8 minute read

Continental Philosophy

Timothy Morton, Rice University, USA In The Stuff of Life, Timothy Morton chooses the objects that have shaped and punctuated their life to tell the story of who they are. These objects are 'things' in the richest sense. They are non-human beings that have a presence and force of their own. From Battersea Power Station to a packet of anti-depressants, Morton explores why 'stuff' matters and why the life of these things have so powerfully impinged upon their own. Their realization, through a concealer stick, that they identify as non-binary reveals the strange and wonderful ways that objects can form our worlds.

UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 224 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350240483 • £15.99 / $21.95 • HB 9781350240476 • £45.00 / $61.00 ePub 9781350240506 • £14.39 / $20.60 ePdf 9781350240490 • £14.39 / $20.60 Bloomsbury Academic Edited by Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, Emily Jones, University of Essex, UK & Goda Klumbytė, University of Kassel, Germany The notion of the posthuman continues to both intrigue and confuse, not least because of the huge number of ideas, theories and figures associated with this term. More Posthuman Glossary provides a way in to the dizzying array of posthuman concepts, providing vivid accounts of emerging terms. A follow-up volume to the brilliant interventions of Posthuman Glossary (2018), this book extends and elaborates on that work, particularly focusing on concepts of race, indigeneity and new ideas in radical ecology.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 224 pages PB 9781350231436 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350231429 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350231450 • £19.79 / $27.47 ePdf 9781350231443 • £19.79 / $27.47 Series: Theory in the New Humanities • Bloomsbury Academic

Posthumanism in Practice

Edited by Christine Daigle, Brock University, Canada & Matthew Hayler, University of Birmingham, UK Posthumanism in Practice applies posthumanist thinking to intersectional practices in the arts, sciences and humanities. In this book, artists, researchers, educators and curators set out how their own work has changed in response to engaging with posthumanism, or how the things that they have discovered can be better understood within this different paradigm. By capturing these ideas, this volume shows how posthumanist thought can move beyond theory, inform action and produce new artefacts, effects and methods that are more relevant and useful for the incoming realities for all life in the 21st century.

UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 208 pages HB 9781350293809 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350293823 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350293816 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

The Experience of Atheism: Phenomenology, Metaphysics and Religion

Edited by Claude Romano, Australian Catholic University, Australia & Robyn Horner, Australian Catholic University, Australia Religious and atheistic beliefs find new articulation in this volume of essays from leading phenomenologists in both France and the UK, including Jean-Luc Nancy, Quentin Meillassoux, and Catherine Malabou. Approaching atheism through a phenomenologically informed notion of experience, the book sparks new debates around atheistic faith, the death of God, and anarchic faith.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 216 pages PB 9781350245570 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350167636 ePub 9781350167650 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350167643 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Beyond Nihilism

The Turn in Heidegger’s Thought from Nietzsche to Hölderlin

Dominic Kelly, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Dominic Kelly investigates the ‘turn’ in Heidegger’s thought and shows how in the 1930s Heidegger began to think in a way that was not entirely philosophical. Kelly shows how this shift occurred in Heidegger’s notion of history. This is revealed by his engagement with Friedrich Nietzsche, who he analysed purely philosophically, and the poet, Friedrich Hölderlin, whose writing allowed him to think outside of a solely metaphysical framework and move beyond nihilism. By exploring the intellectual vicissitudes of this concept, Kelly has illustrated the trajectory of one of the most important debates in 20th-century continental philosophy.

UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 224 pages HB 9781350133754 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350133778 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350133761 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Encounters in the Arts, Literature, and Philosophy

Chance and Choice

Edited by Jérôme Brillaud, The University of Manchester, UK & Virginie Greene, Harvard University, USA With contributions from esteemed academics, including Pierre Saint-Amand and Jean-Jacques Nattiez, this volume focuses on chance and scripted encounters as sites of tensions and alliances where new forms, ideas, meanings, interpretations, and theories can emerge. By moving beyond the realm of traditional hermeneutics, Jérôme Brillaud and Virginie Greene have compiled a collection that vitally illustrates how reading encounters represented in artefacts, texts, and films is a vibrant and dynamic mode of encountering and interpreting.

UK November 2022 • US November 2022 • 264 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350225183 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350160903 ePub 9781350160927 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350160910 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

A Philosophy of Analogue Play

Edited by Chloe Germaine, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK & Paul Wake, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK This is the first volume to apply insights from the material turn in philosophy to the study of play and games. At a time of renewed interest in analogue gaming, as scholars are looking beyond the digital and virtual for the first time since the inception of game studies in the 1990s, this book not only supports the (re)turn to the analogue, but proposes a materiality of play more broadly. Different chapters focus on the material properties of games, how they are designed, made, touched and played with, and how they connect with other human and nonhuman things.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 272 pages • 12 bw illus HB 9781350202719 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350202740 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350202733 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Forces of Education

Walter Benjamin and the Politics of Pedagogy

Edited by Dennis Johannßen, Lafayette College, USA & Dominik Zechner, Rutgers University, USA Bringing Walter Benjamin into dialogue with the urgent issues facing educational institutions today, this is the first comprehensive exploration of his philosophy of education. In recent years, there has been much debate around the practice of pedagogy, from “deplatforming” to digital learning. But where do we go from here? This volume argues that Benjamin’s writing offers critical tools to rethink the purposes of education and its institutional forms. For Benjamin, education was not an institutional task subject to a scientific discipline, but rather an activity in which the experience of youth should always be at the centre of considerations.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 272 pages HB 9781350274167 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350274181 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350274174 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Walter Benjamin Studies • Bloomsbury Academic

The Invention of the Self

Personal Identity in the Age of Art

Andrew Spira, Independent Scholar, UK This book proposes that the notion of personal identity is a psycho-social construction that has evolved over many centuries. While this idea has been widely discussed in recent years, Andrew Spira approaches it from a completely new point of view. Rather than relying on the thinking subject’s attempts to identify itself consciously and verbally, this book focuses on the traces that the self-sense has unconsciously left in the fabric of its environment in the form of non-verbal cultural conventions. Covering a millennium of western European cultural history, it amounts to an ‘anthropology of personal identity in the West’.

UK April 2022 • US June 2022 • 416 pages PB 9781350298170 • £26.99 / $36.95 Previously published in HB 9781350091054 ePub 9781350091061 • £24.29 / $34.34 ePdf 9781350091047 • £24.29 / $34.34 Bloomsbury Academic A Philosophy of Worldbuilding and Imaginary Play

Stefano Gualeni, University of Malta, Malta & Riccardo Fassone, University of Torino, Italy What role do imaginary games have in story-telling? Why do fiction authors outline the rules of a game that the reader will never watch or play? Combining perspectives from philosophy, literature and game studies, this book provides the first-in-depth investigation into the significance of games in fictional worlds. With examples from contemporary cinema and literature, from The Hunger Games to Iain M. Banks, Gualeni and Fassone introduce four key functions that imaginary games have in worldbuilding. In doing so, Fictional Games inspires us to consider imaginary games anew: not just as moments of playful reprieve, but as multi-layered rhetorical devices.

UK January 2023 • US January 2023 • 240 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350277083 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350277106 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350277090 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Luther and Philosophies of the Reformation

Edited by Boris Gunjevic, University of Cambridge, UK A multi-disciplinary, critical assessment of the Reformation discourse, taking into consideration Luther’s rediscovery of the Scripture, this book contains original and relevant essays on the Reformation written by world-renowned authors. This original analysis considers Luther and the Reformation philosophically rather than theologically or historically, and provides an argument for the continued relevance of Luther's thought.

UK November 2022 • US November 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350214057 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350214064 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350214040 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Simulated Selves

The Undoing of Personal Identity in the Modern World

Andrew Spira, Independent Scholar, UK The notion of a personal self took centuries to evolve, reaching the pinnacle of autonomy with Descartes’ ‘I think, therefore I am’ in the 17th century. This ‘personalisation’ of identity thrived for another hundred years before it began to be questioned, subject to the emergence of broader, more inclusive forms of agency. This book addresses the ‘constructed’ notion of personal identity in the West and how it has been eclipsed by the development of new technological, social, art historical and psychological infrastructures over the last two centuries.

UK April 2022 • US June 2022 • 360 pages PB 9781350298163 • £26.99 / $36.95 Previously published in HB 9781350091092 ePub 9781350091108 • £24.29 / $34.34 ePdf 9781350091085 • £24.29 / $34.34 Bloomsbury Academic

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