Middle East, African and Asia Studies New Books Catalogue January-March 2022

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Middle East, African and Asia Studies New Books Catalogue

January-March 2022


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Contents MIDDLE EAST– I.B. Tauris Politics and Current Affairs / Islamic Studies ������������������ 3 Israel and Palestine �������������������������������������������������������� 4

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Highlights from I.B. Tauris I.B. Tauris is an imprint of Bloomsbury, acquired in 2018. Founded in London in 1983, I.B. Tauris has long been recognised as one of the preeminent publishers on the Middle East & the Islamic World and has world-leading lists on Politics & International Relations, Current Affairs and Area Studies.
















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Transforming Society, Economics, Politics and Culture Edited by Mark C. Thompson, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia & Neil Quilliam, Chatham House, UK Saudi Vision 2030 and the National Transformation Plan 2020 are initiatives to diversify Saudi Arabia’s economy and implement nationwide social changes. This book examines the processes of domestic policymaking and governance being mapped out to achieve them. Featuring case studies from across sectors including labour markets, defence, health, youth, energy and the environment, each chapter analyses the challenges that the country’s leading institutions face in shaping and implementing tailored policies. In doing so, contributors reveal the factors that facilitate or constrain effective and viable domestic policymaking and governance in the Kingdom. UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 256 pages PB 9780755644384 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9780755644377 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9780755644407 • £22.49 / $29.96 ePdf 9780755644391 • £22.49 / $29.96 I.B. Tauris World All Languages (except Arabic)

The US War Against ISIS

How America and its Allies Defeated the Caliphate Aaron Stein, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA The war against ISIS is often explained through the group’s own rise to power. The American side of the story has not yet been told. This book records how the United States and its allies chose to fight the group, what the consequences have been for transatlantic relations, and how these factors may shape future wars the West decides to pursue. The book is based on first-person interviews with U.S. and European policymakers, and members of the military in direct combat against ISIS - from U.S and allied forces on the ground to the Kurdish fighters who fought beside them. UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 288 pages PB 9780755634798 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9780755634804 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9780755634828 • £19.79 / $26.05 ePdf 9780755634811 • £19.79 / $26.05 I.B. Tauris

New Media Discourses, Culture and Politics after the Arab Spring

The Making of Martyrdom in Modern Twelver Shi’ism

Edited by Eid Mohamed, Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, Qatar & Aziz Douai, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada

Adel Hashemi, McMaster University, Canada

Case Studies from Egypt and Beyond

This book investigates the interplay of media, politics, religion, and culture in shaping Arabs’ quests for more stable and democratic governance models in the aftermath of the “Arab Spring” uprisings. It focuses on online mediated public debates, specifically user comments on online Arab news sites, and their potential to reengage citizens in politics. Contributors systematically explore and critique these online communities and spaces in the context of the Arab uprisings, with case studies, largely centered on Egypt, covering micro-bloggers, Islamic discourse online, Libyan nationalism on Facebook, among others.

From Protesters and Revolutionaries to Shrine Defenders What is the place of martyrdom in Twelver Shi’ism today? In this book Adel Hashemi traces the unexplored area of Shi’i discourse on martyrdom from the 1979 revolution - when the Islamic Republic’s leaders cultivated the culture of martyrdom to topple the Shah’s regime – through to the dramatic shift in understanding of martyrdom in modern times, including the reaction to the Syrian crisis, the war with ISIS and other Salafi groups in the region, and renewed commitment to the defence of shrines. UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 240 pages HB 9780755633951 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755633975 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755633968 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Politics & Current Affairs / Islamic Studies

Governance and Domestic Policymaking in Saudi Arabia

UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 224 pages HB 9780755640508 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755640522 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755640515 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Muslims under Sikh Rule in the Nineteenth Century Maharaja Ranjit Singh and Religious Tolerance

Robina Yasmin, Islamia University Bahawalpur, Pakistan Focusing on the socio-economic, political and religious condition of Muslims under Sikh rule in the Punjab during the 19th century, this book demonstrates that Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his successors took a secular approach towards their subjects. Using various archival sources, including the Fakir Khana Family archives and the Punjab Archives, the author argues citizens had freedom to practice their religion, with equal access to employment, education and justice. UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 224 pages HB 9780755640324 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755640348 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755640331 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Library of Islamic South Asia • I.B. Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com


M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Israel & Palestine

SOAS Palestine Studies The Foreign Policy of Hamas

Occupying Habits

Leila Seurat, European University Institute, Italy

Daniel Mann, Kings College London, UK

Ideology, Decision Making and Political Supremacy Hamas has become a significant player on the international stage. This book, a study in international relations, shows how Hamas willingly mobilizes Palestinian internal issues to establish its legitimacy on a global scale, and at the same time uses its relations with non-Palestinian players to compete against its political rivals on the Palestinian national stage. Focused on the foreign policy of Hamas, the book covers the movement’s victory in 2006 up until the recent momentous events, such as Hamas’s reaction to Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ and Israel’s announcement of the annexation of the Jordan Valley. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 304 pages PB 9781838607449 • £24.99 / $34.95 • HB 9781838607456 • £75.00 / $100.00 ePub 9781838607470 • £22.49 / $29.96 ePdf 9781838607463 • £22.49 / $29.96 Series: SOAS Palestine Studies • I.B. Tauris World English

Textbooks on Israel-Palestine

The Politics of Education and Knowledge in the West Seyed Hadi Borhani, University of Tehran, Iran In this book, Seyed Hadi Borhani has identified the most adopted textbooks on the history of the Israel/ Palestine question in order to understand how the Israel-Palestine conflict is narrated in Western academia. Based on analysis of around 40 of the most important and widely used textbooks that enjoy the highest rate of adoption in western universities, he draws conclusions about pro-Israeli bias in the West and what this can tell us about the nature of western knowledge. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 224 pages HB 9781350233089 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350233102 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350233096 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Unsettling Colonialism • I.B. Tauris

This book explores the impact that mobile phone cameras and social media have had on Israel’s security regime. Daniel Mann shows that although visual media poses a threat to Israel’s modus operandi in the West Bank and Gaza, it is also paving the way for new modes of surveillance and control that are becoming ubiquitous. By examining photos, film and footage – and identifying the individuals that created them – the book reveals how Israel has expanded its capacity to shape the narrative of the military occupation of the Palestinian territories, and how it delegates the responsibility of image production and distribution to soldiers and civilians. Mann argues that this is a radical remodelling of its modes of governance and a reconfiguration of the stakes of political action, showing the growing function of media shaping warfare. UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 208 pages • 20 b&w images HB 9780755633906 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755633920 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755633913 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: SOAS Palestine Studies • I.B. Tauris

Visual Evidence and the Gaza Flotilla Raid Extraterritoriality and the Image

Maayan Amir, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel Here, Maayan Amir explores the lasting political and cultural significance of Israel's storming of Turkish activists' vessels in international waters - the Gaza 'Freedom Flotilla' incident - which resulted in the deaths of 9 participants, and the confiscation of all video recordings by the Israeli authorities. Using the concept of extraterritoriality and the work of theorists such as Emmanuel Levinas, Derek Gregory, Lisa Parks and others, she argues that the seizure of the vessels outside of state jurisdiction and the withholding of much of the video evidence of the incident exemplify the way that visual material has been weaponised in the Israeli state's ongoing domination of Gaza. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 208 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9780755627271 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755627295 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755627288 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

The Fragmentation of Palestine

Gaza Under Hamas

Joshua Rickard, Kumamoto University, Japan

Bjorn Brenner

Identity and Isolation since the Second Intifada

The process of fragmentation has altered the social dynamics of Palestinian society since the second intifada. This book looks at the physical division of communities through long-term military siege, and the ways that communities have adapted to get by despite frequently changing restrictions. Joshua Rickard shows that new forms of isolation and social fragmentation, combined with the uncertainty of everyday life, have come to characterise the existential experience of being Palestinian. The book also examines the possibility for a reformation of social organisation which transcends traditional political discourses and can be seen emerging from Palestinian communities. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 208 pages HB 9781784535872 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755645534 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755645527 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris


Everyday Media as Warfare in IsraelPalestine

From Islamic Democracy to Islamist Governance The Winner of the Palestine Book Awards in 2017, Gaza under Hamas investigates what happened after Hamas’s infamous victory in the 2006 elections. Bjorn Brenner lodged with Palestinian families and experienced their daily encounters with Hamas and secured interviews with a wide range of key political and security figures in the Hamas administration, as well as with military commanders and members of the feared Qassam Brigades. This paperback edition has a new chapter to reflect on current events and new contributions from Shaul Mishal and Benedetta Berti. UK October 2021 • US October 2021 • 272 pages • 3 bw integrated PB 9780755634392 • £21.99 / $29.95 Previously published in HB 9781784537777 ePub 9781786721426 • £31.50 / $41.68 ePdf 9781786731425 • £31.50 / $41.68 I.B. Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Mass communication, Ideology, and the State E.L. Blout, American University, USA How does a regime that derived its hegemony from the ability to mass-communicate its ideology protect its ideological dominance in an environment characterized by “disruptive power” and “mass self-communication”? What is the role of media in the construction of political power in Iran? This book examines the media institutions, policies, and discourses of Pahlavi and the Islamic Republic of Iran over the course of more than five decades and several communication paradigms. Drawing from over 300 primary sources in Persian and English, including never before used documents from archives in Iran and the United States, it offers a history of Iranian media institutions and strategies from Iran’s first encounter with mass communication in the 1940s, to the dawn of digital media in the 1990s, to internet and mobile telephony today.

Zoroastrianism in India and Iran Persians, Parsis and the Flowering of Political Identity

Alexandra Buhler, formerly of SOAS, University of London, UK This book examines the strong relationship between the Zoroastrian community in Iran and the Zoroastrian community in India from the midnineteenth century to the 1920s. Using a variety of original sources from Britain, India and Iran, Alexandra Buhler looks at the political, legal, and social position of Zoroastrians in Iran and how different events impacted their attitudes as well as the attitudes of Zoroastrians in India towards their ancestral homeland. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages HB 9780755601608 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755601639 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755601622 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 240 pages • 6 bw illus HB 9780755639038 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755639052 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755639045 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Foreign Policy in Iran and Saudi Arabia

The Formation of Modern Kurdish Society in Iran

Robert Mason, Lancaster University, UK

Marouf Cabi

Economics and Diplomacy in the Middle East

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Iran / Persia

Media and Power in Modern Iran

Modernity, Modernization, and Social Change 1921-1979

Saudi Arabia, with its US alliance and abundance of oil dollars, has a very different economic story to that of Iran, which despite enormous natural gas reserves, has been hit hard by economic, trade, scientific and military sanctions since its 1979 revolution. Robert Mason looks at the effect that economic considerations have had on foreign policy decision-making processes and diplomatic activities. He seeks to highlight how oil policy is the paramount economic factor which drives the diplomacy and rivalry of these two pivotal regional powers. His book offers vital analysis on the processes involved in the formation of foreign policy.

Marouf Cabi argues that state-led modernisation integrated the Kurds in modern Iran, but the homogenisation of identity and culture also resulted in the Kurds’ vigorous pursuit of their political and cultural rights. Using Persian, Kurdish and English sources, the book explores the transformation of Kurdish society between the Second World War, 1979 Iranian Revolution and with a special focus on the era of the ‘White Revolution’, during the 1960s and 1970s, demonstrating the pursuit of Kurdish political and cultural rights within the entity has been a defining feature of the Kurds in Iran.

UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 288 pages PB 9781788314435 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781780767215 ePub 9780857738981 • £85.50 / $112.04 ePdf 9780857725202 • £85.50 / $112.04 I.B. Tauris

UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 240 pages HB 9780755642243 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755642267 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755642250 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Kurdish Studies • I.B. Tauris

The East India Company in Persia

Trade and Cultural Exchange in the Eighteenth Century Peter Good, University of Kent, UK This book explores the lived experience of the East India Company and its trade in Persia and how it interacted with power structures and the local environment in a time of great upheaval in Persian history. Using East India Company records and other sources, it charts the role of the Navy and commercial fleet in the Gulf, trade agreements, and the experience of Company staff (British and non-British) living in and navigating conditions in 18th-century Persia. By examining the social, commercial and diplomatic history of this relationship, this book creates a new paradigm for the study of Early Modern interactions in the Indian Ocean. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350152274 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350152281 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350152298 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

www.bloomsbury.com • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 • customerservice@mpsvirginia.com


M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Persia / Ancient History / Turkey & the Ottoman Empire

Persian Narrative Poetry in the Classical Era, 800-1500: Romantic and Didactic Genres A History of Persian Literature, Vol III

Edited by Ehsan Yarshater, Columbia University, USA & Mohsen Ashtiany, Columbia University, USA Published in association with the Ehsan Yarshater Center for Iranian Studies at Columbia university, USA. The third volume in this ground-breaking series explores mainly the poems written in the couplet form (mathnavi) including narrative mathnavis, allegorical mathnavis such as Conference of the Birds by Attâr as well as didactic mathnavis such as Sa’di’s Bustân and Rumi’s Mathnavi-ye Ma’navi. UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 656 pages HB 9781845119041 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781786726582 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781786736642 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: History of Persian Literature • I.B. Tauris World All Languages (except Persian)

Sasanian Persia

The Rise and Fall of an Empire Touraj Daryaee, University of California, Irvine, USA Of profound importance in late antiquity, the Sasanian Empire is virtually unknown today, except as a counterpoint to the Roman Empire. The last of the great ancient Persian empires and founded by Ardashir l in 224 CE, the Sasanian Empire was the dominant force in the Middle East for several centuries until its last king, Yazdgerd lll, was defeated by the Muslim Arabs in the seventh century. In this highly readable history, Touraj Daryaee fills a significant gap in our knowledge of world history. This second edition examines the Sasanians' complex and colourful narrative and demonstrates their unique significance, not only for development of Iranian civilization but also for Roman and Islamic history. UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 304 pages PB 9780755618415 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9780755618408 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9780755618422 • £17.99 / $23.44 ePdf 9780755618439 • £17.99 / $23.44 I.B. Tauris

The Ossetes

Modern-Day Scythians of the Caucasus Richard Foltz This is the first English language book devoted to the little-known history and culture of the Ossetes, a Caucasian people who are the last remaining linguistic and cultural descendants of the ancient Scythians who dominated the Eurasian steppe for over one thousand years. Charting Ossetian history from Antiquity to today, and introducing readers to the Nart epic, a series of tales from the North Caucasus, it will be a vital contribution to the fields of Iranian, Caucasian, Post-Soviet and Indo-European Studies. UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 224 pages HB 9780755618453 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755618477 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755618460 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Patriotism, Religion and Power in the Literatures of Iran From the Shanameh to the Present Minoo Derayeh, York University, Canada Through the interpretation of literary sources, this book examines the ways religions and patriotism have often converged to bring about cultural, religious and social and political change in Iran. Derayeh examines Iranian political and social relations via two core themes throughout its history; the relationship between the ruler and the ruled, and the role of justice and injustice. The book explores the stories of Kings, Gods, religions, cultures, political systems and sacred aspects of these in Iranian mythology. Derayeh analyses a multiplicity of literary works from the poetry of Ferdowsi, Parvaz and Hafez, to the sacred Zoroastrian Avestas, to the memoirs of Mohammad Mosaddeq, Aytaollah Abulqasem and Hossein Makki and the works of modern female Iranian writers, to provide a new perspective on what she argues is a recurrent theme in Iranian political and cultural history. UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 224 pages HB 9780755641710 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755641697 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755641703 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

The Cairo Genizah and the Age of Discovery in Egypt

The History and Provenance of a Jewish Archive Rebecca J. W. Jefferson, University of Florida, USA The “discovery” of the Cairo Genizah has transformed Judaic Studies and our understanding of the Medieval Middle East. However, the complete story of how over a quarter of a million Hebrew manuscript fragments were discovered in 19th century Egypt and reassembled in collections around the world is far more convoluted and compelling than previously told. Based on a wealth of archival materials, this book reveals the little-known, forgotten or ignored cast of scholars, librarians, archaeologists, excavators, collectors, dealers and agents, who utilized hidden networks and created alliances to find, disperse and redistribute these remarkable materials. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 288 pages PB 9781788319645 • £21.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781788319638 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781788319652 • £19.79 / $26.05 ePdf 9781788319669 • £19.79 / $26.05 I.B. Tauris

Picturing the Ottoman Armenian World Photography in Erzerum, Kharpert, Van and Beyond

David Low, AGBU Nubar Library, Paris, France This book examines photographic activity in three cities on the Armenian plateau: Erzurum, Kharpert and Van. It explores how indigenous photography was rooted in the seismic social, political and cultural shifts that shaped Armenian lives during the Ottoman Empire’s last four decades. Arguing that photographic practice was marked by the era’s central movements, it shows how photography was bound-up in Armenian educational endeavours, mass migration and revolutionary activity. Photography responded to and became the instrument of these phenomena, so much so that it can be shown that they were responsible for the very spread of the medium through the Armenian communities of the Ottoman East and the rapid increase in photographic studios. UK March 2022 • US March 2022 • 288 pages • 45 bw illus HB 9780755600397 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755600403 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755600410 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Armenians in the Modern and Early Modern World • I.B. Tauris


www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

Making the Modern Turkish Citizen

Sevgi Adak, Aga Khan University, London, UK

Özge Baykan Calafato, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

State, Society and Gender in the Early Republic In this comprehensive analysis of the anti-veiling campaigns in interwar Turkey, Sevgi Adak casts light onto the historical context within which the meanings of veiling and unveiling in Turkey were formed. By shifting the focus from the high politics of the elite to the implementation of state policies, the book situates the anti-veiling campaigns as a space where the Kemalist reforms were negotiated, compromised and resisted by societal actors. Using previously unpublished archival material, Adak reveals the intricacies of the Kemalist modernisation process and provides a nuanced reading of the gender order established in the early republic by looking at the various ways women responded to the anti-veiling campaigns. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781784537920 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755635047 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755635030 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Vernacular Photography in the Early Republican Era

Examining the relationship between photography and gender, body and space, as well as materiality and language, this book explores how the production and circulation of vernacular photographs contributed to the making of the modern Turkish citizen in the formative years of the Turkish Republic, when nation-building, secularization and modernization reforms took centre stage. Based on an extensive photographic archive, the book shows that individuals actively reproduced, circulated and negotiated the ideal citizen-image imposed by the Kemalist regime, reflecting not only state-imposed directives but also their class aspirations and other, wider social and cultural developments of the period, from Western fashion trends and movies to the increasing availability of modern consumer items. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 272 pages • 110 colour illus HB 9780755643271 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755643295 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755643288 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Non-Sunni Muslims in the Late Ottoman Empire

Representing Modern Istanbul

Necati Alkan, University of Bamberg, Germany

Enno Maessen, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

State and Missionary Perceptions of the Alawis This book traces the history of the Alawis, using Ottoman state archives and chronicles from the period to show how the Ottoman government's attitudes to them developed over the course of the 19th century, in which successive regimes sought to bring them into the Sunni mainstream fold for political, imperial and religious reasons. With increasing Western missionary interference in the empire's domains, particularly in 'defence' of its persecuted minorities, Alkan argues that Ottoman attempts to 'civilize' the Alawis continued apace from the Tanzimat period to that of the Young Turks. He compares Ottoman attitudes to Alawis against its treatment of other minorities, including Alevis, Yezidis and Iraqi Shi'a. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 256 pages HB 9780755616848 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755616862 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755616855 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Syrian Refugees and Agriculture in Turkey Work, Precarity, Survival

Saniye Dedeoglu, Mugla University, Turkey Through close ethnographic study carried out over three years with nearly 1000 Syrian refugees in Turkey, this book illuminates how the increasing number of incoming Syrians results in the ‘precarisation’ of the workers – particularly women and children. Focusing on the agricultural industry, Saniye Dedeoglu examines the strategies refugees use to manage the confrontations and rivalry existing in Turkey’s agricultural sector. Dedeoglu argues that the commercialization of agricultural production and the increasing use of waged labour blooms antagonistic encounters of different ethnic, cultural and religious groups in rural Turkey. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 208 pages HB 9780755634484 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755634507 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755634491 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Urban History and International Institutions in Twentieth Century Beyoglu

In this book, Enno Maessen explores the urban history of Beyoglu, Istanbul’s historical cosmopolitan centre via a series of case studies which use previously unexamined archival material to tell the story of its local and international institutions. From the German Teutonia club, to the influential French and British schools which educated many of Turkey’s future elite, the book charts the shifting identities of the residents of the district. These case studies reveal the effects of changing political circumstances, from the rise of nationalism to Turkey’s place in the Cold War, critically examining Beyoglu’s legacy and influence as a cosmopolitan centre.

M I D D L E E A S T S T U D I E S – Turkey & the Ottoman Empire

Anti-Veiling Campaigns in Turkey

UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 240 pages HB 9780755637461 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9780755637485 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9780755637478 • £76.50 / $100.32 I.B. Tauris

Turkey's New State in the Making

Transformations in Legality, Economy and Coercion Edited by Pinar Bedirhanoglu, Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, Çaglar Dölek, Carleton University, Canada, Funda Hülagü, Philipps University of Marburg, Germany & Özlem Kaygusuz, Ankara University, Turkey Examines the historical specificities of the ongoing AKP-led radical state transformation in Turkey within a global, legal, financial, ideological, and coercive neoliberal context. Arguing that rather than being an exception, the new Turkish state has the potential to be a model for political transformations elsewhere, problematizing how specific policies the AKP adapted to refract social dispositions have been radically redefining the republican, democratic and secular features of the modern Turkish state. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 320 pages PB 9781786998712 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781786998705 ePub 9781786998729 • £63.00 / $83.38 ePdf 9781786998736 • £63.00 / $83.38 Zed Books

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BLOOMSBURY AND ZED BOOKS Zed Books is an imprint of Bloomsbury, acquired in 2020. Founded in London in 1977 it has long been recognised as a leading radical publisher – giving a platform to marginalised voices across the globe. In particular, Zed has built a flagship list of scholarship from and about Africa. Now that it has joined Bloomsbury, Zed Books will be refocussing on its founding mission to publish work in African Studies from the best international writers in the field and particularly from Africa itself. The rest of the Zed Books list will be moving over to the Bloomsbury Academic imprint over the course of 2022.

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Urban Inequality

Edited by Laura Stark, University of Jyväskylä, Finland & Annika Björnsdotter Teppo, University of Uppsala

Owen Crankshaw, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Theory, Evidence and Method in Johannesburg

Ethnographic Perspectives

This interdisciplinary collection brings together contributions from urban studies, geography, and anthropology to provide new insights into the social and political dynamics of African cities, as well as uncovering the causes and consequences of urban inequality. Featuring rich new ethnographic research data and case studies drawn from across the continent, the collection shows that Africa’s new urbanites have adapted to their environs in ways which often defy the assumptions of urban planners. By examining the experiences of these urban residents in confronting issues of power and agency, the contributors consider how such insights can inform more effective approaches to research, city planning and development both in Africa and beyond. UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781786993441 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781786993458 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781786993472 • £19.79 / $26.05 ePdf 9781786993465 • £19.79 / $26.05 Series: Africa Now • Zed Books

Based on new evidence that challenges existing theories of urban inequality, Crankshaw argues that the changing pattern of earnings and occupational inequality in Johannesburg is better described by the professionalism of employment alongside high-levels of chronic unemployment. Crankshaw posits that the post-apartheid period is characterised by a completely new division of labour that has caused new forms of racial inequality. That racial inequality in the post-apartheid period is not the result of the persistence of apartheid-era causes, but is the result of new causes that have interacted with the historical effects of apartheid to produce new patterns of racial inequality. UK February 2022 • US February 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781786998941 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781786998910 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781786998934 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Politics and Society in Urban Africa • Zed Books

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The Politics of Building a Post-Oil Economy

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From 1991 -2002, Sierra Leone has endured a protracted and brutal civil conflict. The post-war period has seen a slow and painful process of rebuilding. Yet while there have been positive advancements in gender and development, Sierra Leone has singularly failed to translate the accomplishments of women’s involvement in bringing the war to an end into meaningful political empowerment.

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Written by Sierra Leonean and Africanist scholars/experts from a broad range of disciplines, this unique volume analyses the historical and contextual factors influencing women’s political, economic and social development in the country.

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Pádraig Carmody, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Peter Kragelund, Roskilde University, Denmark & Ricardo Reboredo, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland This book argues that Africa’s economic ‘rise’ is a mirage, driven by developments elsewhere - particularly China's economic expansion. While many African countries have high growth rates, these may prove unsustainable, and contribute to environmental destruction and worsening inequality. Similarly, new economic relationships have produced new forms of dependency, as African nations are tied to the fortunes of China and other emerging powers. Drawing on in-depth fieldwork in southern Africa, this book reveals how the shifting balance of global power is transforming Africa’s economy and politics, and what this means for regional development efforts. UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781786994790 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781786994783 ePub 9781786994813 • £58.50 / $76.86 ePdf 9781786994806 • £58.50 / $76.86 Series: Politics and Development in Contemporary Africa • Zed Books

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Expression, Activism, and Social Media in China Aviva Xue, Wuxi Li Ren Public High School, China & Kate Rose, Northern Arizona University, USA Weibo Feminism is the first book to explore indepth the connections and forms of resistance that feminists in China are making online despite increasing crackdowns on free speech and the lessons they offer for feminists around the world. Weibo Feminism explores the many forms of contemporary feminism in China, from campaigns against sexual harassment and domestic violence through to online Feminist Reading groups and subversive online novels published on social media. The book includes an in-depth case study of support networks for overwhelmingly female frontline medical staff that have sprung up on social media during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Power, Poverty and Positionality in Contemporary China Space of Mind in Authoritarian Systems

Alessandra Cappelletti, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China Power, Poverty and Positionality in Contemporary China explores the multiple declinations of poverty and power by introducing two new key concepts: “space of mind” and “pensabilities”. Taking authoritarian China as focus, the author provides an insight into how power fills peoples’ space of mind with elements external to individual and collective life and hinders the natural and healthy development of a person’s and collectivity’s pensabilities.


Weibo Feminism

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The Foreign Office Handbooks - The Middle East 3-Volume Set

Edited by Sir George Prothero, President of the Royal Historical Society (1901-5) Introduced by William Roger Louis, University of Texas, Austin, USA Prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, the aim of these handbooks was to provide British delegates to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 with detailed information on the geographical, economic, historical and political aspects of the countries concerned. The volumes offer a wealth of authoritative information provided by the Intelligence Divisions of the Admiralty, the Military and the Foreign Office. This 3-volume set covers the countries and issues relating to the Middle East and North Africa including Turkey, Syria, Persia and the Persian Gulf, Palestine, Mesopotamia and Armenia. This edition which is thematically arranged for the first time, is introduced by William Roger Louis, a leading authority on the British Empire and Commonwealth and decolonization. Special introductory offer (valid up to three months after publication): £295.00 / $400.00 UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 3 vols • c.1,664 pages • 3 bw illus HB Pack 9781788310581 • £330.00 / $445.00 Bloomsbury Academic

Portraits of Confucius: The Reception of Confucianism from 1580 to 1960 2-Volume Set

Edited by Kevin DeLapp, Converse College, USA A major collection of Western perspectives on Confucius and Confucianism, stretching from the Jesuit missions of the 16th-century to the dawn of modern cross-cultural scholarship in the early 20th-century. With selections from over 100 figures, this 2-volume work features writing from American and European sources including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Bertrand Russell. Arranged chronologically, they represent methodologies that span philosophy, political science, religious studies, sociology, anthropology, economic theory, linguistics, missionary texts, and works of popular moralism. Together they reveal important ideological trends in Western attitudes toward China. Special introductory offer (valid up to three months after publication): £350.00 / $475.00 UK January 2022 • US January 2022 • 2 vols • c,1,300 pages • 27 bw illus HB Pack 9781350079229 • £389.00 / $532.00 Bloomsbury Academic


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