The third edition of Crash Course for Collection Development is a musthave for librarians just entering the field and professionals in need of a refresher in effective library operations. It now covers all aspects of collection development and management in all library environments including public, academic, and school libraries.
Focusing on collection development basics, it begins with information on gathering statistics and analyzing community needs to design a collection that meets user needs. It goes on to guide users in writing a collection development policy, budgeting, selecting materials, managing vendor relations, understanding the publishing industry, merchandising and promoting the collection, and handling complaints.
Newly included in the third edition is a discussion of new purchasing and lending models; information for academic and school librarians; and such new trends as libraries as spaces for users, collection diversity issues, makerspaces, nontraditional collections, pop-up libraries, the digital divide, and noncirculating collections.
Author Wayne Disher has once again written a practical and simple introduction to an important, complex, and evolving area of library service.
• Provides a practical introduction to collection development and management
• Covers the entire process of collection development, from community analysis, writing policy, and selection to promoting the collection and dealing with challenges
• Addresses current trends and rapidly evolving changes in the field, such as diversity issues, makerspaces, nontraditional collections, pop-up libraries, and the digital divide
April 2023, 172pp, 7x10
Paperback: 978-1-4408-8043-8
$55.00, £41.00, €48,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-8044-5
• Collection Assessment
• Collection Budgeting
• Collection Development
• Collection Diversity
• Collection Evaluation
• Community Analysis
• Digital Collections
• Materials Selection
• Nontraditional Collections
• Purchasing Models
WAYNE DISHER is a retired public library director for the City of Hemet Public Library.
The revised third edition of this concise introduction to collection development offers up-to-date information for a wide variety of librarians.
April 2023, 360pp, 7x10
Hardcover: 978-1-4408-7998-2 $95.00, £71.00, €82,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-7870-1
Paperback: 978-1-4408-7869-5 $65.00, £49.00, €57,00
• Access Services
• Customer Service
• Instructional Services
• Library as Place
• Library Programs
• Online and Physical Collections
• Public Services
• Reference Services
• Staffing
• Technology Services
STACEY GREENWELL, EdD, is the coordinator of educational services and an instructional designer at the University of Kentucky Libraries, and she provides liaison support to the School of Information Science and the Lewis Honors College.
G. EDWARD EVANS, PhD, is a semi-retired, award-winning author and Fulbright Scholar. He retired from full-time work as associate academic vice president for libraries and information resources at Loyola Marymount University.
The ninth edition of Library Programs and Services: The Fundamentals builds on the strong foundation of the previous editions. Award-winning and widely published author G. Edward Evans returns with a new co-author, Stacey Greenwell, in this update that combines their signature style of textbook readability, informality, and sometimes humor, as well as their knack for balancing foundational topics and new trends.
A new feature in the ninth edition is the incorporation of the concept of “library social work” through “Social Work Connections” sidebars in each chapter. Anecdotes throughout the text and “Career Connection” sidebars offer practical advice and specific current examples. Greenwell and Evans have combined several chapters from the previous edition and expanded discussions of new trends while retaining and updating the fundamentals. The ninth edition is a welcome update for library and information science courses and a valuable handbook for public services librarians.
• The ninth edition includes updates throughout, anecdotes, career tips, and references to “library social work” in each chapter
• This popular textbook covers a wide range of services in all types of libraries
• Works as a handbook for public service librarians
Continues the title’s strong tradition of coverage of a wide range of public services with emphasis on current trends in library services.
Book bans and challenges frequently make the news, but when the reporting ends, how do we put them in context? The Fight against Book Bans captures the views of dozens of librarians and library science professors regarding the recent flood of book challenges across the United States, gathered in a comprehensive analysis of their impact and significance. It also serves as a guide to responding to challenges.
Chapter authors provide first-hand accounts of facing book challenges and describe how they have prepared for challenges, overcome opposition to certain books, and shown the value of specific library materials. Library science faculty with a range of specialties provide relevant background information to bolster these on-the-ground views. Together, the chapters both articulate the importance of intellectual freedom and demonstrate how to convey that significance to others in the community with passion and wisdom. This volume provides a timely and thorough overview of the complex issues surrounding the ongoing spate of book challenges faced by public and school libraries.
• Reinforces the significance of intellectual freedom to public and school libraries
• Describes how different librarians have responded to challenges and explained the importance of intellectual freedom to their communities
• Acts as a step-by-step guide to responding to challenges
June 2023, 240pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4
Paperback: 978-1-4408-7976-0
$55.00, £41.00, €48,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-7977-7
• Book Bans
• Book Challenges
• Censorship
• Intellectual Freedom
• Public Libraries
• School Libraries
• Young Adult Patrons
SHANNON M. OLTMANN is associate professor in the School of Information Science at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY.
Offers a timely overview of book bans and challenges, their context, and how working librarians have handled them.
With dwindling budgets to pay for consultants and a growing interest in collaboration across the organization, libraries are increasingly taking a do-it-yourself approach to strategic planning.
April 2023, 220pp, 6 1/8x9 1/4 Paperback: 978-1-4408-7911-1 $65.00, £49.00, €57,00 eBook: 978-1-4408-7912-8
KATY B. MATHUEWS, PhD, is the senior director of administration at Ohio University Libraries in Athens, OH.
RYAN A. SPELLMAN is a library support specialist in the User Services Department at Ohio University Libraries’ Alden Library in Athens, OH.
This book takes a step-by-step approach to grassroots strategic planning for libraries of all types. The authors, who led a successful strategic planning process at their own library, provide practical advice and detailed information to guide library personnel through their own process. Topics include aligning with institutional and community values, creating vision and mission statements, researching stakeholder needs, conducting environmental scans, collaborative drafting of the plan, communication strategies, and implementation and assessment of the plan. Each chapter helps librarians create a strategic plan for a broad spectrum of libraries, including K–12, post-secondary, public, and special libraries. A unique feature of the book is its emphasis on the ways in which different library types can collaborate to meet shared goals.
This book is a one-stop-shop, providing everything library staff will need to create a strategic plan without searching for additional sources.
• Understand the components of a strategic plan
• Learn steps to complete a staff-led strategic planning process
As educational curricula and research evolve to include advanced technologies, libraries must offer programming with these emerging technologies in mind, including the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Valk, Mi, and Schick present readers with tools for assessing their level of organizational readiness to begin such programs and, more importantly, how to sustain them with limited budgets, expertise, and resources.
ALISON VALK is the instructional coordinator and multimedia librarian for the Georgia Tech Library.
XIMIN MI is the data visualization librarian at the Georgia Tech Library.
ASHLEY L. SCHICK is an artist and art educator.
Building on their own experiences, the authors teach readers how to develop technologyrich classes, assess student projects, and overcome technical hurdles. They spotlight this kind of programming as integral to building strategic partnerships in an educational environment. Readers will learn how to adapt and design programs or initiatives in which the necessary technologies are rapidly changing, not only in higher education institutions, but also in K–12 schools. Worksheets and resources assist readers in reflecting on their own work and developing educational programming to suit their organizational needs.
• Teaches readers to develop courses and programs including immersive technologies
• Identifies free and low-cost resources
• Helps instructors evaluate devices
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