Earth Day

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Do I …?

Get outdoors into nature


How can this help? Being in nature makes us feel better. Hundreds of studies have found that being outside in nature, or just viewing it, is good for us physically, socially and mentally. It stimulates a great array of positive effects on our bodies, brains, nervous systems, emotions, feelings, thinking, creativity, health, generosity and our interactions with others. It even helps to build resilience and open us up to new experiences.

Considering your responses Consider whether your responses are telling you that you could either get out into nature more, or absorb it more when outside. It is worth building some time in nature into your daily routine, to help reduce or avoid stress, but also to reap its wider benefits.

1. Do I spend much time outdoors? Yes


2. When I am walking or running, do I take notice of the natural world I pass? Yes


3. Do I take breaks outdoors daily? Yes


4. When outdoors, do I absorb what is beautiful or pleasant around me, such as the colours, the clouds, the feel of the breeze? Yes


5. Do I appreciate nature enough? Yes


To do. I will … See also

Find the local beauty spots Investigate the parks, ponds and areas with good views of trees and other plants. Find the roads with the best trees to look at. Take a short walk, or a longer one, there during a break or at the weekend.

Stand and stare When outdoors, don’t race through. Take a moment to pause and look. Notice what there is to see. Watch how the scene changes before you when the wind or the light alters.

Spend a few minutes in nature at least once a day Feel it! Hear it! Smell it! Let yourself experience the elements – the sun, wind, snow, even the rain! Notice how it feels on your skin. Take in the various scents. Listen to small sounds that you might not otherwise hear.

Join a group Check out groups organised by your college or the local community for enjoying, or even clearing up, the local environment. It is a great way of contributing, as well as meeting people, building confidence and feeling better.

Ways 15, 21, 24, 29, 32

30 50 Ways to Manage Stress

Get outdoors into nature 31


Do I …?

Watch nature on screen

... for less stress, more contentment

1. Do I appreciate what I could gain from watching an amazing nature video? Yes

The Real Happiness study (2017) by BBC Earth and Dacher Keltner from the University of California, Berkeley, reviewed 150 scientific studies and surveyed over 7000 people worldwide.44 It found that watching nature documentaries, even in short clips, has an uplifting effect, improves health and mood, and reduces stress, anxiety and tiredness. It can generate feelings of real happiness, a sense of joy, contentment, awe, amazement, curiosity, and wonder! Still images can also help stress: looking at pictures of nature speeds recovery from acute stress.45


2. Do I watch nature videos regularly? Yes

How can this help?

Sit back and enjoy the wonders of the natural world!


3. Do I have images of nature in my room or on my device that I can see easily? Yes


4. Do I pause and really take in images of nature? Yes


Watch Planet Earth The powerful effects mentioned opposite were gathered from viewers watching the BBC’s Planet Earth programme. Build a bank of documentaries you enjoy Dip into your favourites when you need an uplift. Take two minutes

Considering your responses If your responses suggest that you don’t already watch nature documentaries, then these could provide great sources of wonder and well-being, without getting out of your chair! There is a lot of variety to choose from, so it’s worth investigating the different options. To do. I will …

See also Ways 14, 32, 36, 48

If time is pressured, use great clips available online such as through Twitter and YouTube.

Share your favourites – enjoy and discuss them with others.

Immerse yourself Watch attentively, even if only for a few minutes. Really notice what is happening in the scene.

Discover your tastes! Night skies? Coast? Mountains? Animal documentaries? Or plants? Underwater? Deserts? Aerial views? Birds? Fish? Local or tropical? If one doesn’t suit, there are many categories to explore.

It seems happiness comes from connecting to life, feeling part of a larger world and letting its beauty work on our minds and emotions. 32 50 Ways to Manage Stress

Watch nature on screen 33

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