Middle East, Africa and Asia Studies New Books Catalogue Apr-Jun 2023

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Season three is available on our website, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.





Migration 5 Iran 5

Literature & Culture 5

The Gulf


North African Studies 8

Ancient History 9 Islamic Studies 9

Turkey & The Ottoman Empire 10 Representatives, Agents and Distributors 12


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Digital Citizenship in Africa

Technologies of Agency and Repression

Edited by Tony Roberts, University of Sussex, UK & Tanja Bosch, University of Cape Town, South Africa

This volume brings to life this dramatic struggle for the digital realm between citizens and governments in Africa; documenting in vivid detail how citizens are using mobile and internet tools in powerful viral global campaigns to hold governments accountable and force policy change

UK June 2023 US June 2023 240 pages

PB 9781350324459 £21 99 / $29 95 HB 9781350324466 £65 00 / $90 00

ePub 9781350324473 • £19 79 / $27 47 ePdf 9781350324480 • £19 79 / $27 47

Zed Books

Precarious Modernities

Assembling State, Space and Society on the Urban Margins in Morocco Cristiana Strava, Leiden University, Netherlands

Using rich ethnographic detail, Precarious Modernities offers an immersive account of the multiple scales and entangled actors involved in the objectification and instrumentalization of Casablanca’s margins as part of ongoing and contingent processes of ‘modernization’

UK June 2023 US June 2023 216 pages

PB 9781350232587 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781350232549 ePub 9781350232556 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781350232563 • £76 50 / $105 78

Zed Books

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

AND ZED BOOKS Zed Books is an imprint of Bloomsbury, acquired in 2020. Founded in London in 1977 it has long been recognised as a leading radical publisher – giving a platform to marginalised voices globally. Zed has built a flagship list of scholarship from and about Africa, and is now focussing the principles of its founding mission on publishing work solely in African Studies, from the best international writers in the field - and particularly from Africa itself. Find updates on Zed Books at @BloomsburyPol All titles are accessible via www.bloomsbury.com, and through the Bloomsbury Academic sales team. 9781786995872 9781786996565 9781786996794 9781350232549 9780755640225 9781786996930 9781786998941 9781786993946 9781786992031 9781350273849 9781786999023 9781786993441 9781786999252 9780755638994 9781350257870
EASTI.B. TAURIS In 2023 I.B. Tauris, an imprint of Bloomsbury, is celebrating 40 years of publishing radical, insightful and representative books on the Middle East and the Islamic World. Here are some of our highlights…
years of publishing on the Middle East @ibtauris All I.B. Tauris books are accessible via www.bloomsbury.com, and through the Bloomsbury Academic sales team. 9780755638260 9780755644520 9780755642656 9780755618415 9780755600670 9780755643134 9781350233416 9780755637379 9781780769486 9780755647101 9780755645428 9780755645220 9780755639427 9781838605919 9780755645558

Freedom, Only Freedom

The Prison Writings of Behrouz Boochani Behrouz Boochani

Edited by Moones Mansoubi & Omid Tofighian, University of Sydney, Australia

In this book, Behrouz Boochani's collected writings are combined with essays from experts on migration, refugee rights, politics, and literature Together, they provide a moving, creative, and challenging account of not only one writer’s harrowing experience and inspiring resilience, but the wider structures of violence which hold thousands of human beings in a state of misery in migrant camps throughout the western hemisphere and beyond

UK January 2023 US January 2023 336 pages

HB 9780755642656 £20 00 / $27 00

ePub 9780755642670 • £18 00 / $26 09

ePdf 9780755642663 • £18 00 / $26 09

Bloomsbury Academic

Iran at War

Interactions with the Modern World and the Struggle with Imperial Russia Maziar Behrooz

Qajar history has gone through much revision and distortion during the post-Qajar period Some of the revisions are valid observations; however, distortions remain which need to be addressed to set the record straight As a study of early Qajar history, this book is an attempt to revisit early nineteenth century Qajar Iran, address the historical fallacies, and create a new narrative and framework for better understanding this crucial period of Iran’s history The late eighteenth and early nineteenth century was one of reunification of Iran under the Qajar and at the same time encounter with the modern European world through aggressive imperialism

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 224 pages

PB 9780755637379 £21 99 / $29 95 HB 9781780766270 £65 00 / $90 00

ePub 9780755637393 £19 79 / $27 47

ePdf 9780755637386 £19 79 / $27 47

I B Tauris

Iranian Culture in Bahram Beyzaie’s Cinema and Theatre Paradigms

of Being and Belonging (1959-1979)

Saeed Talajooy, University of St Andrews, UK

This book examines the origins and development of Bahram Beyzaie’s unique sense of creativity, using an interdisciplinary method of semiotic and cultural analysis to identify its manifestations in Beyzaie’s films and plays of the 1960 and 1970s It focusses on Beyzaie’s early works, such as Downpour and Uncle Moustache, and how they engage with neglected aspects of Iranian culture to challenge mainstream approaches to writing and directing plays and films. In this way, the author argues, Beyzaie’s work questions notions of being and belonging, by subverting exclusionist discourses on art, politics, society, culture, self and other, personal and collective identity, gender relations, intellectuals, heroes and villains, and children


The Formation of Modern Kurdish Society in Iran

Modernity, Modernization and Social Change 1921-1979

Marouf Cabi

Marouf Cabi argues that state-led modernisation integrated the Kurds in modern Iran, but the homogenisation of identity and culture also resulted in the Kurds’ vigorous pursuit of their political and cultural rights Using Persian, Kurdish and English sources, the book explores the way the transformation of Kurdish society between the Second World War, 1979 Iranian Revolution and with a special focus on the era of the ‘White Revolution’, during the 1960s and 1970s, demonstrating the pursuit of Kurdish political and cultural rights within the entity has been a defining feature of the Kurds in Iran.

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 232 pages

PB 9780755642281 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9780755642243 ePub 9780755642267 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755642250 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Kurdish Studies I B Tauris

Forugh Farrokhzad, Poet of Modern Iran

Iconic Woman and Feminine Pioneer of New Persian Poetry

Edited by Dominic Parviz Brookshaw, University of Oxford, UK & Nasrin Rahimieh, University of California, Irvine, USA

Farrokhzad embodied the vexed predicament of the contemporary Iranian woman, at once subjected to long-held traditional practices and influenced by newly introduced modern social sensibilities. Highlighting her literary and cinematic innovation, this volume examines the unique place Farrokhzad occupies in Iran, both among modern Persian poets in general and as an Iranian woman writer in particular. It is a fitting and authoritative tribute to the work of a remarkable woman, which introduces and explores her legacy for a 21st-century audience

UK June 2023 US June 2023 288 pages 16 bw illus

PB 9780755600670 • £19 99 / $26 95 ePub 9780755600687 • £17 99 / $24 72 ePdf 9780755600694 • £17 99 / $24 72

I B Tauris

Persian and Arabic Literary Communities in the Seventeenth Century

Migrant Poets between Arabia, Iran and India

James White, University of Oxford, UK

Examines how the movement of authors created Arabic and Persian literary communities, sometimes running in parallel and sometimes intersecting, which linked Iran, India and the Arabian Peninsula in a system of exchange Delving into a wealth of 17th century literature, James White illuminates how human mobility made the poetry and prose of this period into an interconnected corpus, where writers used cognate forms, imagery and rhetoric to connect with one another across vast distances The book focuses on six case studies to demonstrate that migration was multidirectional and multilingual, and connects these findings to material philology

UK May 2023 US May 2023 256 pages

HB 9780755644568 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9780755644582 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755644575 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: IBT Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Persian Literature • I B Tauris

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April 2023 • US April 2023 • 288 pages • 45 bw illus
HB 9780755648665 • £90 00 / $120 00
ePub 9780755648689 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9780755648672 £81 00 / $112 65 I B Tauris
MIDDLE EASTI.B. TAURIS –Migration / Iran / Literature & Culture

Masculinity and Syrian Fiction

Gender, Society and the Female Gaze

Lovisa Berg, Dalarna University, Sweden

What can novels tell us about cultural understanding of masculinity in Syria? In this book, Lovisa Berg explores over 20 Syrian novels covering the last half of the 20th century Uniquely, she examines only female writers in order to gauge the changing ways in which Syrian women perceived the function of masculinity, and the impact certain attitudes towards masculinity have on men, women, children and Syrian society, from a female perspective The works of writers from Kulit Khuri to Usayma Darwish are examined to explore changing attitudes to gender in Syria and the Middle East, as well as the political upheavals within the country and region

UK June 2023 US June 2023 224 pages

PB 9780755637669 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9780755637621 ePub 9780755637645 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755637638 • £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

Fairouz and the Arab Diaspora

Music and Identity in Lebanon, the UK and Qatar

Dima Issa, University of Balamand, Lebanon

In this book, Dima Issa explores the role of Fairouz’s music in creating a sense of Arab identity amidst changing political, economic context Based on two years of research including 60 interviews, it takes an ethnographic approach, focussing on audience reception of Fairouz’s music among the Arab diasporas of London and Doha It shows that for discussants, talking about Fairouz meant discussing diasporic life, bringing to the surface notions of Arabness and authenticity, presence and absence, naturalization and citizenship, and the issue of gender Conversations with the research respondents shed light on the idea of iltizam (commitment), or how members of the Arab diaspora hold on to attributes that they feel define and differentiate them from others.

UK May 2023 US May 2023 256 pages

HB 9780755641765 £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9780755641789 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755641772 • £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

Richard Burton, T.E. Lawrence and the Culture of Homoerotic Desire

Orientalist Depictions of Arab Sexuality

Feras Alkabani, University of Sussex, UK

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Arabspeaking regions of the Ottoman Empire saw crucial changes in attitudes towards sexuality However, contemporary Orientalists such as Sir Richard Burton and T E Lawrence were oblivious to certain aspects of these shifts By comparing their autobiographical accounts of the Arab Orient with contemporary Arabic literature, Feras Alkabani exposes this critical disparity in cross-cultural portrayals of sexual morality and homoerotic desire His detailed comparative study reveals the significance of homoerotic desire within Orientalist and Arab literary discourses UK

Sa'di in Love

The Lyrical Verses of Persia's Master Poet Homa Katouzian, Oxford University, UK

With poetry which speaks across the ages, Sa'di (1210-1281) is a vital classical poet and a towering figure of the medieval Persian canon. This essential new translation of Sa'di's work, leading expert on Iranian studies Homa Katouzian seeks to bring the poet's lyrics to a new readership The book provides the Persian text and Katouzian's English translation side-by-side, creating an indispensable tool for students and enthusiasts of Iranian history, literature and culture

UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 256 pages • 69 color illus

PB 9780755648290 • £24 99 / $34 95

Previously published in HB 9781784532246 ePub 9780857729651 £90 00 / $125 02 ePdf 9780857727619 £90 00 / $125 02

I B Tauris

The Language of the Taj Mahal Islam, Prayer, and the Religion of Shah Jahan

Michael D. Calabria, St Bonaventure University, USA

The Taj Mahal, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (1592-1666 CE) as a mausoleum for his wife Mumtaz Mahal (1593-1631 CE), is considered exceptional in the history of world architecture This book provides a deeper understanding of the Taj Mahal and its builder by examining its inscriptions within their architectural, historical and biographical contexts As well as offering a unique approach to the study of the building, the book uses the inscriptions to expound the foundational elements of Islam, the faith of Shah Jahan and also what the Taj Mahal still means today

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 288 pages • 30 b&w and colour images

PB 9780755637898 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9780755637850 ePub 9780755637874 £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755637867 £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Library of Islamic South Asia • I B Tauris

Muslim Masculinities in Literature and Film

Transcultural Identity and Migration in Britain

Peter Cherry, Bilkent University, Turkey

This is the first critical study to engage with British Muslim masculinities in the novels and films by British migrant and diaspora writers and filmmakers. Through close analysis of work by Monica Ali, Nadeem Aslam, Guy Gunaratne, Sally El Hosaini, Hanif Kureishi, Suhayl Saadi, Sunjeev Sahota, Kamila Shamsie, Zadie Smith, Zia Haider Rahman and Salman Rushdie, Peter Cherry examines how migrant and subsequent generations of ‘postmigrant’ protagonists negotiate their masculinity in a climate of Islamophobic and anti-migrant rhetoric

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 272 pages PB 9780755644674 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9780755601714 ePub 9780755601738 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755601721 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Gender and Islam • I B Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692

• orders@macmillan.co.uk

December 2023 US December 2023 304 pages HB 9781784535698 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9781838603649 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781838603656 • £76 50 / $105 78 I B Tauris
MIDDLE EASTI.B. TAURIS –Literature & Culture

Stateless Literature of the Gulf

Culture, Politics and the Bidun in Kuwait

Tareq Alrabei, Gulf University for Science & Technology, Kuwait

This book is the first to explore the Bidun from a literary/cultural perspective, offering both the first study of the literature of the Bidun in Kuwait, and in the process a corrective to some of the pitfalls of a descriptive, Area Studies approach to research on the Bidun and the region The author explores the historical and political context of the Bidun, their position in Kuwaiti and Arabic literary history, comparisons between the Bidun and other stateless writers and analysis of the key themes in Bidun literature and their relationship to the Bidun struggle for recognition and citizenship

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 200 pages

PB 9780755644889 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781788314572 ePub 9780755635306 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755635313 £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

Shipping and Development in Dubai

Infrastructure, Innovation and Institutions in the Gulf

Keith Nuttall

This book explains the reasons for the emergence of Dubai and its distinctive development trajectory, arguing that the decision, in the 1970s, to invest in infrastructure made possible by shipping containerization laid the foundations for its future expansion Nuttall shows that in contrast to its competitors’ hydrocarbon rentier economic model, Dubai’s creation and expansion of ports and airports, together with ‘value-added’ logistics and business-friendly enhancements, were used to out-compete regional rivals Drawing on a range of primary and secondary sources, including interviews with logistics business-people, government records, memoirs, it fills a significant lacuna in the history of Dubai’s development and emergence as a global trade hub

UK May 2023 US May 2023 232 pages 8 bw illus

PB 9780755641666 £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9780755641628 ePub 9780755641642 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755641635 • £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America

The UAE after the Arab Spring Strategy for Survival

Khalifa Al-Suwaidi

Why did the Gulf monarchies – and the UAE in particular – avoid the upheavals and challenges of the Arab uprisings? This book examines how the state survived the waves of unrest in the UAE It departs from attributing regime survival to rentier state theory and instead offers a more nuanced approach to understanding the pillars of regime legitimacy and survival upon which the UAE now rests In doing so, the book sheds light on the transformation of the UAE from a quietist state, which relied almost entirely upon an overseas security guarantor, to an assertive regional power in its

own right

UK April 2023 US April 2023 176 pages

HB 9780755648030 £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780755648054 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755648047 • £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

Tribalism and Political Power in the Gulf

State-Building and National Identity in Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE

Courtney Freer, Emory University, USA & Alanoud al-Sharekh, Kuwait National Security Bureau, Kuwait

Gulf societies are often described as being intensely tribal But in discussions of state building and national identity, the role of tribalism and tribal identity is often overlooked This book analyses the political role of tribes in Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE to understand the degree to which tribes hinder or advance popular participation in government and to what extent they exert domestic political power

UK April 2023 US April 2023 224 pages

PB 9780755644896 £21 99 / $29 95

Previously published in HB 9781838606084 ePub 9781838606107 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781838606091 • £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

• 888-330-8477

• customerservice@mpsvirginia.com

MIDDLE EASTI.B. TAURIS –Literature & Culture / The Gulf

Digital Political Cultures in the Middle East since the Arab Uprisings

Online Activism in Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon

Dounia Mahlouly, SOAS, University of London, UK

This book offers a ten-year perspective on digital activism practices across the Middle East and North Africa, drawing on interviews and ethnographic evidence collected between 2012 and 2020 It addresses the shifting narratives around digital activism and cultures in the region in the wake of the 2011 uprisings and the subsequent so-called second wave by considering the media environments in which local activists operate It focusses on three main political contexts - the 2011 Tunisian and Egyptian context and the 2019 political context in Lebanon – with case studies on the Tunisian blogosphere, online campaigning in the Egyptian presidential elections and interviews with social media activists

• US June 2023

UK June 2023

• 224 pages • 10 bw illus

HB 9780755645176 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9780755645190 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755645183 £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Political Communication and Media Practices in the Middle East and North Africa

I B Tauris

Monarchy and Modernity in Egypt

Politics, Islam and Neo-Colonialism Between the Wars

James Whidden, Acadia University, Canada

The creation of the Egyptian monarchy in 1922 opened contests and debates over fundamental cultural questions, particularly definitions of Egyptian modernity, rule and identity In this book James Whidden looks at the political, cultural and intellectual landscapes of Egypt between the wars, from the nationalist agitations for independence in 1919, the rise of the Wafd - first under Saad Zaghul and then Mustafa El-Nahas Pashaand the rise and fall of different political and power brokers in the period such as Abd al-Latif al-Makkabati or Abd al-Khaliq Tharwa Whidden focuses on the different interpretations of the nature of Egyptian politics, highlighting the ways in which patriotism and elitism, Islam and tradition, colonial manipulations, and ideological politics combine


PB 9780755650248 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781848857063 ePub 9780857734280 £26 09 / $37 08 ePdf 9780857722850 £26 09 / $37 08

I B Tauris

• 248 pages • 2 maps, 10 bw integrated

The Political Economy of Egyptian Media

Business and Military Elite Power and Communication after 2011 Maher Hamoud, Ghent University, The Netherlands

In the aftermath of the 2011 Egyptian uprising and the 2013 military coup, the book answers the central question of why and how Egypt’s ruling elites control the media Situated within the interdisciplinary domain of ‘critical political economy of communication’, it focuses on popular privately-owned newspapers and TV channels and their ownerships using a qualitative approach involving 20 interviews conducted over five years. The findings show that the Egyptian media market, particularly in the post-uprising era, is tightly controlled by the business elite in favour of their interests, and those of the political elite – whether civilian or military

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 224 pages

HB 9780755643073 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780755643097 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755643080 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Political Communication and Media Practices in the Middle East and North Africa

I B Tauris

Understanding Revolutions

Opening Acts in Tunisia

Azmi Bishara, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar

The Tunisian Revolution is the only revolt of the Arab Spring that is widely considered to have ‘succeeded’ In this book, published in English for the first time, Azmi Bishara grapples with the specific political make-up of Tunisia, and how it determined the survival of the revolution� The book answers several important questions, such as how must social movements deal with states which refuse to participate in the dialectic process of reform; and what happens when a regime leverages fissures in collective identity to threaten the breakup of not just the state, but the entire social fabric of a country?

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 328 pages • 3 maps

PB 9780755644865 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781784532222 ePub 9780755644735 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755644728 £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

World All Languages (except Arabic)

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692

• orders@macmillan.co.uk

UK November 2022 • US November 2022
Political Communication and Media Practices in the Middle East and North Africa
Communication /
Dina Matar, SOAS University of London, UK; Zahera Harb, City University of London, UK
North African Studies

Sasanian Persia

The Rise and Fall of an Empire

Touraj Daryaee, University of California, Irvine, USA

Of profound importance in late antiquity, the Sasanian Empire is virtually unknown today, except as a counterpoint to the Roman Empire The last of the great ancient Persian empires and founded by Ardashir l in 224 CE, the Sasanian Empire was the dominant force in the Middle East for several centuries until its last king, Yazdgerd lll, was defeated by the Muslim Arabs in the seventh century In this highly readable history, Touraj Daryaee fills a significant gap in our knowledge of world history This second edition examines the Sasanians' complex and colourful narrative and demonstrates their unique significance, not only for the development of Iranian civilization but also for Roman and Islamic history

UK April 2023 US April 2023 256 pages

PB 9780755618415 £19 99 / $26 95 HB 9780755618408 £65 00 / $90 00

ePub 9780755618422 £17 99 / $24 72

ePdf 9780755618439 • £17 99 / $24 72

I B Tauris

The School of Hillah and the Formation of Twelver Shi'i Islamic Tradition

Aun Hasan Ali, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Aun Hasan Ali here reveals the School of Hillah as a formative period in the history of Twelver or Imami Shi’ism, where outstanding and landmark works were written in practically every field of classical Islamic scholarship. He uses state-of-the-art electronic databases and social network analysis to study the transmission of knowledge and networks of kinship, learning, and patronage to show the social, political and historical context of the school, covering over 200 individuals and their writings In the process, he reveals the way that Imami Shi'ism emerged in a historically specific and interfaith dynamic, becoming a discursive tradition unified and sustained by disagreement and an awareness of its minority status

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 288 pages

HB 9780755639083 • £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9780755639106 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755639090 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Early and Medieval Islamic World • I B Tauris

Texts, Scribes and Transmission Manuscript Cultures of the Ismaili Communities and Beyond

Edited by Wafi A. Momin, Institute of Ismaili Studies, London, UK

This open access book captures the burgeoning of interest in the manuscript cultures of the Muslim world This volume brings together studies offering insights into different aspects of the manuscript cultures nurtured by Ismaili communities until well after the widespread dissemination of printed books The chapters cover textual transmission and other connected aspects such as codicology, scribal and reading practices, educational and social history, authorship, script, religious identity and interactions of ideas across ideological denominations

The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4 0 licence on bloomsburycollections com Open access was funded by Islamic Publications Ltd�

UK June 2022 US August 2022 504 pages 25 images

• £24 99 / $34 95 • HB 9780755645374 • £75 00 / $100 00

PB 9780755645381

ePub 9780755645404

The Ossetes

Modern-Day Scythians of the Caucasus

Richard Foltz, Concordia University, Canada

This is the first English language book devoted to the little-known history and culture of the Ossetes, a Caucasian people who are the last remaining linguistic and cultural descendants of the ancient Scythians who dominated the Eurasian steppe for over one thousand years Charting Ossetian history from Antiquity to today, and introducing readers to the Nart epic, a series of tales from the North Caucasus, it will be a vital contribution to the fields of Iranian, Caucasian, Post-Soviet and Indo-European Studies

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 240 pages

PB 9780755645558 • £21 99 / $26 95

Previously published in HB 9780755618453 ePub 9780755618477 £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755618460 £76 50 / $105 78

I B Tauris

• £0 00 / $0 00

The Renaissance of Shi'i Islam Facets of Thought and Practice

Edited by Janis Esots, Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK & Farhad Daftary, The Institute of Ismaili Studies, UK

This open access book examines the renaissance of Shi’i Islam Although the political and artistic developments of the Safavid era have been extensively studied, the complexities of the different groups, movements and strands of thought in the renaissance of Shi’i Islam still remain largely unexplored The chapters in this book represent the most recent scholarship on the intellectual and spiritual life of the age and reveal what prepared the ground for its appearance as well as its achievements

The eBook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on bloomsburycollections.com. Open access was funded by Islamic Publications Ltd.

UK October 2022 • US December 2022 • 424 pages

PB 9780755649440 • £24 99 / $34 95 • HB 9780755649433 • £75 00 / $100 00

ePub 9780755649464 • £0 00 / $0 00

ePdf 9780755649457 £0 00 / $0 00

Series: Shi'i Heritage Series I B Tauris World English

The Clergy and the Modern Middle East

Shi'i Political Activism in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon

Mohammad R. Kalantari, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK

The Shi’i clergy are amongst the most influential political players in the Middle East This book is based on exclusive interviews with high-profile Shi'i clerics, their close associates and local policymakers in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon It shows how Shi’i clerics view the rise of Islamic extremism and the solutions to it, and also examines how the community’s situation and specific religious beliefs – such as the awaiting Mahdi, the last Shi’i Imam – impact on their attitudes and their impetus to counter violence

UK April 2023

• US April 2023 • 272 pages

PB 9780755644872 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781838605568

ePub 9781838605582

• £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755645398

• £0 00 / $0 00 I B Tauris

ePdf 9781838605599

I B Tauris

• £76 50 / $105 78

9 www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477

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World English
MIDDLE EASTI.B. TAURIS –Ancient History /
Islamic Studies

The Words of the Imams

Al-Shaykh Al-Saduq and the Development of Twelver Shi'i Hadith


George Warner, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Ibn Babawayh – also known by his honorific title of al-Shaykh al-Saduk - was an Imami Shi'i scholar of the early Babawayh period Of Persian origin, he is best known as a major hadith scholar, being the author of Man la yahduruhu al Faqih, one of the four canonical books of Shi'ite Islam Despite his importance, until now there has been no scholarly work dedicated to this scholarly figure and his historic importance. The Words of the Shi’i Imams addresses this gap, shedding light on the richness of later Abbasid religious and intellectual culture

UK June 2023 US June 2023 240 pages

• £28 99 / $39 95

PB 9780755645572

Previously published in HB 9781838605605

ePub 9781838605612

ePdf 9781838605636

• £76 50 / $105 78

• £76 50 / $105 78

Merchants on the Mediterranean

Ottoman-Dutch Trade in the 18th century Despina Vlami, Academy of Athens, Greece

Following the venture of the Ottoman Greek merchants Bartholomew and Raphael Cardamici, who in the 1760s traded goods between Smyrna, Constantinople and Amsterdam, Despina Vlami investigates various aspects of the organization and strategy necessary for such an important transition To expand their whole-sale trade business to Amsterdam, the Cardamici chose as their local correspondent an experienced and strongminded Dutch merchant, Thomas De Vogel De Vogel’s letters addressed to his Ottoman clients reveal the course of their business transactions and the making of their personal relationship. At the same time, they are comprehensive and efficient tutorials on trade business and strategy guiding the Ottoman Greek merchants to the unpredictable and mainly unfamiliar to them 18th century international business universe

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 224 pages

HB 9781784538675

The Imperial School for Tribes

Educating the Provincial Elite in the Late Ottoman Empire

Mehmet Ali Neyzi

Utilizing a plethora of new documents recently made available in the Ottoman archives as well as newspaper collections in Istanbul and Beirut, this is the first book to shed light on the Imperial School for Tribes (Asiret Mektebi), a Hamidian initiative to bring the sons of prominent Arab tribal leaders to Istanbul for a world-class education and transform them into loyal Ottoman future military and governmental leaders It provides a detailed analysis of the origins, families and trajectories of the over 500 graduates of the school, as well as the recruitment and placement processes developed by the administration The book shows that many graduates who became prominent leaders in their newly formed countries, including Abdulmuhsin al-Sadoun, Omar Mansour, Orhan Kologlu and Ramadan al-Shallash, preserved their imperial loyalties even as rifts that occurred between the Republic of Turkey and the Arab states widened

UK May 2023 US May 2023 224 pages

• £85 00 / $115 00

HB 9780755649747

ePub 9780755649761 • £76 50 / $105 78

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I B Tauris

• £85 00 / $115 00

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ePdf 9780755648863

I B Tauris

• £76 50 / $105 78

• £76 50 / $105 78

Contemporary Turkey

The Politics of Education in Turkey

Islam, Neoliberalism, and Gender

Zühre Emanet

This book offers an in-depth analysis of gender inequality in action in the Turkish schooling system by examining changes in education provision and culture in the years since 2012 It is based on two school ethnographies conducted in an AKP dominated district of Istanbul where the author worked as a teacher and researcher It asks whether the adoption of global trends in the neo-liberalization of education were co-opted by the AKP and other Islamist movements to promote their own agendas, while also considering the effects of the struggle between rival Islamist groups It provides an important analysis of the way in which boys and girls are socialized in Turkey's public schooling system�

UK June 2023 US June 2023 224 pages

HB 9780755636693 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780755636716 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755636709 • £76 50 / $105 78

Series: Contemporary Turkey • I B Tauris

Architectures of Emergency in Turkey

Heritage, Displacement and Catastrophe

Edited by Eray Çayli, London School of Economics, UK, Pinar Aykac, Middle East Technical University, Turkey & Sevcan Ercan, University College London, UK

Challenging existing political analyses of the state of emergency in Turkey, this volume argues that such states are not merely predetermined by policy and legislation but are produced, regulated, distributed and contested through the built environment in both embodied and symbolic ways Contributors use empirical criticalspatial research carried out in Turkey over the past decade, exploring heritage, displacement and catastrophes�

UK May 2023 US May 2023 240 pages 24 bw illus

PB 9780755645329 £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781788319898 ePub 9781788319911 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9781788319904

• £76 50 / $105 78

• I B Tauris

Series: Contemporary Turkey

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