4 minute read
Film Directors
Limit Cinema
Transgression and the Nonhuman in Contemporary Global Film
Chelsea Birks, University of British Columbia & Simon Fraser University, Canada Limit Cinema explores how contemporary global cinema represents the relationship between humans and nature During the 21st century this relationship has become increasingly fraught due to proliferating social and environmental crises; films from Lars von Trier’s Melancholia (2011) to Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) address these problems by reflecting or renegotiating the terms of our engagement with the natural world In this spirit, this book argues that certain contemporary films attempt to transgress the limits of human experience, and that such ‘limit cinema’ has the potential to help us rethink our relationship with nature
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 224 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9781501381324 • £2899 / $3995 Previously published in HB 9781501352867 ePub 9781501352874 • £7934 / $10800 ePdf 9781501352881 • £7934 / $10800 Series: Thinking Cinema • Bloomsbury Academic
Fertile Visions
The Uterus as a Narrative Space in Cinema from the Americas
Anne Carruthers, Newcastle University, UK Fertile Visions conceptualises the uterus as a narrative space so that the female reproductive body can be understood beyond the constraints of a gendered analysis Unravelling pregnancy from notions of maternity and mothering demands that we think differently about narratives of reproduction, which is crucial in the current global political climate wherein the gender-specificity of pregnancy contributes to how bodies that reproduce are marginalised, controlled, and criminalised Anne Carruthers demonstrates fascinating and insightful close analyses of films such as Juno, Birth, and Arrival as examples of uterus as a narrative space
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 240 pages • 73 bw illus PB 9781501381317 • £2899 / $3995 Previously published in HB 9781501358579 ePub 9781501358562 • £7934 / $10800 ePdf 9781501358555 • £7934 / $10800 Series: Thinking Cinema • Bloomsbury Academic
The Transformative Cinema of Alejandro Jodorowsky
From Surrealism to Psycho-magic
George Melnyk, University of Calgary, Canada The Transformative Cinema of Alejandro Jodorowsky, the only English language book in print that covers all of Jodorowsky’s films, explores how his films are transformative in a psychologically therapeutic way It examines the symbolic meaning of colors, the use of his own family members in the films, and his casting of himself in leading roles This total involvement of himself and his family led to his psycho-therapeutic theories and practices - metagenealogy and psychomagic, connecting his work as a writer and therapist with his films, which themselves attempt to obliterate the line between fantasy and reality
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 224 pages HB 9781501378805 • £9000 / $12000 ePub 9781501378799 • £7934 / $10800 ePdf 9781501378782 • £7934 / $10800 Bloomsbury Academic
Cesare Zavattini’s Neo-realism and the Afterlife of an Idea
An Intellectual Biography
David Brancaleone, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland How many Zavattinis are there? During a life spanning most of the 20th century, the screenwriter who wrote Sciuscià, Bicycle Thieves, Miracle in Milan, and Umberto D. was also a pioneering magazine publisher in 1930s Milan, public intellectual, theorist, campaigner for film industry changes, man of letters, painter and poet This intellectual biography purports that to understand Zavattini’s idea of cinema and his legacy of ethical and political cinema (including guerrilla cinema), we must tease out the multi-faceted strands of his interventions and their interplay over time
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 464 pages PB 9781501377358 • £2899 / $3995 Previously published in HB 9781501316975 ePub 9781501317002 • £8590 / $11700 ePdf 9781501316982 • £8590 / $11700 Bloomsbury Academic World English
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Sofia Coppola
Edited by Suzanne Ferriss, Nova Southeastern University, USA The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sofia Coppola offers the first comprehensive overview of Coppola’s oeuvre. It includes individual chapters on her films, shorter works for television, commercials and music videos, as well as explorations of the distinct elements of her signature style: cinematography, production/costume design, music, and editing. Additional chapters provide insights into the influences on her work, its popular and scholarly reception, and interpretations of key themes and issues Written by an international team of contributors including scholars of film, fashion and visual culture, as well as industry professionals
UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 480 pages • 65 bw illus HB 9781350244306 • £13000 / $17500 ePub 9781350244313 • £11700 / $16212 ePdf 9781350244320 • £11700 / $16212 Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks • Bloomsbury Academic
Ida Lupino, Filmmaker
Edited by Phillip Sipiora, University of South Florida, USA Ida Lupino, Filmmaker begins with an exploration of biographical studies and analytical treatments of Lupino’s film and television work as director, moving forward to assess Lupino’s career in film and television with particular attention given to her pioneering achievements and role(s) within the cultural milieu(s) of her time. Each chapter includes a close analysis of the film or television work with insights drawn from film history and cultural/gender studies to demonstrate that Lupino was a significant directorial figure in the development of film, especially in the late 1940s and early 1950s— and in television extending well into the 1960s
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 288 pages • 63 bw illus PB 9781501381331 • £2899 / $3995 Previously published in HB 9781501352089 ePub 9781501352096 • £7934 / $10800 ePdf 9781501352102 • £7934 / $10800 Bloomsbury Academic