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Language & Education

Taking Literature and Language Learning Online

New Perspectives on Teaching, Research and Technology

Edited by Sandra Stadler-Heer, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany & Amos Paran, University College London, UK The use of literary texts in remote language education can be static, with faculty resorting to tried and true lecturing strategies; the contributions in this volume present numerous alternatives and provide research-based grounding for their implementation. A discussion of literary outputs stimulated by the pandemic as well as past pandemics is followed by a study of the pedagogy of engaging learners with literature online, examining learners of different ages and of different proficiency levels and educational backgrounds. Finally, a third strand looks at the affordances of various technologies for teaching online and the way they interact with literature and with language learning.

UK November 2022 • US November 2022 • 272 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350268524 • £90.00 / $120.00 ePub 9781350268548 • £81.00 / $112.65 ePdf 9781350268531 • £81.00 / $112.65 Bloomsbury Academic

Digital Games and Language Learning

Theory, Development and Implementation

Edited by Mark Peterson, Kyoto University, Japan, Kasumi Yamazaki, University of Toledo, USA & Michael Thomas, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Bringing together innovative research from an international team of contributors, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of digital games in computer-assisted language learning (CALL). The book outlines various rationales for using digital games, incorporating contemporary theories of second language acquisition. Chapters then draw on case studies from Europe and Japan to analyse in-game interaction, attitudes and participation in both institutional and outof-classroom settings. Combining theory with practical application, this is a valuable resource for instructors, researchers and practitioners who are designing games or using them in their classrooms.

UK October 2022 • US October 2022 • 300 pages • 21 bw illus PB 9781350233171 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350133006 ePub 9781350133020 • £85.50 / $118.15 ePdf 9781350133013 • £85.50 / $118.15 Series: Advances in Digital Language Learning and Teaching • Bloomsbury Academic

The Sociopolitics of English Language Testing

Edited by Seyyed-Abdolhamid Mirhosseini, Alzahra University, Iran & Peter I. De Costa, Michigan State University, USA Highlighting marginalized but significant perspectives about the sociopolitical essence of English language tests and testing processes worldwide, this book explores the social considerations of testing theories and practices from a critical perspective and investigates concerns surrounding power inequalities. Through socially-sensitive theoretical as well as empirical discussion and investigation, the book offers valuable insights, addressing issues of ideology, diversity, power, and dominance in English language testing.

UK January 2022 • US September 2021 • 280 pages PB 9781350277946 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350071346 ePub 9781350071360 • £26.09 / $37.08 ePdf 9781350071353 • £26.09 / $37.08 Bloomsbury Academic

Language and Decoloniality in Higher Education

Reclaiming Voices from the South

Edited by Zannie Bock, University of the Western Cape, South Africa & Christopher Stroud, University of the Western Cape, South Africa The contributors provide case studies from different higher education contexts in South Africa and use a decolonial lens to highlight how innovative educational practices and policies can be used as transformation tools, not only to enhance epistemic access, but also to give voice to more marginal participants. Commentaries from highly respected scholars working in other southern contexts consider how the insights and principles articulated by the case studies can address issues on a global scale.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 248 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350238459 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350049086 ePub 9781350049116 • £81.00 / $112.65 ePdf 9781350049093 • £81.00 / $112.65 Series: Multilingualisms and Diversities in Education • Bloomsbury Academic

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