4 minute read
2019 / 2020
Royal Opera House A beautiful gift book packed with pictures from the year at The Royal Ballet - a richly illustrated companion to The Royal Ballet company.
UK July 2021 • US July 2021 • 112 pages • includes illustrations PB 9781786829191 • £19.99 / $26.95 ePub 9781350244887 • £17.99 ePdf 9781350244870 • £17.99 Bloomsbury Academic World English Stories from a Silver Age
Michael Meylac, University of Strasbourg, France Translated by Rosanna Kelly, translator, UK This important book uncovers previously-unseen interviews and provides insights into the lives of the great fi gures of the age - from the dancers Anna Pavlova and Alicia Markova to the choreographers Leonide Massine, George Balanchine and Anton Dolin. The dancers' own words reveal what life was really like for the stars of the Ballets Russes and provide fascinating new insights into one of the most vibrant and creative groups of artists of the modern age.
UK February 2021 • US February 2021 • 360 pages • 150 bw in 3x16pp plates PB 9781350210943 • £17.99 / $24.95 Previously published in HB 9781780768595 ePub 9781786722058 • £16.19 / $20.93 ePdf 9781786732057 • £16.19 / $20.93 Methuen Drama World All Languages (except Russian)
Dance, Diversity and Difference
Performance and Identity Politics in Northern Europe and the Baltic
Rosemary Martin, University of Auckland, New Zealand Dance in the Baltics has been tightly interwoven with political trends and events, yet the dance history of the region to date has focused almost entirely on state sponsored folk and classical dance. By contrast Dance, Diversity and Difference presents contemporary stories of dance, revealing the diverse voices of dance practitioners and demonstrating the ways in which dance has connections with families, societies, governments, the economy and can offer fresh insights into cultural and political change.
UK February 2021 • US February 2021 • 216 pages • 57 bw integrated, 12 colour in 8pp plates PB 9781350210882 • £24.99 / $34.95 Previously published in HB 9781784539795 ePub 9781786722430 • £22.49 / $28.32 ePdf 9781786732439 • £22.49 / $28.32 Series: Talking Dance • Methuen Drama
Performance, Dance and Political Economy
Bodies at the End of the World
Edited by Katerina Paramana, Brunel, University of London, UK & Anita Gonzalez, University of Michigan, USA What can dance contribute to contemporary political economy and to its critique? What can current conversations in the fi eld of political economy contribute to conversations on dance and its role within the political economy? What new insights can the connections between the two fi elds offer that can help imagine a world beyond the present? Setting out to engage with these questions and informed by a series of live conversations with leaders in the fi eld, this book offers an original investigation into the relation between dance and political economy, looking in particular at the points where politics, economics and culture intersect.
UK April 2021 • US April 2021 • 208 pages PB 9781350188754 • £28.99 / $39.95 • HB 9781350188693 • £55.00 / $75.00 ePub 9781350188709 • £26.09 / $33.25 ePdf 9781350188716 • £26.09 / $33.25 Series: Dance in Dialogue • Bloomsbury Academic
Dance in Dialogue
Anita Gonzalez, University of Michigan, USA, Katerina Paramana, Brunel University London, UK and Victoria Thoms, Coventry University, UK
Dance, Architecture and Engineering
Adesola Akinleye, Middlesex University, UK Focusing principally on three shared aspects – stillness, dwelling and emplacement – the book includes chapters from scholars and artists alongside images of choreography. It explores how an embodied knowledge within dance can bring voice to decolonizing the city space – in particular, how dance and city making cultures engage with female bodies and non-white bodies in today’s era of #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter.
UK April 2021 • US April 2021 • 176 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781350185197 • £55.00 / $75.00 ePub 9781350185203 • £49.50 / $61.59 ePdf 9781350185210 • £49.50 / $61.59 Series: Dance in Dialogue • Bloomsbury Academic
Emotions, Gestures, Politics
Edited by Christel Stalpaert, Ghent University, Belgium, Guy Cools, Ghent University, Belgium & Hildegard De Vuyst, Dramaturg Les Ballets C de la B, Belgium Les Ballets C de la B was founded by Alain Platel in 1984 and has gone on to enjoy great success internationally. Platel’s motto, ‘This dance is for the world and the world is for everyone', reveals a deep social and political commitment. Through the three topics of emotions, gestures and politics, contributors in this volume for the fi rst time unravel the choreopolitics of Platel’s Les Ballets C de la B.
UK April 2021 • US April 2021 • 280 pages • 34 bw illus PB 9781350233577 • £22.99 / $30.95 Previously published in HB 9781350080010 ePub 9781350080027 • £76.50 / $94.85 ePdf 9781350080034 • £76.50 / $94.85 Series: Dance in Dialogue • Bloomsbury Academic