Major Reference Works Catalogue April-December 2019

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Major Reference Works

New Books Catalogue

April-December 2019


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21st edition 2-Volume Set

Edited by Murray Fraser, The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, UK “Book of the Century … A thundering classic. No serious fan of architecture should be without it” (Review of the 20th edition), The American Institute of Architects Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture is the acknowledged classic reference work for architectural history – providing essential reading for generations of architects and students since the first edition was published in 1896. The 21st edition presents the most up-to-date and authoritative account of the history of architecture available in any form, publishing for the first time in two volumes and full colour throughout. The seven parts and 102 chapters that form this landmark edition of Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture have been entirely rewritten by leading international architectural scholars, historians, and archaeologists, to reflect the latest scholarship. With a new, more global and cultural focus, the set features descriptions of thousands of major buildings, ancient and contemporary, accompanied by over 2,200 photographs, drawings, maps, and plans, bringing a thoroughly contemporary understanding to over 5,500 years of the world’s architectural history.


Sir Banister Fletcher’s Global History of Architecture

UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 2 vols • c. 2,640 pages HB Pack 9781472589989 • £395.00 / $534.00 Special introductory price of £350.00 / $472.00 valid for 3 months after publication 2,200 bw & colour illus Bloomsbury Visual Arts • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •



Cultural Histories Series The Cultural Histories Series offers an authoritative survey of a wide range of subjects throughout history. Each subject is examined in six volumes, covering Antiquity, the Medieval Age, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Age of Empire and the Modern Age, and thematic coverage is consistent across all periods so that readers can either gain a broad overview of a period or follow a theme through the ages. Sets are also available digitally via Bloomsbury Cultural History, a fully-searchable online library available on annual subscription or perpetual access. Visit for more information.

A Cultural History of Furniture

6-Volume Set

Edited by Christina M. Anderson, Formerly University of Oxford, UK 60 chapters, 70 experts and around 1,344 pages present the first overview of furniture in its physical, social and cultural contexts over the last 4,500 years from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Design and Motifs; Makers, Making and Materials; Types and Uses of Furniture; The Domestic Setting; The Public Setting; Exhibition and Display; Furniture and Architecture; Visual Representations; and Verbal Representations. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 6 vols • c. 1,344 pages HB Pack 9781472577894 • £395.00 / $550.00 360 bw & colour illus The Cultural Histories series • Bloomsbury Academic

A Cultural History of Marriage

6-Volume Set

Edited by Joanne M. Ferraro, San Diego State University, USA 52 experts, 54 chapters and around 1,700 pages add greatly to our understanding of the evolution of marriage in society from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Courtship and Ritual; Religion, State and Law; The Ties That Bind; The Family Economy; Love, Sex, and Sexuality; Breaking Vows; Representation. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 6 vols • c. 1,728 pages HB Pack 9781350001916 • £395.00 / $550.00 240 bw illus The Cultural Histories series • Bloomsbury Academic

A Cultural History of Tragedy

6-Volume Set

Edited by Rebecca Bushnell, University of Pennsylvania, USA 55 experts, 48 chapters and around 1,800 pages add greatly to our understanding of the influence of tragedy on society from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Forms and Media; Sites of Performance and Circulation; Communities of Production and Consumption; Philosophy and Social Theory; Religion, Ritual and Myth; Politics of City and Nation; Society and Family; and Gender and Sexuality. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 6 vols • c. 1,824 pages HB Pack 9781474288149 • £395.00 / $550.00 200 bw illus The Cultural Histories series • Bloomsbury Academic

A Cultural History of Disability

6-Volume Set

Edited by David Bolt, Liverpool Hope University, UK & Robert McRuer, George Washington University, USA Over 50 experts, 48 chapters and around 2,000 pages add to our understanding of disability from antiquity to the present day. Themes and chapter titles are: Atypical Bodies; Mobility Impairment; Chronic Pain and Illness; Blindness; Deafness; Speech; Learning Difficulties; and Mental Health. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 6 vols • c. 2,000 pages HB Pack 9781350029538 • £395.00 / $550.00 200 bw illus The Cultural Histories series • Bloomsbury Academic

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A History of Structures, Laws and Institutions 4-Volume Set Edited by Michael Sayer, Independent Scholar, UK

Surveys a wealth of primary sources relating to the status of nobility in Europe across 2,000 years from Roman times through the Medieval period and beyond, set against their broader historical contexts. Sayer examines the many juridical aspects of nobility, including titles, arms, heraldry, chivalric orders and offices. UK August 2019 • US October 2019 • 4 vols • c. 1,872 pages HB Pack 9781780764559 • £275.00 / $375.00 85 colour illus Bloomsbury Academic

Memoirs of John Quincy Adams

12-Volume Set


The Nobles and Nobilities of Europe

John Quincy Adams, US President (1825 – 1829) Edited by Charles Francis Adams Introduced by William J. Cooper, Louisiana State University, USA John Quincy Adams was one of the greatest diplomats and secretaries of state in US history. He shaped America’s foreign policy, modernized the US economy, was a strong opponent of slavery, and involved himself with many international treaties. These memoirs, distilled from both private and public papers and edited by his son, Charles Francis Adams, provide an unrivalled window on his presidency. The complete set in 12 volumes is now very rare and this edition, with a new introduction by William J. Cooper, is a valuable resource for those studying US political and constitutional history and US foreign policy. UK September 2019 • US August 2019 • 12 vols • c. 7,800 pages HB Pack 9781784535476 • £1,200.00 / $1,630.00 Bloomsbury Academic

Chinese Central Asia

2-Volume Set

Henry Lansdell (1841 – 1919) Introduced by Irina Kantarbaeva-Bill, University of Toulouse-Le Mirail, France Henry Lansdell was one of the great travellers of the Victorian age. His cultural openness and attention to detail produced detailed accounts free from the racial and religious prejudices typical of the period. Chinese Central Asia recounts Lansdell's 9,000-mile journey across the Tian Shan Mountains and into Western China, and describes the peoples he encountered, their history and religion, crafts and customs, modes of dress, natural history, trade and medicine. The two volumes provide the first account of Chinese Turkestan and contain an extensive bibliography of more than 750 books. This two-volume set includes a new introduction by Irina Kantarbaeva-Bill. UK October 2019 • US November 2019 • 2 vols • c. 528 pages HB Pack 9781784538101 • £250.00 / $350.00 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •



Dictionary of Christian Antiquities

2-Volume Set

Sir William Smith (1813 – 1893) and Samuel Cheetham (1827 – 1908) Introduced by Michael Ledger-Lomas, King’s College, London, UK This two-volume set provides an account of all aspects of the early Christian Church. Remarkable in their range and depth of scholarship, they cover the organisation and history of the church, its legislation and revenues; church worship and ceremonial; music, vestments, objects and insignia; sacred places and symbolism; saints and ecclesiastical figures; church architecture; church art; graves, catacombs and tombs; and the religious calendar. With a new introduction by leading authority, Michael Ledger-Lomas, these volumes form a unique and valuable resource. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 2 vols • c. 1,100 pages HB Pack 9781780768038 • £325.00 / $440.00 Bloomsbury Academic

Moulton’s Grammar of New Testament Greek

5-Volume Set

James Hope Moulton (1863 – 1917), Wilbert Francis Howard (1880 – 1952) and Nigel Turner, University of Rhodesia, Zimbabwe Edited by Stanley E. Porter, McMaster Divinity College, Canada Supplementary volume by Rev. William Fiddian Moulton (1835 – 1898) “The most comprehensive account of the language of the New Testament ever produced.” The Expository Times Five volumes, 2,676 pages and 99 chapters present and analyse Moulton’s classic text, forming an invaluable resource for students of New Testament Greek. Each of the classic volumes features a new critical introduction and bibliography from Stanley E. Porter, and the set also includes a supplementary volume by James Hope Moulton’s father which expertly analyses the grammar of the New Testament. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 5 vols • c. 2,676 pages HB Pack 9780567662422 • £410.00 / $560.00 Special introductory price of £395.00 / $540.00 valid for three months after publication T&T Clark

The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries

3-Volume Set

Edited by Chris Keith, St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, UK; Helen K. Bond, University of Edinburgh, UK; Christine Jacobi, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany; and Jens Schröter, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany Draws on recent advances in social and cultural memory theory as a framework for approaching interactions of receptions of Jesus in the first three centuries. The volumes explore the importance of the Jesus tradition within and outside the gospel genre, including early Christian theologians, writers like the Apostolic Fathers, and modifications to the gospel genre such as the Diatesseron, and incorporate evidence from material and visual culture, such as pictographic representations of Jesus in the staurogram and Alexamenos graffito, and sarcophagi carvings. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 3 vols • c. 1,536 pages HB Pack 9780567000194 • £450.00 / $545.00 Special introductory price of £410.00 / $480.00 valid for three months after publication 15 bw illus T&T Clark

4 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

2-Volume Set

Edited by Loren T. Stuckenbruck, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany and Daniel M. Gurtner, Southern Seminary, USA Over 600 scholarly articles split into four parts over two volumes examine the numerous texts and artefacts related to Judaism in the Second Temple Period. Part I locates the discipline in relation to other relevant fields, with a history of research in the area; Part II gives an overview of respective contexts within the framework of historical chronology; Part III focuses on literature and key texts of the period; and Part IV addresses specific topics, including places, practices, figures and artefacts. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 2 vols • c. 1,200 pages HB Pack 9780567661449 • £320.00 / $440.00 Special introductory price of £295.00 / $400.00 192 bw & 16 colour illus T&T Clark

Sociocultural Anthropology


T&T Clark Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism

4-Volume Set

Edited by Barbara D. Miller, George Washington University, USA This is the first multi-volume collection of writings on sociocultural anthropology, the field of anthropology which is concerned with how people in different places live in and understand the world around them. The collection of 88 classic and modern articles maps the development of sociocultural anthropology from its beginnings in the mid-19th century to recent debates on the rise of new methods, increased attention to reflexivity and intersubjectivity, and the ongoing 'critique of anthropology' and the efforts to decolonize it. Each volume is separately introduced, making this set an essential resource for scholars and students of sociocultural anthropology. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 4 vols • c. 1,600 pages HB Pack 9781350000315 • £660.00 / $890.00 Special introductory price of £595.00 / $804.00 valid for three months after publication Critical and Primary Sources • Bloomsbury Academic

The Global History of Work

Critical Readings 4-Volume Set

Edited by Marcel van der Linden, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Around 60 collected essays and papers develop our critical understanding of the history of work. From the field-shaping pieces of the 1970s, such as Michelle Perrot’s ‘The Three Ages of Industrial Discipline in Nineteenth-Century France’ and Stanley Moses’ ‘Labor Supply Concepts: The Political Economy of Conceptual Change’, through to the landmark texts of the recent past and present, including Hugh Cunningham’s ‘Child Labour’s Global Past 1650-2000’, this four-volume set is thematically arranged to highlight developments in crucial topics of discussions and debate, paving the way for future work in the area. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 4 vols • c. 1,264 pages HB Pack 9781474297318 • £660.00 / $890.00 Special introductory price of £595.00 / $804.00 valid for three months after publication 13 bw illus • Critical and Primary Sources Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •



Literature and the Environment

4-Volume Set

Edited by Stephanie LeMenager, University of Oregon, USA and Teresa Shewry, University of California, USA Four volumes and 100 essential critical articles present the most important academic writings on ecocriticism and literature’s engagement with environmental crisis. Texts by key scholars, creative writers and activists follow the development and history of environmental criticism, featuring writers such as: Stacy Alaimo, Jonathan Bate, Rosi Braidotti, Jacques Derrida, Ursula K. Heise, Bruno Latour, Rob Nixon, Arundati Roy, Ken Saro-Wiwa, William Shakespeare, Leslie Marmon Silko, Henry David Thoreau, E.O. Wilson, Cary Wolfe and William Wordsworth. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 4 vols • c. 1,280 pages HB Pack 9781350026315 • £650.00 / $885.00 • Special introductory price of £595.00 / $804.00 Critical and Primary Sources • Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

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