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The Library of New Testament Studies� � � � � � � � � � � � � �
Purifying the Consciousness in Hebrews
Cult, Defilement and the Perpetual Heavenly Blood of Jesus
Joshua D. A. Bloor, Nazarene Theological College, UK Joshua D�A� Bloor explores themes of sin, defilement, and purgation on a cosmic level in relation to the heavenly tabernacle and the people of God� This examination of purification in light of Jesus' sacrifice develops current discourse concerning the nature and timing of Jesus' sacrifice in Hebrews. It also analyses the motif of "consciousness of sin" and the role it plays within Hebrews, referring both to Yom Kippur and the earthly and heavenly achievements of Jesus�
UK February 2023 • US February 2023 • 240 pages HB 9780567708106 • £85�00 / $115�00 ePub 9780567708137 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9780567708113 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark
Divine Christology in the Epistle to the Hebrews
The Son as God
Nick Brennan, Westminster Seminary California, USA Nick Brennan investigates the depiction of the Son in his divine nature in the Epistle to the Hebrews� He argues that not only is the Son depicted as divine in the Epistle, but that this depiction ranges outside the early chapters in which it is most often noted, and is theologically relevant to the pattern of the anonymous Author’s argument�
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 248 pages PB 9780567701008 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9780567700964 ePub 9780567700995 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9780567700971 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark
Sin, the Human Predicament, and Salvation in the Gospel of John
Mathew E. Sousa, Fuller Theological Seminary, USA Mathew E� Sousa demonstrates that in certain respects, John’s doctrine of salvation fails to align with its customary depiction in Johannine scholarship� Sousa posits that, according to John, the human predicament is not merely “unbelief” or a lack of mental perception, and Jesus’s mission consists not merely of “revelation” and/or a purely forensic “atonement�” Rather, Jesus is (for John) the one who makes true and everlasting life an accomplished fact for humanity, and in doing so, Jesus reveals the true nature of the predicament from which he saves�
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 144 pages PB 9780567699237 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9780567699190 ePub 9780567699220 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9780567699206 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark
A Jewish Apocalyptic Framework of Eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews
Protology and Eschatology as Background
Jihye Lee, Westminster Graduate School of Theology, Republic of Korea Jihye Lee argues that a version of an Urzeit-Endzeit eschatological framework — as observed in some Jewish apocalyptic texts — provides a plausible background against which different depictions of the transformation of the world, judgement and the creation of a new world can be explored� Rather than transcendence to the heavenly world that will come after the destruction of the shakable creation, Lee suggests a more dualistic new world to come�
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 200 pages PB 9780567703057 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9780567702876 ePub 9780567702906 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9780567702883 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark
Jesus and the Empire of God
Royal Language and Imperial Ideology in the Gospel of Mark
Margaret Froelich, Willamette University, USA Margaret Froelich examines the Gospel of Mark by applying political and empire-critical methodologies� Where previous scholars have identified Mark as an anti-imperial and often completely pacifist and egalitarian text, Froelich follows postcolonial thinkers in perceiving a far more ambivalent message� By situating the Gospel directly in a historical and socio-political context, she argues that the Gospel portrays the Kingdom of God as a conquering empire, with Jesus as its victorious general and client king�
UK May 2023 • US May 2023 • 192 pages PB 9780567700889 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9780567700841 ePub 9780567700872 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9780567700858 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark
The Concept of Canon in the Reception of the Epistle to the Hebrews
David Young, Eastern Nazarene College, USA David Young traces the reception of the Epistle to the Hebrews in early Christianity through its reproduction in collections of Paul’s letters, quotations of the epistle by Christian theologians, and its treatment in early catalogues of scriptures� Young argues that Hebrews’ reception in early Christianity was influenced by a number of factors which had little to do with debates about an authoritative canon of Christian writings, and more with Hebrews’ relevance to their own theological arguments and the principles of ancient editorial practice�
UK April 2023 • US April 2023 • 176 pages • 11 bw illus PB 9780567701381 • £28�99 / $39�95 Previously published in HB 9780567701343 ePub 9780567701374 • £76�50 / $105�78 ePdf 9780567701350 • £76�50 / $105�78 Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark