Fairchild Books has been a mainstay in fashion publishing for over 100 years and published its first fashion textbook in the 1960s. Since then, Fairchild has become an integral part of the Fashion and Interior Design community, creating books and online resources for foundational courses through upperlevel studio and capstone topics.
Fairchild Books is committed to meeting the changing needs of instructors and students by creating course content in a variety of formats. This includes print and ebook purchasing solutions and online resources with Fairchild Books Studios.
We’re proud to present recently published textbooks and upcoming textbooks publishing through Fall 2023. Textbook adoption information can be found at the back of this catalog.
STUDIOTM resources perfectly complement Fairchild Books textbooks. You’ll find self-quizzes with scored results, study tips, flashcards with definitions and image identification, videos, case studies, projects and activities, timelines, and downloadable files.
We are excited to announce a new and improved website experience for Fairchild Books customers. Beginning May 2023, our printed textbooks and STUDIOS will be available for purchase and to request as exam copies from www.bloomsbury.com/ fairchildbooks. All ebook purchases and ebook exam copy requests will be fulfilled in partnership with Vitalsource. Please contact your sales representative with any questions or for help accessing resources.
4th edition
Virginia Hencken Elsasser and Julia Ridgway Sharp
9781501366550 PB + STUDIO | $94 95
9781501366567 eBook + STUDIO | $85 45
February 24, 2022
This text provides a thorough approach to the fundamentals of textiles in a readable, non-technical style. The focus is on the interrelationship of textile components to help students understand and predict textile properties and performance to ultimately choose the best textile for their final product.
With new co-author Julia Ridgway Sharp, Virginia Hencken Elsasser covers the global textile industry and components of textile products, summarizes laws and regulations affecting the textile industry, and looks into career possibilities, properties, care instructions, end uses of natural and manufactured fibers, yarns, fabrics, coloration and finishes, and the overall impact of textiles on the environment.
5th edition
Deborah E. Young
9781501373244 HB + STUDIO | $175 00
February 23, 2023
This all-in-one text and swatch book offers current and high-quality fashion fabric samples alongside vital information about the fabrics. Step-by-step instructions and hands-on assignments help students to apply their knowledge about fabric identification and use for specific garments.
The textbook includes activities, 210 exclusive fabric samples, Quick Reference Guide tables, pre-printed mounting boards for quick access to all swatches, and an 8x metal pick glass are all contained in a sturdy three-ring binder. This workbook approach encourages deeper learning.
12th edition
Ajoy K. Sarkar, Ingrid Johnson & Allen C. Cohen
9781501367878 HB + STUDIO | $120 00
9781501367885 eBook + STUDIO | $108 00
February 23, 2023
The twelfth edition of J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science provides the most current and comprehensive overview and introduction to the textile industry—from fibers and finishes to applications in fashion design, fashion business, fashion merchandising, apparel product development, textile production management, and interior design.
With an increased emphasis on textile sustainability, this best-selling book continues to meet the needs of both students and professionals in the textile, fashion, and related industries. Based on their combined experience in both education and the industry, the authors provide readers with a comprehensive text about the design, structure, and application of textiles.
The range of information is broad and deep, and includes basic fiber chemistry, fiber innovations, the fabrication of fabrics, quality assurance, and laws that regulate textiles; updated topics include bio-based fibers, circularity and sustainability, wearable textiles, and revised and updated chapters on fibers, yarns, non-wovens, dyeing, printing, and finishing. The authors also provide readers with information regarding textile-related trade and professional associations and career opportunities in design, production, marketing, merchandising, apparel, and home products.
12th edition
Ajoy K. Sarkar, Allen C. Cohen & Ingrid Johnson
9781501367953 Loose leaf + STUDIO | $89 .95
February 23, 2023
J.J. Pizzuto’s Fabric Science Swatch Kit, 12th Edition reinforces the study of textiles for students in courses such as Fashion Design, Fashion Business, Merchandising, Fashion Retailing, Interior Design, Textile Surface Design, Textile and Apparel Product Development, and Textile Production Management.
The kit contains 114 (2”x 3”) fabric samples, a fabric key, 32 special assignments, heavy-weight sample sheets to mount and analyze fabrics, and a pick glass—all contained in a three-ring binder. The swatches are organized in the order in which they are covered in the text: fibers, yarns, weaves, knits, dyeing, printing, and finishes. Swatches represent the types of fabrics currently available to fashion and interior designers in the field, making this resource an excellent addition to any professional library.
The Synergy of Apparel Product Development
5th edition
Sandra Keiser, Deborah Vandermar & Myrna B. Garner
9781501366642 PB + STUDIO | $120 00
9781501366659 eBook + STUDIO | $108 00
May 5, 2022
This full-color text takes students step-by-step through the decision-making involved in the preproduction processes of apparel product development including business, creative, technical, and production planning.
Updated chapter content reflects evolving industry practice. It demonstrates how these processes must be coordinated to get the right product to market, when consumers want it, and at a price they are willing to pay in an increasingly digital environment. The text seeks to address how functional approaches vary depending on a business’ size and fashion focus. More global in scope, the fifth edition includes examples and case studies of multi-national companies and incorporates global nomenclature when it differs from the US industry. This new edition also advances its discussion of how new technologies continue to shorten the product development calendar. The book is written to help students anticipate the chaotic pace of change not only in fashion trends, but also in the fashion system itself.
4th edition
Helen Joseph-Armstrong & Susan P. Ashdown
9781501315206; PB + STUDIO | $120 00
9781501315190 eBook + STUDIO | $108 00
May 5, 2022
Fully updated and revised, the fourth edition of Draping for Apparel Design incorporates current industry practices, adds diversity into apparel design, provides a comprehensive introduction for beginning patternmakers, and shares advanced techniques for further learning.
This is the new edition of the seminal book pioneered by fashion education luminary Helen Joseph-Armstrong. This comprehensive guide provides step-bystep instruction for the beginning patternmaker and advanced techniques for the more experienced. Maintaining the vast array of examples and the book’s easy-toread style, revising author Susan Ashdown reflects current industry standards, both metric and imperial measurements, images of diverse body types, and information about half scale forms. New material on jackets, coats, and loose-fitted knitwear add to this book’s breadth of knowledge.
Injoo Kim, Myoung Ok Kim & Zachary Hoh
9781501360237 PB + STUDIO | $120 00
9781501360244 eBook + STUDIO | $108 .00
October 6, 2022
Apparel Design Through Patternmaking is a fresh design-oriented flat patternmaking text that gives fashion students a new perspective on patternmaking knowledge and skills they need to develop contemporary women’s, men’s, and children’s wear.
This book covers a comprehensive range of concepts in flat pattern drafting, such as fit, style, and design development, and the modular approach allows for flexible design options across age, gender, and size, as reflected in current fashion trends. 200 detailed principles address proper measurements; body shapes; dart manipulation; neckline, collar, and sleeve variations; fit issues and corrections; garment details; and more, all of which are easily visualized with hundreds of line drawings and photos. Reference size charts and a decimal conversion chart included in the Appendix make this text user-friendly for international students.
6th edition
Elaine Stone & Sheryl A. Farnan
9781501373091 PB + STUDIO | $130 00
9781501373107 eBook + STUDIO | $117 00
December 15, 2022
For fashion students who want to be both in the now and in the know!
The Dynamics of Fashion, Sixth Edition, has the latest facts and figures, and the most current theories in fashion development, production, and merchandising, giving your students the foundation they need in the industry. It offers hundreds of real-life examples of leading brands and industry trends, demonstrating how to apply skills to fashion careers. The book also covers sustainable fashion, wearable technology, social media, and more in detail. An online STUDIO includes selfquizzes, flashcards, and links to videos.
Best Practices and Effective Strategies in Visual Merchandising
6th edition
Judy Bell
9781501368035 PB + STUDIO | $100 00
9781501368042 eBook + STUDIO | $90 00
May 5, 2022
Are you looking for a visual merchandising book written by an industry expert with over 35 years of experience with top retailers such as Target?
Energizing and bold, this major revision of Silent Selling: Best Practices and Effective Strategies in Visual Merchandising, 6th Edition, invites students to embrace a big picture view of the retail design industry. They will study global events and innovations with current multimedia resources in neuroscience and business, hand-picked by author Judy Bell. Her pioneering work with color palettes and her look-compare-innovate process will pave the way to sales-driving strategies. Students will be equipped to face the future with real world wisdom from industry leaders, and will be encouraged to create their own signature style.
From Basics to Fashion
7th edition
Richard Clodfelter
9781501375729 PB + STUDIO | $100 00
9781501375736 eBook + STUDIO | $90 00
November 3, 2022
Retail Buying, Seventh Edition teaches students the skills needed to become a successful buyer in any area of retail.
Richard Clodfelter integrates math concepts throughout the text to guide students through typical buying tasks, from identifying potential customers, to creating a sixmonth merchandising plan, to developing sales forecasts. Updated with examples and trends from across the world, this book will keep readers informed on how the retailing industry is adapting to changes like an increased focus on sustainability, the growth of digital retailing, and impacts from the coronavirus pandemic. Practice problems and updated information tables further help students to analyze and interpret data across relevant subjects like global buying and sourcing, omnichannel retailing, and social media.
9781501382284 PB + STUDIO | $135 00
9781501382291 eBook + STUDIO | $121 50
March 9, 2023
Even as the fashion industry changes rapidly with new technologies, styles and trendsetters, one thing remains constant: the customer is key. But with more competition than ever before, how do fashion brands reach elusive customers and even more crucially, establish loyalty?
This thoroughly updated third edition introduces core concepts of consumer behavior through a unique fashion perspective. Ideal for fashion merchandising and marketing courses, this text explains the motivation behind consumer choice and purchase written in a clear manner with industry examples. This text will cover updates in technology and social media, which have changed the landscape of the fashion market. Discussion of the pandemic, diversity, sustainability, and ethical practices are also included. Student activities, mini-projects, and brand new “Justin-Case” case studies promote application of the text concepts for a complete understanding of The Why of the Buy.
9781501359101 PB + STUDIO | $94 .95
9781501359118 eBook + STUDIO | $85 45
April 6, 2023
Learn the retail math skills needed to be a retail buyer, planner, or store line retailer.
This text introduces the basic formulas that a buyer uses every day and illustrates how the formulas work together to maximize profitability. The book begins with the components buyers use for achieving gross margin and profit, followed by how pricing affects the profitability, the inventory amounts necessary for buyers to achieve their planned sales, and the six-month planning process. A description of the buyer’s job explains the variety of tasks a buyer is responsible for, including analyzing reports, working with vendors, the buying process, visualizing the presentation, competitive shopping, and more, to show you how critical the job is to a retailer.
The text has real-life mathematical examples for various retail channels: department stores, off-price retailers, mass-market retailers, fast-fashion retailers, and more. Interviews in every chapter with buyers in the industry highlight situations faced within the industry. Math problems reflect the retailing skills you will need for retailers’ executive training programs. Case studies cover current industry issues and develop the critical thinking skills you will use as a buyer.
2nd edition
Kristen K. Swanson, Judith C. Everett & Jenny B. Davis
9781501335815 PB + STUDIO | $94 95
9781501335822 eBook + STUDIO | $85 45
March 24, 2022
Writing for the Fashion Business teaches students to write effectively about fashion and to successfully communicate across genres, platforms, purposes, and devices.
In the decade since Writing for the Fashion Business was first published, the Internet and social media have upended the field of journalism and the fashion world, revolutionizing both industries and changing the very nature of storytelling. This second edition devotes significant space to digital content, with dedicated chapters covering online content, social media, and streaming video content. In addition to journalism, it also includes instruction on how to write for new promotional approaches emerging in the fashion world like influencer and experiential marketing, and introduces inclusion vocabulary to ensure nondiscriminatory narratives. Whether in the form of an article, book, press release, email, or DM, students will gain an understanding of how written communication methods sync up with today’s most common methods of commerce and communication.
Take Action
3rd edition
Connie Ulasewicz & Janet Hethorn
9781501385711 PB + STUDIO | $89 95
9781501385728 eBook + STUDIO | $80 95
October 6, 2022
This book focuses on what you, the reader, can do now to help the fashion industry become more sustainable while exploring topics of equity, diversity, social justice, climate change, and healthy environments. This collected work features chapters written by industry experts.
Sustainable Fashion: Take Action, Third Edition presents a fresh exploration of practices that are underway in design and production within the fashion industry and the possibilities for future directions that can be taken now. This book focuses on innovative action needed to achieve the goal of creating healthier environments, reducing climate change, and improving the well-being of all people as they choose and wear clothing. This third edition continues to delve into the role that fashion plays in a sustainable future, through the interconnected model of “Connecting with People, Processes, and Environment”, which marks the focus of the book’s three sections. Covering a wide range of sustainability practices, the chapters are written by both academic and industry professionals, providing a balanced view of the topics with breadth and depth and suggesting routes for further examination.
5th edition
Sandra Keiser & Phyllis G. Tortora
9781501365348 PB + STUDIO | $89 95
9781501365355 eBook + STUDIO | $80 .95
January 26, 2023
This seminal text demystifies the terminology of working in the fashion industry today, providing definitions of processes, techniques, features, and even some historical terms that you need to know.
The dictionary now includes coverage of sustainability, smart materials, new technologies, and processes. This book has been reorganized in a purely alphabetical order for easy reference. Lavishly illustrated with over 800 drawings capturing the styles and details of fashion, this reference work is a must have for students, designers, fashion merchandisers, librarians, and fashion enthusiasts. The fifth edition also includes vocabulary and image flashcards via STUDIO for easy on-the-go access.
9th edition
Ajoy K. Sarkar, Phyllis G. Tortora & Ingrid Johnson
9781501365133 PB + STUDIO | $110 00
9781501365140 eBook + STUDIO | $99 00
January 26, 2023
This seminal text demystifies all the terminology around working with textiles today, providing definitions of processes, techniques, features, and even some historical terms that you need to know.
The dictionary now includes coverage of sustainability, smart materials and biobased textiles, intelligent and 3D manufacturing, new technologies, and processes. Entries cover fibers, fabrics, laws and regulations affecting textile materials and processing, inventors of textile technology, and business and trade terms relevant to textiles. Highly illustrated with over 400 images, entries include pronunciation, derivation, definition, and uses. The ninth edition also includes vocabulary and image flashcards via STUDIO for easy on-the-go access.
7th edition
Holly Price Alford
9781501373503 PB | $74 .95
November 2, 2023
The 7th Edition of Who’s Who in Fashion captures the energy, drama, excitement, and diversity of the luminaries working in the world of fashion.
This lushly illustrated book features profiles of fashion legends as well as newcomers who make up the rich tapestry of the fashion industry, spanning designers, photographers, costume designers, writers/editors, illustrators, companies, accessory designers, makeup/cosmetic specialists, and fashion conglomerates. This new edition includes over 400 profiles, 90 of which are new, and 820 images, making this a must-have reference for fashion students, historians, costume curators, and fashion enthusiasts alike.
3rd edition
Julie Cole & Sharon Czachor9781501377204 PB + STUDIO | $135 00
9781501377211 eBook + STUDIO | $121 50
August 10, 2023
Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers, Third Edition teaches students about pattern drafting and sewing with step-by-step explanations of techniques. This book is fully illustrated and incorporates sustainability and inclusivity.
To execute excellent designs, you need accurate pattern drafting and quality sewing, and Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers, Third Edition gives aspiring designers these skills. The text presents a wide range of step-by-step beginning and advanced techniques, accompanied by detailed illustrations to help with visual learning. Each chapter covers a topic following the stitching order of a garment, including stabilizers, darts, seams, pockets, tucks and pleats, zippers, waistbands, flounces, collars, facing, and more. This book also incorporates social topics relevant to the fashion industry such as sustainability, gender neutral design, and diverse representation. Learning tools like checklists and Style I.D. diagrams teach students to understand the relationships between fabric, sewing techniques, and design and apply this knowledge to their own creations.
7th edition
Connie Amaden-Crawford
9781501382567 PB + STUDIO | $120 00
9781501382604 eBook + STUDIO | $108 00
August 10, 2023
Now including discussions on the pandemic, sustainable fabrics, and a troubleshooting tip box of common sewing pitfalls and how to work around them, A Guide to Fashion Sewing, 7th Edition, provides a comprehensive fashion sewing resource for beginning and advanced sewers alike.
Readers will learn how to assemble and construct designs of various styles using proven industry methods for more than 100 sewing applications. Chapters cover everything from sewing equipment, measurements, and fabric selection to actual garment assembly. Filled with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and large, clear illustrations, this book is an indispensable resource for constructing quality garments. Accompanying video demonstrations help readers learn at their own pace for basic sewing skills and techniques such as seams, darts, bias binding, zippers, and garment assembly.
4th edition
Paula J. Myers-McDevitt
9781501384356 PB + STUDIO | $135 00
9781501384394 eBook + STUDIO | $121 50
September 7, 2023
Complete Guide to Size Specification and Technical Design, 4th Edition, equips students with everything they need to know about measuring sample garments, creating fully graded spec sheets for grading patterns, fitting garments, and offering pattern alterations.
Over 500 technical flats are clearly labeled with measurement points and instructions for taking measurements. The book includes spec sheets for different types of garments and industry forms within the context of the production process. Several sections are devoted to instruction on measuring the human body, PLM/ PDM software, correct fitting issues (with suggestions for pattern alterations), and grade rules for both number and letter sizing. It also includes over 60 basic fashion flats and instructions on metric conversions in the Appendices.
8th edition
Bina Abling
9781501387951 PB + STUDIO | $120 00
9781501387999 eBook + STUDIO | $120 00
October 5, 2023
Learn how to draw fashion images that communicate design ideas and details. With more than 3,000 color illustrations and updated instructions, this book shows you how to draw women, men, and children, pose the figure, develop the fashion head and face, sketch accessories, add garment details, and prepare flats and specs. Learn more advanced techniques for rendering color, fabrics, and embellishments, from houndstooth and velvet to feathers and fringe. Bina Abling’s detailed, easy-to-follow lessons have clear diagrams and runway photographs to help you develop your drawing skills.
9781501380938 PB + STUDIO | $135 00
9781501381003 eBook + STUDIO | $121 .50
October 19, 2023
All over the world, people get dressed, mostly for the same reasons. Why, then, do we look so different from each other? The answers lie in the constellations of factors that contribute to the human condition, from climate to conformity, gender expression to race and ethnicity.
Beginning with the body as the organizing principle around which to study dress, this 50th anniversary edition of The Visible Self makes sense of humans as biological, social, and aesthetic creatures based on cross-disciplinary concepts and examples. It explores the daily act of dress in cultures around the world, using the word “dress” to describe the wide variety of behaviors connected to the act of adorning our bodies or not through the use of clothing, modifications, and/ or supplements. Political economies are addressed holistically to understand the global world through contemporary topics such as racism and how dress can be used to sustain or rebel against dominant structures.
With current examples and relevant readings in every chapter, the authors convey how dress can achieve standards of appearance and social ideals, relate to individuality and conformity in fashion, and communicate identity and character in the arts. Exploring the global mash-up of fashion, dress, culture, production, and sustainability including life in a post-pandemic world The Visible Self offers a powerful understanding of the way we look and how we look at others.
4th edition
Karl Aspelund
9781501356056 PB + STUDIO | $94 95
9781501356049 eBook + STUDIO | $85 45
May 5, 2022
Learn to think like a designer.
In The Design Process, Fourth Edition author Karl Aspelund takes readers on a guided tour through the seven stages of design: from the initial Inspiration to Identification, Conceptualization, Exploration/Refinement, Definition/Modeling, Communication, and all the way through Production. This book focuses on developing a solid foundation in design critical thinking, no matter the discipline. The author highlights the all-important factors of sustainability, teamwork, and how to best communicate with client or manufacturer. Each chapter is followed by an exercise that allows you to work on one full cross-disciplinary project continuously from brainstorm to a physical product. The appendices provide key references to further readings, artist profiles, design elements and principles, trend analysis, and history of modern design (from the 1800s through to the 21st century).
Lily B. Robinson
9781501327780 PB | $89 .95
9781501327797 eBook | $80 .95
January 12, 2023
Interior Design Research Methods gives students the tools and skills needed for in-depth research analyses for human-centered interior design projects.
The text develops analytical skills and helps students transform scientific models into unique and innovative processes for design projects. Students will integrate information about external and internal influences on the research process, develop a research question and thesis, design a system of inquiry, and analyze, interpret, and present data. Updated case studies cover topics such as gender, design for vulnerable populations, and ethical considerations. The Instructor’s Guide includes test banks, sample syllabus, and supplemental assignments.
4th edition
Susan Winchip
9781501370281 PB + STUDIO | $94 95
9781501370298 eBook + STUDIO | $84 45
May 5, 2022
This intro to lighting text focuses on how interior lighting designs can address the healthy building movement, human-centric quality lighting design, and international green guidelines and standards for energy efficiency.
Fundamentals of Lighting, 4th Edition, takes a practical and integrated approach to the study of lighting and design. Now with case studies and sample lighting plans, learning becomes hands on. This comprehensive textbook is divided into two parts and is organized sequentially to develop a fundamental understanding of how to design quality lighting environments. Part One explores the principles of lighting design. Part Two focuses on lighting design applications and the design process, in both residential and commercial environments.
3rd edition
Roberto J. Rengel
9781501369742 PB + STUDIO | $79 95
9781501369759 eBook + STUDIO | $71 95
November 3, 2022
This highly visual text introduces students to the process of interior design space planning.
Now including examples in residential, commercial, and hospitality settings, the book covers the design of effective spatial sequences, functional relationships among project parts, arrangement of furniture, planning effective circulation systems, making spaces accessible, and designing safe environments with efficient emergency egress systems. Exercises throughout the book facilitate learning by encouraging students to apply ideas and concepts immediately after reading about them. In the third edition, the author expands on the evolution of design ideas and how they affect interior environments and the people who use them, thinking sustainably, and how interior elevations and reflective ceilings affect the plan.
4th edition
Mark Hinchman
9781501365263 PB + STUDIO | $89 95
9781501365270 eBook + STUDIO | $80 95
January 26, 2023
This seminal text demystifies the terminology around being an interior designer today, providing definitions of processes, techniques, features, and even some historical terms that a designer must know.
The dictionary now includes coverage of sustainability, smart materials, new technologies, and processes. Coverage of non-Western cultures is expanded and provides insights into their influence in a global marketplace. This comprehensive reference covers multiple aspects of interior design and architecture, addressing structural and decorative features of interiors and their furnishings, business practices, green design, universal design, commercial and residential interiors, new workplace design, and institutional and hospitality facilities. The fourth edition also includes vocabulary and image flashcards via STUDIO for on-the-go studying.
Furniture, Design, and Global Culture
2nd edition
March Hinchman and Kevin Ohe
9781501385605 PB + STUDIO | $135 00
9781501385643 eBook + STUDIO | $121 .50
December 14, 2023
This history of interior architecture covers interior design, architecture, and furniture, with a focus on global design and a spotlight on female designers.
In today’s globalized world, every aspect of our lives is affected by global interconnectedness from what we buy to what we eat to what we study – and the study of design history is no exception. Programs in art, architecture, and interior design are all facing the challenges of providing students with information from around the world. History of Interior Architecture: Furniture, Design, and Global Culture, Second Edition, (formerly titled History of Furniture: A Global View) covers the major historical movements in architecture, interior design, furniture, and the decorative arts from prehistoric periods through contemporary times, and it includes parts of the world that traditional history books ignore or underserve such as Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
Fairchild Books Interior Design Library provides all-in-one digital access to interior design textbooks and supplementary pedagogical resources from Fairchild Books. It is designed to support course delivery and learning across all levels of the interior design curriculum—on or off campus.
Discover instant cross-searchable access to over 70 textbooks which cover key subject areas and offer instructor and student materials such as self-assessment quizzes, videos, and lecture slides that enhance the teaching and learning experience for each textbook.
Available for free 30-day institutional trials and for purchase via subscription.
“Designed to meet the needs of students and educators alike (...) A strong resource (to support) art, design, and fashion, as well as business studies with an emphasis on the fashion industry.”
—Library Journal, 2022
A dynamic digital hub for interdisciplinary teaching and research in fashion and dress – Bloomsbury Fashion Central is comprised of five rich, complementary collections.
• reference • exclusive articles • eBooks • business cases • textbooks
• fashion photographs • runway video footage • biographies • lesson plans
• bibliographic guides • thousands of images from museums globally — creating a cross-discoverable hub for teaching and research.
The Bloomsbury Fashion Central collections are available for free 30-day institutional trials, and for purchase via subscription or perpetual access.
—Reference and User Services Association (RUSA)
Winner of the Dartmouth Medal, Berg Fashion Library is the ultimate resource for students and researchers of fashion studies, anthropology, and a wide range of related disciplines.
Explore exclusive digital access to the landmark 10-volume Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion with over 17,000 images and 800 in-depth articles, alongside three other reference works, a broad selection of dedicated Research and Learning tools to support teaching, 190+ eBooks, museum exhibitions, and image partnerships from museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
“…extensive and outstanding multidisciplinary coverage of dress, fashion and its impact on society.”Images throughout this section courtesy of: ©Bloomsbury Publishing PLC/ Niall McInerney (photographer), ©Getty Images, ©Tucson Museum of Art, ©MFIT
A comprehensive textbook library that offers access to more than 180 core texts and multimedia resources from Fairchild Books, the market leader in fashion education for the last 50 years.
This rich, visual textbook content is indexed at chapter level for ease of discovery, and blends the practical with the theoretical. It supports students across all levels by covering core topics that align with typical course content:
• construction
• draping
• fashion business and management
• illustration
• promotion
• journalism
• history
• marketing
• pattern making
• product development
• textiles
• styling
• sustainable fashion
• and more!
Fairchild Books Library will equip students with everything they need to succeed in the fashion industry.
“ (...) establishes a link between education and business aspects of the fashion industry. A strong resource for business, marketing, and industry-related studies.”
—Library JournalBring fashion business to life for your students with an invaluable library of more than 280 real-world business cases from across the globe. This resource offers coverage of topical industry debates and high-profile brands from H&M and Amazon to Stella McCartney. It uses thought-provoking industry examples to help learners understand and apply business concepts to specific situations, strategies, and dilemmas.
It is designed to suit the entire breadth of the fashion curriculum, tackling important issues such as sustainability, technology, ethics, and leadership. Cases are accompanied by Extended Teaching Notes, video guidance and a toolkit for teaching and learning with cases, and partner case. Users can discover partner case collections from leading fashion business schools such as LIM College, New York and RMIT in Australia.
“The archive is easy to search, regardless of users’ subject knowledge (...) ideal for institutions that support studies relevant to fashion (history, industry, and design) and the arts.”
Discover a treasure trove of footage with iconic shows that will inspire both fashion students and researchers alike.
In partnership with the YOOX NET-A- PORTER GROUP Runway Archive Collections, this resource exhibits just over 2,700 videos of spectacular fashion shows from 460 international designers between 1979 and 2003, an unforgettable era for design on the runway.
Users can enjoy descriptive video captions of: Vivienne Westwood’s provocative shows, disruptive innovator Hussein Chalayan, les enfants terribles Alexander McQueen and John Galliano, and the rise of the supermodel. They can clip specific video sections to share or save for later. Exclusive scholarly articles shed light on key collections, trends, designers’ work, and more — curated by Dr Valerie Steele.
“If you support fashion in any way, shape or form, I highly recommend this database.”
Curated by world-renowned fashion historian Valerie Steele, discover over 775,000 high-quality runway, backstage, and street-style images from international shows across Paris, London, New York, and Milan in the late 1970s to 2000.
The Fashion Photography Archive includes rare images, including many from graduation shows, featuring prestigious designers, brands, and supermodels such as Alexander McQueen, Vivienne Westwood, and Christian Dior; as well Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell, and Linda Evangelista. Newly digitized, the photographs are presented alongside biographies and scholarly articles for context—creating an exciting educational resource.
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