Developing Materials for Language Teaching
Edited by Brian Tomlinson, Visiting Professor, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK and TESOL Professor, Anaheim University, USA This book is the only one to provide a comprehensive coverage of the main aspects and issues in the field. • Provides critical overviews of recent developments in materials development • Intended for use by both postgraduates and teacher training courses and teachers, publishers and applied linguists in the field • New chapters on corpus-informed materials development, materials development for blended learning, materials development for EAP, materials development for ESOL and materials development for young learners UK December 2013 • US February 2014 576 Pages • 244 x 169mm • 9.6 x 6.7 inches PB 9781441186836 £29.99 • $49.95 HB 9781441151889 £95.00 • $160.00 Library eBook 9781441153111 £90.00 • $145.00 Individual eBook 9781441176875 £29.99 • $45.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Using Corpora to Analyze Gender
Web As Corpus
Paul Baker, Professor of English Language, Lancaster University, UK
Maristella Gatto, Researcher and Lecturer in English Language and Translation, University of Bari, Italy
“Baker’s excellent introductory book effectively shows how corpus linguistics can be used to study language and gender. Employing contemporary real-life research case studies Baker shows, on the one hand, how people interested in Gender and Language can make use of corpora in their work, and, on the other hand, how corpus linguists who are not already familiar with Gender and Language studies might examine gender in their corpus work.” John Flowerdew, Professor of English, City University of Hong Kong Using Corpora to Analyze Gender illustrates how corpus linguistics can be used to study language and gender, employing contemporary real-life research case studies.
Theory and Practice
The Web is an exponentially increasing source of language and corpus linguistics data. This book explores the theory and practice of the ‘web as corpus’. It looks at the most common tools and methods used and features a plethora of examples based on the author's own teaching experience. This book also bridges the gap between studies in computational linguistics, which emphasise technical aspects, and studies in corpus linguistics, which focus on the implications for language theory and use. UK February 2014 • US April 2014 256 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781441161123 £24.99 • $42.95 HB 9781441150981 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781441134134 £75.00 • $120.00 Series: Corpus and Discourse Bloomsbury Academic
UK January 2014 • US February 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781441108777 £24.99 • $42.95 HB 9781441110589 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781472524836 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781472527073 £24.99 • $36.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Academic & Professional Bookseller Academic, Educational & Professional Publisher of the Year 2013 IPG Independent Publisher and Academic & Professional Publisher of the Year 2013
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Academic Writing in a Second or new in PB Foreign Language Issues and Challenges Facing ESL/EFL Academic Writers in Higher Education Contexts Edited by Ramona Tang, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Education, Singapore “Highly interesting for academics engaged in research on the real world academic practices of academics and PhD students who want to make justified choices in relation to their careers, but also for the wider academic community, the administrators, and the policymakers who strive for a more equitable and just system that enables knowledge exchange and accessibility among individuals and communities located in different parts of the world.” ELT Journal
Multilingual Encounters in Europe's Institutional Spaces Edited by Johann W. Unger, Lecturer, University of Lancaster, UK, Michal Krzyzanowski, Full Professor, Orebro University, Sweden & Ruth Wodak, Distinguished Professor of Discourse Studies, Lancaster University, UK Multilingual encounters have become an essential part of supranational institutions such as the EU since their inception. This volume explores and discusses different ways of researching the discursive dimension of these encounters, and critically examines their relevance to policy, politics and society as a whole. UK February 2014 • US April 2014 288 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781441107817 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781441168818 £225.00 • $362.00 Individual eBook 9781441144843 £74.99 • $115.99 Series: Advances in Sociolinguistics Bloomsbury Academic
The Stylistics of Cappuccino Fiction
Dat Bao, Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia This book presents empirical research related to the phenomenon of reticence in the second language classroom, connecting current knowledge and theoretical debates. Looking at evidence from China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and Australia, the book presents research data on many internal and external forces that pose obstacles to the adoption of a verbal and outspoken learning style in contemporary education. It explores silence as a thoughtful mode of learning in its own right.
Language Ideologies and the Globalization of 'Standard' Spanish
new in PB
Darren Paffey, Lecturer in Spanish and Linguistics, University of Southampton, UK “Paffey's book is an impressive account of to what extent the Spanish Language Academy frames not only the public ideological debates about Spanish as a language, but also the standardization efforts occurring in the Spanish speaking world.” Rainer Enrique Hamel, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico UK March 2014 • US May 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472522573 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441110978 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441150325 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441187406 Series: Advances in Sociolinguistics Bloomsbury Academic
new in PB
Rocío Montoro, Lecturer in English Language, University of Granada, Spain This is the first book length study of the genre of 'chick lit' informed by an advanced stylistic approach, covering tradition and cognitive angles. This interdisciplinary work explores the boundaries of the stylistics of chick lit and works reflectively, looking at how exploring this genre can help the twofold aim of testing existing models of linguistic and cognitive analysis. It will be essential reading for those interested in cutting-edge stylistics. UK November 2013 • US January 2014 264 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472527189 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441187277 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441197177 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781847064790 Series: Advances in Stylistics Bloomsbury Academic
Ways of Participating in Second Language Acquisition
UK February 2014 • US April 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781441102706 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781441136220 £225.00 • $362.00 Individual eBook 9781441128539 £74.99 • $115.99 Bloomsbury Academic
UK November 2013 • US January 2014 272 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472522665 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441173980 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441153340 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441112163 Bloomsbury Academic
Chick Lit
Understanding Silence and Reticence
Pedagogical Stylistics Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT
new in PB
Edited by Michael Burke, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, English and Pedagogy, Roosevelt Academy, The Netherlands, Szilvia Csabi, Postdoctoral Researcher, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, Lara Week, graduate, Roosevelt Academy, The Netherlands & Judit Zerkowitz, Assistant Professor of English Applied Linguistics, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary “Pedagogical Stylistics will be a stimulating read for anyone who teaches Stylistics and for teachers of English Language and Literature more generally, either in mother-tongue or second/foreign-language teaching situations. It is full of interesting discussions of texts, teaching approaches which can be used in class, and empirical studies which relate student reading processes and outcomes to pedagogical strategies.” Mick Short, Lancaster University, UK UK November 2013 • US January 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472527271 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441159878 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441123121 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441140104 Series: Advances in Stylistics Bloomsbury Academic
Style in the Renaissance Language and Ideology in Early Modern England
new in PB
Patricia Canning, Teaching Assistant, School of English, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland In a book which brings together language, text and context, Canning synthesises models of contemporary stylistics with both critical and literary-historical theory. In doing so, the author maintains a specific and sustained stylistic focus on the religious, political and ideological issues that animated and defined Reformation England. This book shows how stylistics can enrich our understanding and critical interpretation of a particular literary genre in its ideological and historical context. UK January 2014 • US March 2014 224 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472530059 £24.99 • $42.95 Individual eBook 9781441114990 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441185525 Series: Advances in Stylistics Bloomsbury Academic
Discourse of Twitter and Social Media
new in PB
The Discourse of Online Consumer Reviews Camilla Vasquez, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, University of South Florida, USA This is the first book to provide an account of the discursive, pragmatic and rhetorical features of this rapidly growing form of technologically-mediated communication. Examining a corpus of over 1,000 consumer reviews, Vasquez explores many of the discourse features that are characteristic of this rapidly growing, computer-mediated and primarily text-based genre. UK June 2014 • US August 2014 224 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781441196286 £75.00 • $128.00 Library eBook 9781441153098 £225.00 • $362.00 Individual eBook 9781441196842 £74.99 • $115.99 Series: Bloomsbury Discourse Bloomsbury Academic
Direct Speech, Self-Presentation new in PB and Communities of Practice
How We Use Language to Create Affiliation on the Web
Sofia Lampropoulou, Lecturer in English Language, University of Liverpool, UK
Michele Zappavigna, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Linguistics, University of Sydney, Australia
“In this thorough exploration of the richness and complexity of speech representation in everyday storytelling Sofia Lampropoulou demonstrates the power of narrative analysis in the investigation of identities as emergent in social practices.” Anna De Fina, Georgetown University, USA
“The first, large-scale linguistic analysis of the popular micro-blogging site, Twitter. Written in a lively and accessible style, this landmark study brings together cutting edge methods from corpus linguistics with the latest work in Systemic Functional Linguistics to bring to light the ways in which our talk is being reworked in Twitter.” Ruth Page, University of Leicester, UK UK November 2013 • US January 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472531544 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441123039 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441138712 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441141866 Series: Bloomsbury Discourse Bloomsbury Academic
Scientific Discourse and the Rhetoric of Globalization
new in PB
The Impact of Culture and Language Carmen Pérez-Llantada, Department of English and German Studies, University of Zaragoza, Spain This book examines scientific discourse using a textographic framework, highlighting tensions between global and local trends in academic writing. It takes an academic literacies approach, providing a rhetorically and pedagogically informed discussion. UK November 2013 • US January 2014 256 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472534316 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441159830 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441187383 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441188724 Bloomsbury Academic
UK November 2013 • US January 2014 224 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472534781 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441167064 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441141934 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441123848 Bloomsbury Academic
Rules of Use Language at the Scene of Instruction in Early Modern England Julian Lamb, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China In its readings of texts by Ascham, Puttenham, Mulcaster and the first English dictionary writers, Rules of Use shows the way in which early modern pedagogues attempted to teach the proper use of words whilst always being mindful that proper use can neither be determined by rule, nor definitively described in examples. Each of the four chapters comprises a case-study of the way early modern pedagogy became embroiled in a particular sceptical problem. UK August 2014 • US October 2014 288 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9780567238191 £75.00 • $140.00 Library eBook 9781472534552 £225.00 • $362.00 Individual eBook 9781472531773 £74.99 • $115.99 Bloomsbury Academic
Translation and Translation new Studies in the Japanese Context in PB
Translation, Adaptation and Transformation
Edited by Nana Sato-Rossberg, Lecturer in the School of Languages and Communication Studies, University of East Anglia, UK & Judy Wakabayashi, Professor in Japanese Translation, Kent State University, USA
Edited by Laurence Raw, Lecturer of Adaptation Studies and Literature, Baskent University, Turkey
This book expands the range and depth of translation studies scholarship by looking at the Japanese culture of translation, from the pre-Meiji era to the modern day. It explores translation and interpreting practice from the past and present, both to and from Japanese and offers insights into translation from a cultural context different to much previous work in the field. UK February 2014 • US April 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472526502 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441118851 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441114594 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441139825 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Translation Bloomsbury Academic
Global Trends in Translator and Interpreter Training
new in PB
“This valuable collection offers a thorough and engaging overview of the intersection between adaptation studies and translation studies. …Raw’s carefully compiled collection of essays demonstrates the dialogue that is beginning to occur between the two fields. The resulting collection is a refreshing and urgent contribution to scholarship that should be essential reading for those working in the academic areas of adaptation and translation — and beyond." Richard J. Hand, Professor of Theatre and Media Drama, University of Glamorgan, UK UK November 2013 • US January 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472531292 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441143488 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441157843 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441108562 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Translation Bloomsbury Academic
new in PB
Mediation and Culture Edited by Séverine Hubscher-Davidson, Lecturer in Translation Studies, Aston University, UK & Michał Borodo, Assistant Professor, Institute of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland
Metaphor and Intercultural Communication Edited by Andreas Musolff, Professor of Intercultural Communication, University of East Anglia, UK, Fiona MacArthur, Senior Lecturer, Department of English Philology, University of Extremadura, Spain & Giulio Pagani, Lecturer in Discourse and European Politics, University of East Anglia, UK
This book looks at translator and interpreter training, focusing on mediation and culture in a global context. It updates numerous research currents in translator and interpreter education by situating them in relation to broader curricular and technological discussions. Particular attention is given to the way in which translator and interpreter training relates both to other topics on university curricula, and to recent developments in the professional sphere of language mediation.
Metaphor and Intercultural Communication examines in detail the dynamics of metaphor in interlingual contact, translation and globalization processes. Its case-studies, which combine methods of cognitive metaphor theory with those of corpus-based and discourse-oriented research, cover contact linguistic and cultural contacts between Chinese, English including Translational English and Aboriginal English, Greek, Kabyle, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Spanish.
UK January 2014 • US March 2014 288 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472529909 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441170385 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441127464 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441193407 Series: Bloomsbury Advances in Translation Bloomsbury Academic
UK April 2014 • US June 2014 240 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781441165473 £75.00 • $128.00 Bloomsbury Academic
Pragmatic Syntax Jieun Kiaer, Young Bin Min-Korea Foundation University Lecturer in Korean Language and Linguistics, University of Oxford, UK Kiaer puts forward an argument in this book that the grammar of a language directly underpins the processing of the language, in real time. This is a view that runs against the orthodoxy of linguistic theorising for the last 50 years, which has insisted that languages have to be characterised in terms that make little or no reference to the dynamics of language use. The data features both Korean and English examples and it functions as one of the very first general introductions to Dynamic Syntax available. UK June 2014 • US July 2014 208 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781623560218 £75.00 • $128.00 Library eBook 9781623561147 £225.00 • $362.00 Individual eBook 9781623568351 £74.99 • $115.99 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics Bloomsbury Academic
Corpus Applications in Applied Linguistics
new in PB
Edited by Key Hyland, Chair of Applied Linguistics and Director of the Centre for Applied English Studies, University of Hong Kong, China, Chau Meng Huat, Fellow, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya, Malaysia & Michael Handford, Associate Professor in English Language and Intercultural Communication, Tokyo University, Japan Corpus linguistics is one of the most exciting approaches to studies in applied linguistics today. This volume captures some of the most stimulating and significant developments in the field, including language teaching, institutional and professional discourse, English as an International Language, translation, forensics and media studies. It goes beyond traditional, limited presentations of corpus work and shows how corpora inform a diverse and growing number of applied linguistic domains. UK November 2013 • US January 2014 272 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches PB 9781472524867 £24.99 • $42.95 Library eBook 9781441184382 £75.00 • $120.00 Individual eBook 9781441198457 £24.99 • $36.99 Previously published in HB 9781441107800 Bloomsbury Academic
Discourse in Context Contemporary Applied Linguistics Volume 3 Edited by John Flowerdew, City University of Hong Kong, China “John Flowerdew presents us with an update and upgrade of discourse studies, much needed when a discipline is exploding with new ideas and approaches.” Jan Blommaert, Professor of Language, Culture and Globalization, University of Tilburg, the Netherlands Featuring internationally renowned academics, this volume provides a snapshot of the field of applied linguistics, and illustrates how linguistics is engaging with the idea of ‘context’. The book treats discourse as language in the contexts of its use in and above the level of the sentence and as systems of knowledge and beliefs. UK November 2013 • US January 2014 360 Pages • 244 x 169mm • 9.6 x 6.7 inches HB 9781623563059 £100.00 • $190.00 Library eBook 9781623563011 £300.00 • $482.00 Individual eBook 9781623562359 £99.99 • $154.99 Series: Contemporary Applied Linguistics Bloomsbury Academic
The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics Edited by John R. Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, University of Otago, New Zealand & Jeannette Littlemore, Lecturer in English, University of Birmingham, UK This is a comprehensive and accessible reference resource to research in contemporary cognitive linguistics. • Considers applications of cognitive linguistics to language pedagogy and other central linguistic domains • Features practical guidance on research methods and discusses scope for future developments • Situates cognitive linguistics in its historical and intellectual context UK May 2014 • US July 2014 352 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781441195098 £100.00 • $172.00 Library eBook 9781441152916 £300.00 • $482.00 Individual eBook 9781441130488 £99.99 • $154.99 Series: Bloomsbury Companions Bloomsbury Academic
Working with Portuguese Corpora Edited by Tony Berber Sardinha, Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics, University of Sao Paola, Brazil & Telma de Lurdes São Bento Ferreira, ESOL Teacher and Translation Coordinator, Lexikos Cursos e Traduções Ltda, Brazil Until now, there has been no volume in English that encapsulates the corpus linguistic research done on Portuguese, around the globe. This book fills this gap in the research, examining corpora and tools, corpus analysis and lexicography and terminology.
More Recently Published and Best-selling Textbooks Analyze Anything A Guide to Critical Reading and Writing By Gregory Fraser and Chad Davidson 2012 • 224pp PB 9781441107305 £19.99 • $34.95 HB 9781441154064 £65.00 • $120.00
UK April 2014 • US June 2014 320 Pages • 234 x 156mm • 9.2 x 6.1 inches HB 9781441190505 £80.00 • $138.00 Bloomsbury Academic
An Introduction to Interaction Understanding Talk in Formal and Informal Settings By Angela Cora Garcia 2013 • 368pp PB 9781441157614 £24.99 • $44.95 HB 9781441127686 £75.00 • $140.00
Language in Education Social Implications By Rita Elaine Silver and Soe Marlar Lwin January 2014 • 216pp PB 9781441151810 £24.99 • $42.95 HB 9781441151940 £75.00 • $140.00
Linguistics An Introduction By William McGregor 2009 • 408pp PB 9781847063670 £22.99 • $39.95 HB 9781847063663 £85.00 • $130.00
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