4 minute read
Middle East Culture
Bahar Baser, Coventry University, UK & Paul T. Levin, Stockholm University, Sweden The `refugee crisis' and the recent rise of antiimmigration parties across Europe has prompted widespread debates about migration, integration and security on the continent. This book examines immigration from Turkey to Sweden from its beginnings in the mid-1960s. It traces the impact of Sweden's economic downturn, and the effects of the 1971 Turkish military intervention and the 1980 military coup, after which asylum seekers - mostly Assyrian Christians and Kurds - sought refuge in Sweden. Contributors explore how the patterns of labour migration and interactions with Swedish society impacted the social and political attitudes of these different communities, their sense of belonging, and diasporic activism. The book also investigates issues of integration, return migration, transnational ties, external voting and citizenship rights.
UK May 2021 • US May 2021 • 320 pages • 2 black and white integrated PB 9780755643530 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538699 ePub 9781786722454 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781838608835 • £26.09 / $35.17 I.B. Tauris
The Circassians of Turkey
War, Violence and Nationalism from the Ottomans to Atatürk
Caner Yelbasi, Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey This book reveals the complex and important role played by the Circassians of Turkey in the chaotic years after 1918. It shows that the Circassians helped to establish the early republic and how the Turkification policies of the Kemalist regime in the two decades following 1918 disrupted their world. Using a wide variety of primary source material, including Ottoman and Republican archives - as well as memoirs, the press and secondary literature - this book sheds light on a minority who, unlike the Kurds or Armenians, are yet to receive scholarly attention in Turkish Studies.
UK May 2021 • US May 2021 • 264 pages • 15 bw illus PB 9780755643677 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788314473 ePub 9781838600181 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781838600174 • £26.09 / $35.17 I.B. Tauris
Culture and Crisis in the Arab World
Art, Practice and Production in Spaces of Conflict
Edited by Richard Jacquemond, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France & Felix Lang, University of Marburg, Germany Drawing on critical readings of Bourdieu’s Field Theory, this book explores the production of culture in Arab social spaces in ‘crisis’. Contributors examine a wide range of countries and conflicts, from Algeria to the Arab countries of the Gulf, discussing, among other things, the impact of Western public diplomacy organisations on the arts scene in post-revolutionary Cairo and the consequences of dwindling state support for literary production in Yemen. This book breaks new ground in adapting Bourdieu’s theory to the particularities of cultural production in the Middle East and North Africa.
UK July 2021 • US July 2021 • 264 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9780755643684 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781788314244 ePub 9781786726322 • £81.00 / $106.83 ePdf 9781786736383 • £81.00 / $106.83 I.B. Tauris Protests and Justice in Late Ottoman Palestine
Yuval Ben-Bassat, University of Haifa, Israel The practice of petitioning the Ottoman Sultan was a well-known institution which existed in one form or another throughout Ottoman history and enabled Ottoman subjects, far from the capital of Istanbul, to convey their grievances directly to the supreme ruler. Yuval Ben-Bassat examines the petitions, including many previously unpublished ones, sent during the last decades of the Empire to the Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II. The petitions enable Ben-Bassat to explore Palestine's history in this formative period from a unique perspective, providing first-hand accounts of the dilemmas, struggles, acts, concerns, schisms and transformations Palestinian society experienced.
UK May 2021 • US May 2021 • 344 pages • 39 bw integrated PB 9780755643592 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781780764573 ePub 9780755612956 • £75.00 / $99.01 ePdf 9780755612604 • £75.00 / $99.01 I.B. Tauris
itarian Politics in Turkey
Authoritarian Politics in Turkey
Elections, Resistance and the AKP
Bahar Baser, Coventry University, UK & Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, Coventry University, UK President Erdogan's victory in the April 2017 referendum granted him sweeping new powers across Turkey. The constitutional reforms transformed the country from a parliamentary democracy into a "Turkish style" presidential republic. The country experienced political turmoil and rapid transformation as a result. This book identifies the process of democratic reversal in Turkey. The contributors scrutinise the very concepts of democracy, elections and autocracy to expose their flaws which can be manipulated to advantage. The book includes chapters discussing the roots of authoritarianism in Turkey; the political economy of elections; the relationship between the political Islamic groups and the government; Turkish foreign policy; nonMuslim communities' attitudes towards the AKP; and Kurdish citizens' voting patterns. As well as following Turkey's political trajectory, this book contextualises Turkey in the wider literature on electoral and competitive authoritarianisms and explores the country's future options.
UK April 2021 • US March 2021 • 288 pages PB 9780755643523 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781784538002 ePub 9781786722270 • £26.09 / $35.17 ePdf 9781786732279 • £26.09 / $35.17 I.B. Tauris
Consumerist Orientalism
The Convergence of Arab and American Popular Culture in the Age of Global Capitalism
M. Keith Booker & Isra Daraiseh This book explores the ways in which Edward Said's concept of Orientalism is manifested in contemporary Arab and American culture. Analyzing music, film, television and other forms of popular cultural production, it argues that a specific form of 'consumerist' Orientalism arose in 20th century American culture, linked to but distinct from European forms of colonial and romantic Orientalism. It further shows how this has in turn fed in to contemporary cultural production in the Arab World.
UK July 2021 • US July 2021 • 272 pages • 30 bw illus PB 9780755643738 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781838600679 ePub 9781838600693 • £81.00 / $106.83 ePdf 9781838600686 • £81.00 / $106.83 I.B. Tauris