5 minute read
Studies in Private International Law
Paul Beaumont, University of Stirling, UK
Jurisdiction Over Non-EU Defendants
Should the Brussels Ia Regulation be Extended?
Edited by Tobias Lutzi, University of Augsburg, Germany, Ennio Piovesani, University of Turin, Italy & Dora Zgrabljic Rotar, University of Zagreb, Croatia
This book looks at the question of extending the reach of the Brussels Ia Regulation The Regulation, the centerpiece of the EU framework on civil procedure, is widely recognised as one of the most successful legal instruments on judicial cooperation This examination looks at its extending to apply to defendants not domiciled in a Member State, asking whether that extension can be justified when compared to the domestic rules of each Member State It then looks at the question from the EU perspective, the perspective of signatories to the Lugano Convention, and the wider global perspective
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 416 pages
HB 9781509958917 • £90 00 / $120 00 ePub 9781509958924 • £81 00 / $110 69 ePdf 9781509958931 • £81 00 / $110 69
Series: Studies in Private International Law Hart Publishing
Studies in Private International Law - Asia
The HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention
Cornerstones, Prospects, Outlook
Edited by Matthias Weller, Moritz Brinkmann & Nina Dethloff, all Rheinische Friedrich WilhelmsUniversität Bonn, Germany & João RibeiroBidaoui, Permanent Bureau, HCCH, The Hague, the Netherlands
This book analyses, comments and further develops on the most important instrument of the Hague Conference on Private International Law (HCCH): the HCCH 2019 Judgments Convention The HCCH Convention will have a transformative effect on global judicial cooperation in civil matters This book explores its ‘mechanics’, i e the legal cornerstones of the new Convention (Part I), its prospects in leading regions of the world (Part II), and offers an overview and comment on its outlook (Part III) Drawing on contributions from experts, this will become the reference work for law-makers, lawyers and scholars in the field of private international law.
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 496 pages
HB 9781509959532 £120 00 / $160 00 ePub 9781509959549 £108 00 / $147 14 ePdf 9781509959556 £108 00 / $147 14
Series: Studies in Private International Law • Hart Publishing
Anselmo Reyes, Doshisha University, Japan & Paul Beaumont, University of Stirling, UK
Choice of Law and Recognition in Asian Family Law
Edited by Anselmo Reyes, Doshisha University, Japan, Wilson Lui, University of Hong Kong & Kazuaki
Nishioka, University of Zurich, Switzerland
This book outlines the general choice of law and recognition rules relating to family matters of 15 Asian jurisdictions: Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India
The book examines pressing questions testing Asian institutions of private international law and acting as forces for their modernisation, such as child surrogacy, child abduction, the recognition of samesex unions, the recovery of maintenance, and the regulation of intercountry adoption, and proposes ways in which their systems may be reformed
UK August 2023 • US October 2023 • 448 pages
HB 9781509956340 £130 00 / $175 00 ePub 9781509956357 £117 00 / $159 29 ePdf 9781509956364 • £117 00 / $159 29
Series: Studies in Private International Law - Asia • Hart Publishing
Treatment of Foreign Law in Asia
Edited by Kazuaki Nishioka, University of Zurich, Switzerland
This is a one-stop reference guide on the treatment of foreign law in 15 Asian states, that is, how the courts in Asia deal with the proof of foreign law in court litigation When a foreign law governs the substantive merits of a case, who bears the burden of proving the contents of relevant foreign law? How do Asian courts ascertain, interpret, and apply a foreign law as the law governing the merits of the case?
The book examines similarities and differences and puts forward suggestions for harmonising differing approaches, especially between Asian common law and civil law states
UK November 2023 US November 2023 432 pages
HB 9781509956555 • £130 00 / $175 00 ePub 9781509956562 • £117 00 / $159 29 ePdf 9781509956579 • £117 00 / $159 29
Series: Studies in Private International Law - Asia • Hart Publishing
Modern Studies in Property Law, Volume 12
Edited by Natalie Mrockova, Aruna Nair & Luke Rostill, all University of Oxford, UK
This book examines a diverse range of topics in property law and uses a wide range of methodological approaches to reflect on a variety of current and emerging themes and important issues that have been overlooked, offering new analysis and insights that will be valuable for property lawyers, academics, and students
The contributors are leading academics and practitioners from several common law jurisdictions, which expands the book’s focus and enhances its value to the reader
UK July 2023 US July 2023 400 pages
HB 9781509963669 • £120 00 / $160 00 ePub 9781509963676 • £108 00 / $147 14 ePdf 9781509963683 • £108 00 / $147 14
Series: Modern Studies in Property Law • Hart Publishing
Studies in the History of Tax Law, Volume 11
Edited by Peter Harris & Dominic de Cogan, both University of Cambridge, UK
This book is a continuation of the prestigious series which is drawn from the papers of the biennial Cambridge Tax Law History Conference The authors are a rich blend of senior tax professionals from academia, the judiciary, and practice, with representatives from 9 countries
The theme of the series continues to be investigating current tax policy debates in an historical context (lessons from history)
The papers fall within 3 basic themes: (1) UK and Ireland tax, (2) international taxation, and (3) foreign tax systems
UK September 2023
HB 9781509963263
Inheritance Matters Kinship, Property, Law
Edited by Suzanne Lenon, University of Lethbridge, Canada & Daniel Monk, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Drawing on historical, literary, sociological, and legal analysis, this book demonstrates how inheritance is, and has always been, about far more than the set of legal processes for the distribution of wealth and property upon death The contributions range from exploring the intractable tensions underlying family disputes, legal arguments, and political debates about taxation, to revisiting literary plots in the past and presenting a contemporary artistic challenge of heirship
With an introduction that presents a critical mapping of the field of inheritance studies, this fascinating, imaginative, interdisciplinary collection deepens our understanding of the stakes of inheritance law
UK September 2023 • US September 2023 • 400 pages
HB 9781509964819 • £90 00 / $120 00 ePub 9781509964826 £81 00 / $110 69 ePdf 9781509964833 £81 00 / $110 69
Hart Publishing
The Power to Tax in Europe
Edited by Johan Lindholm, Umeå University, Sweden & Anders Hultqvist, Karlstad University, Sweden
This open access book is the 17th volume in the Swedish Studies in European Law series and reflects the series aim to explore the variety of issues and dilemmas that European law faces in specific areas of EU law and policy, as well as overarching questions of EU institutional and constitutional law In this volume, experts explore the development of the role of Europe and European law in the field of taxation
The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on bloomsburycollections.com. Open access was funded by Swedish Studies Network.
• US September 2023
• £130 00 / $175 00 ePub 9781509963270 • £117 00 / $159 29 ePdf 9781509963287 • £117 00 / $159 29
• 592 pages
Series: Studies in the History of Tax Law • Hart Publishing
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 288 pages
HB 9781509964017 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781509964024 • £0 00 / $0 00 ePdf 9781509964031 • £0 00 / $0 00
Series: Swedish Studies in European Law • Hart Publishing