Classical Studies New Books Catalogue Jan-Mar 2023

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Classical Studies New Books Catalogue January-March 2023


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Genre: Essays on Creative Nonfiction (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023)


Contents GCSE & A-Level Greek & Latin Literature 2 Ancient Greek Literature 3 Ancient Drama 4 Ancient History 4 Ancient Near East 5 Ancient Culture 5 Reception Studies � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 5 Representatives, Agents and Distributors 6
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OCR Anthology for Classical

Greek AS and A Level: 2024–


Edited by Sam Baddeley, Winchester College, UK, Benedict Gravell, Westminster School, UK, Charlie Paterson, Eton College, UK, Stuart R. Thomson, Christ's Hospital, UK, Neil Treble, King Edward VI School, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK & Chris Tudor, Independent Scholar, UK

This OCR-endorsed edition covers the Greek AS and A-Level set text prescriptions for 2023–25 giving full Greek text, commentary and vocabulary and a detailed introduction for each text that also covers the prescription to be read in English for A Level The texts covered are Herodotus, Histories, Plato, Republic, Plutarch, Life of Antony, Homer's Iliad Book 16, Euripides, Hippolytus and Aristophanes, Frogs.

OCR Anthology for Classical Greek GCSE 2025-2026

Judith Affleck, King Edward VI School, Stratfordupon-Avon, UK & Clive Letchford, University of Warwick, UK

This is the OCR-endorsed edition for the Greek GCSE set text prescriptions examined from 2025 to 2026 Starting with an introduction to ancient Greek history and culture, which will set in context the passages for the exams, students are guided through the key themes and issues when translating ancient Greek, both for the unseen passages they will meet in the exam and in the set texts that they will prepare themselves These prescribed texts will subsequently be set out in clear passages, with vocab and study questions against each section A detailed index of vocabulary at the back of the book will complement the timeline, Who's Who and glossary at the start to give students a focused preparation for their exams The book is supported by

website of teacher notes, model translations and student

Letters of Pliny: A Selection

Carl Hope, Durham School, UK

is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin A-Level (Group 2) prescription of Pliny, Letters

Ovid Fasti: A Selection

Edited by Robert Cromarty, Wellington College, UK

3 16;

giving full Latin text, commentary

vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Ovid, Fasti 2 533–616, 687–852, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English

2 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
UK February 2023 • US March 2023 • 512 pages PB 9781350156630 • £29 99 / $40 95 ePub 9781350156647 • £26 99 / $37 08 ePdf 9781350156654 • £26 99 / $37 08 Bloomsbury Academic
exercises and worksheets UK February 2023 • US March 2023 • 120 pages • 10 two-col illus PB 9781350161818 • £14 99 / $19 95 ePub 9781350161825 • £13 49 / $19 22 ePdf 9781350161832 • £13 49 / $19 22 Bloomsbury Academic
1 9;
4 2; 4 19; 8 8; 8 16; 8 17; 9 6,
UK February 2023 • US March 2023 • 128 pages PB 9781350156593 • £12 99 / $17 95 ePub 9781350156609 £11 69 / $16 47 ePdf 9781350156616 £11 69 / $16 47 Bloomsbury Academic
UK February 2023 • US March 2023 • 128 pages PB 9781350156555 • £12 99 / $17 95 ePub 9781350156562 • £11 69 / $16 47 ePdf 9781350156579 £11 69 / $16 47 Bloomsbury Academic CLASSICAL STUDIES –GCSE & A-Level Greek & Latin Literature

Cicero, pro Caelio: A Selection

Georgina Longley, Independent Scholar, UK

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin AS and A-Level (Group 1) prescription of Cicero's pro Caelio, 51–58, 61–68, and the A-Level (Group 2) prescription of 33–50, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English

A Level

UK February 2023 US March 2023 176 pages

PB 9781350156432

ePub 9781350156449

ePdf 9781350156456

Bloomsbury Academic

£16 99

£15 29



Tacitus, Annals XII: A Selection

Edited by Simon Allcock, Wellington College, UK

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin AS (Group 1) prescription of Tacitus Annals XII, 41–43, 52–53[TBC] , 56–59, 64–69, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction

UK February 2023 US March 2023 136 pages

PB 9781350156388 £12 99 / $22 95

ePub 9781350156395 £11 69 / $16 47

ePdf 9781350156401 • £11 69 / $16 47

Bloomsbury Academic

Tacitus, Annals XIV: A Selection

Edited by John Storey, Downside School, UK

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin A-Level (Group 2) prescription of Annals XIV, 1–13, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English for A Level

Juvenal Satires: A Selection

Edited by John Godwin, Independent Scholar, UK

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin AS and A-Level (Group 3) prescription of Juvenal, Satire 6 and the A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Satires 14 and 15, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English for A Level

UK February 2023 • US March 2023 • 184 pages

PB 9781350156524 £16 99 / $22 95

ePub 9781350156531 £15 29 / $21 97

ePdf 9781350156548 £15 29 / $21 97

Bloomsbury Academic

Virgil, Aeneid Book II: A Selection

Dominic Jones, King Edward’s School, Birmingham, UK

This is the OCR-endorsed edition covering the Latin AS and A-Level (Group 3) prescription of Virgil's Aeneid Book 2, lines 40–249 and the A-Level (Group 4) prescription of Book 2, lines 268–317, 370–558, giving full Latin text, commentary and vocabulary, with a detailed introduction that also covers the prescribed material to be read in English for A Level

UK February 2023 US March 2023 168 pages

PB 9781350156470

ePub 9781350156487

ePdf 9781350156494

Bloomsbury Academic

£16 99




$21 97


Technical Automation in Classical Antiquity

Maria Gerolemou, University of Exeter, UK Technical automation – the ability of manmade (or god-made) objects to move and act autonomously – is not just the province of engineering or science fiction. In this book, Maria Gerolemou, by taking as her starting point the close semantic and linguistic relevance of technical automation to natural automatism, demonstrates how ancient literature, performance and engineering were often concerned with the way nature and artifice interacted. Moving across epic, didactic, tragedy, comedy, philosophy and ancient science, this is a brilliant assembly of evidence for the power of ‘automatic theatre’ in ancient literature • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
/ $22 95
/ $21 97
$21 97
• £15
• £15
UK February 2023 • US March 2023 • 128 pages PB 9781350162358 • £12 99 / $17 95 ePub 9781350162372 • £11 69 / $16 47 ePdf 9781350162365 • £11 69 / $16 47 Bloomsbury Academic
UK January 2023 US January 2023 208 pages HB 9781350077591 £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350077614 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350077607 • £76 50 / $105 78 Bloomsbury Academic CLASSICAL STUDIES –A-Level Latin Literature / Ancient Greek Literature

The Politics of Viewing in Xenophon’s Historical Narratives

Rosie Harman, University College London, UK

This book considers problems of cultural identity and power in the context of the competing imperialisms of the early 4th century BC It focuses on Xenophon’s works of narrative history: the Hellenica, Anabasis and Cyropaedia. These texts tell of conflicts between Greek states, conflicts between Greeks and non-Greeks, especially Persia, and relations between the elite individual and society.

Plautus: Trinummus


politically significant moments are imagined in highly visual terms

are shown spectacles of Spartan military victory, vistas of Asian landscape or displays of Persian imperial pomp, with historical protagonists presented as spectators viewing and responding to events

In this first introduction to Plautus’ Trinummus, students and non-specialists alike are guided through the themes, context and enduring humour of this Roman comedy Long neglected, Trinummus is one of many Plautine plays that is experiencing a resurgence This volume elucidates the humour of the play, which is largely based on parody and clever inversions of typical characters and situations from Roman comedy The genuine humour of Trinummus has something to say to modern readers, as it showcases how parody can skewer those engaged in pompous moral posturing and presents readers with a playwright who astutely views issues of imperialism and moral justification through a comic lens.

ePub 9781350126787


Mystery Cults, Theatre and Athenian Politics

A Reading of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs

Luigi Barzini, Independent Scholar, UK

Focusing on the mystic, civic and political content of Euripides' Bacchae and Aristophanes' Frogs, this volume offers not only a new reading of the plays, but also an interdisciplinary perspective on the special characteristics of mystery cults in Athens in their political context and the nature of theatrical audiences and their reaction to mystic themes Its illumination of the function of each play at a pivotal moment in fifth-century Athenian politics will be of value to scholars and students of ancient Greek drama, religion and history

UK February 2023 • US February 2023

PB 9781350187399

280 pages

1 bw illus

£28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350187320

ePub 9781350187344

£76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9781350187337 £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

The Spear, the Scroll, and the Pebble

How the Greek City-State Developed as a Male Warrior-Citizen Collective

Richard A. Billows, Columbia University, USA

This book seeks to understand how and why the Greek city-states, including their distinctive society and culture, came to be and had the highly unusual and influential form they took After reviewing early city-state formation, and the economic underpinnings of city-state society, three key chapters examine the way the Greeks developed their unique society: the first chapter explores how the city-state Greeks developed a citizen-militia military system; the second chapter deals with the political systems of oligarchy and democracy; and the final chapters make a study of the effect of the mass-literate male population on classical Greek culture



Authority and History

Ancient Models, Modern Questions

Edited by Juliana Bastos Marques, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State – Unirio, Brazil & Federico Santangelo, Newcastle University, UK

This book examines authority in discourse from ancient to modern historians, while also presenting instances of current subversions of the classical rhetorical ethos Ancient rhetoric set out the rules of authority in discourse, and directly affected the claims of ancient historians to truth The contemporary world, in its turn, subverts in new ways the weight of the author’s claim to legitimacy and truth, through the active role of the audiences Online uses and outreach displays of the classical past have altered the balance of the authority traditionally bestowed upon the ancients, showing that the role of the reader is as important as that of the writer

UK January 2023 US January 2023 224 pages 2 bw illus

HB 9781350269446 £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350269460 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350269453 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

Caesar's Civil War

49–44 BC

Adrian Goldsworthy, ancient world historian and novelist, UK

In this short history, illustrated with full-colour maps and images, Dr Adrian Goldsworthy describes the desperate power struggle between two of Rome’s greatest generals, Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great Drawing on original accounts of the war, he examines how legion was pitched against legion in a vicious battle for political domination of the vast Roman world This 2022 edition includes an updated preface and new images This is an accessible illustrated introduction for the student and enthusiast alike�



4 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
In all
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 256 pages HB 9781350159020 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350159044 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350159037 • £76 50 / $105 78 Bloomsbury Academic
UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 192 pages • 3 bw illus PB 9781350126770 • £17 99 / $24 95 • HB 9781350126763 •
00 /
• £16 19 / $23 34 ePdf
• £16 19 / $23 34
Series: Bloomsbury Ancient Comedy Companions Bloomsbury Academic
UK January 2023 US January 2023 304 pages 10 col and 25 bw illus PB 9781350289192 £24 99 / $34 95 HB 9781350289208 £75 00 / $100 00 ePub 9781350289222 £22 49 / $31 59 ePdf 9781350289215 • £22 49 / $31 59 Bloomsbury Academic
US January 2023 144 pages Fully illustrated in colour and b&w PB 9781472855077 • £11 99 / $20 00 ePub 9781472855060 • £9 59 / $13 73 ePdf 9781472855053 • £9 59 / $13 73 Series: Essential Histories • Osprey Publishing CLASSICAL STUDIES –Ancient Greek Literature / Ancient Drama / Ancient History

Warriors of Anatolia

A Concise History of the Hittites

Trevor Bryce, University of Queensland, Australia

"Provides a thorough history of the Hittite kingdom, allowing readers to further understand the commonly hidden civilization of the ancient Near East." Middle East Journal

In this lively treatment of one of antiquity’s most mysterious civilizations, which disappeared from the records over 3,000 years ago, Bryce sheds fresh light on Hittite warriors as well as on their social, religious and political culture Drawing authoritatively both on texts and ongoing archaeological discoveries, Bryce argues that while the development of a warrior culture was essential, not only for the Empire’s expansion but for its very survival, this by itself was not enough Bryce takes the reader on a journey which gives an understanding of the intimacies and idiosyncrasies of Hittite daily life


Analysing the Boundaries of the

Ancient Roman Garden

(Re)Framing the Hortus

Victoria Austen, University of Winnipeg, USA

book demonstrates how the Romans constructed garden boundaries specifically in order to open up or undermine the division between a number of categoric oppositions, such as inside/outside, sacred/ profane, art/nature, and real/imagined Victoria Austen illustrates that what is significant is not so much the boundary itself, but, rather, the delight in playing with concepts of boundedness and separation

case studies from across literature and material and visual culture, she explores the perception of individual garden sites in response to their limits

The Ancient Assyrians

Empire and Army, 883–612 BC

Mark Healy, military historian, UK

Drawing on 30 years of rich scholarship, and utilising the fantastic collections of museums around the world, Mark Healy presents a unique new history of the Ancient Assyrian Empire and Army Fully illustrated in colour with images from The British Museum and other collections, it is the only detailed and comprehensive book on the topic available to the interested layperson and academic alike

UK February 2023


HB 9781472848093

US February 2023

ePub 9781472848109

ePdf 9781472848079


304 pages

Fully illustrated throughout with colour and black

drawings and maps

Antiquity and Its Legacy

Peter J. Miller, University of Winnipeg, Canada

The tension between antiquity and modernity is at the heart of this book: modern sport cannot be understood without ancient sport Juxtaposing ancient writers with recent ones, including the modern Olympic founder Pierre de Coubertin and physical fitness impresario Bernarr Macfadden, and by examining the representation of sport in Olympic films and popular sports cinema, Miller demonstrates the ancient heritage of contemporary sport, and the creative ways in which ancient sport has been adapted, appropriated, mishandled and reimagined This book intervenes in one of the most important of the receptions of classical antiquity by examining how sports personalities, agencies, institutions and movements have consciously connected themselves to the GrecoRoman past, even as they continue to insist on their own centrality in the modern world

UK January 2023


US January 2023




IMAGINES – Classical Receptions in the Visual and Performing Arts


The Reception of Cleopatra in the Age of Mass Media

Gregory N. Daugherty, Randolph-Macon College, USA

This study examines the reception of Cleopatra from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day as it has been reflected in popular culture in the United States of America Daugherty provides a broad overview of the influence of the Egyptian queen by looking at her presence in film, novels, comics, cartoons, TV shows, music, advertising and toys The aim of the book is to show the different ways in which the figure of Cleopatra was able to reach a large and non-elite audience

UK November

21 bw


Ancient Greece and Rome in Videogames

Representation, Play, Transmedia

Ross Clare, University of Liverpool, UK

"Clare’s approach is not only useful for those studying the ancient world, but other historical periods as well." Manchester Metropolitan Game Centre

the culturally rich continuum of ancient Greek and Roman games

treating them not just as representations,

as functional interactive products that require the player to interpret, communicate with and alter them, this volume builds an


games • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
• 240 pages •
illus PB
99 / $26 95 • HB 9781350140202 •
00 / $90 00 ePub
• £17 99 / $24 72 ePdf
• £17 99 / $24 72 Series: Ancients and Moderns • Bloomsbury Academic
November 2022 US November 2022 304 pages 40 bw illus PB 9781350348851 • £14 99 / $19 95 Previously published in HB 9781350140783 ePub 9781786725288 • £22 50 / $31 59 ePdf 9781786735287 • £22 50 / $31 59 Bloomsbury Academic
• £35 00 / $45 00
• £24 50 / $34 34
£24 50 / $34 34 Osprey Publishing
UK March 2023 • US March 2023 • 240 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781350265189 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350265202 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350265196 • £76 50 / $105 78 Series: Ancient Environments • Bloomsbury Academic
2022 • US November 2022 • 248 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350340725 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781350340749 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350340732 • £76 50 / $105 78 Series: IMAGINES – Classical Receptions in the Visual and Performing Arts • Bloomsbury Academic
Focusing on
interconnected picture
antiquity in video
within a wider transmedial environment UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 240 pages • 25 bw illus PB 9781350194113 • £28 99 / $39 95 Previously published in HB 9781350157194 ePub 9781350157217 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350157200 £76 50 / $105 78 Series: IMAGINES – Classical Receptions in the Visual and Performing Arts • Bloomsbury Academic CLASSICAL STUDIES –Ancient Near East / Ancient Culture / Reception Studies
Carlà-Uhink, University of Potsdam, Germany & Martin Lindner, University of Göttingen, Germany

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