 24 sq. ft. Divide by 9 to convert to square yards: ÷ 9 sq. ft.

Total square yards to be ordered for inner border: 2.67 sq. yd. Step 3: Determine yardage needed for field (length and width can be found under labor calculations).

Take shortest side of field + .25 ft. (3 in.) for total length: 6.75 ft. Multiply by width of carpet in feet (normally 12 ft.): × 12 ft. Total square feet: 81 sq. ft. Divide by 9 to convert to square yards: ÷ 9 sq. ft.

Total of square yards to be ordered for field: 9 sq. yd.


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