3 minute read
This is a Classic
Translators on Making Writers Global
Edited by Regina Galasso, University of Massachusetts, Amherst What does it mean to translate an established or future literary classic, and how is it done by some of today’s most celebrated translators? This is a Classic brings together translators who have created English versions of canonical works from a variety of languages, including Spanish, French, Yiddish, Turkish, Catalan, Greek, Serbian, German, Italian, Icelandic, Russian, Romanian, Portuguese, and Ancient Greek They offer insights into their processes, challenges, and craft, providing readers with an appreciation of how a classic is shaped by translation, and how translation is essential for a classic’s survival and the creation of original literary works
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 352 pages PB 9781501376900 • £2499 / $3495 • HB 9781501376917 • £9000 / $12000 ePub 9781501376924 • £2329 / $3145 ePdf 9781501376931 • £2329 / $3145 Series: Literatures, Cultures, Translation • Bloomsbury Academic
Migration and Mutation
New Perspectives on the Sonnet in Translation
Edited by Carole Birkan-Berz, Sorbonne Nouvelle, France, Oriane Monthéard, University of Rouen-Normandie, France & Erin Cunningham, Kings College London, UK From the Renaissance to today’s avant-garde, Migration and Mutation explores how the sonnet has evolved in and out of translation Contributors examine some little-studied translation trajectories in the early modern period, such as the pivotal role of France between Italy and England or the first German sonnets and their Italian, French, Dutch and Scottish origins In the 19th and 20th centuries, essays shed new light on major European sonneteers such as Shakespeare, Keats, Yeats, Rilke or Pessoa, alongside some lesser-known contemporaries or with novel approaches And in the 21st century the contributors explore how translation and adaptation create metaphorical space
UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 304 pages HB 9781501380464 • £9000 / $12000 ePub 9781501380471 • £7934 / $10800 ePdf 9781501380488 • £7934 / $10800 Series: Literatures, Cultures, Translation • Bloomsbury Academic
Hindi Dalit Literature in the United Provinces
Tapan Basu, University of Delhi, India This volume focuses upon the growth of a Hindi Dalit literary culture at its formative stage in the 1920s and the 1930s, and the significant role played by Swami Acchutanand and Chandrikaprasad Jigyasu It introduces the Dalit public sphere in the United Provinces in the early decades of the 20th century The book rescues Swami Acchutanand and Chandrikaprasad Jigyasu from undeserved obscurity and accords to them the importance that they merit in any chronicle of the Dalit cultural movement in North India
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 256 pages HB 9789388630412 • £8500 / $11500 ePub 9789388630429 • £7650 / $10578 ePdf 9789389867077 • £7650 / $10578 Bloomsbury Academic India World All Languages (excluding India/Indian subcontinent)
Kannagi Through the Ages
From the Epic to the Dravidian Movement
Prabha Rani, University of Delhi Kannagi and Silappatikaram are important parts of the cultural landscape of Tamil Nadu — the story has been told in many genres of literature and continues to be told Every narrative, however, carries the imprint of the times it was released in This book aims to understand the ways in which representations of Kannagi in the epic Silappatikaram differ in every new narrative Looking at portrayals of Kannagi in plays, commentaries and folk narratives, the book looks how representations of gender and culture have evolved over time Focusing on the interrelationships between a text and a society, as well as, between society and the way it molds the category of “woman” at different times through symbols and icon, the author analyses the social, cultural and political processes that contributed to the emergence of Kannagi as an icon of Tamil culture and epitome of Tamil womanhood
UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 300 pages HB 9789354355318 • £8500 / $11500 ePub 9789354355394 • £7650 / $10578 ePdf 9789394701199 • £7650 / $10578 Bloomsbury Academic India World All Languages (excluding India/Indian subcontinent)