4 minute read

Analytic Philosophy

Fabulating Futures

Chantelle Gray, North-West University, South Africa By bringing together the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari with the theory and practices of anarchism, Chantelle Gray argues that whilst we cannot — and should not — attempt to call them anarchists, their work resonates with core anarchist principles such as prefiguration, careful experimentation and emergent strategies aimed at creating a feeling that life is worth living. This involves paying attention to both joyous affects and sad passions, which necessitates the affirmation of all of chance and, from that, fabulating new modes of existence.

UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 200 pages HB 9781350132399 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350132412 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350132405 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Deleuze and Guattari Encounters • Bloomsbury Academic

The Radial Method of the Middle Wittgenstein

In the Net of Language

Piotr Dehnel, University of Lower Silesia, Poland Spanning the period between the return to Cambridge in 1929 and the first version of Philosophical Investigations in 1936, Piotr Dehnel explores the middle stage in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophical development. He argues that it was intrinsically different from the early and late stages and that, contrary to the dominant perspective, it is not a simple transitional phase. Portraying the multifarious quality of Wittgenstein's middle thinking, this book enables readers to form a more comprehensive view of his entire philosophy and acquire a better grasp of his conceptual trajectory.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 240 pages HB 9781350257337 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350257351 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350257344 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Certainty in Action

Wittgenstein on Language, Mind and Epistemology

Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, University of Hertfordshire, UK This selection of Moyal-Sharrock’s essays traces the radical importance of action as the cohesive thread weaving through Wittgenstein’s philosophy, and shows how certainty intertwines with it to produce new ways of engaging in epistemology and the philosophy of mind and language. It vividly illustrates the ways in which Wittgenstein's pioneering enactivism has already impacted—and can further impact—not only philosophy, but also linguistics, psychology, primatology, evolutionary psychology and anthropology. Certainty in Action is essential reading for anyone interested in getting a grasp of Wittgenstein's lasting genius and influence.

UK October 2022 • US October 2022 • 280 pages PB 9781350228894 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350071292 ePub 9781350071315 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350071308 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback, Södertörn University, Sweden The book contributes to the work of elucidating the new forms of fascism and authoritarianism that arise today in intimate relation with new mediatic and information technologies. It presents elements of the connection between capitalism and fascism. It makes clear how fascism today uses the ambiguity of senses and meanings as its most efficient way of infiltrating our reality and thereby becoming unequivocal. This book departs from some lessons of history regarding both historical fascism and some of the main critical lines and thoughts produced in the beginning of the 20th Century. It shows what is new in today’s form of fascism, discussing its connection to technomediatic capitalism, to the dynamics of emptying meanings and senses through a technique of rendering them ambiguous and exarcebated. It oulines some guidging thoughts regarding the question of ambiguity and metapolitics today. It concludes by proposing two exercises of precision, through the lenses of poetry and music, as a way to resist and counter-act the fascist metapolitics of the ambiguity of meanings and senses.

UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 176 pages HB 9781350268616 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350268630 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350268623 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy • Bloomsbury Academic

The Moral Epistemology of Intuitionism

Neuroethics and Seeming States

Hossein Dabbagh, Cambridge Institute of Continuing Education, UK Hossein Dabbagh introduces a distinctive engagement with moral intuitionism through a thorough re-evaluation of the literature. Covering moral intuition, self-evidence, non-inferentiality, moral emotion, and seeming states, Dabbagh combines work in epistemological intuitionism with work in neuroethics. The book culminates in a convincing argument about the value of understanding intellectual seeming and perceptual experience.

UK December 2022 • US December 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350297579 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350297593 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350297586 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

John McDowell on Worldly Subjectivity

Oxford Kantianism Meets Phenomenology and Cognitive Sciences

Tony Cheng, National Chengchi University, Taiwan This book offers a much-needed systematic overview of the main elements of John McDowell’s philosophy, critically engaging with his views on naturalism of second nature, intentionality, personhood and practical wisdom. It presents novel discussions on the debates between McDowell and other key philosophers, including Dreyfus, Brandom, Gadamer, Davidson, Merleau-Ponty and Kant. Demonstrating a thorough understanding of McDowell’s work, Tony Cheng makes connections to both the phenomenological tradition.

UK November 2022 • US November 2022 • 232 pages PB 9781350236875 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350126718 ePub 9781350126732 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350126725 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

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