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The Arden Shakespeare

e Complete ird Series… in one Complete Works


As You Like It: Arden Performance Editions
William Shakespeare Edited by Nora Williams, Independent scholar Carefully edited and annotated with performance in mind, this edition of Shakespeare's verbally rich and complex comedy has clear facing-page notes to highlight meaning and key performance choices and moments. Ideal for anyone studying the play, whether for performance or in the classroom, the edition gives concise glosses and offers unique insight to the text as a living, performed comedy.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 296 pages PB 9781350106680 • £7.99 / $10.95 ePub 9781350106697 • £7.19 / $10.41 ePdf 9781350106703 • £7.19 / $10.41 Series: Arden Performance Editions • The Arden Shakespeare
The Tempest: Arden Performance Editions
William Shakespeare Edited by Miranda Fay Thomas, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland The Arden Shakespeare Performance Editions are aimed specifically for use in the rehearsal room. Published in association with the Shakespeare Institute, the text features easily accessible facing-page notes – including short definitions of words, key textual variants, and guidance on metre and pronunciation; a larger font size for easier reading; space for writing notes and reduced punctuation aimed at the actor rather than the reader.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 256 pages PB 9781350133952 • £7.99 / $10.95 ePub 9781350133976 • £7.19 / $10.41 ePdf 9781350133969 • £7.19 / $10.41 Series: Arden Performance Editions • The Arden Shakespeare
Shakespeare and Digital Pedagogy
Case Studies and Strategies
Edited by Diana Henderson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA & Kyle Sebastian Vitale, Temple University, USA Shakespeare and Digital Pedagogy is an international collection of digital approaches for teaching Shakespeare to undergraduates. It describes 15 methodologies and resources recently developed, updated and used by a diverse range of contributors from the UK, Asia and the United States. Contributors explore how these digital resources meet a classroom need and help facilitate conversations about academic literacy, race and identity, local and global cultures, performance, and interdisciplinary thought. Chapters describe each case study in depth, recounting needs, collaborations and challenges during design, as well as sharing effective classroom uses and offering accessible, usable content for both teachers and students.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 272 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350109711 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350109728 • £65.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781350109742 • £19.79 / $26.05 ePdf 9781350109735 • £19.79 / $26.05 The Arden Shakespeare World English
Shakespeare and the Challenge of the Contemporary
Performance, Politics and Aesthetics
Francesca Clare Rayner, Universidade do Minho, Portugal Francesca Clare Rayner highlights the diversity and experimentalism of contemporary performance practices in Portugal. She references key debates within contemporary performance studies on intermediality, globalization and political participation and analyses their configurations within a Portuguese context. These case studies represent clear alternatives to the market-driven view of the contemporary as the continual reproduction of the new and the topical for global consumers, recasting the contemporary instead as the site of tragedy and crisis in a Europe fragmented by years of economic austerity and political divisions around Brexit and ecological vacillation.
Shakespeare and Science
A Dictionary
Katherine Walker, The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA Shakespeare’s works respond to early modern culture’s rapidly burgeoning interest in how new astronomical theories and the cataloging of objects, vegetation, and animals in the natural world could provide new knowledge. This new Dictionary contextualizes key moments, such as Hamlet's letter to Ophelia, and scientific terms that Shakespeare employs, creatively and critically, throughout his poetry and drama. The focus is on Shakespeare’s multiform uses of language, rendering accessible to students of Shakespeare such terms as “firmament,” “planetary influence,” and “retrograde.”
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 344 pages HB 9781350044623 • £130.00 / $175.00 ePub 9781350044630 • £117.00 / $153.74 ePdf 9781350044647 • £117.00 / $153.74 Series: Arden Shakespeare Dictionaries • The Arden Shakespeare
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350182158 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781350182165 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781350182172 • £67.50 / $88.59 The Arden Shakespeare www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Sir William Davenant and the Duke’s Company
Amanda Eubanks Winkler, Syracuse University, USA & Richard Schoch, Queen Mary, University of London, UK The first performance-based account of Restoration Shakespeare, this study reveals how under the leadership of Sir William Davenant, founder of the Duke’s Company, Restoration theatres performed Shakespeare's works in a radically new way. At last, women played women’s roles; theatres moved totally indoors; music and dance were fully integrated into the productions, and Shakespeare’s plays were strongly rewritten. Winkler and Schoch reveal how - and why - the first generation to stage Shakespeare after Shakespeare’s lifetime changed absolutely everything.
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. It is funded by Queens University Belfast.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 224 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781350130579 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781350130586 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781350130593 • £67.50 / $88.59 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare
Shakespeare in the Theatre: The King's Men
Lucy Munro, King's College London, UK Reappraising the company given royal patronage by James I in 1603, this volume analyses in detail the performance practices, cultural contexts and political pressures that helped to shape and reshape Shakespeare’s plays between 1603 and 1642. Reconsidering casting and acting styles, staging and playing venues, audience response, influence and popularity, and local, national and international politics, the book presents case-studies of performances of Macbeth, The Tempest, The Winter’s Tale, Richard II, Henry VIII, Othello and Pericles alongside a broader reappraisal of the repertory of the company and the place of Shakespeare’s plays within it.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 272 pages PB 9781474262590 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474262613 ePub 9781474262620 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781474262637 • £67.50 / $88.59 Series: Shakespeare in the Theatre • The Arden Shakespeare
Shakespeare's Political Imagination
The Historicism of Setting
Philip Goldfarb Styrt, St. Ambrose University, USA This book argues that to better understand Shakespeare’s plays it is essential to look at the conceptions of the political societies available to him. It offers us new readings of neglected critical moments in key plays by investigating the political contexts and cultures at work in Shakespeare's worlds. Settings are a powerful component in Shakespeare’s worlds that not only function as physical locations, but are a mechanism through which he communicates the political and social orders of the plays.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 256 pages HB 9781350173972 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781350173996 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781350174009 • £67.50 / $88.59 The Arden Shakespeare
Women’s Labour and the History of the Book in Early Modern England
Edited by Valerie Wayne, University of Hawai‘i, USA This collection demonstrates the valuable work that women achieved in publishing, printing, writing and reading early modern English books, from those who worked in the book trade to those who composed, selected, collected and annotated books. Women gathered rags for paper production, invested in books and oversaw the presses that printed them. Their writing and reading had an impact on their contemporaries and the developing literary canon. The essays in this collection describe the impressive work that women accomplished and their frequent collaborations with others in the making, marking and marketing of early modern English books.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 336 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350246638 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350110014 ePub 9781350110021 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781350110038 • £67.50 / $88.59 The Arden Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice: The State of Play
Edited by M. Lindsay Kaplan, Georgetown University, USA This collection offers a 'freeze frame' that showcases the range of current debate and ideas surrounding one of Shakespeare’s most controversial plays. Key themes, topics and approaches covered include: race, religion, gender, sexuality, philosophy, animal studies, adaptations, and performance history. Each essay offers new perspectives to give readers an up-to-date understanding of what's exciting and challenging about the play.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 288 pages • 6 bw illus PB 9781350246621 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350110229 ePub 9781350110236 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781350110243 • £67.50 / $88.59 Series: Arden Shakespeare The State of Play • The Arden Shakespeare
Childhood in Contemporary Performance of Shakespeare
Gemma Miller, King’s College London, UK Child characters feature more numerously and prominently in the Shakespearean canon than in that of any other early modern playwright. Focusing on stage and film productions from the past four decades, this study addresses how Shakespeare's child characters are reflected, refracted and reinterpreted in performance. By adopting an inter-disciplinary approach that incorporates close reading, historicist literary criticism, semiotics, childhood studies, queer theory and performance studies, Gemma Miller explores the ways in which performing childhood in Shakespeare’s plays can reveal often uncomfortable truths about ideas of childhood, both in the early modern period and today.
UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 240 pages • 16 bw illus PB 9781350239470 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350133143 ePub 9781350133150 • £67.50 / $88.59 ePdf 9781350133167 • £67.50 / $88.59 The Arden Shakespeare