Religious Studies New Books Catalogue July-September 2022

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Religious Studies New Books Catalogue

July-September 2022


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Contents Anthropology of Religion ���������������������������������������������� 2

EBooks ePub and ePDF availability is listed under each book entry.

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Religion & Politics ���������������������������������������������������������� 3

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History of Religion ���������������������������������������������������������� 3

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Teaching Religious Studies �������������������������������������������� 3

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Islam ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4 Buddhism ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Christianity ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 African Religions ������������������������������������������������������������ 5 Gender & Popular Culture ���������������������������������������������� 5 Representatives, Agents and Distributors �������������������� 6

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R E L I G I O U S S T U D I E S – Anthropology of Religion

Symbiotic Autoethnography

Social Work Theories in Context

Moving Beyond the Boundaries of Qualitative Methodologies Liana Beattie, Edge Hill University, UK

Drawing on the vast diversity of researchers’ opinions on autoethnographic praxes, this book presents a cogent analysis of the ongoing debates in the field. It discusses a new approach to both theorizing about and ‘doing’ autoethnography: a ‘symbiotic autoethnography’. This approach synthesizes central aspects from the diversity of existing arguments into one adaptable framework, organically combining all the key characteristic features of autoethnographic research. Beattie uses the concept of ‘symbiosis’ in its broader sense to denote close interdependence and interrelation between its suggested six attributes, including temporality, researcher’s omnipresence, evocative storytelling, interpretative analysis, political (transformative) focus, and reflexivity. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 224 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781350201385 • £90.00 / $120.00 ePub 9781350201613 • £81.00 / $112.65 ePdf 9781350201606 • £81.00 / $112.65 Bloomsbury Academic

Creating Frameworks for Practice Karen Healy, University of Queensland

This best-selling text-book explores contemporary social work theories using an integrated and flexible framework to link context, theory, and practice approaches. It will act as a guide to social work theory across a range of organisational contexts, showing social work as a diverse activity that is shaped by professional purpose, public policy, and practice locations. Aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students on qualifying professional programmes, this edition has been updated with theories that reflect modern contexts such as anti-racial, feminist and post-humanist social work. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 320 pages PB 9781350321571 • £29.99 / $40.95 ePub 9781350332751 • £26.99 / $37.08 ePdf 9781350332744 • £26.99 / $37.08 Bloomsbury Academic

Sensational Piety

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Migration

Practices of Mediation in Islamic and Pentecostal Movements in Abuja, Nigeria

Edited by Rubina Ramji, Cape Breton University, Canada & Alison Marshall, Brandon University, Canada

Murtala Ibrahim, Utrecht University, the Netherlands Grounded in anthropological comparison and the concept of materiality, this book offers an in-depth ethnographic study of similarities and differences in various forms of religious practices in a Pentecostal Church (Christ Embassy) and an Islamic group (NASFAT) in the Nigerian capital of Abuja. The comparative approach reveals that, notwithstanding the seemingly opposed worldviews and divergences between Muslims and Christians, they all face similar challenges and apply similar techniques for meeting the challenges posed by the precarious Nigerian urban environment. UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350282308 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350282322 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350282315 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion • Bloomsbury Academic

This volume goes beyond the dominant patterns of Western and Christian perspectives and gives attention to other voices and minorities, marginal groups and communities. Chapters present the story of religion and migration predominantly through non-Christian experiences and mainly those of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, and Buddhists. Intersectional issues including race, ethnicity, class, gender and generation are considered throughout. Chapters represent global religious traditions and regions such as Canada, Ireland, Indonesia, India, China, East Africa and New Zealand. Religion and migration is approached from a variety of theoretical and methodological vantage points. UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 400 pages HB 9781350203853 • £130.00 / $175.00 ePub 9781350203877 • £117.00 / $162.12 ePdf 9781350203860 • £117.00 / $162.12 Series: Bloomsbury Handbooks • Bloomsbury Academic

Bloomsbury Studies in Religion, Space and Place Landscapes of Christianity

Destination, Temporality, Transformation Edited by James S. Bielo, Miami University, USA & Amos S. Ron, Ashkelon Academic College, Israel An examination of the entangled forms of agency between nature and culture as Christians produce, consume, experience, imagine, inhabit, manage, and struggle over formations of land. Case studies range from the Mormon Trail across the USA, to the Catholic devotional cult of and shrine to St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Focusing on Christian engagements with land forms in the early 21st century, this book advances the spatial turn in the study of religion, contributing to the anthropology of religion and the study of global Christianities. UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 256 pages • 15 bw illus HB 9781350062894 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350062917 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350062900 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Religion, Space and Place • Bloomsbury Academic


Struggles for Hindu Sacred Space in the Netherlands Affect and Absence

Priya Swamy, Leiden University, The Netherlands This book asks us to consider what is absent, rather than what is present, when studying religions. Priya Swamy argues that absent religious spaces are in themselves abstract locations that painfully memorialize feelings of shame, oppression and marginalisation. The book focuses on the absence of temples across the global Hindu diaspora, taking the tumultuous narrative of the Devi Dhaam community in Amsterdam Southeast as an ethnographic case study to detail over 30 years of struggle to build a Hindu temple in a neighbourhood of vibrant mosques and churches. UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 256 pages HB 9781350079069 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350079083 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350079076 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Religion, Space and Place • Bloomsbury Academic • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Faith and Power in the 21st Century Mathew Guest, Durham University, UK Highlighting some of the most significant cultural developments of recent times, this book explores how each of them generates new challenges and opportunities for those wishing to affirm religious identities and those wishing to understand them. It presents a topical discussion of a new set of tools and approaches to understanding contemporary religion and religious movements. Mathew Guest introduces a number of sociological and ethical questions that arise from considering the status of religion within a neo-liberal age. UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 240 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350116382 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350116399 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350116412 • £19.79 / $27.47 ePdf 9781350116405 • £19.79 / $27.47 Bloomsbury Academic

The Baha’i International Community and the United Nations Julia Berger, Montclair State University, USA Emerging in 19th-century Iran, the Baha’i community's theological engagement with questions of politics and global order constitutes one of the most distinct and compelling, yet least-researched examples of religious activism. Analyzing events spanning 70 years from 1945-2015, this book provides a unique historical perspective on the evolution of civil society engagement in the political sphere. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 224 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350203662 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350130326 ePub 9781350130340 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350130333 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

The Study of Greek and Roman Religions

Gemini and the Sacred

Nickolas P. Roubekas, University of Vienna, Austria

Edited by Kimberley C. Patton, Harvard Divinity School, USA

Insularity and Assimilation

Argues that there exists a disciplinary gap between the study of Greek and Roman religions and the study of “religion” as a category. This gap, which has produced oftencontradictory conclusions, has been reinforced by academics working within the two disciplines. This book aims to address this lack of interdisciplinarity by providing an in-depth discussion of some crucial problems that have been central to the discussions of scholars who work on Graeco-Roman antiquity, and provide solutions that may lead to a scientific study of Graeco-Roman religions. UK August 2022 US August 2022 192 pages HB 9781350102613 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350102620 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350102637 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Scientific Studies of Religion: Inquiry and Explanation • Bloomsbury Academic •

Rethinking Religion and Politics in a Plural World

Twins and Twinship in Religion and Mythology

This multi-disciplinary work explores the imaginative sacred history of twinship, and examines the multiple ways in which the 'doubling' of a human being may be religiously and culturally expressed. Encompassing twins in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean worlds, Native American spirituality, mythology and folklore and South Asian spirituality, the book offers a variety of perspectives on this fascinating topic. UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 544 pages HB 9781848859319 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781786725912 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781786735911 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Teaching Critical Religious Studies

Pedagogy and Critique in the Classroom Edited by Jenna Gray-Hildenbrand, Middle Tennessee State University, USA, Beverley McGuire, University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA & Hussein Rashid, Independent Scholar, USA

R E L I G I O U S S T U D I E S – Religion & Politics / History of Religion / Teaching Religious Studies

Neoliberal Religion

This book presents case studies of methods of teaching that integrate student learning, classroom experiences and disciplinary critiques. It shows how critiques of the scholarship of religious studies – including but not limited to the World Religions paradigm, Christian normativity, Orientalism, colonialism, race, gender, sexuality, class – can be effectively integrated into all courses, especially at introductory level. Including advanced critiques from religious studies into actual pedagogical practices, this book is essential reading for all scholars in religious studies. UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350228412 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350228436 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350228429 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


R E L I G I O U S S T U D I E S – Islam / Buddhism / Christianity

Islam of the Global West Kambiz Ghanea Bassiri, Reed College, USA and Frank Peter, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar.

Interrogating Muslims

The Liberal-Secular Matrix of Integration Schirin Amir-Moazami, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany An interrogation of the patterns and discursive structures that have generated the seeming urgency of Muslims’ integration. Focusing on Germany, the book problematizes the grounds on which politics of integration are justified and reasoned upon, and thereby investigates divergent operations of power vis-à-vis Muslims and Islam in a formally liberal-secular society. Through an analysis of three kinds of integration practices, the book argues that the paradigm of integration navigates between universalist claims and particularistic— racial and religious—reenactments of a secular nation-state framework at moments in which this very framework is crumbling. UK June 2022 • US June 2022 • 208 pages • 5 bw illus HB 9781350266377 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350266391 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350266384 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Islam of the Global West • Bloomsbury Academic

Young Muslims and Christians in a Secular Europe Pursuing Religious Commitment in the Netherlands Daan Beekers, University of Edinburgh, UK Engaging with debates about lived religion, pluralism, and secularism, this book presents an ethnographic study of committed young Muslims and Christians in the predominantly secular context of the Netherlands. Daan Beekers breaks from conventional frameworks that keep these groups apart by highlighting the common ground between revivalist-minded Protestant Christians and Sunni Muslims. The book provides rich insights into everyday religious lives and disrupts persistent binary oppositions between categories such as minorities and majorities, migrants and natives, and Islam and the West. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 240 pages PB 9781350199316 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350127319 ePub 9781350127333 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350127326 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic

Taixu’s ‘On the Establishment of the Pure Land in the Human Realm’

Secularism without Religion

Frank Peter, Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies, Hamad bin Khalifa University, Qatar Examining the emergence of forms of French Islam, this book looks at the neglected intellectual production of a major Islamic group in France. Analyzing the concerns and problems these Muslims raise in lectures, sermons, and essays, the book signals the issues – social policies, historical memory, aesthetic practices, and prognoses for the future – that matter to secular politics beyond the management of religious diversity. By reconstructing their arguments, it sheds light on the modes of reasoning that make up secular politics, revealing new connections between Islamic traditions and secular rationalities. UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 312 pages • 0 bw illus PB 9781350214538 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350067905 ePub 9781350067929 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350067912 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Islam of the Global West • Bloomsbury Academic

Buddhism under Capitalism

Edited by Richard K. Payne, Institute of Buddhist Studies at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, USA & Fabio Rambelli, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Edited by two leading scholars in Buddhist studies, the book examines how capitalism and neo-liberalism have shaped global perceptions of Buddhism, as well as specific local practices and attitudes. These innovative essays on the interfaces between Buddhism and capitalism will prompt readers to rethink the connection between Buddhism and secular society. Case studies include digital capitalism, tourism, and monasticism, and are drawn from the USA, Tibet, China, Japan, and Thailand. UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350228337 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350228320 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350228344 • £19.79 / $27.47 ePdf 9781350228351 • £19.79 / $27.47 Bloomsbury Academic

Christianity and Confucianism Culture, Faith and Politics

Christopher Hancock, Oxford House, UK

This is the first English translation of one of the most important texts of modern Chinese Buddhism: monk-reformer Taixu’s ‘On the Establishment of the Pure Land in the Human Realm’. In an accompanying crticism of the text, Charles B. Jones argues that this seminal essay has, until now, been widely misunderstood and mischaracterized.

As the world reckons with China's rise and China reflects on her global future, this new cross-cultural study examines key themes shaping the faith and practice of modern China and a culturally Christianized world. A generous introduction to biblical Christianity and the Confucian classics, this volume is a modern re-working of an ancient conversation. Christopher Hancock expounds texts that have shaped quite different – but not necessarily incompatible – cultures and traditions. He compares and contrasts Christianity and Confucianism through a study of eight major themes.

UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 168 pages • 2 bw illus PB 9781350201255 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350140561 ePub 9781350144279 • £67.50 / $93.42 ePdf 9781350140578 • £67.50 / $93.42 Bloomsbury Academic

UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 696 pages • 15 B&W illus PB 9780567696991 • £34.99 / $47.95 Previously published in HB 9780567657640 ePub 9780567657695 • £144.00 / $199.22 ePdf 9780567657688 • £144.00 / $199.22 T&T Clark

A Translation and Study

Charles B. Jones, The Catholic University of America, USA


Islam and the Governing of Muslims in France • UK, Europe, ROW • +44 (0)1256 302692 •

Innovation and Competition in Zimbabwean Pentecostalism

Frederick Klaits, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, Michael Richbart, University of Buffalo, USA & LaShekia Chatman, University of Buffalo, USA

Edited by Ezra Chitando, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Designs for Vitality

A comparison of how Pentecostal believers in majority white and African American churches in Buffalo, New York receive insights from God about their own and others’ life circumstances. The book shows that through their worship, believers come to know that they are personally connected in various ways to God and to one another, and that they must be redeemed from sinfulness and other moral perils. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350175884 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350175907 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350175914 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: New Directions in the Anthropology of Christianity • Bloomsbury Academic

Street Football, Gender and Muslim Youth in the Netherlands Girls Who Kick Back

Kathrine van den Bogert, Radboud University, the Netherlands While Muslim girls in football are often stigmatised or excluded based on their religious and ethnic backgrounds, this open access book emphasises their street football practices as critical and creative ways of inclusion and belonging, both in football and in wider Dutch society. By focusing on a domain largely absent in religion and gender research, namely sport, this book brings to the forth new and innovative perspectives on religion, Islam, gender, and diversity. The ebook editions of this book are available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence on

Megachurches and the Marketization of Religion

Providing a rich and complex depiction of Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe, this book focuses on churches' innovation in a competitive market, exploring how they seek to attract and retain members and clients. Chapters provide extensive coverage of two of the leading churches, namely, Emmanuel Makandiwa’s United Family International Church (UFIC) and Walter Magaya’s Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries (PHD). Contributors also explore the strategies adopted by Pentecostalism in general, while others focus on African Traditional Religions. This book is an important contribution to understanding the marketization of religion. UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus PB 9781350213272 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350176010 ePub 9781350176034 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350176041 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Black Religion and Cultures • Bloomsbury Academic

Representing Religion in Film

Edited by Tenzan Eaghll, Mahidol University, USA & Rebekka King, Middle Tennessee State University, USA This is the first full-length exploration of the relationship between religion, film, and ideology. It shows how religion is imagined, constructed, and interpreted in film and film criticism. Films analyzed include The Last Jedi, Terminator, Cloud Atlas, Darjeeling Limited, Hellboy, The Revenant, and The Secret of my Success. Written in an accessible style, and focusing on Hollywood and popular cinema, this book appeals to both movie lovers and experts alike. UK July 2022 • US July 2022 • 256 pages PB 9781350140806 • £21.99 / $29.95 • HB 9781350140813 • £65.00 / $90.00 ePub 9781350140837 • £19.79 / $27.47 ePdf 9781350140820 • £19.79 / $27.47 Series: Critiquing Religion: Discourse, Culture, Power • Bloomsbury Academic

UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 224 pages • 10 b/w illus HB 9781350205048 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350205062 • £0.00 / $0.00 ePdf 9781350205055 • £0.00 / $0.00 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Religion, Gender, and Sexuality • Bloomsbury Academic

Exploring the Spiritual in Popular Music

Digital Mythology and the Internet's Monster

Edited by Georgina Gregory, University of Central Lancashire, UK & Mike Dines, Independent Scholar, UK

Vivian Asimos, Durham University, UK

Beatified Beats

An exploration of how the diverse nature of spiritual practices are experienced and manifest through the medium of popular music. The cross-disciplinary approach of the book makes it accessible and appealing to scholars of religious studies, cultural studies, popular music studies and theology. It offers a range of music, case studies and original and unusual examples of the intersection of spirituality in contemporary popular culture. Chapters by international contributors demonstrate the diversity of spirituality in cross-cultural contexts. UK September 2022 • US September 2022 • 264 pages PB 9781350198708 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350086920 ePub 9781350086944 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350086937 • £76.50 / $105.78 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Religion and Popular Music • Bloomsbury Academic

R E L I G I O U S S T U D I E S – Christianity / African Religions / Gender & Popular Culture

Pentecostal Insight in a Segregated US City

The Slender Man

Exploring a prominent digital mythology, this book proposes a new way of viewing both online narratives and the online communities which tell them. The Slender Man is used as an extended case study to explore the role of digital communities, as well as the question of the existence of a broader 'digital culture'. The book applies an anthropological structural method, demonstrating how the online environment is capable of producing mythology. UK August 2022 • US August 2022 • 256 pages • 25 bw illus PB 9781350210936 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350181441 ePub 9781350181465 • £76.50 / $105.78 ePdf 9781350181458 • £76.50 / $105.78 Bloomsbury Academic • USA, Canada, Latin America • 888-330-8477 •


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