2 minute read
Gender & Media
Male and Female Violence in Popular Media
Elisa Giomi, Roma Tre University, Italy & Sveva Magaraggia, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy This book proposes that men engage in violent conduct at a significantly higher rate than women because they are socially and culturally ‘programmed’ to do so They argue that popular culture representations play a crucial role in this process: TV series, films, pop music and videos, advertising commercials and tabloids, all tend to normalise violence against women as an allegedly natural inclination of males By examining popular culture’s depiction of men and women in their opposite, yet complementary, roles of perpetrators and victims, the authors show unexplored interconnections, namely that gender ‘does’ violence and violence ‘does’ gender
UK November 2022 • US November 2022 • 256 pages • 3 bw tables HB 9781350168756 • £8500 / $11500 ePub 9781350168770 • £7650 / $10578 ePdf 9781350168763 • £7650 / $10578 Series: Library of Gender and Popular Culture • Bloomsbury Academic
Stand-up Comedy and Contemporary Feminisms
Sexism, Stereotypes and Structural Inequalities
Ellie Tomsett, Birmingham City University, UK What are the barriers to women’s participation in live comedy, and how are these barriers maintained in the digital era? In this book, Ellie Tomsett considers how the origins of stand-up comedy still impact on current live comedy production, and explains how the contemporary stand-up scene still reflects wider societal stereotypes about the capabilities of women
UK July 2023 • US July 2023 • 256 pages • 5 bw illus and 7 tables HB 9781350302280 • £8500 / $11500 ePub 9781350302297 • £7650 / $10578 ePdf 9781350302303 • £7650 / $10578 Series: Library of Gender and Popular Culture • Bloomsbury Academic
Alice Guilluy, MetFilm School, UK Alice Guilluy examines the reception of contemporary Hollywood romantic comedy in Britain, France and Germany She offers a new look at the romantic comedy genre through a qualitative study of its consumption by actual audiences, focusing on Sweet Home Alabama (2002, dir Andy Tennant) In doing so, she attempts to challenge traditional critiques of the genre as trite “escapism” at best, and dangerous “guilty pleasure” at worst This book makes a valuable contribution to scholarly debates on gender representation in the contemporary romantic comedy, and brings a fresh approach to genre studies through its focus on audience research
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 304 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350240353 • £2899 / $3995 Previously published in HB 9781350163034 ePub 9781350163058 • £7650 / $10578 ePdf 9781350163041 • £7650 / $10578 Series: Library of Gender and Popular Culture • Bloomsbury Academic