Politics & International Relations New Books Catalogue Apr-Jun 2023

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In 2023 I.B. Tauris, an imprint of Bloomsbury, is celebrating 40 years of publishing radical, insightful and representative books on the Middle East and the Islamic World. Here are some of our highlights…
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Russian Politics 3

Middle East Politics 4 Water Studies 4

Comparative Politics 5 Radical Politics

Political Communication & Theory 5 Representatives, Agents and Distributors 6


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UK Politics 3
American Politics 3
AND ZED BOOKS Zed Books is an imprint of Bloomsbury, acquired in 2020. Founded in London in 1977 it has long been recognised as a leading radical publisher – giving a platform to marginalised voices globally. Zed has built a flagship list of scholarship from and about Africa, and is now focussing the principles of its founding mission on publishing work solely in African Studies, from the best international writers in the field - and particularly from Africa itself. Find updates on Zed Books at @BloomsburyPol All titles are accessible via www.bloomsbury.com, and through the Bloomsbury Academic sales team. 9781786995872 9781786996565 9781786996794 9781350232549 9780755640225 9781786996930 9781786998941 9781786993946 9781786992031 9781350273849 9781786999023 9781786993441 9781786999252 9780755638994 9781350257870

Memory Makers

The Politics of the Past in Putin's Russia

Jade McGlynn, Oxford University, UK

History and memory are at the heart of Russian political and popular culture Memory Makers takes us into the depths of Russian historical propaganda, revealing the chilling web of nationwide narratives and practices perforating everyday life Based on deeply researched case studies, media broadcasts, and interviews with cultural producers, McGlynn reveals the vast scale of government initiatives to popularize patriotic history to overpower the inconvenient truths of their current controversial policies and convince ordinary Russians

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 256 pages

HB 9781350280762 £20 00 / $27 00

ePub 9781350280779 £18 00 / $26 09

ePdf 9781350280786 £18 00 / $26 09

Bloomsbury Academic

Assignment Moscow

Reporting on Russia from Lenin to Putin

James Rodgers, City University, LONDON

James Rodgers was a foreign correspondent based in Moscow in the periods 1991-1993; 1998-2000 and 2006-2009 As such, he witnessed Russia’s transformation from the Soviet Union into today’s Putin-led Russia Each of those periods, from the 1980s until today, saw significantly different conditions for western journalists working in Russia: their treatment by the Russian authorities symptomatic of the Kremlin’s relations with the west at any given time In chronicling his experiences, James Rodgers contributes to a more nuanced and contextual understanding of the story of Russia

UK May 2023

• US May 2023

PB 9781350356108

• 272 pages

• £16 99 / $22 95

Previously published in HB 9780755601158

ePub 9780755601165 • £27 00 / $38 46

ePdf 9780755601172 • £27 00 / $38 46

Bloomsbury Academic

The Labour Party and Electoral Reform

Jasper Miles, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

This examination of the constitutional frameworks identifiable in the Labour Party, supplemented by a case study approach, offers the reader a thorough examination of the subject, including the pressures and environment in which Labour politicians have operated Extensive elite-level interviews with those involved in the Plant Report, the Jenkins Commission, the Alternative Vote Referendum, 2011 and the broader Labour movement, alongside new archival research, offers the reader an insightful account into this area of debate

UK April 2023

The Shadow in the East

Vladimir Putin and the New Baltic Front Aliide Naylor, Independent Researcher, UK

The Baltics are vital democracies in NorthEastern Europe, but with a ‘belligerent’ Vladimir Putin to their east - waging war on Ukraine - and ‘expansionist’ NATO to their west, these NATO members have increasingly been the subject of unsettling headlines in both Western and Russian media Based on her extensive research and work as a journalist, Aliide Naylor explains the region's unique identities, why they matter for the world and argues persuasively that the Baltics are about to become the new frontline in the political struggle between East and West

UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 256 pages

PB 9781350352896 £12 99 / $17 95

Previously published in HB 9781788312523 ePub 9781786726384 £22 50 / $31 59 ePdf 9781786736444 • £22 50 / $31 59

Bloomsbury Academic

George Orwell and Russia

Masha Karp, Independent Researcher, UK

For those living in the Soviet Union, Orwell’s masterpieces Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four were not dystopias, but accurate fictional depictions of reality Here, the Orwell scholar and Russian political expert Masha Karp explores how Orwell’s work was received in Russia, and how it affects the political reality of totalitarianism today The book reveals for the first time new contextual articles and letters written by Orwell which provide context for the development of his political ideals

UK June 2023

• US June 2023 • 288 pages

PB 9781788317122

• £21 99 / $29 95 • HB 9781788317139 • £65 00 / $90 00

ePub 9781788317146

• £19 79 / $27 47

ePdf 9781788317153 • £19 79 / $27 47

Bloomsbury Academic

• US April 2023

HB 9780755640683

• 224 pages

• £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9780755640690

ePdf 9780755640706

Bloomsbury Academic

• £76 50 / $105 78

• £76 50 / $105 78

Whiteness In Puerto Rico

Translation at a Loss

Guillermo Rebollo Gil, Ana G. Méndez University, USA

Here, Guillermo R Gil examines the social construction of whiteness on the island, using the study of American racism to inform his analysis of Puerto Rican racism and the two culturally distinct, yet intrinsically linked, spaces Examining the work of Puerto Rican activists, writers and artists, Gil documents the ways in which whiteness shapes and informs Puerto Rican cultural producers while simultaneously being challenged by them Cross-disciplinary in approach, Whiteness in Puerto Rico speaks to the present political moment in a country marked by austerity, disaster capitalism and protest

UK July 2023

• US July 2023 • 208 pages

HB 9780755635504

• £85 00 / $115 00

ePub 9780755635511 • £76 50 / $105 78

ePdf 9780755635528 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic


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POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS –Russian Politics / UK Politics / American Politics

August in Kabul

America's Last Days in Afghanistan

Andrew Quilty, independent journalist

This is the story of how America's longest mission came to an abrupt and humiliating end, told through the eyes of Afghans whose lives have been turned upside down: a young woman who harbours dreams of a university education; a presidential staffer watching as the government collapses around him; and a prisoner in Bagram Prison who finds himself free when prison guards abandon their post Andrew Quilty was one of only a handful of Western journalists who stayed in Kabul as the city fell. This is his firsthand account of those dramatic final days.

UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 304 pages • 24 colour illus

HB 9781350370319 £20 00 / $27 00

ePub 9781350370326 £18 00 / $26 09

ePdf 9781350370333 £18 00 / $26 09

Bloomsbury Academic World English (excluding Australia/Bangladesh/Bhutan/India/Nepal/New Zealand/Sri Lanka)

Remembering the Great War in the Middle East

From Turkey and Armenia to Australia and New Zealand

Edited by Hans-Lukas Kieser, University of Zurich, Switzerland, Thomas Schmutz, University of Zurich, Switzerland & Pearl Nunn, University of Newcastle, UK

In Australia and New Zealand, and in the post-Ottoman Middle East, the memory of the First World War still has an immediacy that it has long lost in Europe This volume analyses myths and memories of the war in these countries, showing how and why differing historiographies have developed The book reaches towards a new conceptualization of the “long last Ottoman decade” (1912-22), one that places this era and its actors more firmly at the centre of a history of a Greater Europe, a history comprising – as contemporary maps showed – Europe, Russia, and the Ottoman world

UK April 2023

• US April 2023

• 320 pages • 14 bw illus

PB 9780755639953 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781788313773

ePub 9780755626489 • £81 00 / $112 65

ePdf 9780755626472 • £81 00 / $112 65

Bloomsbury Academic

Water Security for Palestinians and Israelis

Towards a New Cooperation in Middle East Water Resources

In this book, the authors assess water security in terms of security of access to water resources and services and security against risks to and from water The volume compares and contrasts Israelis remarkable water security with the corresponding water insecurity of the Palestinians The book also sets out the practical, economic, legal and ethical rationale for a revised cooperation on water security between the two peoples, proposing a workable scheme for putting this into practice to benefit both peoples and strengthen their water security

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 336 pages

PB 9780755637980 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9780755637942 ePub 9780755637959 £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9780755637966 £81 00 / $112 65

Bloomsbury Academic

Israel and the Cyprus Question

Foreign Policy, Diplomacy and International Relations 1946-1960

Gabriel Haritos, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Providing a detailed account of Israel's foreign policy towards the Cyprus question between 1946 and the declaration of Cypriot independence in August 1960, Gabriel Haritos examines the international and regional factors which shaped Israel's approach to diplomatic relations with the independent Republic of Cyprus Based on newly available archival material from the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on material collected from the Turkish-Cypriot 'National' Archives, Haritos highlights previously unknown events, and the key personalities involved in Israel's political and diplomatic interactions over the Cyprus question

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 352 pages

HB 9781350356399 • £90 00 / $120 00

ePub 9781350356405 • £81 00 / $112 65 ePdf 9781350356412 • £81 00 / $112 65

Bloomsbury Academic World All Languages (except Greek)

The History of Water in the Land Once Called Palestine

Scarcity, Conflict and Loss in Middle East Water Resources

Christopher Ward, Sandra Ruckstuhl, International Water Management Institute & Isabelle Learmont

Shared water resources in Israel and Palestine are often the site of political, economic, historical, legal and ethical contestation This book looks beyond the political tensions of the region, to argue for the need for shared water security and co-operative resource management The study traces the history of water resources and their development from the Ottoman period until 2020, examining how the state of water security between Palestinians and Israelis has diverged, resulting in the current success of Israeli water security in contrast to the high water insecurity experienced by Palestinians

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 208 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9780755637201 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781788314213 ePub 9780755618057 • £76 50 / $105 78 ePdf 9780755618064 • £76 50 / $105 78

Bloomsbury Academic

www.bloomsbury.com • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 • orders@macmillan.co.uk

–Middle East Politics

Speak Not

Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language

James Griffiths, CNN International

In Speak Not, James Griffiths reports from the frontlines of the battle to preserve minority languages, from his native Wales, to Hawaii and indigenous American nations, southern China and Hong Kong He explores the revival of the Welsh language as a blueprint for how to ensure new generations are not robbed of their linguistic heritage, outlines how loss of indigenous languages is the direct result of colonialism and globalisation, and examines how technology is both hindering and aiding the fight to prevent linguistic extinction

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 264 pages

PB 9781786999702 • £12 99 / $17 95

Previously published in HB 9781786999696

ePub 9781786999665 • £18 00 / $26 09

ePdf 9781786999689 £18 00 / $26 09

Bloomsbury Academic

Machines Against Measures

Irene Sotiropoulou, University of Hull, UK

Monetary-theorist Irene Sotiropoulou explores and critiques the production means that were created for capitalist profit-making, showing how we can subvert these and use them for our own noncapitalist purposes Using everyday examples from grassroots organisations, this offers new insights into how to be inventive with what we have at hand, revealing a more utopian vision of technology and work, based on re-defining how we measure what we do

UK May 2023

• US May 2023 • 192 pages

PB 9780755639595

• £17 99 / $24 95 • HB 9780755639588 • £55 00 / $75 00

ePub 9780755639601

• £16 19 / $23 34

ePdf 9780755639618 • £16 19 / $23 34

Series: Autonomy and Automation Bloomsbury Academic

Back to Black

Black Radicalism for the 21st Century Kehinde Andrews, Birmingham City University, UK

Back to Black lays out the long, powerful and painful history of Black radical politics Kehinde Andrews shows how Black radicalism has been diluted and moderated over time; wilfully misrepresented and caricatured by others; divested of its legacy, potency, and force

Immensely readable and shocking, Andrews traces the true roots of this tradition in this new edition, and connects the dots to today’s struggles by showing what a renewed politics of Black radicalism might look like in the 21st century

UK September 2023 • US September 2023 • 360 pages

PB 9780755639137 • £14 99 / $19 95 ePub 9780755639144 • £13 49 / $19 22 ePdf 9780755639151 £13 49 / $19 22

Bloomsbury Academic World English

The Infodemic

Disinformation, Geopolitics and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Gabriele Cosentino, American University in Cairo, Egypt

Based on original research combining both qualitative and quantitative methods, Gabriele Cosentino discusses the Covid-19 ‘infodemic’ by drawing on studies of post-truth and disinformation, and framing the issue as a primarily geopolitical concept Cosentino demonstrates how disinformation warfare around Covid-19 is occurring at multiple levels within the social and political bodies of prominent global players such as the United States, Russia, the European Union and China, which have all been dramatically impacted by the pandemic in economic and political terms

UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 240 pages

PB 9780755640737 • £21 99 / $29 95 • HB 9780755640744 • £65 00 / $90 00 ePub 9780755640751 • £19 79 / $27 47 ePdf 9780755640768 £19 79 / $27 47

Bloomsbury Academic

The Revival of Political Imagination

Utopia as Methodology

University of Jyväskylä, Finland

The Revival of Political Imagination offers a unique examination of the methodological aspects of utopia Discussing utopia as a tool for social criticism, method and imaginative spaces - rather than in terms of its content - this volume analyses the function of utopias, to develop utopias as methodology and to show how instrumental utopian modes of thought can be in such diverse fields such as education, labour, and housing.

UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 184 pages

PB 9780755649945 • £28 99 / $39 95

Previously published in HB 9781786999597 ePub 9781786999566 £26 09 / $37 08 ePdf 9781786999580 £26 09 / $37 08

Bloomsbury Academic


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POLITICS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS –Comparative Politics / Radical Politics / Political Communication & Theory



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