Philosophy New Books Catalogue
April-December 2019
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Slavoj Žižek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Sex and the Failed Absolute provides nothing short of a new definition of dialectical materialism. Radical new readings of Kant and Hegel sit side by side with lively commentaries on film, politics and culture. And in forging this new materialism, Žižek doesn't shy away from taking on and analysising important recent philosophies such as the work of Alain Badiou, Robert Brandom, Quentin Meillassoux and everything from popular science and quantum mechanics to sexual difference and analytic philosophy. This is Slavoj Žižek at his interrogative and energising best and represents his most rigorous articulation to date of his philosophical system. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 320 pages HB 9781350043787 • £20.00 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350043794 Library eBook 9781350043770 Bloomsbury Academic
Becoming Beauvoir A Life
Kate Kirkpatrick, University of Hertfordshire and University of Oxford, UK "One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman", wrote Simone de Beauvoir. This is a woman who was also to become a philosopher, a novelist, an existentialist, and a feminist icon. Her novels won prestigious literary prizes and The Second Sex transformed the way we think about sex and gender. Kate Kirkpatrick draws on previously unavailable diaries and letters, including those written to filmmaker Claude Lanzmann to whom she wrote ‘You are my destiny, my eternity, my life …’ in letters which only came to light in 2018. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 448 pages HB 9781350047174 • £20.00 / $28.00 Individual eBook 9781350047198 Library eBook 9781350047181 Bloomsbury Academic
The Value of Being Misunderstood Ziyad Marar, Deputy Managing Director and Executive Vice President Global Publishing at SAGE Publications Everyone fears being judged. One foolish tweet can destroy a career, one careless image can damage a life. Yet judgement is inescapable; we cannot be social beings without judging and being judged. We need judgement - we want to be considered worthy of consideration, respect and love – but this act of judging can cause us pain. We want to be understood but will anyone ever truly understand us? And can we even truly understand ourselves? This provocative exploration of our contemporary world responds to the fragility of reputation and relationships with refreshing directness. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 264 pages PB 9781350113169 • £12.99 / $17.95 Previously published in HB 9781474298339 Individual eBook 9781474298346 Library eBook 9781474298322 Bloomsbury Academic
Slavoj Žižek, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia The concept of disparity has long been a topic of obsession and argument by thinkers and theorists; but for Slavoj Žižek, one of the world’s most famous living philosophers, what disparity and negativity could mean, might mean and should mean for us and our lives has never been more hotly debated. Disparities explores contemporary 'negative' philosophies from Catherine Malabou's plasticity, Julia Kristeva's abjection and Robert Pippin's self-consciousness to the God of negative theology, new realisms and post-humanism and draws a radical line under them. Instead of establishing adialogue with these other ideas of disparity, Slavoj Žižek establishes a definite departure. Žižek employs a new kind of negativity: one of division, of drawing a line that separates truth from falsity. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 456 pages PB 9781350066564 • £12.99 / $17.95 Previously published in HB 9781474272704 Individual eBook 9781474272728 Library eBook 9781474272711 Bloomsbury Academic
P H I L O S O P H Y – Genera l Interest
Sex and the Failed Absolute
Philosophical Chemistry
Genealogy of a Scientific Field Manuel DeLanda, University of Pennsylvania, USA "[DeLanda] presents a problem-focused intellectual history of chemistry [...] with extraordinary conceptual clarity." - International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry Philosophical Chemistry furthers DeLanda’s revolutionary intervention in the philosophy of science. Against a monadic and totalizing understanding of science, DeLanda’s historicizing investigation traces the centrality of divergence, specialization, and hybridization throughout the discipline of chemistry. Delanda creates a model of a scientific field capable of accommodating the variation and differentiation evident in the history of scientific practice, made of three components: a domain of phenomena, a community of practitioners, and a set of techniques connecting the community to the domain. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 248 pages PB 9781474286404 • £15.99 / $21.95 Previously published in HB 9781472591838 Individual eBook 9781472591845 Library eBook 9781472591852 Bloomsbury Academic
How to be a Failure and Still Live Well A Philosophy
Beverley Clack, Oxford Brookes University, UK In Western consumer economies, success has increasingly been defined in terms of material attainment and status, deriding the absence of these as ‘failure’. How to be a Failure and Still Live Well explores the often neglected theme of failure, and how it has been conflated with loss, affecting our ability to cope with the inevitable losses of ageing and death. Engaging with loss allows different values to emerge. Relationships, spontaneity, and generosity are explored here as qualities that arise from taking seriously our vulnerability and that form the basis for richer accounts of what it might mean to ‘live well’. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781350030695 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9781350030688 • £55.00 / $74.00 Individual eBook 9781350030701 Library eBook 9781350030671 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – General Interest / Conti nenta l Phi l osophy
Existentialism and Excess: The Life and Times of Jean-Paul Sartre Gary Cox, University of Birmingham, UK
Jean-Paul Sartre is one of the undisputed giants of twentieth century philosophy. His tumultuous personal life - so inextricably bound up with his philosophical thinking- is a fascinating tale of love, lust, drug abuse, high profile fallings out and political rebellion. This meticulously researched biography is fast-paced, entertaining, often amusing and sometimes deeply moving. Existentialism and Excess covers Sartre's remarkable seventy-five-year life from his early precocious years, through his time as a brilliant student in Paris, his wilderness years as a provincial teacher, his World War II adventures, and his decline into blindness and old age. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 352 pages PB 9781350066571 • £12.99 / $17.95 Previously published in HB 9781474235334 Individual eBook 9781474235358 Library eBook 9781474235341 Bloomsbury Academic
10th Anniversary Edition
Gary Cox, University of Birmingham, UK A witty and entertaining classic, this book offers clear advice on how to live according to the principles of existentialism formulated by Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, and the other great philosophers of the tradition. An attack on contemporary excuse culture, the book urges us to face the hard existential truths of the human condition. By revealing that we are all inescapably free and responsible 'condemned to be free' as Sartre says - the book empowers us to be the master of our own destiny. Making fun of the existentialist’s reputation as gloomy and pessimistic, instead Cox reveals an honest, uplifting and life changing philosophy! This revised edition includes more pointers on how to be a true existentialist, particularly in a 'post-truth' world, and reflections on the newly released diaries of Simone de Beauvoir. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 168 pages PB 9781350068988 • £9.99 / $17.95 • HB 9781350068469 • £45.00 / $60.00 Individual eBook 9781350068476 Library eBook 9781350068452 Bloomsbury Academic
Introduction to Existentialism
Venice Saved
Robert L. Wicks
This companion to the study of existentialism introduces students to existentialist philosophical theory and its cultural influence. The first part of the book offers an introductory overview of the 19th-century historical roots of existentialist thought and chapters on all the key players: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, de Beauvoir, and Camus. The second part presents a thematic approach, with chapters on Christian and Jewish existentialism, existentialism in America, existential psychology and existentialism in the cinema. Ideal for undergraduate and classroom use, it includes pedagogical features, such as study questions, chapter summaries, key definitions and further reading. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781441192349 • £22.99 / $31.95 • HB 9781441188939 • £70.00 / $94.00 Individual eBook 9781474272537 Library eBook 9781474272520 Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophies of Difference
A Critical Introduction to Non-philosophy Francois Laruelle, Université de Paris X, Nanterre, France A crucial text in Laruelle's oeuvre and an excellent starting point for understanding his broader project, Philosophies of Difference offers a theoretical and critical analysis of the philosophers of difference after Hegel and Nietzsche, introducing a new theoretical practice of non-philosophical thought. Rather than presenting a narrative historical overview, Laruelle provides a series of rigorous critiques of the interpretations of difference in Hegel, Nietzsche and Deleuze, Heidegger and Derrida. From Laruelle's innovative theoretical perspective, the forms of philosophical difference that emerge appear as variations upon a unique, highly abstract structure of philosophical decision, the selfposing and self-legitimating essence of philosophy itself. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350030299 • £15.99 / $21.95 Previously published in HB 9780826436634 Individual eBook 9781441105950 Library eBook 9781350064904 Bloomsbury Academic World English
How to Be an Existentialist
Simone Weil
Translated by Silvia Panizza, University of East Anglia Medical School, UK & Philip Wilson Appearing here in English for the first time, this play explores Weil’s thoughts on tragedy. A figure of affliction, a central theme in Weil's religious metaphysics, the central character offers a unique insight into Weil’s broader philosophical interest in truth and justice, and provides a fresh perspective on the wider conception of tragedy itself. Depicing a plot by a group of Spanish mercenaries to sack Venice in 1618, and the action of the play shows how it fails when one conspirator, Jaffier, betrays them to the Venetian authorities. The edition includes notes on the play and introductory material on the life of Weil, the genesis of the play and Weil and the tragic, opening up an area of interest and research: the literary Weil. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 208 pages PB 9781350043909 • £13.99 / $18.95 Individual eBook 9781350043923 Library eBook 9781350043916 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Laruelle and Art
The Aesthetics of Non-Philosophy Jonathan Fardy François Laruelle emerged from the hallowed generation of French postwar philosophers yet his thinking differs radically from that of his contemporaries. In Laruelle and Art, Jonathan Fardy provides the first book dedicated solely to Laruelle’s unique contribution to aesthetic theory and specifically the ‘non-philosophical’ project he terms ‘non-aesthetics’. By analysing the art of figures such as Julia Margaret Cameron, Anish Kapoor, Dan Flavin, and James Turrell as well as the drama of Michael Frayn, Fardy’s new book enables new and experienced readers of Laruelle to understand how the philosopher’s thinking can open up new vistas of art and criticism. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 208 pages PB 9781350114739 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350114722 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350114746 Library eBook 9781350114715 Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity
Manuel DeLanda, University of Pennsylvania, USA Manuel DeLanda is a distinguished writer, artist and philosopher. In A New Philosophy of Society, now published in Bloomsbury's Revelations series, he offers a fascinating look at how the contemporary world is characterized by an extraordinary social complexity. Since most social entities, from small communities to large nation-states, would disappear altogether if human minds ceased to exist, Delanda proposes a novel approach to social ontology that asserts the autonomy of social entities from the conceptions we have of them. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 152 pages PB 9781350096738 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350096745 Library eBook 9781350096752 Series: Bloomsbury Revelations • Bloomsbury Academic
The Politics of Optimism
Thinking in the World A Reader
Edited by Jill Bennett & Mary Zournazi Thinking creatively and responsibly about contemporary issues can sometimes become a very abstract activity. In Thinking in the World, Bennet and Zournazi collect together writings and interviews with some of the most influential thinkers in the world and ask them not just why we should engage with the world but also how we might do this. Including wholly original, never-before-released material from thinkers such as Bruno Latour, Michel Serres, Alphonso Lingus, Michael Hardt and Luce Irigaray, this book showcases some of the most compelling arguments for how we might think concretely in and about the world we live in. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 368 pages PB 9781350069220 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350069213 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350069244 Library eBook 9781350069206 Bloomsbury Academic
Future Christ
Simon Wortham, Kingston, University London, UK
A Lesson in Heresy
A colourful map of the current conflict between pessimism and optimism in Western politics and theory, Hope reveals both the deep history and contemporary necessity of political hopefulness.
Translated by Anthony Paul Smith
Starting in the 17th century with Spinoza, Wortham traces the various fallacies and insights of pessimism and optimism through the 18th century, with the help of Kant and Voltaire, to the writings of Nietzsche and 20th-century thinkers such as Benjamin, Arendt, Kristeva, and Fanon. Short chapters enable the reader to follow the story of political optimism, inspiring a new way of thinking about the transformative uses of hopefulness. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 192 pages PB 9781350105300 • £17.99 / $20.95 • HB 9781350105294 • £45.00 / $61.00 Individual eBook 9781350105317 Library eBook 9781350105287 Bloomsbury Academic
The Architecture of Freedom
Hegel, Subjectivity and Postcolonial State Hassanaly Ladha, Harvard University, USA This book centers on Hegel’s Memnon, a figure representing the architectonic modality through which the African slave, at the telos of history, will fulfil the spiritual promise of the human and bring about the politically mature state. Assessing this figure in The Phenomenology of Spirit, The Lectures on Aesthetics, The Encyclopedia, and The Philosophy of Right, Ladha provides a comprehensive rereading of Hegel’s views on mastery and enslavement, the aesthetic, subjectivity, and the state. Further, by studying the expression of Hegel’s theories in contemporary African thought, this book calls for a reassessment of these concepts in philosophy, postcolonial and African studies, and political theory today. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 272 pages • 8 colour illus HB 9781350105799 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350105805 Library eBook 9781350105782 Bloomsbury Academic
P H I L O S O P H Y – Conti nenta l Phi l osophy
A New Philosophy of Society
Francois Laruelle, Université de Paris X, Nanterre, France One of the most exciting voices in contemporary French philosophy and the creator of the practice of 'non-philosophy,' Laruelle draws on material from the traditions of Christianity, Judaism and Gnosticism, but he does so by suspending their authority. This provocative, yet remarkably accessible book introduces philosophy to the lessons of heresy and makes use of them in a non-philosophical "dualysis" of messianism and apocalypticism. Future Christ opens up novel ways of thinking within existing religious and philosophical thought and marks an incisive and wide-ranging non-philosophical engagement with key contemporary debates in philosophy and theology. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 184 pages PB 9781350060951 • £17.99 / $24.95 Previously published in HB 9781441118332 Library eBook 9781350061200 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Capitalism’s Holocaust of Animals
Katerina Kolozova, University American College Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Kolozova, a leading interpreter of François Laurelle, uses a combination of Laruelle’s work, Marx’s critique of philosophy, and discussions originating in post-humanism to here offer a new philosophical perspective to capitalism’s economic exploitation of life and nature. From a distinctly pro-animal viewpoint, this book engages with this important and topical academic discussion, asking the question of what it means for us to think and act as humans in a capitalist society that promotes the mistreatment of animals. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350109681 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350109698 Library eBook 9781350109674 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Conti nenta l Phi l osophy
Sartre and Magic
Schizoanalysis and Ecosophy
Daniel O'Shiel
Edited by Constantin V. Boundas, Trent University, Canada
Being, Emotion and Philosophy Jean-Paul Sartre’s technical and multifaceted concept of magic is central for understanding crucial elements of his early philosophy. Daniel O'Shiel follows the thread of magic throughout Sartre’s early philosophical work; on the ego (1936); on emotion (1938) and on The Imaginary (1940). Culminating with Sartre’s ontological system of Being and Nothingness (1943), O'Shiel argues that Sartre provides ontological roots for the concept of magic. This is most evident in Sartre’s analyses of value, possession and language. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350077669 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350077683 Library eBook 9781350077676 Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy Hegel, Logic and Speculation
Edited by Paolo Diego Bubbio, Western Sydney University, Australia, Alessandro De Cesaris, Maurizio Pagano & Hager Weslati The first collection to introduce Italian and subaltern interpretations of the Hegelian Wirklichkeit beyond plasticity and actuality, to systematically consider its applications to the world. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781350056367 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350056374 Library eBook 9781350056350 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Foucault and Nietzsche
Reading Deleuze and Guattari
"Constantin Boundas, one of Deleuze’s foremost translators and interpreters, has assembled a fine collection of essays exploring one of the most important questions of our time. Ecophilosophy extends well beyond exegesis and commentary to a radical transformation of philosophy by way of ecological thinking. This book will be important reading for anyone working in the environmental humanities.' - Claire Colebrook, Penn State University, USA UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 280 pages PB 9781350123229 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350052185 Individual eBook 9781350052208 Library eBook 9781350052192 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Lacanian Realism
Political and Clinical Psychoanalysis Duane Rousselle This book reconstructs Lacanian dogma from the ground up: 1) by unearthing a new reading of the Lacanian category of the real 2) by demonstrating the political and cultural ingenuity of Lacan’s concept of the real, and by positioning this against the more reductive analyses of the concept by Slavoj Žižek, Alain Badiou, Saul Newman, Todd May, Joan Copjec, Jacques Rancière, and others 3) by arguing that the subject exists intimately within the real. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 192 pages PB 9781350123212 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350003569 Individual eBook 9781350003576 Library eBook 9781350003552 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
A Critical Encounter
Edited by Joseph Westfall, University of Houston-Downtown, USA & Alan Rosenberg, the City University of New York, USA The first of its kind, presenting the relationship between these two thinkers on elements of contemporary culture that they shared interests in. Including the nature of life in the modern world, philosophy as a way of life, the book discusses the ways in which we ought to read and write about other philosophers. The editors and contributing authors are leading figures in Foucault and Nietzsche studies, and their contributions reflect the diversity of approaches possible in coming to terms with the Foucault-Nietzsche relationship. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 244 pages PB 9781350126701 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474247399 Individual eBook 9781474247405 Library eBook 9781474247382 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
The Political Ontology of Giorgio Agamben Signatures of Life and Power German Eduardo Primera With the publication of The Use of Bodies (2016) Agamben's multi-volume Homo Sacer project has come to an end. We now have a new vantage point from which to reread Agamben’s corpus; not only his method but his political and philosophical thought can been seen in a clearer light. This book argues that it is only by revisiting Agamben’s critique of signification and metaphysics and examining his reconstruction of the archaeological method that we can understand his notions of life and power. By bringing together the two parts of the Homo Sacer project, the archaeology of the signature of Sovereignty and the archaeology of governmentality, this book provides an analysis of the production of Agambenian 'bare life'. In this sense this project re-articulates Agamben’s works on signification, language and ontology with his archaeology of power. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350081369 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350081376 Library eBook 9781350081352 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
4 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Genealogies and Trajectories of Change Edited by Marc Botha, Durham University, UK & Patricia Waugh, Durham University, UK By interrogating the terms and concepts most central to the urgent task of examining cultural change as a process of dynamic transition, this volume approaches the question of transition from multiple perspectives. As a result, it demonstrates how entangled the highly politicized spheres of cultural production, scientific invention, and intellectual discourse are in the contemporary world. Critical Transitions is organized into five clusters of concepts – boundaries, organization, rupture, novelty, futurity – all examined by leading and emerging thinkers in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, spanning fields including geography, literary studies, cultural theory, philosophy, and politics. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 400 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781472567352 • £95.00 / $128.00 Individual eBook 9781472567376 Library eBook 9781472567369 Bloomsbury Academic
Deleuze, Guattari, and the Problem of Transdisciplinarity Edited by Guillaume Collett
Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy has today become ubiquitous in, and regularly drawn on by, an array of subjects in the theoretical humanities. Throughout their careers they also engaged with a myriad of disciplines; yet they declared themselves that "Philosophy is not interdisciplinary". This problematic contradiction has rarely been explicitly confronted by scholars working on Deleuze and Guattari. The first book to engage with a transdisciplinary framework specifically through the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari, this book sheds light on the heart of their intellectual project, which is revealed to be the construction of a philosophy that is itself fundamentally transdisciplinary in nature. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350071551 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350071575 Library eBook 9781350071568 Bloomsbury Academic
Arts of Subjectivity: A New Animism for the Post-Media Era Jacob W. Glazier
Bringing thinking from the arts and digital humanities into dialogue with one another, this book investigates what it means to be alive in a world that is structured by technology, the media, and an ever expanding sense of a global community. Diving into post-structuralist French theory, through American feminism, and emerging out of media studies, this book argues for an ethical and aesthetic form of self-fashioning that runs counter to processes subjection and mediatization. This craft of life, as Plato called it, is a space of disjunction and liberation, between subjectivity and other, where something new and different has the potential to emerge and be moulded to our likeness. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350085824 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350085831 Library eBook 9781350085817 Bloomsbury Academic
Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Feminism
Edited by Cheri Carr, LaGuardia College, USA & Janae Sholtz
P H I L O S O P H Y – Conti nenta l Phi l osophy
Critical Transitions
The Deleuze- Guattarian schizoanalytic method aligns with contemporary feminist concerns and practices in productive and revealing ways in this ground-breaking collection. Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Feminism address the relevance of schizoanalysis for contemporary developments in new materialism, affect theory, transnational feminism, political ontology, feminist critiques of globalization and capitalism, feminist pedagogy, and ethics, the overarching questions explored are: What can schizoanalysis do for feminist theory? What would a feminist schizoanalysis look like? UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350080416 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350080430 Library eBook 9781350080423 Series: Schizoanalytic Applications • Bloomsbury Academic
Political Theologies Modernity and the Political Fix Andrew Gibson, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Late-eighteenth-century transformations developed both the form and content of art and politics over the next two hundred years. A specifically modern frame of mind emerged. But what does modernity mean to us in our contemporary age? Gibson asks what aspects of modern politics we might want to salvage and preserve and within what structure we might continue thinking them. He calls for a new political theology, which is necessary to think through this question using modern philosophy and theory, literature and the arts. Ranging through early modern and modern philosophy and theory, this book illuminates the dilemmas of modern consciousness and demonstrates the inseparability of literature, art and philosophy within European modernity. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 248 pages HB 9781350096974 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350096981 Library eBook 9781350096967 Series: Political Theologies • Bloomsbury Academic
Another Finitude
Messianic Vitalism and Philosophy Agata Bielik-Robson Taking inspiration from the Jewish idea of torat hayim, the principle of finite life, which found the best expression in the biblical sentence: love strong as death, Agata Bielik-Robson suggests love as an alternative marker of finitude, allowing us to redefine the concept in an affirmative way. By tracing the avatars of love in 20th century thought, or ‘messianic vitalists’–Benjamin, Rosenzweig, Arendt, Derrida, and (deeply revised) Freud–the book attempts to demonstrate the possibility of such affirmation. Love becomes the new ‘infinite-in-the-finite’; love in all its forms, from the original libidinal endowment of the human psyche to the last metamorphoses of agape, the Greco-Christian divine love. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781350094079 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350094093 Library eBook 9781350094086 Series: Political Theologies • Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Conti nenta l Phi l osophy
After Castoriadis
Shaping a Modern Ethics
Edited by Chris Spannos
Benjamin Bennett
Roads to Autonomy in the 21st century To what degree can the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis help analyse and evaluate our current social reality in relation to the project of autonomy? How meaningful is his political proposition for direct democracy in the 21st century? After Castoriadis presents basic concepts of Castoriadian philosophy such as the social-historical plane, ontological creativity, and social and individual time that provide the theoretical tools necessary to evaluate the historical phenomena of our era. By revealing the new significances of social freedom, global solidarity and movements of direct democracy, this book explores roads towards social autonomy and human freedom today.
The Humanist Legacy from Nietzsche to Feminism UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350122857 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350122871 Library eBook 9781350122864 Bloomsbury Academic
Political Readings of Descartes in Continental Thought Alon Segev
UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 192 pages HB 9781350123373 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350123397 Library eBook 9781350123380 Bloomsbury Academic
Descartes' philosophy plays a special role in the works of both renowned and marginal writers in the Continental Tradition, particularly in their views on society and politics. This is the first book length study to consider political responses to Descartes in 19th and 20th century European thinkers.
Deleuze and Guattari
Alon Segev shows how on the one hand Continental authors utilize Descartes’ philosophy to advance the core ideas of Enlightenment and to combat the movements and systems of Capitalism, Materialism, Absolutism, Fascism, Nazism, and NeoPaganism; however on the other hand, Segev also demonstrates that Continental authors have also discerned in Descartes’ philosophy the main source of all these maladies of modernity.
Selected Writings
Kenneth Surin, Duke University, USA Deleuze and Guattari: Selected Writings tackles both central political issues, such as the State, globalization, and the citizen, as well as the political qualities of topics generally considered outside this realm, such as the animal, the image, and the literary. Surin pursues theoretical interventions inspired by Deleuze and Guattari's scholarship in relation to Marxism, and specifically materialism, and notions of political solidarity, which they did not engage with extensively or explicitly themselves, but which extend their critique along new lines of flight. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350103108 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350103115 Library eBook 9781350103092 Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophical Posthumanism
Francesca Ferrando, New York University, USA A road map to philosophical posthumanism, this book lays out its theories and develops the historical, genealogical and onto-epistemological relevance of this field. Used as an all-inclusive label, 'posthuman' has created methodological and theoretical confusion. This book highlights the similarities and differences between the various terms and schools of thought, and focuses specifically on philosophical posthumanism, uncovering it’s historical, genealogical and onto-epistemological groundings. Examining the topics that fall under the 'Posthuman' umbrella, this book looks at: the postmodern roots of the movement; philosophical, cultural and critical posthumanism; transhumanisms; new materialisms and posthumanist feminisms; antihumanism; posthumanities and metahumanities.
UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350069718 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350069732 Library eBook 9781350069725 Bloomsbury Academic
Genealogies of Political Modernity
Antonio Cerella, University of Central Lancashire, UK What is political modernity? And how much of its concepts have changed with the advent of so-called globalization? What does it mean, politically speaking, to live in a postmodern era? This book discusses these issues by reference to key authors of the continental philosophical tradition: from Carl Schmitt to Giorgio Agamben. Looking at the roots of the current historical crisis that characterizes Western political regimes, this book gazes into the past in order to trace the possible development of our current global era, in which all classical concepts are called into question, leaving a vacuum of meaning for both political action and political theory. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781350079465 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350079489 Library eBook 9781350079458 Bloomsbury Academic
UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350059504 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350059498 Library eBook 9781350059481 Bloomsbury Academic World English
6 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Edited by David Jones, Kennesaw State University, USA
What is solitude, why do we crave and fear it, and how do we distinguish it from loneliness? It lies at the core of the lives of philosophers and their self-reflections, and is the enabling (and disabling) condition that allows us to seriously question how to live meaningfully. Blending philosophical narrative and philosophical treatises, this book uses David Farrell Krell's decisive voice to provide inspiration for how to contemplate our own solitudes. Some authors focus on past philosophers or poets, others deal directly with Krell’s work, or they respond personally to how we can, and must, seek solitude. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350077850 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350077874 Library eBook 9781350077867 Bloomsbury Academic
Badiou, Poem and Subject Tom Betteridge
Reinterpreting Badiou’s philosophy in light of his persistent, reverent invocations of the German-Jewish poet Paul Celan and his longterm engagement with Samuel Beckett, this book offers analyses of Badiou’s radical departure from the legacy of Martin Heidegger. Blending close textual analysis with critical, theoretical reflections on Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe and Adorno, among others, this is the first book to present interdisciplinary reflections on Badiou’s engagement with Celan and Beckett, offering a significant contribution to the growing field of interest in Badiou’s relationship to literature and the tradition of philosophical aesthetics. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350085855 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350085879 Library eBook 9781350085862 Bloomsbury Academic
Maine de Biran's 'Of Immediate Apperception' Maine de Biran
Edited by Alessandra Aloisi & Marco Piazza Translated by Mark Sinclair, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Written when Maine de Biran was coming into his philosophical maturity, in 1807, this text was the first complete statement of his own philosophy of the will. It is in this work that Biran first reflects on the ‘lived body’ and it marks the moment in which he fully accomplishes his break away from Condillac and the Ideological school. With enlightening critical apparatus, including an editor's introduction, glossary, and bibliography, the publication of this edition shows how Biran's work is pivotal for the development of French philosophy. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350086197 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350086210 Library eBook 9781350086203 Bloomsbury Academic
The Ahuman Manifesto
Patricia MacCormack, Anglia Ruskin University, UK We are in an ecological crisis. Developing technologies and cultural interventions are throwing the status of "human" into question. Yet Patricia McCormack has a hopeful response. As an alternative to "posthuman" thought, this book advances the "ahuman", a new way of thinking that embraces issues such as the apocalypse and vegan abolition not as cause for despair, but as an optimistic beginning. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 224 pages PB 9781350081109 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350081093 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350081123 Library eBook 9781350081116 Bloomsbury Academic
Mary Midgley An Introduction
Terrence Malick
Filmmaker and Philosopher Robert Sinnerbrink, Macquarie University, Australia Drawing on a range of thinkers and approaches from Heidegger and Cavell, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, to phenomenology and moral psychology Sinnerbrink explores how Malick’s films respond to the problem of nihilism the loss of conviction or belief in prevailing forms of value and meaning and the possibility of ethical transformation through cinema: from self-transformation in our relations with others to cultural transformation via our attitudes towards nature and the world. Sinnerbrink shows how Malick’s later films, from The Tree of Life to Voyage of Time, provide unique opportunities to explore cinematic ethics in relation to the crisis of belief, the phenomenology of love, and film’s potential to invite moral transformation. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 224 pages PB 9781350063648 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350063631 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350063655 Library eBook 9781350063624 Series: Philosophical Filmmakers • Bloomsbury Academic
Gregory McElwain Mary Midgley: An Introduction is the first and only general introduction to Midgley’s philosophy. Focussing on the concepts and perspectives for which she is best known. These include her integrated understanding of human nature, her opposition to scientism and reductionism, her critical examination of myths and world-pictures, and her influential conception of our relationship to animals and the natural world. Supplemented by excerpts from original interviews with Midgley herself, this book provides readers of all backgrounds with an informed understanding and appreciation of Mary Midgley and the philosophical problems to which she has devoted her life’s work.
P H I L O S O P H Y – Conti nenta l Phi l osophy / Eth ics an d M oral Ph ilos ophy
The Philosophy of Creative Solitudes
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 224 pages PB 9781350047563 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350047570 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350047594 Library eBook 9781350047587 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Ana l yti c Phi l osophy / Epi stemol ogy
Truth: A Contemporary Reader
Edited by Douglas Edwards, Utica College, USA For the first time Truth: A Contemporary Reader brings together the essays that have shaped two aspects of a fundamental philosophical topic: the nature of truth and the value of truth. Featuring 28 essays from 1878 to 2011, it includes work by leading philosophers such as Putnam, Dummet, Davidson, Russell and Peirce. Showing how thoughts about truth and value bear heavily on one another, this reader provides new opportunities for understanding and advancing the link between these central topics. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 432 pages PB 9781474213301 • £35.99 / $49.95 • HB 9781474213295 • £120.00 / $160.00 Individual eBook 9781474213318 Library eBook 9781474213325 Bloomsbury Academic World English
An Introduction to the History, Concepts and Contemporary Issues Stephen C. Ferguson II, North Carolina State University, USA & John H. McClendon III, Michigan State University, USA This book presents the first introduction to African American academic philosophers. Choosing to focus exclusively on the role of professional philosophers such as H. T. Johnson, William D. Johnson, William R. Jones, Roy D. Morrison, William A. Banner alongside the more well-known thinkers Cornel West and Alain Locke, this text explores their concepts and ideas, revealing the critical part they have played in the formation of African American philosophy. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781350057951 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350057944 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350057975 Library eBook 9781350057937 Bloomsbury Academic
Realisms Interlinked
Object, Subject and Other Subjects Arindam Chakrabarti, Stony Brook University, USA This book brings together over 25 years of Arindam Charavarti’s original research in East-West "fusion" philosophy on issues of epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of Mind. Organized under the three basic concepts of a thing out there in the world, the self who perceives it, and other subjects or selves, his work revolves around a set of realism links. Examining connections between metaphysical stances toward the world, selves, and universals, Charavarti engages with classical Indian and modern Western philosophical approaches in order to offer a preview of a future metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind without borders. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781350044463 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350044487 Library eBook 9781350044470 Bloomsbury Academic
Free Will and Epistemology A Defence of the Transcendental Argument for Freedom
Robert Lockie, University of West London, UK In the first in-depth study of the transcendental argument for decades, Robert Lockie defends a modern version of the famous transcendental argument for free will: that we could not be justified in undermining a strong notion of free will, as a strong notion of free will is required for any such process of undermining to be itself epistemically justified. By arguing for a conception of internalism that goes back to the early days of the internalist-externalist debates, he draws on work by Richard Foley, William Alston and Alvin Plantinga to explain the importance of epistemic deontology and its role in the transcendental argument. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 320 pages PB 9781350123137 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350029040 Individual eBook 9781350029064 Library eBook 9781350029057 Bloomsbury Academic
African American Philosophers and Philosophy
Epistemology: The Key Thinkers
Edited by Stephen Hetherington, University of New South Wales, in Sydney, Australia This book tells the story of how our thinking about knowledge has developed, guiding you through the ideas, contribution and legacy of leading philosophers from antiquity to the present. The second edition includes a new chapter covering medieval epistemology and extended guides to further reading and future directions for epistemology. The final chapter looks to the future, highlighting some of the very latest debates that energise philosophical writing today about knowledge and how we know what we know. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 352 pages PB 9781350085312 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350085336 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350085299 Library eBook 9781350085305 Series: Key Thinkers • Bloomsbury Academic
Intellectual Agency and Virtue Epistemology: A Montessori Perspective Patrick R. Frierson, Whitman College, USA
Drawing on the work of Maria Montessori and contemporary virtue epistemologists such as Linda Zagzebski and Jason Baehr, this book presents a new interpretation of the nature of intellectual agency and its associated virtues. Focusing on Montessori’s interpretation of specific virtues including sensory attentiveness, intellectual love and intellectual humility, it discusses why these are virtues, why one can be held responsible for them and the pedagogical implications of considering them as virtues. The book encourages educationalists to take seriously the cultivation of intellectual virtues as an important part of the education of children. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350018860 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350018839 Library eBook 9781350018846 Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Edited by Barry Lee, University of York, UK
With thirteen specially commissioned essays that introduce and explore the contributions of major thinkers who have shaped the philosophy of language, this book offers an historical overview of the last 130 years of the field’s development. Ideal for undergraduate students, it covers all the leading philosophers, including Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Austin, Quine, Chomsky, Grice, Davidson, Dummett, and Kripke. This volume demonstrates how the ideas and arguments of these key thinkers have contributed to our understanding of the theoretical account of language use and its central concepts. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 368 pages PB 9781350084087 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350084094 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350084063 Library eBook 9781350084070 Series: Key Thinkers • Bloomsbury Academic
The Structure of the Human Mind Explorations in Language, Music, Cartesian Sign
Nirmalangshu Mukherji, Indian Council of Philosophical Research, India The Cartesian conception of language and mind has governed theories of language for the last fifty years. But while it accounts for our language capacity, to what extent can it account for our creation and cognition of musical expression? Drawing on textual evidence and contemporary research, The Structure of the Human Mind examines Descartes’ doctrines and reveals a formal relationship between language and music. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350062689 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350062702 Library eBook 9781350062696 Bloomsbury Academic
Differences in Identity in Global Philosophy and Religion Edited by Lydia Azadpour, Sarah Flavel & Russell Re Manning
Differences in Identity in Global Philosophy and Religion explores the constitutive role alterity plays in identity formation in Western and Eastern traditions. Contributors examine the significance of difference in conceptions of identity across major philosophical and religious traditions in a global and comparative context, considering European, Ancient Greek, Egyptian, Japanese, Chinese and Islamic philosophies. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350076501 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350076525 Library eBook 9781350076518 Bloomsbury Academic
Ordinary Literature Philosophy
Lacanian Literary Performatives between Austin and Rancière Jernej Habjan The first extended Lacanian reading of J. L. Austin’s ordinary language philosophy, this book examines how it has been received in the continental tradition by Derrida and Butler, Rancière and Ducrot. Charting each of these interactions with a Lacanian reading of the thinker, which Habjan achieves through different case studies – from a Hollywood blockbuster to a Shakespearean bestseller – he offers a new materialist reading of the ‘ordinary’ status of literary language. This is a vital contribution to current debates within both literary studies and contemporary philosophy. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350086074 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350086081 Library eBook 9781350086067 Bloomsbury Academic
Ethical Rationalism and the Law Edited by Patrick Capps & Shaun D. Pattinson
What role does reason play in determining what, if anything, is morally right? What role does morality play in law? Perhaps the most controversial answer to these fundamental questions is that reason supports a supreme principle of both morality and legality. The contributors to this book cast a fresh critical eye over the coherence of modern approaches to ethical rationalism within law, and reflect on the intellectual history on which it builds. The contributors then take the debate beyond the traditional concerns of legal theory into areas such as the relationship between morality and international law, and the impact of ethically controversial medical innovations on legal understanding. UK May 2019 • 288 pages PB 9781509929801 • £30.00 Previously published in HB 9781849467865 Individual eBook 9781509909995 Library eBook 9781509910007 Hart Publishing Not available in North America
Faith and Reason in Continental and Japanese Philosophy Reading Tanabe Hajime and William Desmond Takeshi Morisato
P H I L O S O P H Y – Phi l osophy of Language / Le gal Ph ilos oph y / As ian Ph i losop h y
Philosophy of Language: The Key Thinkers
This book brings together the work of two significant figures in contemporary philosophy. By considering the work of Tanabe Hajime, the Japanese philosopher of the Kyoto School, and William Desmond, the contemporary Irish philosopher Takeshi Morisato offers a clear presentation of contemporary comparative solutions to the problems of the philosophy of religion. Importantly, this is the first book-length English-language study of Tanabe Hajime’s philosophy of religion that consults the original Japanese texts. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781350092518 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350092532 Library eBook 9781350092525 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Asi an Phi l osophy / Phi l osophy of R el i gi on
Language, Meaning, and Use in Indian Philosophy An Introduction to Mukula's "Fundamentals of the Communicative Function" Malcolm Keating Malcolm Keating draws on Mukula’s Fundamentals of the Communicative Function to show the ability of language to convey a wide range of meanings and introduce ideas about testimony, pragmatics and religious implications. Together with a complete translation of this key text, Keating also provides clear explanations of themes such as reference, figuration and sentence meaning and a commentary illuminating connections between Mukiula and contemporary philosophy together with a glossary and complete version of the Sanskrit text. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350060760 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350060777 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350060739 Library eBook 9781350060753 Bloomsbury Academic
Mao Zedong's Philosophical Influences and Reflections
Robert Elliott Allinson, Soka University, USA What shaped the ideas and actions of one of the most influential leaders of the 20th century? Presenting a new account of Mao Zedong’s lifelong engagement with philosophy, Robert Allinson reveals the extent to which Chinese and Western thinkers determined Mao’s political career. Revealing how Mao’s reading of Western political thought, as well as misreadings of traditional Chinese thought impacted his thinking, this book offers a fresh and challenging study of the man who ushered in antiintellectualism during the dark period of the Cultural Revolution. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350059856 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350059863 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350059870 Library eBook 9781350059887 Bloomsbury Academic
Progressive Atheism
How Moral Evolution Changes the God Debate J. L. Schellenberg, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada Introducing a new way of thinking about the existence of God, J.L. Schellenberg presents such a positive portrayal that you may sometimes wonder whether you’re reading the thoughts of a believer. Starting with the simple idea that what it takes to be a good person changes all the time, Schellenberg looks at the qualities we pride ourselves on now and compares them to attitudes in the past. By allowing us to see how admirable God has become, Schellenberg gives us compelling new reasons why there can be no God. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 192 pages PB 9781350097193 • £15.99 / $21.95 • HB 9781350097186 • £45.00 / $61.00 Individual eBook 9781350097216 Library eBook 9781350097209 Bloomsbury Academic
Islam and Morality
A Philosophical Introduction Oliver Leaman, University of Kentucky, USA By considering how Islam, the Qur’an and other Islamic texts have approached the ethics of a variety of contemporary and historical issues, Oliver Leaman provides one of the first sustained readings of the importance of ethics within Islam. He presents a balanced, and thought-provoking account of how Islamic philosophers and texts have considered the ethics of aesthetics, violence, conflict, gender, sexuality, medical ethics, wealth, poverty, the environment and legal ethics and considers how Islam responds to other Abrahamic religions, how it understands the concept of free will, and how it sees the relationship between good and evil. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages PB 9781350063228 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350063181 • £65.00 / $90.00 Individual eBook 9781350063204 Library eBook 9781350063211 Bloomsbury Academic
Confucian Ethics in Western Discourse
Wai-ying Wong, Lingnan University, Hong Kong Confucian Ethics in Western Discourse brings Chinese philosophers into dialogue with contemporary moral philosophers, identifying how ancient Chinese philosophy can contribute to Western discussions of moral philosophy. Covering the characteristics and significance of the Confucian ethical tradition, this study introduces the main concepts, discusses differing perspectives of moral dilemmas and closely examines whether Confucian ethics should be considered as virtue ethics in the Western tradition. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 296 pages PB 9781350109087 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474285872 Individual eBook 9781474285889 Library eBook 9781474285865 Bloomsbury Academic
Religious Language, Meaning and Use The God Who is Not There
Robert K. Bolger & Robert C. Coburn, University of Washington, USA Can the meaning of religious language be separated from its use? Religious Language, Meaning and Use addresses what has become a contentious (though often overlooked) question in the philosophy of religion. Through philosophical argumentation and by means of religiously-inspired essays, this book seeks to return religion to the context in which the meaning and impact of its words become inseparable from the life of the believer. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781350059689 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350059702 Library eBook 9781350059696 Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
On Music, Sense, Affect and Voice
Carol Harrison, Christ Church, University of Oxford, UK On Music, Sound, Affect and Voice explores early theological reflections on music and its effects on the mind and soul. Augustine is an obvious place to start; his De Musica is the only treatise we have on music by a Christian theologian in the first five centuries. In both it and The Confessions, Augustine establishes a psychology, an ontology, and finally an ethics of musical perception, which considered together form an effective theology of music. For Augustine, music—both heard and performed—becomes the means by which we can sense and participate in divine grace. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 160 pages PB 9781501326264 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9781501326257 • £54.00 / $80.00 Individual eBook 9781501326271 Library eBook 9781501326288 Series: Reading Augustine • Bloomsbury Academic
On Creation, Science, Disenchantment and the Contours of Being and Knowing Matthew W. Knotts, Gannon University, USA
For Augustine the world is replete with meaning. It represents not merely a collection of facts to be catalogued but a repository of truths to be discovered and discerned, a view which contrasts with the one we have inherited as a result of the thought of figures such as Descartes, Newton, and Kant. What difference would it make to see the world as created? Matthew W. Knotts explores this question in close conversation with Augustine, according to whom our nature as God’s creatures determines fundamental aspects of our identity and our knowledge. In a postmodern context informed by a renewed appreciation of the limitations of human nature and reason, Augustine once again emerges as an insightful and compelling source for further reflection. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 192 pages PB 9781501344589 • £18.99 / $25.95 • HB 9781501344572 • £64.00 / $80.00 Individual eBook 9781501344596 Library eBook 9781501344602 Series: Reading Augustine • Bloomsbury Academic
On Self-Harm, Narcissism, Atonement and the Vulnerable Christ David Vincent Meconi, Saint Louis University, USA
On Self-Harm, Narcissism, Atonement and the Vulnerable Christ explores St. Augustine of Hippo’s understanding of the nature and root of sin, described as various forms of self-loathing and self-destruction, as well as sin’s antidote, a vulnerable relationship with God. Incorporating recent thinking on self-destruction and self-loathing into his reading of Augustine, David Vincent Meconi explores why we are not only allured by sin, but will actually destroy ourselves to attain it, even when that sin will bring us no true pleasure. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 160 pages PB 9781501326219 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9781501326202 • £54.00 / $80.00 Individual eBook 9781501326226 Library eBook 9781501326233 Series: Reading Augustine • Bloomsbury Academic
On Solitude, Conscience, Love and Our Inner and Outer Lives
P H I L O S O P H Y – Phi l osophy of Rel i gi on
Reading Augustine
Ronald Haflidson, St. John's College, USA
Haflidson places Augustine in conversation with contemporary authors who warn of the dangers of abandoning solitude for constant (often technological) connection. Thus far such thinkers have largely neglected an essential question that Haflidson takes up: What difference does it make to the practice of solitude if one believes that even in the absence of any human company, God is always intimately present? Haflidson pairs close readings of Augustine with those of noted cartographers of our inner lives, literary greats including Jane Austen, George Eliot, Marilynne Robinson and George Saunders. This is a book that explores what undiscovered possibilities may lie in solitude. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 160 pages PB 9780567682734 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9780567682680 • £55.00 / $74.00 Individual eBook 9780567682727 Library eBook 9780567682697 Series: Reading Augustine • T&T Clark
On Agamben, Arendt, Christianity, and the Dark Arts of Civilization Peter Iver Kaufman, University of North Carolina, USA
Exploring Augustine’s roughly contemporary experiments with the political culture, the book examines Georgio Agamben’s disenchantments and alternatives alongside those of Augustine, comparing the former’s fascination with the refugees, as opposed to citizens who embrace "forms of life" promoted by political protocols. Kaufman then chronicles Hannah Arendt’s criticism of the alternative model and her preferences for and commitments to more direct political engagement. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 160 pages PB 9780567682758 • £17.99 / $24.95 • HB 9780567682772 • £55.00 / $74.00 Individual eBook 9780567682819 Library eBook 9780567682789 Series: Reading Augustine • T&T Clark • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Phi l osophy of R el i gi on
Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy of Religion The Kalam Cosmological Argument, Volume 1
Philosophical Arguments for the Finitude of the Past Edited by Paul Copan, Palm Beach Atlantic University, USA & William Lane Craig, Houston Baptist University, USA This anthology on the philosophical arguments for the finitude of the past asks: Is an infinite series of past events metaphysically possible? Should actual infinites be restricted to theoretical mathematics, or can an actual infinite exist in the concrete world? These essays by kalam proponents and detractors engage in lively debate about the nature of infinity and its conundrums; about frequently-used kalam argument paradoxes of Tristram Shandy, the Grim Reaper, and Hilbert’s Hotel; and about the infinity of the future. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 336 pages PB 9781501352539 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781501330797 Individual eBook 9781501330803 Library eBook 9781501330810 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy of Religion • Bloomsbury Academic
Finding Locke’s God
The Theological Basis of John Locke’s Political Thought Nathan Guy Moving beyond the recent ‘religious turn’ in Locke scholarship, this book considers a ‘theological turn’, arguing that John Locke ought to be viewed as a Christian public theologian whose political theory was firmly rooted in theology. Guy identifies three theological pillars crucial to Locke’s political theory: a Christian conception of God, the law of nature and divine revelation in scripture. Convincingly argued and meticulously researched, this book offers an exciting new direction for Locke studies. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350103511 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350103535 Library eBook 9781350103528 Bloomsbury Academic
Kierkegaard and the Question Concerning Technology Christopher B. Barnett, Villanova University, USA
The Kalam Cosmological Argument, Volume 2
Over the last few decades, the philosophy of technology has emerged as an important area of inquiry. And yet Søren Kierkegaard, despite his status as one of modernity’s seminal thinkers, is often seen as one who contributed little to the field. Kierkegaard and the Question Concerning Technology argues against this view.
Edited by Paul Copan, Palm Beach Atlantic University, USA & William Lane Craig, Houston Baptist University, USA
Christopher B. Barnett not only contextualizes Kierkegaard’s critique of "the present age," thereby showing that many of his criticisms concern the increasing dominance of technology in the West, but also demonstrates Kierkegaard’s subsequent influence on modern thinking about technology, in philosophy as well as in theology.
Scientific Evidence for the Beginning of the Universe
The kalam cosmological maintains that whatever begins to exist must have a cause. And since the universe began to exist, there must be a transcendent cause of its beginning, a conclusion which is confirmatory of theism. So this medieval argument for the finitude of the past has received fresh wind in its sails from recent scientific discoveries. This collection reviews and assesses the merits of the latest scientific evidences for the universe’s beginning. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 376 pages PB 9781501352584 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781501335877 Individual eBook 9781501335884 Library eBook 9781501335891 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy of Religion • Bloomsbury Academic
Free Will and God's Universal Causality The Dual Sources Account W. Matthews Grant In this book W. Matthews Grant argues that human behaviours are driven by both divine causality and our own human impetus, he demonstrates that the standard conditions for libertarian freedom are nonetheless satisfied. Grant offers a comprehensive alternative to the classic approaches for combining theism and libertarian freedom. He addresses the problem of moral evil without the commonly employed Free Will Defense, and proposes new solutions for reconciling libertarian freedom with robust accounts of God’s providence and predestination.
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 240 pages HB 9781628926668 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781628926682 Library eBook 9781628926699 Bloomsbury Academic
Intellectual, Humanist and Religious Commitment Acts of Assent Peter Forrest Of particular interest to scholars working on the philosophy of religion, this book offers a rigorous analysis of why commitment matters and the challenges it presents to a range of believers in religious, humanist and intellectual contexts. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350097711 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350097735 Library eBook 9781350097728 Bloomsbury Academic
UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 288 pages HB 9781350082908 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350082922 Library eBook 9781350082915 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Philosophy of Religion • Bloomsbury Academic
12 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Does Religion Cause Violence?
Mimesis and Sacrifice
Edited by Joel Hodge, Australian Catholic University, AUS, Scott Cowdell, Charles Sturt University, AUS, Chris Fleming, Western Sydney University, AUS & Carly Osborn, University of Adelaide, Australia
Edited by Marcia Pally
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Violence and Religion in the Modern World
This volume explores contemporary instances of religious violence, such as Islamist terrorism and radicalization in its various political, economic, religious, military and technological dimensions, as well as the legitimacy and efficacy of modern cultural mechanisms to contain violence. It brings together the insights of René Girard, the premier theorist of violence in the 20th century, with the latest scholarship on religion and violence, particularly exploring the nature of extremist violence. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 272 pages • 1 bw illus PB 9781501354632 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781501333835 Individual eBook 9781501333842 Library eBook 9781501333859 Series: Violence, Desire, and the Sacred • Bloomsbury Academic
Michel Serres, Stanford University, USA Translated by Randolph Burks Michel Serres wants us to anticipate the uncertain light of the future. In this passionately original and optimistic work of philosophy Serres describes the future of man as an adolescence, transitioning from childhood to adulthood, or luminescence, when a dark body becomes light. Considering the radical changes that humanity has experienced over the last fifty years, the author analyzes the new relationship of man has with diverse concepts, like the dead, his own body, agriculture, and new communication networks. He alerts us to the consequences of these changes, particularly on the danger of growing inequalities between rich and poor countries. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781474247047 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781474247863 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781474247061 Library eBook 9781474247054 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Mathematics and Information in the Philosophy of Michel Serres
Vera Bühlmann, Vienna University of Technology, Austria This book introduces the reader to Serres’ unique manner of ‘doing philosophy’, which is present throughout his oeuvre, as a manner of bearing witness. It traces how Serres takes note of a range of epistemologically unsettling situations, which he witnesses as arising from the short-circuit of a proprietary notion of capital, with a praxis of science which privileges the most direct path to expend minimal efforts while pursuing maximal efficiency. Bühlmann acquaints the reader with Serres’ monist manner of addressing the universality and the power of knowledge – that is at once also the anonymous and empty faculty of incandescent, inventive thought. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350019768 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350019751 Library eBook 9781350019775 Series: Michel Serres and Material Futures • Bloomsbury Academic
Applying Girard's Mimetic Theory Across the Disciplines This book closely examines the part sacrifice plays in different societal settings. Inspired by Rene Girard’s premise that one must address the problems of society in order to understand the mechanisms by which it functions, chapters are organised around questions emerging from Girard’s mimetic theory. By covering gender, evolutionary, theological, military and economic sacrifice in a single volume, the book presents a new understanding of its meaning and consequences, contributing not only to mimetic theory, but to research on the social condition of contemporary human life. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350057418 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350057449 Library eBook 9781350057425 Series: Violence, Desire, and the Sacred • Bloomsbury Academic
Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science
Edited by Richard Samuels & Daniel Wilkenfeld Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science gathers together leading philosophers of science from around the world. Together, they contribute to the first book-length study of this important and emerging field of study. While the philosophy of science is currently unrecognized, under-systematized and underexplored as an area of philosophical enquiry, Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Science presents a new direction in philosophical studies and paves a path for those who might seek to pursue research in experimental philosophy of science.
P H I L O S O P H Y – Phi l osophy of Rel i gi on / Ph ilos oph y of S cie n ce
Violence, Desire, and the Sacred
UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350068865 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350068889 Library eBook 9781350068872 Series: Advances in Experimental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics Twenty-First-Century Perspectives
Edited by Jan Faye, University of Copenhagen, Denmark & Henry Folse, Loyola University New Orleans, USA This collection examines the work, influences and legacy of the Nobel Prize physicist and philosopher of experiment Niels Bohr. Covering Bohr's groundbreaking contribution to quantum mechanics, it reveals the philosophers who influenced his work. Linking him to the pragmatist C.I. Lewis and the Danish philosopher Harald Høffding, it draws strong similarities between Bohr’s philosophy and the Kantian way of thinking. Balancing historical themes with contemporary ideas, Niels Bohrs and Philosophy of Physics reveals Bohr’s on-going contribution to the philosophy of science and confirms his place in the history of philosophy. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 392 pages • 8 bw illus PB 9781350109032 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350035119 Individual eBook 9781350035133 Library eBook 9781350035126 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Ph ilos oph y of M athemati c s a nd M i nd / Hi story of Phi l osophy
Philosophy and Simulation
The Emergence of Synthetic Reason Manuel DeLanda, University of Pennsylvania, USA Manuel Delanda provides a remarkably clear philosophical overview of the rapidly growing field of computer simulations. In it he analyzes all the different genres of simulation (from cellular automata and generic algorithms to neural nets and multiagent systems) as a means to conceptualize the possibility spaces associated with casual (and other) capacities. Simulations have become as important as mathematical models in theoretical science, and this book fills the need for a philosophical examination of the epistemology of simulations to cement this new role, underlining the consequences that simulations may have for materialist philosophy itself. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 216 pages PB 9781350096783 • £19.99 / $26.95 Individual eBook 9781350096776 Library eBook 9781350096790 Series: Bloomsbury Revelations • Bloomsbury Academic
Philosophy as Drama
Plato’s Thinking through Dialogue Edited by Knut Ågotnes, Hallvard Fossheim & Vigdis SongeMøller Plato’s philosophical dialogues can be seen as his creation of a new genre. Plato borrows from, as well as rejects, earlier and contemporary authors, and he is constantly in conversation with established genres, such as tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, and rhetoric in a variety of ways. Philosophy as Drama moves debates in Plato scholarship forward when it comes to understanding both particular aspects of Plato’s dialogues and the approach itself. Containing 11 chapters of close readings of individual dialogues, with 2 chapters discussing specific themes running through them, such as music and sensuousness, pleasure, perception, and images, this book displays the range and diversity within Plato's corpus. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350082496 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350082519 Library eBook 9781350082502 Bloomsbury Academic
The Aftermath of Syllogism
Aristotelian Logical Argument from Avicenna to Hegel Edited by Marco Sgarbi & Matteo Cosci This book investigates the key developments in the history of syllogism, from Avicenna to Hegel. Taking as its focus the key period of development between the Middle Ages and the 19th century, this book looks at the huge reworking syllogism underwent over the centuries, as some of the finest philosophical minds brought it to an unprecedented height of logical sharpness and sophistication. Bringing together a group of the major international experts currently working on the Aristotelian tradition, The Aftermath of Syllogism provides a detailed, up to date and critical evaluation of the history of syllogistic deduction. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 232 pages PB 9781350123151 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350043527 Individual eBook 9781350043534 Library eBook 9781350043541 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in the Aristotelian Tradition • Bloomsbury Academic
Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics
Edited by Andrew Aberdein & Matthew Inglis Exploring the results of applying empirical methods to the philosophy of logic and mathematics, this collection begins with the significant work of Arne Naess and the Oslo Group, discussing the connections between the ‘empirical semantics’ they developed and experimental philosophy that has now begun to be made explicit by historians of philosophy and further developed by a new generation of researchers. Chapters cover methodological analyses of the applicability of empirical techniques and include actual empirical results, demonstrating a wide variety of different empirical methods, including experiments, surveys, interviews, and data-mining. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 304 pages HB 9781350039018 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350039032 Library eBook 9781350039025 Series: Advances in Experimental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Health and Hedonism in Plato and Epicurus Kelly Arenson
Linking two of the most prominent ethicists in the history of philosophy and exploring how Platonic material lays the conceptual groundwork for Epicurean hedonism, this book argues that, despite their significant philosophical differences, both Plato and Epicurus conceive of pleasure in terms of the health and harmony of the human body and soul. It turns to two crucial but unexplored sources for understanding Epicurean pleasure: Plato’s treatment of psychological health and pleasure in the Republic, and his physiological account of bodily harmony, pleasure, and pain in the Philebus. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 232 pages HB 9781350080256 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350080270 Library eBook 9781350080263 Bloomsbury Academic
Human Dignity in the JudaeoChristian Tradition Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant Perspectives Edited by John Loughlin World-renowned contributors examine the roots of human dignity in classical Greece and Rome, the Scriptures and medieval theologians such as St Thomas Aquinas, as well as in the writing of St John Paul II, Renaissance art and sacred music. The book shows that dignity is also a contemporary issue by analysing situations where the traditional understanding has been challenged by philosophical and policy developments, such as transhumanism, religious freedom, immigration, robotics and medicine. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 304 pages HB 9781350073692 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350073715 Library eBook 9781350073708 Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Ideas, Responses and Legacy
Edited by Marina F. Bykova, North Carolina State University, USA This book is a comprehensive account of the key arguments central to German idealists and their immediate critics. Expanding the scope beyond the four best-known representatives - Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel -and including those thinkers often considered as secondary, yet are crucial for understanding the period, this reader presents an influential era in all its philosophical complexity. With readings from Maimon, Schulze, Novalis, and Schleimacher as well as responses to German idealist thought by late 19th-century thinkers such as Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, it provides students of German idealism with a dynamic picture of the intellectual period. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 368 pages PB 9781474286671 • £36.99 / $40.95 • HB 9781474286664 • £120.00 / $130.00 Individual eBook 9781474286657 Library eBook 9781474286688 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Kant’s Transition Project and Late Philosophy
Connecting the Opus postumum and Metaphysics of Morals Oliver Thorndike, Loyola University, USA Kant’s Transition Project and Late Philosophy is the first study to provide a close reading of the connection between texts written by Kant during 1796 and 1798. Connecting Kant’s unfinished book project, the Opus postumum, with Metaphysics of Morals, it identifies and clarifies issues at the forefront of Kant’s focus towards the end of his life. By showing that there is not only a Transition Project in Kant’s theoretical philosophy but also a Transition Project in his practical philosophy, it reveals why an accurate assessment of Kant’s critical philosophy requires a new understanding of the Opus postumum and Kant’s parallel late writings on practical philosophy. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 280 pages PB 9781350123144 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350050303 Individual eBook 9781350050310 Library eBook 9781350050297 Bloomsbury Academic
The Phoenix of Philosophy
Russian Thought of the Late Soviet Period (1953–1991) Mikhail Epstein, Emory University, USA This groundbreaking work by one of the world’s foremost theoreticians of Russian literature, culture, and thought gives for the first time an extensive and detailed examination of the development of Russian thought during the late Soviet period. Countering the traditional view of an intellectual wilderness under the Soviet regime, Mikhail Epstein offers a systematic account of Russian thought in the second half of the 20th century. In doing so, he provides new insights into previously ignored areas such as Russian liberalism, nationalism and culturology. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 296 pages HB 9781501316395 • £90.00 / $120.00 Individual eBook 9781501316425 Library eBook 9781501316432 Bloomsbury Academic
Emotion, Reason, and Action in Kant Maria Borges
Emotion, Reason and Action in Kant explores how, in Kant’s world view, our actions are informed, contextualized and dependent on the tension between emotion and reason. On the one hand, there are positive moral emotions that can and should be cultivated. On the other hand, affects and passions are considered illnesses of the mind, in that they lead to the weakness of the will, in the case of affects, and evil, in the case of passions. Seeing the role of these emotions enriches our understanding of Kant’s moral theory. UK April 2019 • US April 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350078369 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350078383 Library eBook 9781350078376 Bloomsbury Academic
Modernism Between Benjamin and Goethe Matthew Charles, University of Westminster
P H I L O S O P H Y – Hi story of Phi l osophy
The German Idealism Reader
Running through Benjamin’s writings is a critique of romanticism, particularly focused upon the life and works of J. W. von Goethe. This book reconstructs the centrality of Goethe for not only Benjamin’s philosophy but also a range of early twentieth century intellectual figures who were pivotal for his thought. In uncovering this neglected connection, it situates the significance of Goethe’s classicism to debates concerning modernism and modernity for those associated with the conservative nationalism of Stefan George, Gundolf and Ludwig Klages, but also the left-wing aesthetics of Lukacs, Simmel and Kracauer in Germany and the artistic avantgarde in Russia. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350013971 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350013957 Library eBook 9781350013940 Series: Walter Benjamin Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
A Speculative Ontology of Language, Thinking, and the Brain Armen Avanessian, Free University Berlin, Germany & Anke Hennig, Free University Berlin, Germany At some point, we all experience the fundamental impact reading has on us; it changes our understanding of the world. Metanoia— meaning literally a change of mind—refers to this kind of new way of seeing. To see the world in a new light is to accept that our thinking has been irrevocably transformed. How is that possible? To tackle these questions, this original and innovative book mobilizes discussions from linguistics, literary theory, the analytic philosophy of language, and cognitive science. It re-articulates linguistic consciousness by underlining the poetic, creative moment and sheds light on the transformative ability of language. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 224 pages PB 9781350004733 • £19.99 / $26.95 Previously published in HB 9781350004726 Individual eBook 9781350004740 Library eBook 9781350004719 Bloomsbury Academic World English • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Phi l osophy of Art a nd Aestheti c s
Aesthetics and Contemporary Art Global Aesthetics: Key Concepts in Philosophy Daniel Herwitz, University of Michigan, USA
This book presents a thorough account of the central theories and ideas arising in contemporary aesthetics and introduces what a global world means for aesthetics. Beginning with a grounding in 18th-century aesthetics, chapters also cover postcolonial aesthetics, the globalization of the past thirty years which has delivered art that speaks to a global audience and the uneasy connection between aesthetics and politics. Including exercises, an annotated bibliography and suggestions of Where to Go Next, this book is an ideal starting point for anyone studying aesthetics today. UK December 2019 • US December 2019 • 224 pages • 15 illus PB 9781350075245 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350075238 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350075269 Library eBook 9781350075252 Bloomsbury Academic
The Philosophy and Art of Wang Guangyi Edited by Tiziana Andina & Erica Onnis, Laboratory of Ontology, Italy
Wang Guangyi, one of the stars of the new wave of Chinese art, has artistically addressed major philosophical trends in Western philosophy while drawing on Taoism, Marxism and Maoism. By bringing together a team of experts in the philosophy of art to discuss his work, this volume presents the first philosophical exploration of Wang's art, his thought and his analysis of Chinese society. It marks an important contribution to understanding the background, work and ideas of a 21st-century political artist outside the West. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 272 pages HB 9781350019379 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350019409 Library eBook 9781350019386 Series: Aesthetics and Contemporary Art • Bloomsbury Academic
Creation and the Function of Art Techné, Poiesis and the Problem of Aesthetics Jason Tuckwell This book focuses on the relationship between techné and phusis (nature). Moving away from the theoretical Platonism which dominates contemporary understandings of art, Tuckwell instead reinvigorates Aristotelian causation. This book examines the deviations at play within logical forms, the subject, and upon phusis to better situate the role of the function in poiesis (art). In so doing, Tuckwell shows techné to be a property of the living of intelligence coupled to action that not only enacts poiesis or art, but indicates a broader role for creative deviation in nature. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781350112605 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350010765 Individual eBook 9781350010772 Library eBook 9781350010789 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Against Transmission
Media Philosophy and the Engineering of Time Timothy Barker This book offers both a detailed and radical investigation of the technical architecture of media such as television, computers, cameras, and cinematography. It achieves this through indepth archive research into the history of the development of media technology, combined with innovative readings of key concepts from philosophers of media such as Harold A. Innis, Marshall McLuhan, Friedrich Kittler, Siegfried Zielinski and Wolfgang Ernst. Teaming detailed philosophical inquiry in a broad range of international case studies, Barker shows through technical and historical analysis how the technological discoveries have engineered the experiences of time in contemporary media culture. UK July 2019 • US July 2019 • 240 pages PB 9781474293105 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781474293099 Individual eBook 9781474293112 Library eBook 9781474293082 Bloomsbury Academic
Contemporary Chinese Art, Aesthetic Modernity and Zhang Peili Towards a Critical Contemporaneity
Paul Gladston, University of New South Wales, Australia Addressing art in and from the People’s Republic of China as a significant aspect of post-West contemporaneity, Paul Gladston provides a new critical understanding of what it means to be 'contemporary' and the profound changes taking place in the art world today. Informed by deconstructivism as well as syncretic Confucianism, Gladston extends this theory to a reading of the work of the artist Zhang Peili and his involvement with the Hangzhoubased art group, the Pond Association (Chi she). Revealed is a critical aesthetic productively resistant to any single interpretative viewpoint. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350041974 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350041998 Library eBook 9781350041981 Series: Aesthetics and Contemporary Art • Bloomsbury Academic
Retroactivity and Contemporary Art Craig Staff, University of Nottingham, UK
Contemporary art is often preoccupied with time, or acts in which the past is recovered. Through specific case studies of artists who strategically work with historical moments, this book examines how art from the last two decades has sought to mobilize these particular histories, and to what effect, against the backdrop of Modernism. Drawing on the art theory of Rosalind Krauss and the philosophies of Paul Ricoeur, Gerhard Richter, and Pierre Nora, Retroactivity and Contemporary Art interprets those works that foreground some aspect of retroactivity – whether re-enacting, commemorating, or reimagining – as key artistic strategies. This book is striking philosophical reflection on time within art and art within time, and an indispensable read for those attempting to understand the artistic significance of history, materiality, and memory. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 224 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350009981 • £21.99 / $29.95 Previously published in HB 9781350009974 Individual eBook 9781350009998 Library eBook 9781350009967 Bloomsbury Academic
16 • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
Embodied Meaning in Logic, Art and Feeling Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin This book is a comprehensive study of one of the most insightful and fertile but also one of the most neglected and misunderstood philosophers of art of the twentieth century, Susanne Langer. It provides a much-needed explanation of how Langer’s philosophy was shaped by four seminal sources: her mentors Henry Sheffer and Alfred North Whitehead and the European philosophers Ernst Cassirer and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Shedding new light on Langer as an American philosopher whose innovative thought crosses the customary boundaries between analytic and European philosophy, this book confirms why she continues to have relevance today. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350030558 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350030589 Library eBook 9781350030572 Bloomsbury Academic
The New Aesthetics of Deculturation Neoliberalism, Fundamentalism and Kitsch Thorsten Botz-Bornstein What are the predominant aesthetics of the twenty-first century? Thorsten Botz-Bornstein argues that deculturation, embodied by the conspicuous vulgarity of kitsch, is the overriding visual language of our times. Drawing on the work of Islam scholar Olivier Roy, who argued that religious fundamentalism arises when religion is separated from the indigenous cultural values, Botz-Bornstein shows that the production of ‘absolute’ truths through deculturation also exists in contemporary education. Including analysis of the intersections of ‘cute’, ‘excellent’, ‘sublime’, and ‘interesting’ in contemporary aesthetic culture, this is a journey through philosophy, psychology and cultural theory, redefining a new aesthetics of deculturation. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 224 pages HB 9781350086340 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350086364 Library eBook 9781350086357 Bloomsbury Academic
Simulated Selves
The Undoing of Personal Identity in the Modern World Andrew Spira, Christie's Education London, UK The notion of a personal self took centuries to evolve, reaching the pinnacle of autonomy with Descartes’ ‘I think, therefore I am’ in the seventeenth century. This ‘personalisation’ of identity thrived for another hundred years before it began to be questioned, subject to the emergence of broader, more inclusive forms of agency. Simulated Selves: The Undoing of Personal Identity in the Modern World addresses the ‘constructed’ notion of personal identity in the West and how it has been eclipsed by the development of new technological, social, art historical and psychological infrastructures over the last two centuries.
Art, Politics and Rancière Broken Perceptions
Tina Chanter, Kingston University, UK Providing an account of how works of art can, but do not necessarily, interrupt dominant narratives, Tina Chanter presents a rigorous and appreciative critique of Rancière's story of aesthetics, paying close attention to gender and race. Along with the relationship between the unconscious and the political, identity politics, and perception are key themes throughout. It features illuminating discussions of Rancière, Heidegger and Levinas as well as informed accounts of artists Phillip Noyce, Ingrid Pollard, and Gillian Wearing. By developing an original philosophical consideration that is sensitive to race and gender, Chanter outlines the basis of a new political aesthetic. UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 200 pages • 2 bw illus PB 9781350119031 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781472510563 Individual eBook 9781472510945 Library eBook 9781472511676 Bloomsbury Academic
Political Aesthetics
Addison and Shaftesbury on Taste, Morals, and Society Karl Axelsson Providing a gateway to a new history of modern aesthetics, Political Aesthetics challenges conventional views of how art's significance developed in society. By re-examining the political relevance of Joseph Addison’s (1672– 1719) and the third Earl of Shaftesbury’s (1671–1713) theories of taste, Axelsson shows that they were, first and foremost, seeking to fortify a natural link between the aesthetic experience and the consolidation of modern political society. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350077751 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350077775 Library eBook 9781350077768 Bloomsbury Academic
Ethics Under Capital
MacIntyre, Communication, and the Culture Wars Jason Hannan, University of Winnipeg, Canada
P H I L O S O P H Y – Phi l osophy of Art and Aesth e tics / Political Ph ilosop h y
The Philosophy of Susanne Langer
Taking at its starting point the current "post-truth world" that is Western society, where worldviews clash with increasing violence and online trolls and conspiracy theorists dominate discussion, this book examines this critical moment in political history through a new reading of Alasdair MacIntyre. Over thirty years ago, MacIntyre predicted an impending Dark Age. Hannan contends that he was right. This book presents both MacIntyre's diagnosis of the cultural crisis and his answer to the challenge of communication. Pitting him against John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, and Chantal Mouffe, Hannan argues that MacIntyre offers hope for a democratic politics amidst today's culture wars. UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 208 pages HB 9781350080607 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350080614 Library eBook 9781350080591 Series: Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
UK November 2019 • US November 2019 • 352 pages • Over 150 colour illus HB 9781350091092 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350091108 Library eBook 9781350091085 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •
P H I L O S O P H Y – Soc i a l a nd Pol i ti c a l Phi l osophy
The Meaning of Life and Death Ten Classic Thinkers on the Ultimate Question Michael Hauskeller What is the point of living? If we are all going to die anyway, if nothing will remain of whatever we achieve in this life, why should we bother trying to achieve anything in the first place? The connection between death and meaning has taken centre stage in the work of some of the world’s greatest writers: de Montaigne, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Melville, Nietzsche, James, Wittgenstein, Proust, Camus, and Beckett. The Meaning of Life and Death explores their ideas, uncovering common themes and contrasts in their understanding of what kind of world we live in and what really matters in life. UK September 2019 • US September 2019 • 304 pages PB 9781350073647 • £19.99 / $26.95 • HB 9781350073630 • £65.00 / $88.00 Individual eBook 9781350073661 Library eBook 9781350073654 Bloomsbury Academic
From Romanticism to Rationality Finn Bowring
Erotic Love shows how discourses of love have intersected with social and cultural trends, as well as with personal events and experiences. Beginning with the queering of love in Greek antiquity, it looks at how sexual love has been sung about, fictionalized and theorized as a cornerstone of the formation of Western culture. From the courtly love of twelfth-century troubadours and the rise of affective individualism in the eighteenth century, to the way the novel helped catalyze and crystallize the hopes and contradictions of love and marriage, these are decisive episodes in the history of romantic love. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350092228 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350092242 Library eBook 9781350092235 Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy Spinoza’s Authority Volume I Resistance and Power in Ethics
Edited by A. Kiarina Kordela, Macalester College, USA & Dimitris Vardoulakis, University of Western Sydney, Australia Spinoza’s political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years, helping scholars reinterpret and rethink the political present. Spinoza’s Authority makes a significant contribution to this ongoing reception and utilization of Spinoza’s political thought, and takes the 1670 text, Theologico-Political Treatise, as a primary focal point. Featuring internationally established theorists of Spinoza’s work and taking the concept of authority as an original framework, this books asks: How is authority related to ethics, and what are the social, historical and representational processes that produce authority and resistance? UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 224 pages PB 9781350123243 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781472593207 Individual eBook 9781472593214 Library eBook 9781472593221 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Hegel and Resistance
History, Politics and Dialectics Edited by Bart Zantvoort, Nexus Institute, Netherlands & Rebecca Comay, University of Toronto, Canada
Spinoza's Authority Volume II Resistance and Power in the Political Treatises
Edited by A. Kiarina Kordela, Macalester College, USA & Dimitris Vardoulakis, University of Western Sydney, Australia Spinoza’s political thought has been subject to a significant revival of interest in recent years, helping scholars reinterpret and rethink the political present. Spinoza’s Authority makes a significant contribution to this ongoing reception and utilization of Spinoza’s political thought, and takes the 1670 text, Theologico-Political Treatise, as a primary focal point. Featuring internationally established theorists of Spinoza’s work and taking the concept of authority as an original framework, this books asks: How is authority related to law, memory, and conflict in Spinoza’s political thought? And what are the social and historical processes that produce authority, power and resistance? UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 208 pages PB 9781350123236 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350011069 Individual eBook 9781350011052 Library eBook 9781350011045 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
Jean-Paul Sartre's Anarchist Philosophy
William L. Remley, Saint Peter’s University, USA
This book brings together established and new voices in this field to touch firstly upon the political: is there a place, according to Hegel, for political resistance, or must we submit to the power of the state? Secondly, what is the role of resistance in history, and in to relation to historical progress? And finally, does his system allow for moments of resistance or new insights?
In this landmark study, William L. Remley sheds new light on the crucial role of anarchism in Sartre’s writing, arguing that it fundamentally underpins the body of his political work. Sartre’s political philosophy has been infrequently studied and neglected in recent years. Introducing newly translated material from his early oeuvre, as well as providing a fresh perspective on his colossal Critique of Dialectical Reason, this book is a timely reinvigoration of this topic.
UK June 2019 • US June 2019 • 216 pages PB 9781350123250 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350003644 Individual eBook 9781350003651 Library eBook 9781350003637 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 272 pages PB 9781350126695 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350048249 Individual eBook 9781350048263 Library eBook 9781350048256 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic
The concept of resistance has always been central to the reception of Hegel’s philosophy.
Erotic Love in Sociology, Philosophy and Literature • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •
A Political Thinker Lester H. Hunt
In this book, Lester H. Hunt examines the philosophy of Henry Thoreau, with a special emphasis on his two masterpieces, Walden and "Civil Disobedience". The Philosophy of Henry Thoreau: A Political Thinker shows that Thoreau was, in addition to being a great nature writer, also a deeply political philosophical thinker who deserves to be taken seriously. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350079021 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350079045 Library eBook 9781350079038 Bloomsbury Academic
Contemporary Philosophy and Social Science An Interdisciplinary Dialogue
Edited by Michiru Nagatsu, University of Helsinki, Finland & Attilia Ruzzene This state-of-the-art collection addresses contemporary methodological questions and interdisciplinary developments in the philosophy of social science. Facilitating a mutually enriching dialogue, chapters by leading social scientists are followed by critical evaluations from philosophers of social science. This exchange showcases recent major theoretical and methodological breakthroughs and challenges in the social sciences, as well as fruitful ways in which the analytic tools developed in philosophy of science can be applied to understand these advancements. UK May 2019 • US May 2019 • 384 pages HB 9781474248754 • £130.00 / $175.00 Individual eBook 9781474248761 Library eBook 9781474248778 Bloomsbury Academic World English
Benjamin on Fashion
Philipp Ekardt, The Warburg Institute, UK Reconstructing Benjamin’s complex, fragmentary, yet influential ideas about fashion, this book defines Benjamin’s fashion theory, beginning with Convolute B: Fashion in the German thinker’s Arcades Project (1927-1940), tracing it through Theses on the Concept of History and beyond. Situating Benjamin’s thought within the fashion panorama of his moment, this is a crucial text for understanding Benjamin both as a thinker and cultural theorist. UK October 2019 • US October 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350075993 • £85.00 / $114.00 Individual eBook 9781350076006 Library eBook 9781350075986 Series: Walter Benjamin Studies • Bloomsbury Academic
Rewriting Contemporary Political Philosophy with Plato and Aristotle An Essay on Eudaimonic Politics Paul Schollmeier Applying the concepts and principles of Plato and Aristotle to contemporary problems, Paul Schollmeier sets out a new theory based on engagement in political activity for its own sake, not for profit or pleasure. Employing the ancient principle of happiness, Schollmeier introduces the concept of a eudaimonic polity. He argues that we can best exercise our political nature when we participate together with others in political activity without an ulterior motive. Not to engage in activity of this kind is also to deny our nature, and it leads to competitive conduct and conflict over limited resources. UK August 2019 • US August 2019 • 256 pages HB 9781350066175 • £85.00 / $115.00 Individual eBook 9781350066199 Library eBook 9781350066182 Bloomsbury Academic
Right-Wing Culture in Contemporary Capitalism
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