3 minute read

The Library of New Testament Studies

Chris Keith, Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Norway

A Ricoeurian Analysis of Identity Formation in Philippians

Narrative, Testimony, Contestation

Scott Ying-Lam Yip, The Alliance Bible Seminary, Hong Kong

Presents the first specialized narrative study devoted to the identity formation processes in Philippians, based on Paul Ricoeur’s narrative theory Scott YingLam Yip demonstrates that the “Christian identity” of the Philippian community is shaped amidst competing narratives with divergent comprehensions, and suggests that it is within an intra-Jewish contestation of testimonies that Paul updates his understanding of God and contends with a group of Jewish Christian leaders regarding the meaning of his suffering

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 272 pages

HB 9780567711014 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780567711045 • £76 50 / $103 94 ePdf 9780567711021 • £76 50 / $103 94

Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

Purity in the Gospel of John

Early Jewish Tradition, Christology, and Ethics

Wil Rogan, Carey Theological College,


Wil Rogan argues that, contrary to 20th century interpretation, the Fourth Gospel did not replace purity with faith in Jesus; instead, like other early Jewish writings, it employs conceptions and practices of purification as a way to make sense of life before God in the world He suggests that the gospel uses biblical traditions of purity associated with divine revelation and Israel’s restoration, in order to narrate how God’s people are prepared for the coming of Jesus and enabled by him to have life with God

UK July 2023

• US July 2023

• 224 pages

HB 9780567708663 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780567708694 • £76 50 / $103 94 ePdf 9780567708670 • £76 50 / $103 94

Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

The Scriptures in the Book of Revelation and Apocalyptic Literature

Essays in Honour of Steve Moyise

Edited by Susan


Newman University

Birmingham, UK & Steve Smith, St Mellitus College, UK

This volume defines and analyses how scripture is used within the apocalyptic genre of writing By focusing on the Book of Revelation and the re-use of scripture, a wide body of scholars seek to illuminate the relationship between the author’s theology and his interpretations of scripture, through a close examination of key passages and themes Subsequently the contributors aim to establish greater clarity about the hermeneutical methods and axioms employed in Revelation and other apocalyptic texts, and about the extent to which these are characteristic or constituent of the genre

UK July 2023

• US July 2023

HB 9780567695895

Jesus as Teacher in the Gospel of Matthew

Edited by Charles Nathan Ridlehoover, North Raleigh Christian Academy, USA & Charles Quarles

Inspired by the work of Richard France and his highly influential Matthew: Evangelist and Teacher, the contributors to this volume together argue for a re-examination of the defining features of Jesus as a teacher in the Gospel of Matthew This volume suggests that, while each of the Gospel writers display Jesus leading disciples along, speaking to crowds, and confronting Jewish authorities with effective and timely teachings, an under explored element of Jesus as teacher is the distinctive elements provided by Matthew’s Gospel

UK August 2023 • US August 2023 • 288 pages

HB 9780567697844 £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780567697875 £76 50 / $103 94 ePdf 9780567697851 • £76 50 / $103 94

Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

The Cosmic Journey in the Book of Revelation

Apocalyptic Cosmology and the Experience of Story-Space

Joel M. Rothman, University of Divinity, Australia

Joel Rothman considers the significance of cosmology in biblical and extra-biblical texts, and the role of the cosmic journey in many apocalyptic narratives He posits that Revelation’s narrative likewise takes the hearer on a virtual cosmic journey, through a cosmic story-space of great theological significance. While scholarship commonly assumes a three-tiered cosmos in Revelation, Rothman argues that Revelation’s narrative operates in a four-tiered cosmos, with the hyper-heaven sitting above the sky-heaven, earth, and abyssal depths; a cosmic story-space that is recreated in the imagination of the hearers

UK June 2023 • US June 2023 • 208 pages

HB 9780567710321 • £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780567710352 • £76 50 / $103 94 ePdf 9780567710338 • £76 50 / $103 94

Series: The Library of New Testament Studies T&T Clark

The Spirit, New Creation, and Christian Identity

Towards a Pneumatological Reading of Galatians 3:1–6:17

Grant Buchanan, Alphacrucis College, Australia

Considering the importance of pneumatological themes for interpreting Paul’s argument of Galatians, Buchanan examines Jewish biblical and Second Temple extra-biblical texts that explicitly connect the Spirit to creation themes He explores how Paul draws from Jewish traditions of creation and the Spirit and presents a fresh cosmogony in light of Christ to the Galatian church For Buchanan, Galatians outlines an epistemological shift in how Paul sees past, present, and future reality in light of Christ and the presence of the Spirit in the lives of the believers

• 272 pages

• £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780567695925 ePdf 9780567695901

• £76 50 / $103 94

• £76 50 / $103 94

Series: The Library of New Testament Studies T&T Clark

UK June 2023 US June 2023 208 pages

HB 9780567709257 £85 00 / $115 00 ePub 9780567709288 £76 50 / $103 94 ePdf 9780567709264

• £76 50 / $103 94

Series: The Library of New Testament Studies • T&T Clark

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