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9th February 2023 | 288 pages Paperback 9781350344730 | £14.99 ePub 9781838601065 | £27 ePDF 9781838601072 | £27
“Henderson has woven his narrative out of a brilliant miscellany of archival sources, with crucial finds in the Hoover Institution's records of the Okhrana, or political police.” – Times Literary Supplement “Henderson’s revelatory book captures the atmosphere of a time of Jewish idealism preceding that of the horrors of the Gulag.” – The Jewish Chronicle “Excellent.” – Socialist History
The Spark that Lit the Revolution
Lenin in London and the Politics that Changed the World
Robert Henderson
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin visited London on six occasions at the beginning of the 20th century and it was in this city, where Marx wrote Das Kapital, that the roots of Lenin's political thought took shape. This book, from a former curator of the Russian collections at the British Library, tells the story for the first time of Lenin's intriguing relationship with the enigmatic Apollinariya Yakubova – a revolutionary known to her comrades as the 'primeval force of the Black Earth'.
Based on a series of stunning new archival discoveries from the British Library, published here for the first time, as well as photographs and details of the Russian revolutionaries (and indeed international police spies) who congregated in the East End of London - known then as the 'Little Russian Island', this is the first full exploration of the formation of one of the leading political visionaries of his age. Revealing Lenin's Londonbased accomplices and political rivals, and shedding new light on his world-view – one which would have such a crucial impact on the 20th century, this is an essential addition to our knowledge of Lenin the man and of the roots of the Russian revolution.
Robert Henderson is former Head of the Russian Archive at the British Library. He is author of numerous journal articles and book chapters in the field of Russian History and Honorary Research Associate at Queen Mary, University of London, UK.
The Shadow in the East
Vladimir Putin and the New Baltic Front
Aliide Naylor
The Baltics are vital democracies in NorthEastern Europe, but with a ‘belligerent’ Vladimir Putin to their east - waging war on Ukraine - and ‘expansionist’ NATO to their west, these NATO members have increasingly been the subject of unsettling headlines in both Western and Russian media. What does this mean for those living in the Baltics - and for the world?
Based on her extensive research and work as a journalist, Aliide Naylor takes us inside the geopolitics of the region. Travelling to the heart of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania she explores modernity in the region, investigates smuggling and troop movements in the borderlands, and explains the countries' unique cultural identities. Naylor tells us why the Baltics matter, more so than ever before, and how the region has inched to the forefront of the frontline in the political struggle between East and West. The Shadow in the East is critical to understanding the long running tensions between Russia and Europe.
Aliide Naylor is a freelance journalist focusing on Russia and Eastern Europe. Her writing has appeared in the Guardian, New Statesman, POLITICO Europe, openDemocracy, New Eastern Europe and Vocativ, among others. Naylor has travelled to all corners of the Baltic states and has also lived in both St. Petersburg and Moscow, where she served as Arts Editor at The Moscow Times.
9th February 2023 | 256 pages Paperback 9781350352896 | £12.99 ePub 9781786726384 | £22.50 ePDF 9781786736444 | £22.50
“In this riveting debut, Naylor combines lyrical personal observations with insightful political analysis to offer a timely and comprehensive picture of the complex societies, economies, and political landscapes of this frequently overlooked region.” –The Moscow Times
6th April 2023 | 264 pages Paperback | 9781786999702 | £12.99 ePub 9781786999665 | £18 ePDF 9781786999689 | £18
“A welcome addition to critiques of empire and studies of language and politics.” – Globe and Mail “An astute, well-researched, and often scholarly meditation on the forces that drive marginal languages out of existence in favor of dominant metropolitan tongues.” – LA Review of Books “Griffiths is spot on: the survival of many languages—and perhaps the identities that go with them— depends on politics.” – Asian Review of Books
Speak Not
Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language
James Griffiths
As globalisation continues languages are disappearing faster than ever, leaving our planet’s linguistic diversity leaping towards extinction. The science of how languages are acquired is becoming more advanced and the internet is bringing us new ways of teaching the next generation, however it is increasingly challenging for minority languages to survive in the face of a handful of hegemonic ‘super-tongues’.
In Speak Not, James Griffiths reports from the frontlines of the battle to preserve minority languages, from his native Wales, Hawaii and indigenous American nations, to southern China and Hong Kong. He explores the revival of the Welsh language as a blueprint for how to ensure new generations are not robbed of their linguistic heritage, outlines how loss of indigenous languages is the direct result of colonialism and globalisation and examines how technology is both hindering and aiding the fight to prevent linguistic extinction.
Introducing readers to compelling characters and examining how indigenous communities are fighting for their languages, Griffiths ultimately explores how languages hang on, what happens when they don’t, and how indigenous tongues can be preserved and brought back from the brink.
James Griffiths is Asia Correspondent at the Globe and Mail. He was previously a senior producer at CNN International, where he reported on the ground from Hong Kong, China, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Malaysia. He is the author of The Great Firewall of China (2021).
Sensuous Knowledge
A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone
Minna Salami
Combining the playfulness of a storyteller with the insight of a social critic, Sensuous Knowledge pries apart the systems of power and privilege that have dominated ways of thinking for centuries – and which have led to so much division, prejudice and damage. And it puts forward a new, sensuous, approach to knowledge: one grounded in a host of global perspectives – from Black Feminism to personal narrative, pop culture to high art, Western philosophy to African mythology – together comprising a vision of hope for a fragmented world riven by crisis.
Through the prism of this new knowledge, Salami offers fresh insights into the key cultural issues that affect women’s lives. How are we to view Sisterhood, Motherhood or even Womanhood itself? What is Power and why do we conceive of Beauty? How does one achieve Liberation? She asks women to break free of the prison made by ingrained male-centric biases, and build a house themselves – a home that can nurture us all.
Sensuous Knowledge confirms Minna Salami as one the most important spokespeople of today, and the arrival of a blistering new literary voice.
Minna Salami is a blogger, social critic, and lecturer. She is the founder of the multiple award-winning blog MsAfropolitan, and her work is published in numerous publications. Minna is listed as one of 12 women changing the world by ELLE Magazine. She lives in London and regularly visits the United States.
4th May 2023 | 216 pages Paperback | 9781786997111 | £9.99 ePub 9781786995285 | £13.49 ePDF 9781786995278 | £13.49
“A probing, challenging and imaginative book that dares position black feminism as the prism through which we can all better experience and understand the world. I read it slowly, savouring it as intellectual soul food, while relishing the richness of Minna Salami’s ideas and the persuasiveness of her writing ... An important addition to the feminist canon.” – Bernardine Evaristo, author of Girl, Woman, Other
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