Progressive Education
A Critical Introduction John Howlett Howlett draws together continental romantics, utopian dreamers, radical feminists, pioneering psychologists and social agitators to explore the history of the progressive education movement. Beginning with Jean Jacques Rousseau's seminal treatise Emile and closing with the Critical Pedagogy movement, this book draws on the latest scholarship to cover the key thinkers, movements and areas where schooling has been more than just a didactic pupilteacher relationship. - Explores how key progressive thinkers and movements have influenced each other, educational practice and practitioners - Considers the biographical, social and political context of a wide range of progressive educationalists - Comprehensive historical coverage of progressivism, including democracy, social reform and critical pedagogy JOHN HOWLETT is Lecturer in Education in the School of Public Policy and Professional Practice at Keele University, UK. UK September 2013 / US November 2013 312 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441141729 £24.99 / $42.95 HB 9780826440914 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Teaching Thinking
Teaching in Further Education
Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom
An Outline of Principles and Practice
Robert Fisher “The teaching of thinking as a basis for the curriculum in schools has suddenly come of age, in no small part due to the pioneering work of those like Robert Fisher. The revised and updated version of his classic text is just about the best introduction to the area that I know. In particular, his masterful description of how philosophy for children can transform our schools should be required reading on all teacher education courses and by anyone interested in discovering ways in which education for enlightenment can be achieved.” Bob Burden, Emeritus Professor of Applied Educational Psychology, University of Exeter, UK This new edition includes:
L.B. Curzon & Jonathan Tummons “Tummons is to be praised for maintaining the depth and subtlety of Curzon’s original work while bringing it up-to-date with relevant examples and recent references. Where other books mislead through oversimplification, Teaching in Further Education clearly explains complex concepts so that new teachers can better understand their context and develop their practice.” Kevin Orr, Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Huddersfield, UK Topics included in this updated edition include: - Theories of learning
- Material on the latest trends in teaching thinking, including philosophy for children, dialogic teaching and education for citizenship
- The teaching-learning process
- Boxed features to encourage critical engagement and reflection, within the context of current policy and practice
- Assessment and evaluation
- A bibliography providing suggestions for further reading and development ROBERT FISHER is a leading expert on teaching thinking, creativity and philosophy for children. He taught in schools in the UK, Africa and Hong Kong before becoming a professor of education at Brunel University, UK. UK October 2013 / US December 2013 264 Pages / 234 x 156mm / 5 illus PB 9781780936796 £22.99 / $39.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
- Instructional techniques - Intelligence and ability L.B. CURZON, formerly principal of colleges of FE in Chester and London, UK, was an experienced teacher with a background in economics and law. JONATHAN TUMMONS is Lecturer in Education at Durham University, UK, and has published widely on a range of issues relating to learning, teaching and assessment in further, higher and adult education. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 416 Pages / 244 x 169mm / 10 illus PB 9781441130433 £24.99 / $42.95 HB 9781441140487 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic & Professional Bookseller Academic, Educational & Professional Publisher of the Year 2013 IPG Independent Publisher and Academic & Professional Publisher of the Year 2013
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reflective teaching I NSPI R ING ED U C AT I O N T H RO UG H I N N O VATI ON Reflective Teaching in Schools 4th Edition Formerly Reflective Teaching
Out February 2014
• Evidence-based guidance on key issues in classroom practice including: relationships, behaviour, curriculum planning, learning and teaching strategies, assessment processes and evaluation • New edition introduces evidence-informed ‘principles’ and ‘concepts’ for deeper understanding of teacher expertise – trialled with both primary and secondary practitioners in the UK and beyond • Offers two levels of support – for both initial teacher education and continuing professional development
The Experts • Andrew Pollard, former Director of the UK’s Teaching and Learning Research Programme, coordinated development and has overall responsibility for the content
9781441191700 • £24.99 Paperback • 544pp
• Cambridge-based experts across first class university and school-based providers: • Primary: Pete Dudley (former Director of the Primary Strategies in England), Kristine BlackHawkins, Holly Linklater, Mandy Swann, Paul Warwick and Mary Anne Wolpert • Secondary: Mary James (former President of the British Educational Research Association), Gabrielle Cliff-Hodges, Sue Swaffield, Fay Turner and Mark Winterbottom
Readings for Reflective Teaching in Schools 2nd Edition
Out February 2014
Formerly Readings for Reflective Teaching
• Fully revised throughout
9781472509741 • £24.99 Paperback • 432pp
• A unique portable library of over 100 readings, drawing together seminal extracts and contemporary literature • Directly complements and extends the chapters in Reflective Teaching in Schools, but can also be used independently Extensive online support
• An enormous range of supplementary resources including: reflective activities, research briefings, advice for further reading and additional chapters • Compendium of educational terms and links to useful websites • Conceptual framework for deepening expertise that showcases examples of excellent research and practice
The Reflective Teaching Series – applying principles of reflective practice in early years, schools, further, higher and adult education.
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16/08/2013 13:46
IN ITIA L TEA CH ER EDU C AT ION MasterClass in Mathematics Education
International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Edited by Paul Andrews & Tim Rowland “Seventeen chapters take the reader to the heart of seventeen key issues. A great companion for students embarking on academic study in mathematics education.” John Monaghan, Professor of Mathematics
Education, University of Leeds, UK
“This book provides an insightful overview of many of the key issues in mathematics education. Written by key educators in the field, it is an essential resource for all those with a deep interest in developing an effective and enriched approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics.”
Keith Jones, Associate Professor in Education, University of Southampton, UK PAUL ANDREWS is Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. TIM ROWLAND is Senior Lecturer of Mathematics Education at the University of Cambridge, UK. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 352 Pages / 246 x 189mm / 13 illus PB 9781441179753 £24.99 / $42.95 HB 9781441172358 £75.00 / $140.00 Series: MasterClass Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The Dyscalculia Assessment
Jane Emerson & Patricia Babtie Foreword by Brian Butterworth Winner of the Best Special Needs Education Resource or Equipment non ICT– ERA 2011 “Both authors draw on their extensive knowledge as teachers of special needs ... This is an excellent resource.” Times Education Supplement This new edition features: - A complete assessment tool for exploring specific numeracy difficulties - Improved layout with ample space to record information - Easy to use with no specific training - Guidance on using the gathered information for personalised teaching plans
Mathematics Education with Digital Technology
Understanding and Managing Behaviors of Children with Psychological Disorders
new in PB
A Reference for Classroom Teachers
Edited by Adrian Oldknow & Carol Knights “This is an exciting book that draws on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the globe and from both research and classroom backgrounds ... It covers a diverse range of types of ICT use, all of which illustrate the potential of ICT to enhance the learning and teaching of mathematics.” Celia Hoyles OBE, Professor of Mathematics Education, University of London, UK, and Director of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, UK ADRIAN OLDKNOW is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Computer Education at the University of Chichester, UK. CAROL KNIGHTS is Principal Lecturer in Mathematics Education at the University of Chichester, UK. UK May 2013 / US July 2013 304 Pages / 234 x 156mm / 112 illus PB 9780567250285 £24.99 / $42.95 Series: Education and Digital Technology Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Jered B. Kolbert & Laura M. Crothers This book provides teachers with primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions for managing difficult student behavior in the classroom, specific to different mental health and behavioral disorders. Brief descriptions of various mental health diagnoses, including children on the autistic spectrum, with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety and oppositional defiant disorder, are followed by a set of classroom management techniques that help target the associated problematic behaviors. Strategies are provided for use with a variety of ages (from early childhood to adolescence). JERED B. KOLBERT is Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling, Psychology and Special Education at Duquesne University, USA. LAURA M. CROTHERS is an associate professor and Director of the School Psychology Program at Duquesne University, USA. UK November 2012 / US September 2012 256 Pages / 228 x 153mm PB 9781441158369 £22.99 / $39.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The Dyscalculia Solution
Creative Writing in the Community
Jane Emerson & Patricia Babtie Foreword by Brian Butterworth
A Guide
Following on from The Dyscalculia Assessment, this provides a practical teaching guide for addressing and solving the numeracy difficulties identified in a child using their award-winning assessment techniques. It includes step-by-step instructions on how to teach pupils to use whole numbers and talk and reason about them, as well as communicating their thinking in verbal, diagrammatic and written form. Each new concept builds on previous understanding so that new facts are derived by reasoning from known facts.
Terry Ann Thaxton Packed with easy-to-use resources, this is the first book to focus on the practical side of creative writing. Connecting classroom experiences to community-based projects, it prepares students of creative writing for teaching in schools, homeless centres, youth clubs, and care homes. TERRY ANN THAXTON is Associate Professor in the Department of English at the University of Central Florida, USA. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 288 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441111944 £17.99 / $29.95 HB 9781441127761 £55.00 / $100.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
UK September 2013 / US November 2013 208 Pages / 297 x 210mm PB 9781441129512 £39.99 / $65.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
JANE EMERSON is Director of Emerson House, a centre for dyscalculia, dyslexia and dyspraxia. PATRICIA BABTIE is a freelance SEN teacher and has more than 10 years' experience as a dyscalculia special needs teacher in state and private schools. UK September 2013 208 Pages / 297 x 210mm PB 9781408193716 £39.99 Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
Creative Shakespeare The Globe Education Guide to Practical Shakespeare Fiona Banks This first book from Globe Education for teachers describes the ways in which educational practitioners at Shakespeare's Globe theatre bring Shakespeare to life for students of all ages. The Globe approach is active and inclusive - each student finds their own way into Shakespeare, focussing on speaking, moving and performing rather than reading. Drawing on her rich and varied experience as a teacher, Fiona Banks offers a range of examples and practical ideas teachers can take and adapt for their own lessons. FIONA BANKS is Head of Learning at Globe Education, UK, responsible for the wide variety of training offered to students and teachers from Early Years up to A Level. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 224 pages / 234 x 156mm / 15 illus PB 9781408156841 £16.99 / $24.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare
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16/08/2013 13:46
T EA C HIN G M E T HO DS Playing with the Past Digital Games and the Simulation of History Edited by Matthew Wilhelm Kapell & Andrew B.R. Elliott The first collection to focus solely on digital games as a representation of history, concentrating on the ways in which gamers engage with, play with, recreate, subvert, reverse, and direct the historical past, and what effect this has on the ways in which we go about constructing the present or imagining a future. MATTHEW WILHELM KAPELL, an anthropologist and historian, has taught extensively in the United States and Great Britain. ANDREW B.R. ELLIOTT is Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Lincoln, UK. UK December 2013 / US October 2013 400 Pages / 6 x 9 inches / 25 illus PB 9781623567286 £22.99 / $39.95 HB 9781623566142 £70.00 / $130.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The Art and Craft new in PB of Pedagogy Portraits of Effective Teachers Richard Hickman
Creative Partnerships in Practice
Developing Creative Learners David Parker Parker draws on an extensive archive of case studies from primary schools to PRUs, that focus on activities including sculpture, storytelling, film and learning multimedia skills. Written by a member of the senior team charged with delivering the largest schools-based creative learning intervention ever seen, this book explains how to embed the key principles underpinning the Creative Partnerships programme. DAVID PARKER is Director of Research, Impact and Learning at Creativity, Culture and Education, UK. UK August 2013 / US October 2013 208 Pages / 244 x 169mm / 15 illus PB 9781441109224 £22.99 / $39.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
Reading Circles, Novels and Adult Reading Development
new in PB
“Adults just starting on their reading journey have so much to tell researchers and tutors. This thoughtful book captures their insights and puts the vital link between adult literacy learning and reading group activity in a rich historical context.” Genevieve Clarke, The Reading Agency, UK
RICHARD HICKMAN is Reader in the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK, and a Fellow of Homerton College.
This is an exploration of what a reading circle approach can offer adult emergent readers and what adult literacy learners can tell us about reading novels.
Sam Duncan
SAM DUNCAN is Lecturer in Education in the Department of Lifelong and Comparative Education at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 240 Pages / 234 x 156mm / 6 illus PB 9781472530141 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
How Drama Activates Learning
Self-Determined Learning
Contemporary Research and Practice
Heutagogy in Action
Edited by Michael Anderson & Julie Dunn This book draws together leaders in drama, education, and applied theatre from across the globe, including authors from Europe, North America, and Australasia to explore the transformations that can be achieved across a diverse range of learning areas when the processes of drama education are applied, thus enlivening and enriching a range of learning contexts. MICHAEL ANDERSON is Associate Professor, Associate Dean and Head of Drama Education at the University of Sydney, Australia. JULIE DUNN is Associate Professor at Griffith University, Australia. UK August 2013 / US September 2013 336 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441136343 £75.00 / $115.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Sara de Freitas & Jill Jameson “Provides practitioners and policy-makers with a valuable and underpinning reflection and critique on current debates and controversies within e-learning and learning. I look forward to it energising the dialogue on the future of learning and education as well as helping to shape future pedagogic practices.” Peter Chatterton, Managing Director of Daedalus e-World and Visiting Professor in the Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, University of Hertfordshire, UK A scholarly collection of key texts, which examine the concept and practice of e-learning, from ancient to modern times. SARA DE FREITAS is Professor of Virtual Environments and Director of Research at the Serious Games Institute, University of Coventry, UK. JILL JAMESON is Director of Research and Enterprise and Reader in Education Research at the School of Education, University of Greenwich, UK.
Hickman explores effective teaching across the curriculum, examining the notion that successful teachers of art and design are amongst the best teachers of any subject with much to offer those outside their discipline in terms of pedagogy. The case study approach focuses on adolescent learning, although much of what is considered is applicable to all ages and phases of education.
UK March 2013 / US May 2013 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9780567299154 £24.99 / $42.95 Series: Continuum Studies in Educational Research Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The e-Learning Reader
Edited by Stewart Hase & Chris Kenyon
UK April 2012 / US June 2012 368 Pages / 244 x 169mm PB 9781441191410 £34.99 / $65.00 HB 9781441143778 £85.00 / $170.00 Imprint: Continuum
Making Poetry Matter International Research on Poetry Pedagogy Edited by Sue Dymoke, Andrew Lambirth & Anthony Wilson This book brings together contributions from leading scholars in the field to offer a variety of perspectives on poetry pedagogy and argue for the place of poetry in the 21st century English curriculum. The contributors draw on case studies to ensure that the theory is clearly linked to practice as they consider teaching and learning poetry for those aged 5-19 from different perspectives, looking at reading, writing, speaking, listening and transformative poetry cultures. SUE DYMOKE is Senior Lecturer and Secondary PGCE Course Leader in the School of Education at the University of Leicester, UK. ANDREW LAMBIRTH is Professor of Education at the University of Greenwich, UK. ANTHONY WILSON is a lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at the University of Exeter, UK, where he is Subject Leader for Primary English. UK June 2013 / US August 2013 240 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441101471 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
This book explores how heutagogy was derived, and what this approach to learning involves, drawing on recent research and practical applications. The editors draw together contributions from educators and practitioners in different fields, illustrating how the approach has been used and the benefits it has produced. STEWART HASE is a consulting psychologist and writer, an adjunct fellow at Southern Cross University and Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. CHRIS KENYON is an independent adviser and consultant. UK September 2013 / US November 2013 224 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441142771 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
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16/08/2013 13:46
P H IL O S O P H Y O F EDU C AT ION Disposed to Learn Schooling, Ethnicity and the Scholarly Habitus Megan Watkins & Greg Noble “Watkins and Noble offer a richly theorised and empirically grounded account of the dynamics of learner differences. They show how different 'dispositions to learn' affect learner outcomes. Central to their account is the construct 'scholarly habitus'. They frame this as a multifaceted alternative to the over-simplifications of cognitivism and cultural pathologisation that frequently afflict educational research and practice. This book represents a significant advance in the field of cultural studies in education.” Mary Kalantzis, Dean of the College of Education, University of Illinois, USA MEGAN WATKINS is Senior Lecturer in the School of Education and member of the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. GREG NOBLE is Associate Professor at the Institute for Culture and Society, University of Western Sydney, Australia. UK June 2013 / US August 2013 176 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441177117 £24.99 / $38.95 HB 9781441162458 £75.00 / $115.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophical Perspectives on Social Cohesion New Directions for Educational Policy Mary Healy Healy challenges the basis of how we characterise civic bonds and how we best organise schools to encourage and develop them. At a time of increasing diversity of school provision, this pertinent book indicates the connection between how we organise school structures and the models of citizenship we value. MARY HEALY is Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Roehampton, UK. UK October 2013 / US December 2013 176 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441104465 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
John Dewey and the Future of Community College Education
Class and the College Classroom
Clifford P. Harbour
Edited by Robert C. Rosen
Essays on Teaching
Harbour reviews the development of the community college in the light of deep-seated beliefs that discount the college, its students, and its educational programs. Impassioned and insightful, this book will become a standard text for anybody interested in reform of the community college system.
This book addresses the interests and needs of teachers committed to social justice on campus and offers new tools for thinking and teaching about social class. The wide-ranging and insightful essays are helpful to all educators who wish to engage with this issue of teaching in the college classroom.
CLIFFORD P. HARBOUR is Associate Professor in the College of Education at the University of Wyoming, USA and President Elect of the Council for the Study of Community Colleges.
ROBERT C. ROSEN is Professor of English at William Paterson University, USA.
UK January 2014 / US November 2013 240 Pages / 228 x 153mm PB 9781441172921 £17.99 / $29.95 HB 9781441122759 £55.00 / $100.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
UK October 2013 / US August 2013 240 Pages / 228 x 153mm PB 9781623564773 £22.99 / $39.95 HB 9781623563202 £70.00 / $130.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Does Religious Education Work?
The Pedagogy of Objects
A Multi-dimensional Investigation
Politics, Aesthetics, and the Project of Learning
James C. Conroy, David Lundie, Robert A. Davis, Vivienne Baumfield, L. Philip Barnes, Tony Gallagher, Kevin Lowden, Nicole Bourque & Karen Wenell Drawing upon a rich ethnography of the practices, policies and resources of religious education, this is the most comprehensive empirical and conceptual analysis of the state of religious education in British schools currently available. JAMES C. CONROY is Professor of Religious and Philosophical Education at the University of Glasgow, UK. DAVID LUNDIE is a Postdoctoral Associate at Cornell University, USA. ROBERT A. DAVIS is Professor of Religious and Cultural Education and Head of the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, UK. VIVIENNE BAUMFIELD is Professor of Pedagogy, Policy and Innovation at the University of Glasgow, UK. L. PHILIP BARNES is Reader in Religious and Theological Education at King’s College London, UK. TONY GALLAGHER is Professor of Education and Pro-Vice Chancellor at Queen’s University Belfast, UK. KEVIN LOWDEN is Research Fellow at the Scottish Council for Research in Education (SCRE) Centre, University of Glasgow, UK. NICOLE BOURQUE is Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology at the University of Glasgow, UK. KAREN WENELL is Lecturer in New Testament and Theology at the University of Birmingham, UK.
Matthew Carlin & Nathan Clendenin This innovative book attempts to reorient our thinking about education toward a world made up of autonomous objects. By turning our attention away from ideology and toward aesthetics and object relations this book fundamentally changes the way that we conceive of the politics of education and schooling. MATTHEW CARLIN is Visiting Assistant Professor in the Critical and Visual Studies program at Pratt Institute, USA. NATHAN CLENDENIN is a PhD candidate and instructor at Teachers College, Columbia University, USA. UK January 2014 / US November 2013 176 Pages / 228 x 153mm HB 9781441191021 £65.00 / $120.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
UK September 2013 / US November 2013 208 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441127990 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
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C RITICA L P E DAG O GY Narrative, Learning and Critical Pedagogy
Critical Pedagogy Today
Ivor Goodson & Scherto Gill
Series Editors: Shirley R. Steinberg, Director and Project Leader of the Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy at McGill University, Canada, and Ana Maria “Nita” Araujo Freire ― Paulo Freire’s partner. She taught History of Education in colleges and universities in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, for many years.
This unique book offers a unique understanding of teaching and learning, bringing together case studies of life narratives as an approach to learning and meaningmaking in different disciplines and cultural settings, including teacher education, adult learning, (auto)biographical writing, psychotherapy, intercultural learning, and community development.
Commemorating the 40th anniversary of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Critical Pedagogy Today provides a range of incisive overviews and applications of critical pedagogy across fields and disciplines. Building on the work of Paulo Freire, the series reinvigorates his legacy and provides educators with an array of tools for questioning contemporary practices and forging new pedagogical methods.
IVOR GOODSON is Professor of Learning Theory at the Education Research Centre, University of Brighton, UK. SCHERTO GILL is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Education, University of Sussex, UK. UK August 2013 / US July 2013 224 Pages / 216 x 138mm PB 9781623563523 £14.99 / $24.95 HB 9781623563820 £45.00 / $80.00 Series: Critical Pedagogy Today Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Pedagogy Left in Peace
Pedagogy, new in PB Oppression and Transformation in a 'Post-Critical' Climate
Cultivating Free Spaces in Teaching and Learning David W. Jardine This is a provocative study of fragmentation in education that challenges the current American school system, showing how teachers can escape the rigidity of the school system to pursue a new theory of education. Jardine explores historical and philosophical ancestries of the logic of fragmentation to discuss how it is being interrupted by progressive contemporary thinking about the nature of knowledge and its pursuit. He uses real classroom examples to show how inspiring teachers and students have stepped out from the normal rigidity of the school system to pursue a pedagogy left in peace. DAVID W. JARDINE is a full professor of education at the University of Calgary, Canada. UK August 2012 / US June 2012 272 Pages / 216 x 138mm PB 9781441163295 £17.99 / $29.95 HB 9781441113726 £55.00 / $100.00 Imprint: Continuum
The Return of Freirean Thinking Edited by Andrew O'Shea & Maeve O'Brien With contributions from Ireland and the USA, this book provides an urgent reflection on Freire's work, in particular his central principles of pedagogy and praxis, offering a variety of critical responses from philosophical, sociological and egalitarian perspectives. The editors explore whether Freire's revolutionary work has stood the test of time and its relevance to educational discourses today. ANDREW O'SHEA is Lecturer in Philosophy of Education and Human Development at St. Patrick's College, Dublin City University, Ireland. MAEVE O'BRIEN is Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Co-ordinator of Human Development at St. Patrick's College, Dublin City University, Ireland. UK March 2013 / US May 2013 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm / 5 illus PB 9781472507280 £24.99 / $38.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Interpretive new in PB Pedagogies for Higher Education Arendt, Berger, Said, Nussbaum and their Legacies Jon Nixon “Considered and considerate: this book from Jon Nixon paints a large and innovative canvas against which to view pedagogy in higher education. In giving us insights into the work of Arendt, Berger, Said and Nussbaum, the creative possibilities of scholarship are revealed, with a new curricular framework unfolding before the reader. It is a work to which I shall want to return.” Ronald Barnett, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education, Institute of Education, University of London, UK JON NIXON holds an honorary chair at the University of Sheffield, UK, and is Senior Research Fellow in the Centre for Lifelong Learning Research and Development at the Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781472523273 £22.99 / $39.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Revelations CHANGE
Bringing together books and thinkers that have opened up startling new ways of looking at the world, Bloomsbury Revelations celebrates the originality and excellence of Bloomsbury’s non-fiction publishing.
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Children and Social Change
new in PB
Mapping the Pedagogical Interface Edited by Geoff Baker & Andrew Fisher “If the arts and humanities are to survive and thrive in higher education, they need more than ever to reach out and show why they ‘matter’. This collection of essays provides important practical insight into an often neglected means of achieving this ― through creative outreach activities with schools.” Alan Booth, Professor of History, University of Nottingham, UK This is a critical exploration of the pedagogical and practical issues that are raised when Arts academics engage in primary and secondary schools outreach. It features a range of international case studies from countries including the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.
new in PB
Memories of Diverse Childhoods Dorothy Moss Drawing on international childhood experiences from Nigeria, India, Kenya, Pakistan, South Africa and the Caribbean, Moss explores memories of childhood. The research is informed by academic ideas about social memory, space and time, and discusses the selectivity of memories of childhood and how these are filtered through later social experience, family stories and research processes. DOROTHY MOSS is Principal Lecturer in Childhood Studies at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. UK March 2013 / US May 2013 240 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9780567473332 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Empathy in Education
new in PB
Engagement, Values and Achievement Bridget Cooper Cooper takes an inter-disciplinary approach, drawing on education, neuroscience, and psychology to provide a thorough exploration of the role empathy plays in learning throughout all levels of education and its crucial relationship to motivation, values development, and achievement. BRIDGET COOPER is Professor of Education at Sunderland University, UK. UK March 2013 / US May 2013 296 Pages / 234 x 156 PB 9780567551740 £24.99 / $38.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
GEOFF BAKER is Head of Domain (French, Geography, History, Personal Development and Religious Education) at The Thomas Cowley High School in Donington, Lincolnshire, UK. ANDREW FISHER is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Nottingham, UK. UK October 2012 / US January 2013 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441134301 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
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16/08/2013 13:46
COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION / EDUCATION POLICY AND POLITICS Education in West Central Asia Edited by Mah-E-Rukh Ahmed This is a reference guide to education in West Central Asia covering Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. With chapters written by an international team of leading regional education experts, the book explores the education systems of each country in the region in local and global contexts. It also includes a comparative overview of major educational issues facing the region as a whole. MAH-E-RUKH AHMED is a Post-doctoral Research Student at the University of Hull, UK. UK June 2013 / US August 2013 352 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441155214 £100.00 / $155.00 Series: Education Around the World Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Education and Disadvantaged Children and Young People Edited by Mitsuko Matsumoto The contributors explore the experience of learners from groups of children and young people who have no, or very limited, educational opportunities, drawing on international research in Vietnam, Ukraine, the UK, the USA, and India. Each chapter contains a summary of the key points and issues, contemporary questions, and an annotated list of suggested reading. MITSUKO MATSUMOTO is a researcher at the Department of Education, University of Oxford, UK. UK August 2013 / US October 2013 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441117960 £24.99 / $44.95 HB 9781441197993 £75.00 / $140.00 Series: Education as a Humanitarian Response Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Education in East Asia Edited by Pei-tseng Jenny Hsieh “A must read for all students in comparative education and interdisciplinary area studies.” David Johnson, Director of the Centre for Comparative and International Education, University of Oxford, UK Leading regional education experts explore the education systems of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and Taiwan, covering local regional developments in each country as well as recent reforms and global contexts. It includes a comparative introduction to the issues facing education in the region as a whole and guides to available online datasets. PEI-TSENG JENNY HSIEH is a researcher in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, UK. UK May 2013 / US July 2013 336 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441140098 £100.00 / $155.00 Series: Education Around the World Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Reinventing the Curriculum New Trends in Curriculum Policy and Practice Edited by Mark Priestley & Gert Biesta “The book examines carefully but provocatively many of the features and tensions flagged in current curriculum reforms internationally ― the concerns about more child-centred and active learning; the active role of the teacher; the aim to build particular types of individuals for the 21st century; the policy concerns with economics and measurement. This is an important, provocative and beautifully readable collection.” Lyn Yates, Foundation Professor of Curriculum and Pro Vice-Chancellor of Research, University of Melbourne, Australia MARK PRIESTLEY is Professor of Education at the University of Stirling, UK. GERT BIESTA is Professor of Educational Theory and Policy in the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Education in Southern Africa Edited by Clive Harber “Clive Harber has done his readers a real service in bringing together an array of established and new Southern African authors to provide us with new insights into both familiar and less well-documented national cases. The book is an invaluable addition to the comparative education literature.” Simon McGrath, Director of Research, School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK Exploring the development of educational provision in the region and contemporary issues, this handbook covers Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. CLIVE HARBER is Emeritus Professor of International Education at the University of Birmingham, UK, and Honorary Professor of Education at the University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. UK August 2013 / US October 2013 280 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441171498 £100.00 / $190.00 Series: Education Around the World Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Catholic Schools and the Future of the Church Kathleen Engebretson Engebretson sets out a programme for the contribution of Catholic schools to the future of the Church, covering such topics as the religious education curriculum in its cognitive and affective aspects, the sacramental life of the school, selection of staff, the issue of staff and Catholic witness and many other topics. The book will help Catholic school communities to explicitly strengthen their function of building up the Church. KATHLEEN ENGEBRETSON is Associate Professor in the School of Religious Education at the Australian Catholic University, Australia. UK January 2014 / US November 2013 208 Pages / 288 x 153 HB 9781623561666 £60.00 / $110.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
UK June 2013 / US August 2013 256 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441137647 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Bully Nation Why America's Approach to Childhood Aggression is Bad for Everyone Susan Eva Porter “Bully Nation is an absolute must-read for anyone wishing to understand why the antibullying movement is failing ... This book is a major step in reversing [the] modern day witchhunt against bullies and returning to a more rational and effective approach to reducing aggression among kids." Izzy Kalman, author of Bullies to Buddies: How to Turn your Enemies into Friends Porter sets a new standard for our understanding of America's approach to bullying and how we can dramatically improve outcomes. SUSAN EVA PORTER has worked in American schools for over 20 years, first as a teacher and clinician, then as a consultant and trustee, and now as an administrator. US March 2013 208 Pages / 228 x 153 PB 9781557789044 $19.95 Imprint: Paragon House US & Canada rights only Not for sale outside US & Canada
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L E A DER S H IP A ND MA NAG E M E N T Sustainable School Transformation An Inside-Out School Led Approach Edited by David Crossley
International Education and Schools
Achievement for All Raising Aspirations, Access and Achievement Sonia Blandford & Catherine Knowles
Moving Beyond the First 40 Years
Crossley and a range of theorists and outstanding school leaders explore how we can best build a truly world class education system in the UK and US. Drawing on examples of successful practice from around the world, the book shows how mixing traditional and school-led approaches can move schools and school systems from good to great.
This comprehensive review of the international education movement over the past 40 years offers insightful observations and critical perspectives. It is a comprehensive resource for students, researchers, professionals, and anyone with an interest in the future of education in a globalised world.
DAVID CROSSLEY is an independent education consultant, based in the UK.
RICHARD PEARCE is an education consultant for the International School of London, UK.
UK October 2013 / US December 2013 272 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781780938172 £19.99 / $29.95 HB 9781780936758 £65.00 / $120.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
UK October 2013 / US December 2013 224 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781472510747 £24.99 / $38.95 HB 9781472510464 £75.00 / $115.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The 8 Qualities of Successful School Leaders The Desert Island School Challenge Jeremy Sutcliffe What are the qualities that truly great school leaders possess and how do they use them to make their schools successful? For this book, Jeremy Sutcliffe has interviewed some of the UK's leading head teachers and principals and discusses with them the secrets behind their success. It takes an in-depth look at eight key qualities that these inspirational leaders value most and explains how they have used them to make their schools truly outstanding. JEREMY SUTCLIFFE is a journalist, editor and media consultant, specialising in education, and is based in the UK. UK August 2013 / US October 2013 192 Pages / 216 x 138mm PB 9781441197504 £16.99 / $27.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
Partnerships in Education Research Creating Knowledge that Matters Michael Anderson & Kelly Freebody Drawing on a diverse range of case studies, this book examines the methodological and logistical issues facing researchers conducting collaborative partnership research in education and provides a series of models for developing effective partnerships. MICHAEL ANDERSON is Associate Professor, Associate Dean, and Head of Drama Education at the University of Sydney, Australia. KELLY FREEBODY is Lecturer in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney, Australia. UK December 2013 / US February 2014 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441158987 £24.99 / $42.95 HB 9781441111159 £75.00 / $140.00 Series: Bloomsbury Research Methods Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Richard Pearce
The Reality of School Leadership Coping with the Challenges, Reaping the Rewards Richard Parker with David Middlewood “A fascinating insight into what life is often really like at the chalk face of school leadership. Within a firm academic framework it shows how experienced and effective headteachers approach and deal with the daily issues which affect their lives and the lives of staff and students. All school leaders at whatever stage of their careers will gain something from this book ... [it] is essential reading for anyone who aspires to become a headteacher.” Ian Abbott, Director, Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK RICHARD PARKER spent over 40 years in teaching, and was an associate tutor at the University of Leicester, UK, a research associate with the NCSL and a member of the team at the University of Warwick, UK, commissioned to review headteacher succession planning. DAVID MIDDLEWOOD is a research fellow at the Institute of Education, University of Warwick, UK, and was a headteacher for nine years previous to that. UK May 2013 / US July 2013 200 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441190796 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
Networking Research
This is a practical guide to the implementation and development of the Achievement for All programme in your school. It includes case studies exemplifying successes from the two year pilot and the national roll out of the programme, and tips for not only setting it up, but also sustaining it. SONIA BLANDFORD is the founder and CEO of Achievement for All and visiting professor of Educational Leadership and Innovation at the Institute of Education, London and senior research fellow at Oxford University, UK. CATHERINE KNOWLES is the research and data manager at Achievement for All and a research fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. UK June 2013 / US August 2013 176 Pages / Other / 10 illus PB 9781408192542 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Education
Exploring the School Leadership Landscape Changing Demands, Changing Realities Peter Earley Drawing on a wealth of evidence, Earley critically considers the ways in which school leadership and its practice have evolved, exploring what has changed and what has remained the same over the last decade. This book is essential reading for school leaders, policy-makers and students, and provides a comprehensive exploration of the leadership landscape for anyone concerned about the future of our schools. PETER EARLEY holds the Chair of Educational Leadership and Management and is Director of Academic Affairs at the London Centre for Leadership and Learning, Institute of Education, University of London, UK. UK October 2013 / US December 2013 176 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781472506023 £22.99 / $35.95 HB 9781472508331 £70.00 / $110.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
in PB
New Directions in Educational Enquiry Patrick Carmichael Drawing on extensive research into educational research, networks in schools, colleges, and information education settings, Carmichael combines theoretical insight and awareness of theoretical development with accounts of teachers, researchers, and technologists to consider how educational research is changing, how it might develop, and identifies new approaches. PATRICK CARMICHAEL is Professor of Educational Research at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. UK January 2013 / US February 2013 196 Pages / 234 x 156mm / 10 illus PB 9780567092199 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
“This book is the story of a game changer. It should be considered a 'must do' for any school leaders who have yet to match the pupil gains shown here.” Charles Desforges OBE, former Director of Teaching and Learning Research Programme, Economic and Social Research Council and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Essex
Gender, Identity and Educational Leadership Kay Fuller Fuller explores how head teachers’ social identities ― particularly those pertaining to gender, social class, and ethnicity ― influence their leadership of diverse populations of pupils and staff. Informed by new research conducted throughout the first decade of the 21st century and advances in gender theories, the book draws attention to how head teachers' views of their diverse school populations influence school leadership. KAY FULLER is Lecturer in English Education at the University of Birmingham, UK. UK October 2013 / US December 2013 208 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441166074 £75.00 / $150.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
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16/08/2013 13:46
L ANGU AG E AN D E DUCATIO N / H IG H E R EDU CATION Graphic Encounters Comics and the Sponsorship of Multimodal Literacy Dale Jacobs Graphic Encounters offers ways of thinking about how comics and graphic novels have been and can be used to teach and enhance literacy skills. DALE JACOBS is Associate Professor of English at the University of Windsor, Canada. UK October 2013 / US August 2013 240 Pages / 216 x 138mm / 15 illus PB 9781441126412 £18.99 / $32.95 HB 9781441129567 £60.00 / $110.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The Grammar Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning Edited by Alessandro Benati, Cécile Laval & María J. Arche The volume explores a variety of approaches to grammar teaching and offer a list of principles and guidelines that those involved in language acquisition should consider to design and implement effective grammar tasks during their teaching. ALESSANDRO BENATI is Professor in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Studies and Director of Research and Enterprise at the University of Greenwich, UK. CÉCILE LAVAL is Principal Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, French & International Studies and MARIA J. ARCHE is Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, French & International Studies both at the University of Greenwich, UK. UK December 2013 / US February 2014 208 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441162045 £75.00 / $140.00 Series: Advances in Instructed Second Language Acquisition Research Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Staff-Student new in PB Partnerships in Higher Education Edited by Sabine Little “A rich array of international case studies of varied forms of studentstaff partnerships; providing nuanced research/scholarly based perspectives, and practical advice for policy makers and practitioners. The accounts are refreshingly honest about problems encountered, inspiring in what they have achieved, and rich in suggestions for others to adapt.” Alan Jenkins, Emeritus Professor, Oxford Brookes University, UK SABINE LITTLE is an independent educational consultant specialising in developing integrated staff-student partnerships, formerly at the University of Sheffield, UK. UK August 2012 / US October 2012 256 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441119933 £24.99 / $44.95 Imprint: Continuum
Language in Education Social Implications
Children's Literature and Learner Empowerment
Rita Elaine Silver & Soe Marlar Lwin
Children and Teenagers in English Language Education
Teachers in any subject area must have a basic understanding of how language is learned and used in educational contexts because language impacts teaching and learning across all subjects. This book is written specifically for those teachers and teacher trainees who want to know more about language learning and use in educational contexts and, especially, those who care about the social implications of language in education. RITA ELAINE SILVER and SOE MARLAR LWIN are Associate Professors at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 192 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781441151810 £24.99 / $42.95 HB 9781441151940 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
The Metalinguistic Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning Edited by Karen Roehr & Gabriela Adela Gánem-Gutiérrez The metalinguistic dimension refers to the way in which learners bring to bear knowledge about language into their learning of a second language, the ‘L2’. This book brings together new research on the metalinguistic dimension, given its increasing importance in the study of L2 acquisition, and each chapter provides an explicit definition of how the metalinguistic dimension is conceptualised. KAREN ROEHR is Senior Lecturer at the University of Essex, UK. GABRIELA ADELA GÁNEM-GUTIÉRREZ is Lecturer at University of Essex, UK. UK July 2013 / US September 2013 272 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441160898 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Academic Working Lives Experience, Practice and Change
Janice Bland This text demonstrates the complexity of children's literature and how it can encourage an active community of second language readers: with multi-layered picture-books, fairy tales, graphic novels, and radical young adult fiction. Introducing a range of genres and their significance for EFL teaching, this study makes an important new approach accessible for EFL teachers, student teachers, and teacher educators. JANICE BLAND is a teacher educator in the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Paderborn, Germany. UK July 2013 / US August 2013 344 Pages / 234 x 156mm / 45 illus HB 9781441144416 £75.00 / $140.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Towards Teaching new in PB in Public Reshaping the Modern University Edited by Mike Neary, Howard Stevenson & Les Bell “This book is an inspiration. It elegantly combines historical, sociological and philosophical analysis of the role of universities with an argument for reconfiguring the teacher-student roles and relationships. Anyone reading it will be convinced of the both the desirability and feasibility of working for university education for the public good.” Monica McLean, Associate Professor of Higher Education, University of Nottingham, UK MIKE NEARY is Professor and Dean of Teaching and Learning at the University of Lincoln, UK, where he is Director of the Centre for Educational Research and Development. HOWARD STEVENSON is Professor of Education and Deputy Director of the Centre for Educational Research and Development at the University of Lincoln, UK. LES BELL is Emeritus Professor of Educational Management at the School of Education, University of Leicester, UK, and Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Lincoln, UK. UK November 2013 / US January 2014 208 Pages / 234 x 156mm PB 9781472521880 £24.99 / $42.95 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
Edited by Lynne Gornall, Caryn Cook, Lyn Daunton, Jane Salisbury & Brychan Thomas This book examines the ways in which lecturers and their roles have developed in the modern academic workplace, offering insights into changing occupational roles, institutions and the adaptations around flexible and mobile working in everyday professional life. LYNNE GORNALL is Leader of the Working Lives Research Team, UK. CARYN COOK is Senior Lecturer in the Business School at the University of Wales, Newport, UK. LYN DAUNTON is Deputy Head of the Glamorgan Business School at the University of Glamorgan, UK. JANE SALISBURY is Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Education, Education Policy and Qualitative Research Methods at Cardiff University, UK. BRYCHAN THOMAS is Reader at the Glamorgan Business School and Deputy Leader of the Welsh Enterprise Institute at Glamorgan University, UK. UK December 2013 / US January 2014 360 Pages / 234 x 156mm HB 9781441185341 £80.00 / $150.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic
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C O N T I N UUM LI B R A RY O F EDU CATIO N A L THOU G HT Continuum Library of Educational Thought Complete 25 Volume Series Series Editor: Richard Bailey, formerly Canterbury Christ Church University and Universities of Roehampton and Birmingham, UK Bloomsbury are proud to present the major 25-volume international reference project that provides comprehensive accounts of the work of seminal educational thinkers from a variety of periods, disciplines and traditions. Each volume presents the reader with a number of valuable benefits that include: - A coherent and user-friendly account of each educator’s work that will help to save valuable research time - Focused expositions of the main perspectives, which will aid understanding of the most relevant concepts and arguments - An eminent international author team providing the most authoritative contributions from within the field UK August 2013 / US October 2013 25 Volumes HB 9781472515278 £1650.00 / $2838.00 Imprint: Bloomsbury Academic Each volume is also available individually in hardback, c.£75 / $140.00 each
VOLUME 20 Confucius
VOLUME 24 A.S. Neill
Stefaan E. Cuypers, Professor of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium & Christopher Martin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Canada
Charlene Tan, Associate Professor, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Richard Bailey, writer and theorist on education and sport, UK
Volumes in the Continuum Library of Educational Thought
UK Publication
US Publication
St Thomas Aquinas
Vivian Boland OP, Oxford University, UK
Pierre Bourdieu
Michael James Grenfell, University of Dublin, Ireland
Jerome Bruner
David R. Olson, University of Toronto, Canada
John Dewey
Richard Pring, University of Oxford, UK
John Holt
Roland Meighan, formerly Universities of Nottingham and Birmingham, UK
John Locke
Alexander Moseley, Director of Classical Foundations, UK
Maria Montessori
Marion O'Donnell, Montessori World Educational Institute, Australia
John Henry Newman
James Arthur, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK and Guy Nicholls, Parish Priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Birmingham, UK
Robin Barrow, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Lev Vygotsky
Rene van der Veer, Leiden University, Netherlands
Rudolf Steiner
Heiner Ullrich, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universitat, Germany
Jean Piaget
Richard Kohler, Zurich University of Teacher Education, Switzerland
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Jurgen Oelkers, University of Zurich, Switzerland
E.G. West
James Tooley, Newcastle University, UK
Mary Wollstonecraft
Susan Laird, University of Oklahoma, USA
Paulo Freire
Daniel Schugurensky, Arizona State University, USA
St Augustine
Ryan N. S. Topping, Walsh University, Ohio, USA
R.S. Peters
Stefaan E. Cuypers, University of Leuven, Belgium, and Christopher Martin, University of British Columbia, Canada
August 2013
October 2013
Leo Tolstoy
Dan Moulin, University of Oxford, UK
Charlene Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
August 2013
October 2013
Alexander Moseley, Director of Classical Foundations, UK
Michel Foucault
Lynn Fendler, Michigan State University, USA
Loris Malaguzzi and the Reggio Emilia Experience
Kathy Hall, Maura Cunneen, Denice Cunningham, Mary Horgan, Rosaleen Murphy and Anna Ridgway, all University College Cork, Ireland
A.S. Neill
Richard Bailey, formerly Canterbury Christ Church University and Universities of Roehampton and Birmingham, UK
July 2013
September 2013
Robert Owen
Robert A. Davis and Frank O’Hagan, both University of Glasgow, UK
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16/08/2013 13:47
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