4 minute read
American Literature
Maya Angelou (Revised and Updated Edition)
Adventurous Spirit Linda Wagner-Martin, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
"Offers an accessible, clear biography of the highly acclaimed poet, essayist, memoirist, educator, and civil rights activist. Refreshingly unburdened by footnotes and theoretical digressions, the book applies a wideangle lens to Angelou’s life and provides a sweeping view of the woman and her works. The approach is nonetheless scholarly: Wagner-Martin frames her discussion of Angelou’s life with other critics’ viewpoints and emphasizes Angelou’s influence on the larger literary world. ... Includes a useful bibliography of primary sources —poems, autobiographies, essays, spoken-word albums, children’s books, screenplays, and so on—as well as a comprehensive bibliography of secondary sources. Summing Up: Essential." -
Choice (Named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year)
UK January 2021 • US January 2021 • 304 pages PB 9781501365577 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781501365584 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781501365591 • £21.92 / $26.95 ePdf 9781501365607 • £21.92 / $26.95 Bloomsbury Academic
Memory and Built Environment in 20th-Century American Literature
A Reading and Analysis of Spatial Forms Alice Levick, University of Exeter, UK Focusing on the relationship between demolition and restoration, and the ways memory is constructed, hidden, or remade, this book explores how history becomes entangled with the urban space in which it plays out. Alice Levick takes stock of this history, both in the form of its outward manifestation and its more symbolic representation, as depicted in the work of post-war writers. With reference to the works of Joan Didion, Raymond Chandler, Marshall Berman and Paula Fox, this book unpacks how time becomes visible in Los Angeles, Sacramento, Lakewood and New York in the decades surrounding the Second World War. ePdf 9781350184589 • £76.50 / $94.85 Bloomsbury Academic
Of Latitudes Unknown
James Baldwin's Radical Imagination Edited by Alice Mikal Craven, American University of Paris, France, William E. Dow, Université Paris-Est (UPEM), France & Yoko Nakamura, American University of Paris, France Of Latitudes Unknown is a multi-faceted study of James Baldwin’s radical imagination. It is a selective and thoughtful survey that unsettles Baldwin studies while also providing some of the critical approaches, subjects, and orientations that are missing from Baldwin criticism. As it reassesses Baldwin’s contributions to and influences on world literary history, Of Latitudes Unknown addresses why the critical appreciation of Baldwin’s writing continues to flourish, and why it remains a vast territory whose parts lie open to much deeper exploration and elaboration.
The American Novel After Ideology, 1961–2000
Laurie Rodrigues, University of La Verne, USA Using the intersecting publications of Daniel Bell’s The End of Ideology (1960) and J.D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey (1961), Laura Rodrigues argues that American novels distort realism in manners similar to ideology’s distortions of reality, history, and belief. This volume reflects the astonishing cultural variety of this period, featuring analyses of Carlene Hatcher Polite’s The Flagellants (1967), Leslie Marmon Silko’s Almanac of the Dead (1991), and Philip Roth’s The Human Stain (2001), among various discussions around ideology with which they intersect. The American Novel After Ideology, 1961-2001 discusses how each novel’s plotless narratives, dissoliving subjectivities, and cultural codes suggest an aesthetic return of the repressed.
UK December 2020 • US December 2020 • 232 pages HB 9781501361869 • £80.00 / $110.00 ePub 9781501361876 • £81.19 / $99.00 ePdf 9781501361883 • £81.19 / $99.00
UK June 2021 • US June 2021 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350184572 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350184596 • £76.50 / $94.85
Bloomsbury Academic
UK August 2020 • US August 2020 • 272 pages PB 9781501367571 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781501337710 ePub 9781501337727 • £29.22 / $35.95 ePdf 9781501337734 • £29.22 / $35.95 Bloomsbury Academic
Ezra Pound's Japan
Andrew Houwen, Tokyo Women's Christian University, Japan The first book to deal with the subject of Ezra Pound’s relationships with Japanese literature as a whole, this book provides a wealth of new scholarship on this subject, including focus on the 19th-century Japanese contexts that led to Pound’s interest in ‘hokku’ and Fenollosa’s Noh translations on which Pound based his own; significant original research on Pound’s Japanese friendships that enriched his understanding of Japanese literature; and an examination of all the explicit references to Noh in The Cantos in unprecedented depth.
UK March 2021 • US March 2021 • 240 pages HB 9781350174306 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350174320 • £76.50 / $94.85 ePdf 9781350174313 • £76.50 / $94.85 Bloomsbury Academic
The Art of Editing
Raymond Carver and David Foster Wallace Tim Groenland, University College Dublin, Ireland Tim Groenland focuses on the activities of the editors of Raymond Carver and Davish Foster Wallace - Gordon Lish and Michael Pietsch, respectively - whose roles in the authors' major works have historically been under-explored. Groenland draws on empirical evidence to show their importance to the authors with whom they worked and uses archival material to illuminate the complex and often conflicting forms of agency involved in the genesis of several influential works. The energies and tensions of the editing process emerge as essential factors in the meaning and reception of the works under scrutiny.
UK August 2020 • US August 2020 • 288 pages PB 9781501367601 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781501338274 ePub 9781501338281 • £29.22 / $35.95 ePdf 9781501338298 • £29.22 / $35.95 Bloomsbury Academic