
The Bloomsbury Academic Podcast is more than just a book talk. Each episode is its own unique forum, bringing Bloomsbury authors and experts to the front of the conversation and tackling key issues in today’s culture, both in academia and beyond. This show is for everyone interested in expanding their learning outside the classroom and exploring the dif cult discussions taking place in society every day.
Season three is available on our website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Research Methods 2
Teacher Education 2
Initial Teacher Training 3
Digital Learning 3
Language & Education 3
Childghood & Youth Studies 4
Childhood Education
Higher Education 5 Adult Learning 6 Education Studies 6 Leadership 6 Comparative & International Education 7
History of Education 7 Philosophy of Education 8 Major Reference Works 10 Representatives, Agents and Distributors � � � � � � � � � � 12
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Cover image is from the book Imagining the Celtic Past in Modern Fantasy (Bloomsbury Academic, 2023)
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Foundations of Educational Research

Victoria Elliott, University of Oxford, UK
This textbook provides a solid grounding in education as a discipline, introducing the key concepts, theorists, terms, and debates which underpin educational research, including Dewey and Piaget, ethics, ontology, bias and qualitative and quantitative approaches The book sets the scene for education as a field which emerges from psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics and history, and explores the difficulties and opportunities this creates for researchers Suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate, students are introduced to the many approaches within educational research, and supported with pedagogical features such as boxed case studies, study questions and a further reading list
UK November 2022
• US November 2022 • 200 pages
PB 9781350161160 • £26 99 / $36 95 • HB 9781350161177 • £80 00 / $110 00
ePub 9781350161191 • £24 29 / $34 34
ePdf 9781350161184 • £24 29 / $34 34
Bloomsbury Academic
Promoting Children's Rights in European Schools
Intercultural Dialogue and Facilitative Pedagogy
Claudio Baraldi, Chiara Ballestri, and Vittorio Iervese all of University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, Erica Joslyn, University Campus Suffolk, UK, Federico Farini, University of Northampton, UK, Luisa Conti, University of Jena, Germany & Angela Scollan, Middlesex University, UK
This book provides a series of reflections on theory and practice and explorations on the ways in which facilitators, teachers and educators can adopt and use a dialogic methodology to solicit children’s active participation in classroom communication The author team bring together the analysis of activities in 48 classes involving at least 1000 children across England, Germany and Italy Each chapter looks at reflection on practice, outcomes, and reaction to facilitation of both teachers and children, drawing out the complex comparative lessons within and between classrooms across the three countries

• US June 2023
UK June 2023
PB 9781350217829
• 28 bw illus
• 256 pages
• £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350217782 ePub 9781350217805 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350217799 • £81 00 / $112 65 Bloomsbury Academic
Keywords in Teacher Education
Viv Ellis, Monash University, Australia

Keywords in Teacher Education
Sarah Steadman, King's College London, UK
Steadman explores the relevance of identity to the formation of teachers and teacher educators, addressing issues around professional identity which all educators are likely to encounter in their careers Societal, cultural and contextual influences on identity are considered, alongside social and professional identities The author goes on to discuss the importance of collaboration in the identity development of socially just teacher educators
UK May 2023 US May 2023 144 pages
PB 9781350285910 £14 99 / $19 95 HB 9781350285927 £45 00 / $61 00
ePub 9781350285941
ePdf 9781350285934
A Quick Guide to Research Methods for Dissertations in Education

Edited by Abigail Parrish, Bishop Grosseteste University, UK & Ghazal Shaikh, University of Sindh, Pakistan
This book provides a starting point for students of education about to embark on a dissertation or research project Written in uncomplicated language, each chapter features illustrative examples, activities and links to further reading, and is structured around the same subheadings: What can this method tell me? - When might I use it? - Ethical considerations - Terminology (glossary) - Design of a dissertation project with this method/tool - Analysis - What is this method not suitable for?
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 176 pages • 12 bw illus
PB 9781350260375 • £21 99 / $29 95 • HB 9781350260382 • £65 00 / $90 00
ePub 9781350260399 £19 79 / $27 47
ePdf 9781350260405 £19 79 / $27 47
Bloomsbury Academic
Race, Racism and the Geography Curriculum

John Morgan, University of Auckland, New Zealand & David Lambert, IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK
This book asks: what is an appropriate curriculum response to the acute, renewed interest in issues of race and racism in the UK? How does a school subject like geography respond? Drawing upon and extending insights from ‘social realism’, it explores what a Future 3 geography curriculum might look likerecognizing the importance of the academic discipline as a source of curriculum-making while avoiding geographical knowledge becoming reified and petrified (set in stone) - will look like. The book focuses sharply on issues of race and racism, enabling teachers to engage in geography curriculum making that is racially literate
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 224 pages • 20 bw illus
PB 9781350336643 • £24 99 / $34 95 • HB 9781350336650 • £75 00 / $100 00
ePub 9781350336674 • £22 49 / $31 59 ePdf 9781350336667 • £22 49 / $31 59
Bloomsbury Academic
• £13 49 / $19 22
• £13 49 / $19 22
Series: Keywords in Teacher Education
• Bloomsbury Academic
Keywords in Teacher Education
Clare Brooks, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK
This book explores different ways in which quality can be defined and understood within teacher education, offering a way of categorizing and understanding why some quality indicators miss the mark Different approaches to ITE from around the world are explored, including examples of where practice has been able to move beyond restrictive definitions of quality to enact a more transformative vision of teacher education

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 128 pages
PB 9781350285965
• £14 99 / $19 95 • HB 9781350285972
ePub 9781350285996
ePdf 9781350285989
• £13 49 / $19 22
• £13 49 / $19 22
Series: Keywords in Teacher Education
• £45 00 / $61 00
• Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Developing Quality PSHE in Secondary Schools and Colleges

Edited by Sophie-Lauren McPhee, Queen Mary’s Grammar School, UK & Victoria Pugh, University of Worcester, UK
This book explores quality PSHE education and why it is crucial for young people, along with a topic-bytopic overview as to what to cover in Key Stages 3-5 and how to cover it It includes methods of assessing PSHE and providing extra-curricular opportunities as well as useful resources and reflection questions. With contributions from some of the country’s leading experts and practitioners with years of experience in this subject specialism, it is designed for anyone passionate about improving not only their provision of compulsory relationships, sex and health education, but also those aspects of PSHE not yet mandatory, such as financial literacy and careers education.
UK September 2023
PB 9781350336957
• US September 2023
• £24 99 / $34 95
ePub 9781350336988
ePdf 9781350336971
Bloomsbury Academic
• 30 bw illus
• 256 pages
• HB 9781350336964 • £75 00 / $100 00
• £22 49 / $31 59
• £22 49 / $31 59
A New Perspective on Education in the Digital Age
Teaching, Media and Bildung
Jesper Tække, Aarhus University, Denmark & Michael Paulsen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Drawing on 15 years of action-based research along with sociology of education, medium theory and educational theory, including the Bildung-tradition, this open access book explores ideas of emancipation, edification, self-formation and democratic education to show how new media might be used

The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on Open access was funded by Aarhus University.
UK May 2023
• US May 2023
PB 9781350216754
• 216 pages • 18 bw illus
• £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350167179 ePub 9781350167193 • £0 00 / $0 00
ePdf 9781350167186 • £0 00 / $0 00
Bloomsbury Academic
Negotiating Intercultural Relations

Insights from Linguistics, Psychology, and Intercultural Education
Edited by Troy McConachy, University of Warwick, UK & Perry Hinton, University of Warwick, UK
This volume, inspired by Helen Spencer-Oatey’s contributions to the field, covers central themes and challenges for contemporary intercultural relations research and practice, paying particular attention to the language dimension and intercultural pragmatics Written by an international group of prominent intercultural researchers, the chapters combine insights from disciplines such as psychology, language and intercultural communication education, and linguistics The authors connect their arguments with the vast body of existing research in the realm of intercultural relations, arguing for a more dynamic approach to intercultural education that integrates linguistic and psychological insights
• US March 2023
UK March 2023
HB 9781350276932
Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching
Michael Thomas, Liverpool John Moores University, UK; Mark Peterson, Kyoto University, Japan; Mark Warschauer, University of California, Irvine, USA
Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning
Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic
Edited by Karim Sadeghi, Urmia University, Iran, Michael Thomas, Liverpool John Moores University, UK & Farah Ghaderi, Urmia University, Iran
A collection of theoretical and practical insights into the challenges and affordances faced during the pandemic and lessons learnt about the application of digital technologies for language teaching and learning Topics include the avenues digital technology has opened up for language teachers and learners, options and challenges in applying technology in various contexts, and how the second language education industry could have been adversely impacted at the time of the pandemic without technological affordances
• US March 2023
UK March 2023
• 304 pages • 10 bw illus
HB 9781350271012 • £95 00 / $130 00
ePub 9781350271036 • £85 50 / $118 15 ePdf 9781350271029 • £85 50 / $118 15
Series: Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching Bloomsbury Academic
Video Enhanced Observation for Language Teaching Reflection and Professional Development
Edited by Paul Seedhouse, Newcastle University, UK
This book explores how digital technology can be used in educational settings to tag, analyse and evaluate talk and use it as the basis for reflection and professional development Guiding readers through these processes, the chapters focus on the Video Enhanced Observation (VEO) system Contributors use VEO to illustrate the opportunities of digital observation technologies for teachers
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 280 pages • 66 bw illus
PB 9781350272316 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350085039 ePub 9781350085053 • £85 50 / $118 15 ePdf 9781350085046 • £85 50 / $118 15
Series: Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching Bloomsbury Academic

Transition and Continuity in School Literacy Development

Edited by Pauline Jones & Erika Matruglio, University of Wollongong, Australia & Christine Edwards-Groves, Australian Catholic University, Australia
This book addresses a significant gap in the research literature on transitions across the school years: the continuities and discontinuities in school literacy education and their implications for practice The contributors investigate key transition points for individual students’ literacy development, elements of literacy knowledge that are at stake at each of these points, and variability in students’ experiences This book reveals literacy-specific curriculum demands and considers how teachers and students experience and account for these evolving demands
UK June 2023
• 256 pages • 10 bw illus
• £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350276956
ePdf 9781350276949
Bloomsbury Academic
• £81 00 / $112 65
• £81 00 / $112 65
• USA, Canada, Latin America
• US June 2023 • 356 pages • 71 bw illus
PB 9781350259744 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350148826
ePub 9781350148864 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350148857 £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
• 888-330-8477
Early Childhood Education
–Childhood & Youth Studies
Transitions in Childhood and Youth
Exploring Young Children’s Agency in Everyday Transitions
Pernille Juhl, Roskilde University, Denmark
This book presents new ethnographic research carried out with five children between one and five years old It explores children’s agency in relation to daily transitions across everyday life contexts such as home and day-care contexts Based on this new research, Pernille Juhl shows how young children are activate participants orientating in everyday life transitions She argues that we should understand young children as active, rather than passive, subjects co-creating together with co-participants such as parents, professionals and other children, the conditions under which they live
UK April 2023
• US April 2023
HB 9781350188297
• 240 pages • 10 bw illus
• £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350188310 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350188303 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Transitions in Childhood and Youth
• Bloomsbury Academic
Qualitative Studies of Exploration in Childhood Education

Cultures of Play and Learning in Transition
Edited by Marilyn Fleer, Monash University, Australia, Mariane Hedegaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway & Hanne Værum Sørensen, IA University College, Aarhus, Denmark
This book uses the concept of exploration as a way of understanding transitions in children between the ages of 5 and 18 years old Written by an international group of scholars the chapters offer a diverse set of case studies The topics and themes covered include transitions in outdoor playtime, the transition to daycare, compassion in kindergarten, learning with fathers, transitions of Chinese traditional culture and disability
UK May 2023
• US May 2023 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus
PB 9781350199460
• £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350199422 ePub 9781350199446 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350199439 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Transitions in Childhood and Youth
• Bloomsbury Academic
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education

Edited by Angela Murray, University of Kansas, USA, Eva-Maria Tebano Ahlquist, Stockholm University, Sweden, Maria McKenna, University of Notre Dame, USA & Mira Debs, Yale University, USA
This Handbook showcases the history, philosophy, and cutting-edge work in the field of Montessori education around the world Divided into six sections, the Handbook covers the foundations and evolution of the field; Montessori's key writings; age levelled, pedagogical explanations; key themes and scientific research; the global reach of Montessori; and contemporary considerations such gender, inclusivity, race and multilingualism
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 560 pages
HB 9781350275607 £130 00 / $175 00
ePub 9781350275621 £117 00 / $162 12
ePdf 9781350275614 • £117 00 / $162 12
Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks • Bloomsbury Academic
Developmental Dynamics and Transitions in High School

Sofie Pedersen, Roskilde University, Denmark
This book is about young people and their transitions throughout their first year of high school, deepening our understanding of how it is to grow up, to enter new institutional settings, and how to understand youth life It explores the everyday life of six young people as they enter high school and follows them closely as they encounter and try to make sense of the different standards, values and demands that are built into the institutional setting of high school The chapters explore how institutional and interpersonal transitions are connected, and must be understood in their coherence at institutional and interpersonal levels
UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 256 pages • 6 bw illus
PB 9781350216891 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350141728
ePub 9781350141742 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350141735 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Transitions in Childhood and Youth • Bloomsbury Academic

Immigration and Children’s Literature
Stories, Social Justice, and Critical Consciousness
Wilma Robles-Melendez, Nova Southeastern University, USA & Audrey Henry, Nova Southeastern University, USA
This book explores the issues faced by immigrant children through the lens of children’s literature The authors employ the UN convention of the Rights of the Child, the lens of equity, and Freire’s principles of critical consciousness as a framework for analysing children's literature and immigration They focus on circumstances and experiences of immigration from the perspective of young children (primarily from birth to 8 years old but with crossover and implications for older children) who are leaving their homelands and of growing up as immigrants
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus
HB 9781350255913 • £90 00 / $120 00 ePub 9781350255937 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350255920 £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Immigration and Childhood Education Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692
Bloomsbury Higher Education Research
Marginson,University of Oxford, UK
Challenging Approaches to Academic Career-Making

Celia Whitchurch, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK, William Locke, University of Melbourne, Australia & Giulio Marini, Social Science Research Institute at University College London, UK
This book uses the concept of formal and informal institutional economies as a metaphorical frame for ways in which contemporary academic staff in the UK and other English-speaking countries approach their roles and careers The authors also draw on empirical research to explore how individuals deal with misalignments and disjunctures that arise between formal and informal economies, including those associated with disciplinary and departmental affiliations, job profiles, progression criteria, and work allocation models They go on to consider a shift towards bespoke and openended approaches to roles and careers, and ways that academic and associated staff express themselves as professionals
UK May 2023
• US May 2023
HB 9781350282537
• 10 bw illus
• 224 pages
• £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350282551
ePdf 9781350282544
• £81 00 / $112 65
• £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Bloomsbury Higher Education Research
• Bloomsbury Academic
Changing Higher Education in India

Edited by Saumen Chattopadhyay, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India, Simon Marginson, University of Oxford, UK & N. V. Varghese, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India
This book brings together experts and emerging researchers from India and the UK to discuss the challenges the higher education system in India faces and to explore positive solutions. The team shine the spotlight on financing and funding, governance and regulation, sector organisation and institutional classification, equity and social inclusion, the large and poorly regulated private sector, Union-State relations in higher education, student political activism, and internationalisation
UK June 2023 • US June 2023
• 256 pages • 9 bw illus
PB 9781350193079 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350192379
ePub 9781350192393 £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350192386 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Bloomsbury Higher Education Research
• Bloomsbury Academic
Narratives of Academics’ Personal Journeys in Contested Spaces

Leadership Identity in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Edited by Namrata Rao, Liverpool Hope University, UK, Anesa Hosein, University of Surrey, UK & Ian M. Kinchin, University of Surrey, UK
This collection provides theoretically-informed personal narratives of 11 emerging and established leaders in learning and teaching in Australia, Finland, New Zealand, Singapore, the UK and the USA The academics’ narratives focus on how the individuals have navigated to leadership roles in learning and teaching whilst negotiating contested identities, such as gender and marginalised spaces
UK June 2023
Universities and Regions
The Impact of Locality and Region on University Governance and Strategies

Michael Shattock, IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, University College London, UK & Aniko Horvath, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
This book explores the impact of regions on universities and shows how the diversity of the higher education landscape is critically affected by the geophysical character of regions and their highly differentiated economies and cultures The authors examine these relationships through 12 widely representative institutional case studies, a review of higher and further education relationships and a comparative account of regional governance policies in some continental European countries They discuss the linkage of a move to a tertiary education approach in England with the need for decentralisation to regions in the context of a 'levelling up' agenda
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 192 pages • 10 bw illus
HB 9781350337589 • £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350337602 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350337596 £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Bloomsbury Higher Education Research Bloomsbury Academic
Collaboration in Higher Education

Edited by Sandra Abegglen, University of Calgary, Canada, Tom Burns & Sandra Sinfield, London Metropolitan University, UK
This book focuses on the opportunities and challenges created by engaging in collaboration and partnership in higher education As higher education institutions become ever more competitive to sustain their place in a global, neoliberal education market, students and staff are confronted with alienating practices The editors synthesise theoretical perspectives and current practices to present case study examples that advocate for a more inclusive, cooperative, collaborative, compassionate and empowering education
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 240 pages • 20 bw illus
HB 9781350334052 • £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350334076 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350334069 £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
Pursuing Teaching Excellence in Higher Education

Towards an Inclusive Perspective
Margaret Wood, York St John University, UK & Feng Su, Liverpool Hope University, UK
This book explores the concept of teaching excellence and its framing in neoliberal ideological assumptions of performativity, new public management and competition It argues for more critical, nuanced and sustainable understandings of how teaching excellence is understood and enacted Wood and Su argue that greater emphasis should be given to the plurality of stakeholders’ perspectives in higher education and that the dialogic space needs to become a multiple perspective debate on the matter of teaching excellence They also argue for the debate to be reconceptualised in more democratic terms as a space for learning together across multiple stakeholder perspectives
Higher Education
• US June 2023
HB 9781350196957
• 240 pages • 12 bw illus
• £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350196971 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350196964 • £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
• USA, Canada, Latin America
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 192 pages
PB 9781350216693 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350055285 ePub 9781350055308 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350055292 • £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
• 888-330-8477
Education Studies
–Adult Learning
Adult Learning and Social Change in the UK
National and Local Perspectives
Edited by Jules Robbins, independent researcher, UK & Alan Rogers, late of Universities of East Anglia and Nottingham, UK
Through several case studies, this book explores the complex relationship between adult learning and social change in the UK Instead of the common focus on adult learning as kick-starting ‘development’, the authors consider how adult learning can emerge from and contribute to both wider and more local processes of social change The chapters explore the history of UK adult education from the 1919 Report, the future after the failure of radical adult education in the UK, analyses of the major social changes of our time, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, action learning in response to environmental issues, and many other themes

UK March 2023 • US March 2023 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus
HB 9781350262126 • £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350262140 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350262133 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Adult Learning, Literacy and Social Change • Bloomsbury Academic

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Rural Education in the United States

Edited by Amy Price Azano, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA, Karen Eppley, Pennsylvania State University, USA & Catharine Biddle, University of Maine, USA
This Handbook looks at definitions, histories, policies and the way demographic changes influence rural education in the USA, including topics such as district governance, higher education attainment, rural school partnerships, and school leadership They explore curriculum studies, including place-based and trauma-informed pedagogies, rural literacies, rural stereotype threat, and achievement They also look at issues of identity and equity in rural schools by providing an overview of the literature related to diverse populations in rural places, including indigenous populations, African Americans, Latinx communities and exceptional learners Each section concludes with a response by an international scholar
UK April 2023
• US April 2023 • 416 pages
PB 9781350244290 • £39 99 / $54 95
Previously published in HB 9781350172005
ePub 9781350172029 • £117 00 / $162 12
ePdf 9781350172012 • £117 00 / $162 12
Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks Bloomsbury Academic
A New Theory of Organizational Ecology, and its Implications for Educational Leadership

Christopher M. Branson, Australian Catholic University, Australia & Maureen Marra, inLeadership, New Zealand
This book argues that it is precisely the limited interpretation of what truly constitutes an organisational ecosystem that has constrained its effectiveness Branson and Marra argue that a far more ecologically comprehensive interpretation is needed to illuminate a more insightful explanation of the organisation’s cultural dynamics and the essential role of the leader within this context As well as looking at the implications for leadership and culture in general, they hone in on the specifics of the educational sector�
UK May 2023 US May 2023 216 pages 15 bw illus
PB 9781350215153 £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350159631
ePub 9781350159655 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350159648 • £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
Pedagogies of Punishment

The Ethics of Discipline in Education
Edited by Winston C. Thompson, Ohio State University, USA & John Tillson, Liverpool Hope University, UK
Written by interdisciplinary authors from the fields of educational policy, early childhood education, history, political philosophy, law, and moral philosophy, this volume addresses the use of disciplinary action across varied educational contexts Paying particular attention to real world concerns, this volume engages with many political and social issues by offering international comparative perspectives, exploring affective dimensions of punishment, evaluating due process considerations, and analysing the value of praise and blame in educational circumstances
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 288 pages
PB 9781350275690 • £21 99 / $29 95 • HB 9781350275706 • £65 00 / $90 00
ePub 9781350275720 • £19 79 / $27 47
ePdf 9781350275713 • £19 79 / $27 47
Bloomsbury Academic
Strengthening Anti-Racist Educational Leaders
Advocating for Racial Equity in Turbulent Times
Edited by Anjalé D. Welton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA & Sarah Diem, University of Missouri, USA
This edited collection sets out the socio-political context in which anti-racist leadership operates and discussing the preparation of anti-racist leaders and what anti-racist leadership looks like in practice It explores how the school community, including students, parents, community organizers activists and policymakers, facilitate the school’s culture and climate as well as its management and operations The contributors also consider the support mechanisms needed to sustain anti-racist leadership efforts and explore how to foster scholarly partnerships between educational scholars and practicing educational leaders
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 280 pages • 10 bw illus
PB 9781350225138 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350167810 ePub 9781350167834 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350167827 £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Bloomsbury Race, Ethnicity and Belonging in Education
• Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692
Teacher Education Intersecting Comparative and International Education

Revisiting Research, Policy and Practice in Twin Scholarship Fields
Edited by Florin D. Salajan, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA, tavis d. jules, Loyola University Chicago, USA & Charl Wolhuter, North-West University, South Africa
This book draws critical connections between teacher education or preparation and the field of comparative and international education (CIE) The chapters consider how teacher education shapes and is shaped by CIE, particularly in an era of socio-cultural upheavals, politico-economic transformations and climate or health crises affecting the human and natural world It includes contributions from leading academics based in Argentina, Canada, China, Columbia, Finland, Grenada, Hong Kong, Myanmar, Spain, South Africa, Turkey and the USA
UK May 2023
• US May 2023 • 272 pages • 10 bw illus
HB 9781350339941 £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350339965 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350339958 • £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
Disruptive Learning Narrative Framework
Analyzing Race, Power and Privilege in Post-Secondary International Service Learning
Edited by Manu Sharma, Thompson Rivers University, Canada, Andrew Allen, University of Windsor, Canada & Awad Ibrahim, University of Ottawa, Canada
Written by scholars and educators based in Canada and the USA, this book articulates and implements a new cutting-edge theoretical framework entitled the Disruptive Learning Narrative (DLN) The contributing authors analyze their critical international experiences with study abroad students using DLN to uncover important lessons about race relations, power and privilege Case studies cover Canada, China, Columbia, Cuba, Kenya, Tanzania, and the USA
UK May 2023
• US May 2023 • 240 pages • 1 bw illus
PB 9781350253827 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350253780 ePub 9781350253803 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350253797 • £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
LGBTQ+ History in High School Classes in the United States since 1990

Stacie Brensilver Berman, New York University, USA
From grassroots campaigns and activism to topdown initiatives for and against curricular reform, this open access book investigates the movement to integrate LGBTQ+ history into high school history courses in the USA Stacie Brensilver Berman charts the development of the movement from the founding of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLEN) and the passing of the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful (FAIR) Education Act in California, to the resurgence of conservative thought after the 2016 election
The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on
UK April 2023 US April 2023 296 pages 10 bw illus
• £28 99 / $39 95
PB 9781350225053
Previously published in HB 9781350177321
ePub 9781350177345
Global-National Networks in Education Policy

Primary Education, Social Enterprises and ‘Teach for Bangladesh’
Rino Wiseman Adhikary, University of Queensland, Australia, Bob Lingard, University of Queensland, Australia & Ian Hardy, University of Queensland, Australia
Set against the backdrop of globalization and global philanthropy, this book offers new perspectives on the sociological dynamics and governance implications of ‘social entrepreneurial’ policy in education The authors examine the spatialities, relationships and culture that powerfully mediated the making and localisation of 'Teach for Bangladesh', and demonstrate how TfB's policy model became established in Bangladesh through complex policy work Through empirical research from Bangladesh, the book draws out the broader implications in relation to education policy-making in a globalizing world
UK May 2023 US May 2023 232 pages 1 bw illus
PB 9781350225091 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350169180 ePub 9781350169203 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350169197 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: New Directions in Comparative and International Education

• Bloomsbury Academic
International Schooling Privilege and Power in Globalized Societies

Lucy Bailey, Bahrain Teachers College, Bahrain Presenting new research from countries including Russia, Malaysia, the UAE, the UK, and Bahrain, this book explores ways in which international schools adapt to local cultural contexts; and examines the views of parents, students, teachers and school leaders towards the education that they provide The author argues international schooling offers contradictory potential On one hand it is a progressive movement to promote internationalism and inter-cultural understanding, and on the other hand it is a system through which structural inequalities are replicated, or even accentuated, by its creation of a new global elite
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 192 pages
PB 9781350224957 • £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350169999 ePub 9781350170018 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350170001 • £81 00 / $112 65
Bloomsbury Academic
• £0 00 / $0 00
ePdf 9781350177338 • £0 00 / $0 00
Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America
• 888-330-8477
–Philosophy of Education
A History of Western Philosophy of Education
A History of Western Philosophy of Education in Antiquity
Edited by Avi I. Mintz, Humber College, Canada
This volume traces the history of Western philosophy of education in Antiquity Between the fifth century BCE and the fifth century CE, Plato, Isocrates, Aristotle, Cicero, Augustine, and others, raised questions about the nature of teaching and learning, the relationship of education and politics, and the elements of a distinctively philosophical education Their arguments on these topics launched a conversation that occupied philosophers over the millennia and continues today
UK January 2023
• US January 2023 • 296 pages
PB 9781350365865
• £25 99 / $35 95
Previously published in HB 9781350074415
ePub 9781350074422 • £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350074439
• £81 00 / $112 65
Series: A History of Western Philosophy of Education • Bloomsbury Academic
A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Age of Enlightenment

Edited by Tal Gilead, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
This volume traces the history of Western philosophy of education through the Age of Enlightenment The period between 1650 and 1850 was one of rapid intellectual development that revolutionized how education is viewed Even the most progressive thinkers of the start of this period would have found the educational ideas expressed at its end odd, alien, and even dangerous Shaped by broad intellectual movements, such as the Enlightenment, the counter-enlightenment and romanticism, as well as by the work of exceptional individuals including John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Hélvetius, Mary Wollstonecraft, Pestalozzi, Fröbel and Emerson, the educational philosophy of this period has laid the foundations of how we think of and conduct education today
UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 280 pages
PB 9781350365872 £25 99 / $35 95
Previously published in HB 9781350074491
ePub 9781350074507 £81 00 / $112 65
ePdf 9781350074514 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: A History of Western Philosophy of Education • Bloomsbury Academic
A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Contemporary Landscape

Edited by Anna Pagès, Ramon Llull University, Spain
This volume traces the history of Western philosophy of education in the contemporary landscape (1914-2020) It covers the Cuban Revolution, the events of May 1968 in Paris, the Zapatista Revolution, the Arab Spring revolutions, the two World Wars, the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall Philosophical problems covered include justice, freedom, critical thought, equity, philosophy for children, decolonialism, liberal education, feminism, and plurality These are discussed in relation to key philosophers and pedagogues including Jacques Derrida, Paulo Freire, Simone De Beauvoir, Judith Butler, R S Peters, bell hooks, Martha Nussbaum, Matthew Lipman, Giorgio Agamben, Maxine Greene, and Simone Weil
UK January 2023
A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

Edited by Kevin H. Gary, Valparaiso University, USA
This volume traces the history of Western philosophy of education from the Medieval through the Renaissance period (500-1550) This vast expanse of time includes the rise of Christian monasticism (one of the most enduring and revolutionary models of education in the history of the West), the birth of Islam (with its advances in mathematical, scientific, and philosophical reasoning), the rise of the university (as an emerging force distinct from ecclesiastical and state control), and the dawn of the Enlightenment It includes chapters on the educational thought of Benedict, Abelard, Heloise, Aquinas, Maimonides, the prophet Mohammaed, Hrosvitha of Ganderscheim, Hildegard of Bingen, among others It also considers the educational impact of Reformation thinkers like Erasmus and Luther, and Renaissance thinkers such as Montaigne
UK January 2023
• US January 2023 • 264 pages
PB 9781350365896 • £25 99 / $35 95
Previously published in HB 9781350074453 ePub 9781350074460 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350074477 £81 00 / $112 65
Series: A History of Western Philosophy of Education Bloomsbury Academic
A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Modern Era
Edited by Andrea R. English, University of Edinburgh, UK
This volume traces the history of Western philosophy of education through the Modern Era

The period between 1850 and 1914 was a time of struggle for justice and opportunity, during which influential thinkers addressed how education is fundamentally connected to questions of what it means to be human Readers will find a provocative collection of educational theories and concepts that point to the inherent value of the diversity of human experience and background Each chapter illuminates how the ideas of the modern era hold promise for a meaningful re-envisioning of educational practice and policy today
UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 296 pages
PB 9781350365902 • £25 99 / $35 95
Previously published in HB 9781350074538 ePub 9781350074545 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350074552 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: A History of Western Philosophy of Education Bloomsbury Academic

Why Teach Philosophy in Schools?
The Case for Philosophy on the Curriculum
Jane Gatley, Swansea University, UK
This book presents a case for teaching philosophy in schools centred around two original arguments for teaching philosophy to all students at some point over the course of their education Gatley argues that teaching philosophy is the best way to help students to think clearly using ordinary, or non-specialist concepts such as ‘good’, ‘truth’, or ‘happiness’ She goes on to argues that teaching philosophy is the best way to help students to make sense of the different conceptual schemes used by different school subjects
• US January 2023 • 288 pages
PB 9781350365889
• £25 99 / $35 95
Previously published in HB 9781350074576
ePub 9781350074583 • £81 00 / $112 65
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 224 pages • 10 bw illus
HB 9781350268357 • £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9781350268371 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350268364 • £81 00 / $112 65
Series: Bloomsbury Philosophy of Education • Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692
Freire in Focus
On Class, Race and Educational Reform
Contested Perspectives
Edited by Antonia Darder, Loyola Marymount University, USA, Cleveland Hayes II, Indiana University, USA & Howard Ryan, West Virginia University, USA
Written by leading educational theorists from Germany, South Africa, the UK and the USA, this book provokes new dialogue between Marxists, critical race theory scholars, and other raceinspired educational theorists with the aim of countering racism and class inequalities Including an opening chapter by Howard Ryan, a doctoral student with a background in teaching and labor organizing, that substantively engages questions of class, race, and educational reform, the following chapters provide insightful and penetrating responses highlighting the differences and similarities in perspectives
UK April 2023
• US April 2023
PB 9781350212374
• 320 pages
• £21 99 / $29 95
• HB 9781350212381 • £65 00 / $90 00
ePub 9781350212404 • £19 79 / $27 47
ePdf 9781350212398 • £19 79 / $27 47
Bloomsbury Academic World English
Freire and Critical Theorists
Crystal Green, University of Helsinki, Finland
This book draws connections between Paulo Freire and some of the most influential critical scholars of the 20th century Each chapter pairs Freire with one of 11 critical scholars, giving a biographical summary and expanding the shared themes in their work The critical theorists covered are: Mikhail Bakhtin, Pierre Bourdieu, Enrique Dussel, Frantz Fanon, Michel Foucault, Nancy Fraser, Eric Fromm, Antonio Gramsci, Jurgen Habermas, bell hooks and Iris Young The book takes up Freire’s invitation to use his perspective as a lens into different contexts and offers an expanded look at Freire’s contribution to critical theory
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 144 pages
PB 9781350333710 • £14 99 / $19 95 • HB 9781350333703 • £45 00 / $61 00
ePub 9781350333734 £13 49 / $19 22
ePdf 9781350333727 £13 49 / $19 22
Series: Freire in Focus
• Bloomsbury Academic
Radical Politics and Education
Against Sex Education
Pedagogy, Sex Work, and State Violence
Caitlin Howlett, DePauw University, USA
Through analysis centred on the marginalised lives of sex workers, this open access book explores the relationship between sex education and sex work and reveals how sex education continues to reinforce sexism, racism, colonialism and capitalism
Drawing on Foucauldian genealogy, feminist history, epistemology, post-humanism, and queer of color critique, this book calls for an end to sex education as a federally funded project and argues for new pedagogical approaches to educating about sex, gender, and sexuality in schools
The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on
UK April 2023 US April 2023 184 pages
PB 9781350225060 £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350178441
ePub 9781350178465
ePdf 9781350178458
Freire and Children's Literature

Ernest Morrell, University of Notre Dame, USA & Jodene Morrell, University of Notre Dame, USA
Building on and inspired by the work of Paulo Freire, this book offers an accessible introduction to how children’s literature can be used in classrooms to explore cultural diversity and nurture collective qualities of shared joy, love and agency� The authors show how critical pedagogy and culturally responsive instruction can create meaningful ways for parents, teachers, and community leaders to engage with children's and young adult literature Unique and theoretically grounded, the book presents many opportunities to weave the ideas of Freire into the fabric of K-12 schooling
UK July 2023 • US July 2023 • 144 pages
PB 9781350292246 • £14 99 / $19 95 • HB 9781350292239 • £45 00 / $61 00
ePub 9781350292260 • £13 49 / $19 22
ePdf 9781350292253 £13 49 / $19 22
Series: Freire in Focus Bloomsbury Academic
Freire and Environmentalism Ecopedagogy

Greg William Misiaszek, Beijing Normal University, China, and UCLA, USA
Building on Paulo Freire’s educational theory and the critical pedagogy movement, this book provides a short and accessible introduction to Freirean environmentalism and ecopedaogy Ecopedagogy offers a new political and educational vision that strives for a critical, culturally relevant forms of knowledge centred on sustainability, the future of the planet, and ending all forms of oppression Written for anyone with an interest in education and the environment, this book offers new ways of thinking and teaching about the environmental crisis we are living through
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 144 pages
PB 9781350292093 £14 99 / $19 95 HB 9781350292109 £45 00 / $61 00
ePub 9781350292123 £13 49 / $19 22
ePdf 9781350292116 • £13 49 / $19 22
Series: Freire in Focus • Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophy of Education
• £0 00 / $0 00
• £0 00 / $0 00
Series: Radical Politics and Education
• Bloomsbury Academic
Rethinking Philosophy for Children
Agamben and Education as Pure Means
Tyson E. Lewis, University of North Texas, USA & Igor Jasinski, Pingry School, New Jersey, USA
By utilizing the philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, the authors of this open access book propose a radical reconceptualization of the practice known as Philosophy for Children (P4C) that focuses on the experience of one’s potentiality to speak rather than the development of specific skills or types of speaking. Throughout the theoretical discussion, the authors offer practical applications and excerpts of children’s dialogue to provide anchoring points for classroom teachers

The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 licence on

UK April 2023
• US April 2023
PB 9781350216822
• 168 pages
• £28 99 / $39 95
Previously published in HB 9781350133570
ePub 9781350133594
ePdf 9781350133587
• £0 00 / $0 00
• £0 00 / $0 00
Series: Radical Politics and Education Bloomsbury Academic
• 888-330-8477
9 • USA, Canada, Latin America
Carlos Alberto Torres, University of California, Los Angeles, USA; Greg William Misiaszek, Beijing Normal University, ChinaMAJOR REFERENCE WORKS
Series: A History of Western Philosophy of Education Bloomsbury Academic
A History of Western Philosophy of Education
Edited by Megan Laverty & David Hansen, both Columbia University, USA “The series goes a long way in bringing the history of Western educational thought up to date It will be of enormous value to students of educational history and philosophy ”
Walter Feinberg, The University of Illinois, USA
Volume 1: A History of Western Philosophy of Education in Antiquity Edited by Avi I. Mintz, Humber College, Canada

Volume 2: A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Middle Ages and Renaissance Edited by Kevin H. Gary, Valparaiso University, USA
Volume 3: A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Age of Enlightenment Edited by Tal Gilead, Hebrew University, Israel
Volume 4: A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Modern Era Edited by Andrea English, University of Edinburgh, UK
Volume 5: A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Contemporary Landscape Edited by Anna Pagès Santacana, Ramon Llull University, Spain
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