4 minute read
Christianity / Anthropology of Religion
Christianity, Politics and the Afterlives of War in Uganda
There is Confusion
Henni Alava, University of Jyväskylä, Finland This book sheds light on the complex relationships of Christianity, politics, peace and war in Africa and beyond. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork in Uganda’s largest religious communities, it provides a critical assessment of the Catholic and Anglican Churches’ societal role following the war between the Lord’s Resistance Army and the Government of Uganda (1986 – 2006).
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 256 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350175808 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350175822 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350175839 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: New Directions in the Anthropology of Christianity • Bloomsbury Academic
Pentecostal Insight in a Segregated U.S. City
Designs for Vitality
Frederick Klaits, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, Shay-Akil McLean, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA & Michael Richbart, University of Buffalo, USA This book compares how Pentecostal believers in majority white and African American churches in Buffalo, New York receive insights from God about their own and others’ life circumstances. It shows that through their worship, believers come to know that they are personally connected in various ways to God and to one another, and that they must be redeemed from sinfulness and other moral perils.
UK December 2021 • US December 2021 • 240 pages • 10 bw illus HB 9781350175884 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350175907 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350175914 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: New Directions in the Anthropology of Christianity • Bloomsbury Academic
Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion
Birgit Meyer, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, David Morgan, Duke University, USA, S. Brent Plate, Hamilton College, USA, Crispin Paine, University College, UK, Amy Whitehead, University of Winchester, UK and Katja Rakow, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Materializing the Bible
Scripture, Sensation, Place
James S. Bielo, Miami University, USA From miniatures and monuments to Bible theme parks and attractions, this book explores how scriptural text is materialized in various forms and turned into physical, experiential, and choreographed environments. Drawing on archival and ethnographic data, case studies from the United States are contextualized globally, with significant references to cases in Israel, Brazil, Canada, Italy, U.K., Philippines, and Germany. Divided into three parts, the book has 20 essays that can be read in any order. Denominations explored include Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, and Jewish communities.
UK September 2021 • US September 2021 • 288 pages • 20 bw illus HB 9781350065048 • £85.00 / $115.00 ePub 9781350065055 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350065062 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion • Bloomsbury Academic
Qur'anic Matters
Material Mediations and Religious Practice in Egypt
Natalia K. Suit, East Tennessee State University, USA This volume spans the time between two important technological shifts — the introduction of printed Qur’anic books in Egypt in the early 19th century and the digitization of the Qur’an almost two centuries later. Throughout, Natalia Suit weaves together the theological, legal, economic, and social “presences” of the Qur’anic books into a single account in which the message and the materiality of the object that mediates it are not separate from each other, nor are they separate from the human bodies with which they come in contact.
The Religious Heritage Complex
Legacy, Conservation, and Christianity
Edited by Cyril Isnart, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France & Nathalie Cerezales, Paris-Sorbonne University, France Case studies explore Christian, Afro-Brazilian, Muslim and Buddhist traditions located in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. The book considers the ways patrimony, religion and identity interact in different contexts worldwide and how religious objects and sites function as identity. It focuses on heritage-making as a religious and material activity for the groups in charge of a religious inheritance, and considers heritage activities as a form of spiritual renewal and transmission.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 280 pages PB 9781350266940 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350072510 ePub 9781350072534 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350072527 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion • Bloomsbury Academic
Museums of World Religions
Displaying the Divine, Shaping Cultures
Charles Orzech, Colby College, USA Critically examining the notion of ‘world religions’, Charles D. Orzech compares five purpose-built museums of world religions and their online extensions. Inspired by the 19th- and 20th-century discipline of comparative religion, these museums seek to promote religious tolerance by representing religious diversity and by arguing for underlying kinship among religions. Building on recent anthropological work on the agency of religious objects, this book both critiques and suggests new approaches to displaying the matter of religion.
UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 232 pages • 12 bw illus PB 9781350267299 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350121386 ePub 9781350121409 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350121393 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion • Bloomsbury Academic UK November 2021 • US November 2021 • 224 pages • 20 bw illus PB 9781350267138 • £28.99 / $39.95 Previously published in HB 9781350016248 ePub 9781350016255 • £76.50 / $100.32 ePdf 9781350016262 • £76.50 / $100.32 Series: Bloomsbury Studies in Material Religion • Bloomsbury Academic