I.B. Tauris Politics & International Relations New Books Catalogue
April-December 2019
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General Interest...........................................................1
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Asian and African Politics............................................3
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Erdogan's Empire
Denis MacShane
Soner Cagaptay
The Fate of Britain Never in the lifetime of most British adults has there been such uncertainty about the future of the political and governing institutions of the state. Brexit has the potential to change everything – from the shape of government institutions, to the main political parties, from Britain’s relationship with its near neighbour Ireland to its international trading. The idealists of the Leave campaign won their vote in 2016. But now the realists are gently taking over. The Brexit process with be long and full of difficulties – a ‘Brexiternity’ of negotiations and internal political wrangling in Britain lies ahead. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781838601324 • £9.99 / $12.95 Individual eBook Library eBook I.B.Tauris
March of the Moderates
Clinton, Blair and the Inside Story of the Third Way Richard Carr Anglo-American relations, the so-called ‘Special Relationship’, reached a new era with the arrival of New Labour and the New Democrats in the late-1980s and early-1990s. Richard Carr reveals the untold story of the transatlantic ‘Third Way’analysing how Tony Blair and Bill Clinton won power and ultimately how they lost it. Using newly unearthed archives and interviews with the key players, he investigates the relationship between the administrations and sheds new light on key moments such as the Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland and the catastrophic Iraq War. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 320 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781788317344 • £20.00 / $27.00 Individual eBook 9781786726162 Library eBook 9781786736222 I.B.Tauris
America & Islam
Soundbites, Suicide Bombs and the Road to Donald Trump Lawrence Pintak Acclaimed journalist Lawrence Pintak unpicks America’s relationship with Islam since its foundation. Casting Donald Trump as a symptom of decades of misunderstanding and demonization of the Islamic world, Pintak shows how and why America’s relationship with Islam has been so fractious, damaging and self-defeating. Featuring unique interviews with victims and perpetrators of Trump’s policies, as well as analysis of social media’s role in inflaming debate, America and Islam seeks to provide a guide to the biggest problem faced by modern day America and sketches out a future based on co-operation and the reassertion of democratic values. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781784539092 • £17.99 / $24.95 Individual eBook 9781788315586 Library eBook 9781788315593 I.B.Tauris
Turkey and the Politics of the Middle East Gradually since 2002, Turkey's autocratic leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sought to make Turkey a great power --in the tradition of past Turkish leaders from the late Ottoman sultans to Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Erdogan has attempted to cast his country as a stand-alone Middle Eastern power – breaking ranks with its traditional Western allies, including the United States. Here the leading authority Soner Cagaptay, author of The New Sultan - the first biography of President Erdogan - provides a masterful overview of the power politics in the Middle East and Turkey’s place in it. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781788317399 • £20.00 / $27.00 Individual eBook 9781786726346 Library eBook 9781786735973 I.B.Tauris
The New Sultan
Erdogan and the Crisis of Modern Turkey Soner Cagaptay *New Edition of the Leading Work on Modern Turkey* Since 2002, Erdogan has consolidated his hold on domestic politics while using military and diplomatic means to solidify Turkey as a regional power. His crackdown has been brutal and consistent - scores of journalists arrested, academics officially banned from leaving the country, university deans fired and many of the highest-ranking military officers arrested. Here, leading Turkish expert Soner Cagaptay looks at Erdogan's roots in Turkish history, what he believes in and how he has cemented his rule, as well as what this means for the world. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 288 pages PB 9781838600587 • £9.99 / $12.95 Individual eBook 9781838600594 Library eBook 9781838600600 I.B.Tauris
How to Think Politically
Sages, Scholars and Statesmen Whose Ideas Have Changed the World James Bernard Murphy & Graeme Garrard How to Think Politically showcases the most powerful and influential ideas that politics has to offer, introducing readers to a moral seriousness and intellectual depth foreign to the present age of reality TV and government-by-Twitter. The authors take the reader on a tour of more than two millennia of political thought, exploring the ideas of figures as diverse as: Confucius; St Augustine; Niccolò Machiavelli; Mary Wollstonecraft; Karl Marx; Mohandas Gandhi; Sayyid Qutb; Hannah Arendt; Arne Naess and John Rawls. In an uncertain political age, no independent reader or student can afford to be without this indispensable guide.
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S / I . B . T A U R I S – G e ner a l I nt eres t
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 304 pages Trade PB 9781472961785 • £14.99 / $22.00 Individual eBook 9781472961778 Library eBook 9781472961761 Bloomsbury Continuum
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S / I . B . T A U R I S – Genera l Interest
The Fifth Man
The Lion and the Nightingale
Geoff Andrews
Kaya Genç
The Cambridge Spies are back in vogue - but John Cairncross was more of a maverick than the other Cambridge Spies. He worked entirely alone and was committed more to the destruction of Fascism than to the promotion of communism. During his time at Bletchley Park during the war, he passed documents to the Soviets which went on to influence the Battle of Kursk. Now, Geoff Andrews has access to all the Cairncross papers. The discovery of Cairncross's activities in the late-1980's and the story of his confession will also be told here in full for the first time.
After an attempted military coup against President Erdogan in 2016, journalist and novelist Kaya Genc travelled around his country on a quest to find the places and people in whom the contrasts of Turkey’s rich past meet. As suicide bombers attack Istanbul, and journalists and teachers are imprisoned, he walks the streets of the famous Ottoman neighbourhoods, and tells the stories of the ordinary Turks. The Lion and the Nightingale tells the spellbinding story of a country split between East and West, violence and beauty - between the roar of the lion and the song of the nightingale.
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages • 30 bw illus HB 9781788311304 • £20.00 / $27.00 Individual eBook Library eBook I.B.Tauris
UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781788314961 • £17.99 / $24.95 Individual eBook 9781788317009 Library eBook 9781788316989 I.B.Tauris
John Cairncross, The Last Cambridge Spy
The Shadow in the East
Vladimir Putin and the New Baltic Front Aliide Naylor The Baltics are about to be thrust onto the world stage. With a ‘belligerent’ Vladimir Putin to their east (and ‘expansionist’ NATO to their west), Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are increasingly the subject of unsettling headlines in both Western (and Russian) media. Based on her extensive research and work as a journalist, Aliide Naylor explains the region's unique identities, why they matter for the world and argues persuasively that this region is about to become the new frontline in the political struggle between East and West. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781788312523 • £17.99 / $24.95 Individual eBook 9781786726384 Library eBook 9781786736444 I.B.Tauris
Tipping Point
British Security in the 2020s Edited by Michael E. Clarke & Helen Ramscar Britain faces a uniquely challenging decade in the 2020s, with threats of natural disasters, pandemics or energy insecurity, to the effects of international criminality, terrorism, right through to the threats of cyber war, hybrid war and outright international conflict. Britain undoubtedly has some notable strengths as a global actor in modern world politics. But the security assumptions that policymakers have made since the end of the Cold War have been severely tested in recent years and the indications are that more radical strategic thinking will be required to meet the challenges the 2020s are set to pose. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 304 pages PB 9781788319195 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781788319188 • £50.00 / $68.00 Individual eBook 9781788319201 Library eBook 9781788319218 I.B.Tauris
A Journey Through Modern Turkey
The Putin Paradox Richard Sakwa
Vladimir Putin has emerged as one of the key leaders of the twenty-first century. However, he is also recognized as one of the most divisive. Abroad his assertion of Russia's interests and critique of the western-dominated international system has brought him into conflict with Atlantic powers. Within Russia he has balanced various factions within the elite intelligentsia and the wider support of Russian society. So what is the 'Putin paradox?' Richard Sakwa grapples with Putin's personal and political development on both the international political scene and within the domestic political landscape of Russia. This study historicizes the Putin paradox, through theoretical, historical and political anlaysis and in light of wider developments in Russian society. Richard Sakwa presents the Putin paradox as a unique regime type - balancing numerous contradictions - in order to adapt to its material environment while maintaining sufficient authority with which to shape it. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 352 pages PB 9781838601270 • / • HB 9781788318303 • £20.00 / $27.00 Individual eBook 9781838603717 Library eBook 9781838603724 I.B.Tauris
Writing a Watertight Thesis
A Guide to Successful Structure and Defence Mike Bottery, University of Hull, UK & Nigel Wright, University of Hull, UK Writing a Watertight Thesis provides students with a framework for developing a sound structure for their thesis, which will ultimately make it watertight and defensible. The authors show that the key to making a thesis watertight lies in selecting the central research question and the sub-research questions that together collectively answer this main one. They draw on their extensive experience of supervising research students throughout, and include examples of how successful theses have been made watertight along with questions to enable readers to do the same thing to their own thesis. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 200 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350046948 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350046955 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350046962 Library eBook 9781350046986 Bloomsbury Academic
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
China's Forgotten People
Michael Dillon
Nick Holdstock
China's Good Communist "Urbane, enigmatic, "eminence grise", "the man behind the scenes" sums up Zhou Enlai's long and vital political career in the CCP, from the 1920s to 1970s, and his close connections with both Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong. Zhou Enlai was thus the prime architect of China's drive towards superpower status, an interesting, attractive and intellectual figure, whom Michael Dillon regards as 'a genuine statesman rather than just a political operator'. This is a historical and political biography as well as a study that illuminates the political, social, cultural and economic history of China during the most momentous period in China's modern history. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 320 pages PB 9781788319300 • £16.99 / $22.95 • HB 9781784536152 • £75.00 / $100.00 Individual eBook 9781786726667 Library eBook 9781786736727 I.B.Tauris
Political Representation In India
Xinjiang, Terror and the Chinese State After isolated terrorist incidents in 2015, the Chinese leadership has cracked down hard on Xinjiang and its Uyghurs. Today, there are thought to be up to a million Muslims held in 're-education camps' in the Xinjiang region of North-West China. One of the few Western commentators to have lived in the region, journalist Nick Holdstock travels into the heart of the province and reveals the Uyghur story as one of repression, hardship and helplessness. China's Forgotten People explains why repression of the Muslim population is on the rise in the world's most powerful one-party state. This updated and revised edition reveals the background to the largest known concentration camp network in the modern world, and reflects on what that means for the way we think about China. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 288 pages PB 9781788319799 • £14.99 / $19.95 Individual eBook 9781788319812 Library eBook 9781788319829 I.B.Tauris
Ideas and Contestations, 1908-1951 Abhay V. Datar
Political Representation in India: Ideas and Contestations, 1908–1952 maps extensive and wide-ranging debates, marked by contestations and strident demands on political representation in colonial India. It explores these themes, along with First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) system during the Constitutionframing process. These debates, previously overlooked, are significant for they helped shape the institutional structures of political representation in the form of the electoral system of Indian democracy. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 256 pages HB 9789388271776 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9789388271790 Bloomsbury Academic India World All Languages (excluding India/Indian subcontinent)
Post-Conflict Security in South Sudan From Liberal Peacebuilding to Demilitarisation Nyambura Wambugu Why have policies of liberal peacebuilding failed to bring lasting stability to South Sudan? Nyambura Wambugu, an academic with more than ten years' practical advisory and policymaking experience, adopts a holistic and multi-thematic approach to answer these crucial questions. Rooting her analysis as deeply as the initial militarisation of Sudan in the 1950s, Wambugu considers the complex and overlapping issues that have afflicted the region since 2005. In the process, Wambugu demonstrates the failure of the billions of dollars spent on liberal peacebuilding and elucidates the possibility of demilitarisation as a lasting and sustainable alternative. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 304 pages • 30 integrated b&w illus. HB 9781784536947 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786725875 Library eBook 9781786735874 I.B.Tauris
After the Genocide in Rwanda Testimonies of Violence, Change and Reconciliation
Edited by Nicki Hitchcott, Hannah Grayson, Stephen Joseph & Laura Blackie Since the Genocide against the Tutsi, Rwanda has undergone a remarkable period of reconstruction. Driven by a governmental programme of unity and reconciliation, the last 25 years have seen significant changes at national, community, and individual levels. This book gathers previously unpublished testimonies from individuals who lived through the genocide. These are the voices of those who experienced one of the most horrific events of the 20th Century. Yet, their stories do not simply paint a picture of lives left destroyed and damaged; they also demonstrate healing relationships, personal growth, forgiveness and reconciliation. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781788318280 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781788313230 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781786726636 Library eBook 9781786736697 Series: International Library of African Studies • I.B.Tauris
Peacekeeping in Africa
Politics, Security and the Failure of Foreign Military Assistance Marco Jowell Marco Jowell has spent a decade working in peacekeeping training in East Africa. Using first-hand experience, he considers how military forces from a variety of African states can conduct complicated multinational peacekeeping operations. He shows how regional peacekeeping training centres provide an environment for African elites, predominately military, to interact with each other through shared training and experiences. This process of interaction, or socialisation, improves skills but also encourages cohesion so that future African-led missions will be managed by well-trained officers who are comfortable and willing to work within a regional or PanAfrican framework.
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S / I . B . T A U R I S – As ia n a nd A fr ic a n P ol it ic s
Zhou Enlai
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 288 pages • 6 black and white integrated figures PB 9781838601539 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784539894 Individual eBook 9781786723413 Library eBook 9781786733412 Series: International Library of African Studies • I.B.Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E L AT I O N S / I . B . TA U R I S – A f r i c a / A r c t i c S t u d i e s / B a l k a n s 4
In The Shadow of Mandela
Russia and the Arctic
Political Leadership in South Africa
Environment, Identity and Foreign Policy
Alexander Johnston
Geir Hønneland
This outstanding and original work goes to the heart of South Africa's political problems - doubts as to the sustainability of the post-apartheid settlement, beset with divisions in the ruling ANC, factionalism, corruption and the widening of fault-lines in state and society.
The world is currently witnessing an Arctic Scramble as the major powers compete to demarcate and occupy Arctic territory. Yet the territorial boundaries of the region remain ill-defined and Russia, under the increasingly bold foreign policy of Vladimir Putin, has emerged as a forceful power in the region. Geir Hønneland investigates the political contexts and international tensions surrounding Russia's actions, focusing especially on the disputes which have emerged in the Barents Sea where European and Russian interests compete directly.
The 'leadership issue' has become key and this will be the first specific examination of leadership in the light of Mandela's legacy and its effect on his successor as potential and actual leaders - all in 'the shadow of Mandela' as the architect of the transition from apartheid to democracy, and with overarching moral authority and international reputation. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 320 pages HB 9781784539535 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788317696 Library eBook 9781788317702 I.B.Tauris
UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781838601232 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781838601249 Library eBook 9781838601256 Series: Library of Arctic Studies • I.B.Tauris
Women and Industry in the Balkans Arctic Governance: Volume 3 Norway, Russia and Asia
Edited by Geir Hønneland, Ida Folkestad Soltvedt & Svein Vigeland Rottem The Polar North is known to be home to large gas and oil reserves and its position holds significant trading and military advantages, yet the maritime boundaries of the region remain ill-defined. In this third of three volumes, the latest research and analysis from the world's leading Arctic research body - the Fridtjof Nansen Institute - is brought together for the first time. Arctic Governance: Norway, Russia and Asia investigates the foreign policy discourses of Arctic governance, specifically as regarding international relations and competing interests between Norway, Russia and various Asian states. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781784539641 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600105 Library eBook 9781838600112 Series: Arctic Governance • I.B.Tauris
The Rise and Fall of the Yugoslav Textile Sector Chiara Bonfiglioli Women's emancipation through productive labour was a key tenet of socialist politics in post-World War II Yugoslavia. The break-up of Yugoslavia in 1991 resulted in factory closures, forcing thousands of garment industry workers into precarious and often exploitative private-sector jobs. Drawing on more than 60 oral history interviews with former and current garment workers, as well as workplace periodicals and contemporary press material collected across Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia, Women and Industry in the Balkans charts the rise and fall of the Yugoslav textile sector, as well as the implications of this post-socialist transition, for the first time. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 224 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781784539603 • £69.00 / $95.00 Individual eBook 9781838600761 Library eBook 9781838600754 I.B.Tauris
National Identity in Serbia Kosovo, A Documentary History From the Balkan Wars to World War II
Edited by Robert Elsie & Bejtullah D. Destani The question of Kosovan sovereignty and independence has a history which stretches far back beyond the outbreak of war in 1998. This volume is a compilation of key documents on Kosovo from the first half of the twentieth century and provides new perspectives on the Kosovo question, including many documents which have been largely unavailable up to now. It sheds new light on many of the major and minor episodes that channeled and determined subsequent events, including the Kosovo War of 19981999 and the declaration of independence in February 2008. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 496 pages • 2 maps PB 9781838600037 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788311762 Individual eBook 9781786723543 Library eBook 9781786733542 Series: Library of Balkan Studies • I.B.Tauris
The Vojvodina and a Multi-Ethnic Community in the Balkans Vassilis Petsinis This book analyses the evolution of Vojvodina’s identity over time and the unique pattern of ethnic relations in the province. Although approximately 25 ethnic communities live in Vojvodina, it is by no means a divided society. Vassilis Petsinis explores Vojvodina’s intercultural society and shows how this has facilitated the introduction of flexible and regionalized legal models for the management of ethnic relations in Serbia since the 2000s. He also discusses recent developments in the region, most notably the arrival of refugees from Syria and Iraq, measuring the impact that these changes have had on social stability in the province. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 224 pages • 9 bw illus HB 9781788313735 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788317085 Library eBook 9781788317092 I.B.Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Bloomsbury and I.B. Tauris In May 2018 Bloomsbury acquired I.B. Tauris. Founded in London in 1983, I.B. Tauris has long been recognised as one of the leading publishers on the Middle East and the Islamic World and has a major presence in Classics and Ancient History, History, Politics and International Relations, Philosophy, Religion, Film and Visual Culture. Formerly distributed by IBT, Bloomsbury is pleased to distribute* The American University in Cairo Press and the Hoopoe imprint, The Classical Press of Wales, and Egypt Exploration Society. * outside N. America (and Egypt for AUCP/Hoopoe)
I.B. Tauris and distributed books are now on www.bloomsbury.com
P O L I T I C S & I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S / I . B . T A U R I S – Europea n Pol i ti c s
Revolution Française
The Albanian Bektashi
Sophie Pedder
Robert Elsie
Emmanuel Macron and the quest to reinvent a nation Emmanuel Macron’s remarkable ascent from obscurity to the presidency is both the dramatic story of a personal ambition and the tale of a wounded once-proud country in deep need of renewal. How did a political novice manage to defy the unwritten rules of the Fifth Republic and secure the presidency? What had happened to France over the previous 20 years that laid the foundations for this improbable feat? Sophie Pedder had a ringside seat to the 2017 campaign, as well as years of experience observing French politics. Her account will be one of the most captivating political books of this year. UK May 2019 • US July 2019 • 320 pages • 1 x 8pp colour plate section HB 9781472948601 • £25.00 / $28.00 Individual eBook 9781472948618 Library eBook 9781472948625 Bloomsbury Continuum World English
Cyprus before 1974 The Prelude to Crisis Marilena Varnava Cyprus Before 1974 seeks to unpick the internal conflicts which led to the failure of the peace process in Cyprus. The study focuses on the events of 1968 - when the Greek-Cypriot political leadership failed to grasp the nature of the changes within the island’s post-independence arena. Recurrent attempts within both communities during the talks of that year to create faits accomplis favourable to their own bargaining positions served to heighten the barriers to a peaceful outcome. This study enlarges our understanding of the underlying issues which the Turkish invasion of 1974 were to throw into stark relief. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781784539979 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788315425 Library eBook 9781788315432 Series: International Library of Twentieth Century History • I.B.Tauris
Radicalization in Belgium and the Netherlands Critical Perspectives on Violence and Security
Edited by Nadia Fadil, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Francesco Ragazzi & Martijn de Koning This book comprises contributions from leading scholars in the field of critical security studies to trace the introduction, adoption and dissemination of ‘radicalization’ as a concept. It is the first book to offer a critical analysis and history of the term as an ‘empty signifier’, that is, a word that might not necessarily refer to something existing in the real world. The diverse contributions consider how the term has circulated since its emergence in the Netherlands and Belgium, its appearance in academia and its impact on relationships of trust between public officials and their clients. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 336 pages • 6 bw illus HB 9781784538897 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781788316194 Library eBook 9781788316200 Series: Library of European Studies • I.B.Tauris
The History and Culture of a Dervish Order in the Balkans The Bektashi dervish order is a Sufi Alevite sect found in Anatolia and the Balkans with a strong presence in Albania. In this, his final book, Robert Elsie analyses the Albanian Bektashi and considers their role in the country’s history and society. Although much has been written on the Bektashi in Turkey, little has appeared on the Albanian branch of the sect. Robert Elsie considers the history and culture of the Bektashi, analyses writings on the order by early travellers to the region such as Margaret Hasluck and Sir Arthur Evans and provides a comprehensive list of tekkes (convents) and tyrbes (shrines) in Albania and neighbouring countries. Finally he presents a catalogue of notable Albanian Bektashi figures in history and legend. This book provides a complete reference guide to the Bektashi in Albania which will be essential reading for scholars of the Balkans, Islamic sects and Albanian history and culture. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 352 pages HB 9781788315692 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781788315715 Library eBook 9781788315708 I.B.Tauris
Trust, Politics and Revolution A European History Francesca Granelli Tracing the relationships and networks of trust in Western European revolutionary situations from the Ancient Greeks to the French Revolution and beyond, Francesca Granelli here shows the essential role of trust in both revolution and government, arguing that without trust, both governments and revolutionary movements are liable to fail. The first study to combine the importance of trust and the significance of revolution, this book offers a new lens through which to interpret revolution, in an essential work book for all scholars of political science and historians of revolution. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 352 pages • 16 mono drawings HB 9781788314725 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781788315746 Library eBook 9781788315739 I.B.Tauris
Greek Democracy and the Junta
Regime Crisis and the Failed Transition of 1973 Ioannis Tzortzis The period of the Greek Junta remains a fascinating case study in the transition from dictatorship to democracy, for scholars around the world, as well as one of the key moments in modern Greek history. Ioannis Tzortzis uses Greek sources and material, supplemented by US and UK diplomatic archives. Uniquely, and excitingly, he himself has conducted interviews with many personalities involved from all sides of the political spectrum including members of the regime itself including ex-regime leaders Stylianos Pattakos and Nikolaos Makarezos; ex-Prime Minister Georgios Rallis and the left-wing leaders Leonidas Kyrkos and Grigoris Farakos. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781788313919 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781788317870 Library eBook 9781788317863 I.B.Tauris
www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk
Foreign Aid and Environmental Politics in the PostSoviet Caucasus Pål Wilter Skedsmo This ethnographic study, based on new primary research, looks at aid in the South Caucasus, and its role in Armenia’s relationship with Europe. In particular, Pål Wilter Skedsmo argues that the Aarhus Convention, which entitles citizens of Europe to access information and participation in decision-making in environmental matters such as infrastructure projects, has allowed Armenian citizens to adapt and control the direction of their country’s political future in various ways – whether through protest activism or legal challenges. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781788311748 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781788315395 Library eBook 9781788315401 Series: International Library of Twentieth Century History • I.B.Tauris
War and the City
Turkish Intelligence and the Cold War The Turkish Secret Service, the US and the UK Egemen Bezci This book examines the hitherto unexplored history of secret intelligence cooperation between three asymmetric partners – the UK, US and Turkey – from the end of the Second World War until the Turkey’s first military coup d'état on 27 May 1960. The book shows that our understanding of the Cold War as a binary rivalry between the two blocs is too simple an approach and obscures important characteristics of intelligence cooperation among allies. By doing so this book not only reveals previouslyunexplored origins of secret intelligence cooperation between Turkey and West, but also contributes to wider academic debates on the Cold War. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 224 pages • 2 bw illus HB 9781788313254 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781786726032 Library eBook 9781788317306 I.B.Tauris
Urban Geopolitics in Lebanon Sara Fregonese War and the City examines the geopolitical significance of the Lebanese Civil War with specific focus on micro-level exploration of the way in which the urban landscape of Beirut was transformed by the conflict. Focusing on the initial phase of the war between 1975-76, known as the Two Years’ War, this study moves away from formal macro-level geopolitical analyses of the war and proposes an exploration of the urban nature of the conflict through bodies, spaces and urban materials. The book utilizes urban viewpoints examine the nature of sovereignty in Lebanon and how it is inscribed on the landscape of Beirut. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages • 9 bw illus HB 9781780767147 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781838600532 Library eBook 9781838600549 Series: International Library of Human Geography • I.B.Tauris
Power and Conflict in Russia’s Borderlands The Post-Soviet Geopolitics of Dispute Resolution
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The Post-Soviet Politics of Utopia
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Surveillance, Privacy and TransAtlantic Relations
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Edited by David D Cole, Federico Fabbrini & Stephen Schulhofer
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The Dynamics of Exclusionary Constitutionalism
Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State
States, the Law and Access to Refugee Protection Fortresses and Fairness
Edited by Maria O'Sullivan & Dallal Stevens Examines two of the most pertinent challenges faced by asylum seekers in gaining access to international refugee protection: first, the obstacles to physical access to territory and, second, the barriers to accessing a quality asylum procedure – which the editors have termed 'access to justice'. The book brings together leading commentators from a range of backgrounds, including law, sociology and political science. It also includes contributions from NGO practitioners. While the examination offers a strong focus on European legal and policy developments, the book also addresses the issues in different regions (Europe, North America, the Middle East, Africa and Australia). UK July 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781509930784 • £35.00 Previously published in HB 9781509901289 Individual eBook 9781509901302 Library eBook 9781509901296 Series: Studies in International Law • Hart Publishing
Mazen Masri What does Israel’s definition as a 'Jewish and democratic' state mean? How does it affect constitutional law? How does it play out in the daily life of the people living in Israel? This book provides a unique and detailed examination of the consequences of the ‘Jewish and democratic’ definition. It explores how the definition affects the internal ordering of the state, the operation of the law, and the ways it is used to justify, protect and regenerate certain features of Israeli constitutional law. It also considers the relationship between law and settler-colonialism, and how this relationship manifests itself in the constitutional order. UK June 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781509930166 • £35.00 Previously published in HB 9781509902538 Individual eBook 9781509902545 Library eBook 9781509902552 Series: Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law • Hart Publishing Not available in North America
Feminist Judgments in International Law
Edited by Loveday Hodson & Troy Lavers One of the more interesting recent developments in legal methodology has been the emergence of feminist rewriting of key judgments. This unique enterprise has seen scholars collaborate in the ‘real world’ task of reassessing jurisprudence in light of feminist perspectives. This volume makes a significant contribution to this endeavour, exploring as it does how key judgments in international law might have differed if women’s voices were given more prominence. The collection asks if feminist perspectives can offer meaningful and viable alternatives to international law norms. Does that application result in distinguishable differences in outcomes? It looks at the question with particular reference to: sources of international law; the public and private divide; state responsibility; human rights protection; ethics of care; boundaries and the concept of violence in international law. UK October 2019 • 432 pages HB 9781509914456 • £90.00 Individual eBook 9781509914432 Library eBook 9781509914425 Hart Publishing Not available in North America
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