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Architectural Drafting for Interior Design

Lydia Sloan Cline

This comprehensive book provides information on hand drafting and computer rendering for architectural features in interior design.

Beginning interior designers need to learn to communicate their ideas graphically with a resource designed specifically for them. This book focuses on topics needed before AutoCAD is even introduced, like drawing a floor plan, using it to create an interior elevation, and the relationship between 2D and 3D drawings. Each aspect is transferred from the initial hand drawing to a digital rendering for completion. The only book written to the standards of the National Council for Interior Design Qualifications (NCIDQ) and trade associations like the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA), it gives readers a strong foundation in interior design. Lydia Sloan Cline is a professor at Johnson Community College in Overland Park, Kansas, United States.

October 2021 • 750 colour illus 520 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501361197 Fairchild Books

Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers

Lisa M. Tucker

The best resource for viewing building construction and its systems through the lens of sustainability.

Lisa Tucker’s holistic approach, from the structural (site consideration and foundations) to the experiential (indoor air, acoustics, and safety), makes a clear case for interior design professionals to understand moral responsibilities to people and the environment, and follow sustainable practices. Now in its third edition, Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers has been updated to reflect current CIDA accreditation standards and include industry trends for interior construction, like security and well-being. Additionally, it includes a set of new case studies. Line drawings, color photography, and sample student work also support student learning on this essential, timely topic. Lisa M. Tucker, is an associate professor of Interior Design at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), USA.

January 2022 • 400 mono illus 368 pages • 280 x 215mm 3rd edition • 9781501364778 Fairchild Books

September 2021 341 colour illus 216 pages 230 x 200mm 9781350055605 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

25 Concepts in Modern Architecture

A Guide for Visual Thinkers Stephanie Travis and Catherine Anderson

A guide for visual thinkers to the fundamental concepts behind architectural design.

Designed to appeal to visual thinkers, this simple yet visually-powerful guide explores 25 key architectural concepts by examining 25 different masterworks of modern architecture. Understanding these concepts provides a key to demystifying the greatest works in modern architectural history, inspires new ways to think about new design projects, and reveals how drawing and sketching are used as tools for the visual analysis of architecture. Stephanie Travis is Associate Professor and Director of the Interior Architecture and Design programme at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University, US. Catherine Anderson is Assistant Professor of Interior Architecture and Design at the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, The George Washington University, US.

August 2021 • 62 colour illus 272 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350112889 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

January 2022 41 colour and 69 mono illus 240 pages • 234 x 156mm 9781350251335 Bloomsbury Visual Arts

Restorative Cities

urban design for mental health and wellbeing Jenny Roe and Layla McCay

In the face of a growing urban mental health crisis, this book provides an inspirational and evidence-based blueprint for designing cities for better mental health and wellbeing.

This book explores a new way of designing cities, which places mental health and wellness at the forefront, written by a psychiatrist and public health specialist, and an environmental psychologist with extensive experience of architectural practice. It examines a range of strategies – from sensory architecture to place-making for creativity and community – and brings a genuinely evidence-based approach that will appeal to designers and researchers alike. Jenny Roe is Mary Irene DeShong Professor of Design & Health and Director of the Center for Design & Health in the School of Architecture, University of Virginia, an environmental psychologist and former head of Landscape Architecture for an international architectural practice. Layla McCay is Director of the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health, London, a psychiatrist and public health specialist.

The Color of Modernism

Paints, Pigments, and the Transformation of Modern Architecture in 1920s Germany Deborah Ascher Barnstone

Dismantling the myth that early modernist architecture was white.

The Color of Modernism examines the different scientific and artistic color theories that were advanced by members of the German avant-garde, from Bruno Taut to Walter Gropius to Hans Scharoun, challenging one of the most enduring myths about modernist architecture – that it was white. Supported by introductions to the development of color theory in philosophy, science and the arts, the book explores the new ways in which color was used in architecture and urban design, addressing an important yet overlooked aspect of the period. Deborah Ascher Barnstone is Professor of Architecture, Course Director for undergraduate studies in Architecture, and Associate Head of School at University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

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